This Will Forever Change How You View Cholesterol and Heart Health!

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Causes of cancer
1) SUGAR- reduce it to cancerates , cardiovascular incidents by 90%
Uncom=trolled unmonitored growth of cancer cells due to lack of immune
We have sweet tooth. Our bodies have developed as hunter-gatherers. Anything
sweet was high caloric and we needed those calories to survive.
Take sugar-body secretes insulin to decrease the sugar. We can go from cancer to
heart attack in a heart beat just from that.
Cholesterol doesnt cause arterial sclerosis. It circulates in your lemphatic system
which is part of your immune system. It is the first step in making all of your
hormones, the endocrine system. DHEA, tosterone, estrogens. IT becomes
unbalanced when we take in more sugar and have excess insulin, which causes
lesions, or cuts in the endothilion of the arterial wall. In these lesions the
cholestoral collects. Because its a repair mechanism. IF we didnt take huge
amounts of sugar we wouldnt have heart attacks.
Sugar is a direct food for all cancer cells.
All cancer cells eat sugar and excrete lactic acid. The body becomes more acidic.
The liver moves more quickly to convert lactic acid to glugacon, and back into
sugar. The more advanced cancer becomes, the more the liver works full time for
the cancer itself.

Folade- Folic acid is synthetic that is oxidized and doesnt have the methol so in
order to become what you need it stresses the liver the same way as glyfazade.
You get a synergy between glyfazade and folic acid. Antioxidant in liver, NADPH
gets oxidized so it doesnt work. Autistic kids have high levels of oxidized so they
cant reduce glutothion. If you have enough folade and take folic acid, the liver
doesnt bother to convert it, it goes straight into the blood flows receptors and
binds to them and it is useless because it is in syntetic form. The folade cannot
then bind to receptors, so you have reverse effect. You get a folade deficiency
problem in the context of too much folic acid. It plays into the autism problem. It
is a compounding factor. Too much folic acid leads to harming the liver, e.g. fatty
liver disease
(The risk-benefit ratio of vaccines doesnt make sense).
The ideas that appear to be good, backfire.
Liver, dark leafy vegetables

This Will Forever Change How You View Cholesterol

and Heart Health!

Belief: Too much cholesterol leads to blockages, which lead to heart disease.
Wrong concept!

Also the staten drug used to lower cholesterol has so many bad side effects
If you have high cholesterol, you can have heart disease effects but if you eat
foods rich in sulphur it stops heart diseases
Get a lot of sunlight exposure because sunlight allows cells in skin to produce
sulphate and cholesterol sulphate, and that is safe. But if you mess up with
glyfazate which messes up the enzyme which produces sulphate. So cholesterol
becomes bad cholesterol

Foods rich in sulphur

Brassicas cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and

related vegetables.
Alliums onions, shallots, garlic, leeks.
Lots of edible stalks, lovely smells if you cook it wrong, and a tendency to go
well with lemon butter. That sort of thing
Compromised immune system caused by external toxins, polluted air
and water, radioactivity. These cause toxicity. Toxins are cancer trigger. There
thousands of herbs that boost the immune system so it functions at an optimal
level. Chemotherapy kills cancer fast dividing cells, but immune system in red
blood cells in bones is also fast dividing cells. So it is killing as well. Chemo
targets the problem, the tumbor. But that is only the symptom, the cause is the
compromised immune system. So later it is back. And it is everwhere. Chemo
destroys immune system. And then you die because you no longer have an
immune system.
YOU MIGHT BE SLEEPING NEXT TO THIS toxin- wrong wiring read Karol Riley
Electric fields in house wiring. Magnetic fields are the most cancerous EMF. Karol
Riley book says how to put correct
You cant have current returning in another path, it has to put in the neutral
returning in the same wire so it cancels out. It can also disrupt a problem in
electronic devices and could create fire. But there are health hazards mostly.
Current also on water pipes.

Must have equal amounts of fats: Saturated, Omega 3 and 6

Processed foods high in omega 6
Grass fed raised meat has more Omega 3 than 6
Need 2tablespoons of all those fats in diet everyday and if not you have
inflammation in body.

In genetically engineered food are less nutritious and are organisms that the
body cant handle. They are injected viruses and bacteria in the meat


Vitamin d is blocked by sunscreen. Skin Type 1 has no melanin. Get minimal
aerothimic dose- pink and then wear sun screen Type 3 skin needs 3 hours to get
aerothimic dose- pink pink
Incorporate key elements
Cancer eats glucose

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