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Discuss which of the following types of treatment you think

would be appropriate for Angus and Rick.

Paper 4, Part 4

psychiatric treatment


young people's detention centre

something else (what?)

In Paper 4, Part 4 you have to listen to a

conversation and decide whether a list of
statements reflects the views of one or both
of the speakers.

You will hear Angus and Rick discussing their experiences of

Community Service. Before you listen, read through the list of
statements below. What can you predict about the content of the
Listening? What do you think Community Service involves?

To do this type of question you need to listen

the stated facts
the attitudes and opinions of the speakers
whether they agree with one another or

1 The influence of friends led him astray.

2 Community Service is preferable to prison.

You may also need to understand colloquial

or idiomatic language.

3 Community Service was sometimes

physically demanding.

Read the following information about

Angus and Rick, who are both convicted

4 Community Service led to further conflicts

with those in authority.


5 Community Service work can be rewarding.


6 The experience has changed him.


Now listen to the recording. Indicate which of the opinions

are given by each speaker. In each box, write either:

Angus comes from Glasgow but

ran away to London when he
was 15. He is now 17. He has
convictions for breaking and
entering, and petty theft.

A (Angus)

or R (Rick)

or B (both Angus and Rick)


Listen again to check and complete your answers.

What is your opinion of Community Service as a method of
dealing with criminals?

Say it again
Re-express the following sentences from the Listening text, using the
word given.

Rick is 17 and has always

lived in London. He has
been in trouble with the
police on and off since he
was 11. He was recently
convicted of petty theft
and minor assault.


I thought I could make a new start. over

Lots of people say it's a soft option. choice

I really hit it off with him. got

I can't wait to get away from London. looking

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Paper 4 Listening

Part 2

You will hear someone talking about a new scheme for those who have broken the law. For
questions 1-9, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Offenders are being given an opportunity to


Ifor crimes they have committed.

is responsible for supervising the work ofthe offenders.

Because Mary Rose's bungalow was beside a


Iit made her vulnerable to attack.

The schemes provide an opportunity for using the

I of the offenders.

A narrow boat project benefited those with ~'--

in West Yorkshire.

Anyone in a


can take a trip on the Lady Rhodes.

Crimes committed locally during



have been greatly reduced.


Those previously unable to go on the waterways can now enjoy a

Ion a narrow boat.

It is encouraging to think that offenders now take

1 Paper 4 Part 3 page 75

Test3 Unit 10

Iinto consideration.

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