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In the Beginning

In the times before the coming of the Light, the world was ruled by the Scaled
Ones. Fierce and predatory they stalked the dark lands slaying all who would
stand against them. The greatest of these was Feiracos, the master of Dragons.
Powerful beyond measure, Feiracos commanded all the Scaled Ones from his
dark Strongholds buried beneath the world.
For time uncounted the Scaled Ones ruled, watching as the other races of the
world were born and devouring them before they could pose a threat to their evil
dominance. So passed many races. such as the Elves, Gnomes & Halflings, to
their deaths before their time.
Alone of these new races to escape notice were the Goblins. Small and green
skinned, they were ignored by the Scaled Ones who perhaps thought the
Goblins were like themselves. But the goblins were cunning, and knew of the evil
of the Scaled Ones. They realized that they could not stand against the power of
Fieracos and so hid themselves within the deep wood off the world to grow and
plan a way to stand against the darkness.
During this time the Goblins learned and made allies of the Wolfen of the forest
and the small sprites that hid within it shelter. From the Wolfen they learned
ferocity in battle and from the sprites they learned to harness the power of
magic. But the goblins for all their ferocity were not strong, and for all their
cunning were not wise, and so they knew they needed aid to battle Feiracos.
So the Goblins left their forests to find one of the new born races before the
Scaled One could slay them. They were fortunate that the world was fruitful
during this time and the Goblins found many beings and set them free into the
world before the Scales Ones could feast, some to become creatures of the
world and some to become Gods above it.
At last the Goblins came to a new race born of the rocky hills and cliffs. Stout
and bearded this races was both Strong and Wise, and would prove a worthy ally
against Fieracos. This new race who would call themselves Dwarfs realized that
the Scaled Ones were creatures of darkness and would be weakened if taken
away from it. So the dwarfs, whose craft was legendary even in this time before
time, took to craft a great lantern that would drive back the darkness and lay bare
the weakness of the Scaled Ones.
The inventor of this light was named Durkhan. and he was the strongest and the
wisest of the new born Dwarfs. He knew that if the Light remained in the dwarfs
control that the servants of Feiracos would simply seek it out and destroy it. So
he invented a great trebuchet and placed the light within it. At his command the
light was fired high into the air, but there was no one to attach it to the firmament
and so it fell again to the world.

But Feiracos saw the movement of the light and was certain of its meaning. So
he drove his beasts and Scaled Ones to war against the Goblins and their Dwarf
Allies. Many were killed in the resulting battle and Durkhan knew that it would
take a great act to turn the tide. So he put the light into the trebuchet again, but
this time he climbed upon it so that when it was fired he could fix it to the
firmament and give his people the chance to defeat the Scaled Ones.
And so it came to be that the Light was fixed into it's rotation, but the fires within
the sky proved too much for Durkhan and his flesh burned and blackened. But
he saw that the light did hurt the Scales Ones and made them afraid, so to give
strength to his people he took the light within himself and became like fire. And
he rained this new gift down upon the Dwarfs and the Goblins and they used it
against their enemies.
But even with these new gifts the battle was a stalemate for the Scaled Ones
were ancient and had grown powerful from eating the other races in their infancy.
But it was then, in the greatest time of need that the last of the races came to be
born. Empowered by the Light, and birthed in the warmth of the fires did the first
humans emerge. Tall and strong were they like the greatest of the scaled ones,
but they light and the fire showed them the way of righteousness and so they
allied themselves with the Dwarfs & Goblins.
With the aid of this newest race, the Scaled Ones were driven back, and even
Feiracos was pushed back beneath the skin of the world and the fires of
Durkhan were used to seal him away. This began the age of Light where the new
races would forge their destinies.

The season have turned 40 times since the coming of Light, and the New
Races have begun to find their place in the world.
The Goblins live within the forests of the world, alongside their wolf allies.
Led by their elders and the Shamans of Kialia, the She-Wolf the goblins are
looking to their future now that the threat of the Scaled Ones have been driven
The Goblins are natural woodsmen, whose love for the forests is only
equaled by the Sprites. They are friendly to those that prove themselves allies of
the forest realm and wily adversaries to those that would threaten their way of
Stats: Goblins get a -1 to their Strength & Intelligence and +1 to Dexterity &

Goblins have 60' infravision

All Goblins begin play with the Survival (Woodlands) Proficiency
Starting age: 19 + 1d6 years
Max Age: 75 + 1d20 years
Classes Allowed: Fighter, Ranger, Thief*, Bard, Mage (Elementalist, Conjurer,
Transmuter), Cleric
Allowed Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, Fighter/ Mage,
*Goblin Thieves use the Halfling Modifiers to Thief Skills in the PHB
The Dwarfs have settled around the mountain known as Durkhan's
Launch from whose peak the Great Light was launched by the Dwarf God-Hero
Durkhan's Trebuchet. In the few short years since the coming of the light and the
ascension of Durkhan to Godhood the Dwarfs have been very busy. They have
perfected the forging of iron, once a secret only known by the Scaled Ones, and
invented the much strong alloy of Steel.
Their inventions have not been just focused on war however. They have
tunneled within their mountain and made huge strides in architecture and tool
making. The greatest, and newest of these tool is called the God's breath
engine. It is a crude steam powered engine that powers the largest of the Dwarfs
excavation equipment.
Among the other Races, the greatest tool of the Dwarf people is the
material they call Durkhan's Ashes. This explosive black powder was given to
them by Durkhan to use in their weapons during the war against the Scaled
Ones and the dwarf skill with these Arquebuses is well known.
Dwarfs use the same rules for Mountain Dwarfs from the PHB, except they do
not get combat bonuses against Goblins.
Additionally All Dwarfs get a +1 to hit and Damage when using an Arquebus
The longest lived of the "New" Races, the sprites have dwelt within the
natural places of the world for longer than even the Goblins can remember.
Content to live side by side with any of the peaceful races, the sprites only desire
to dwell within the unspoiled natural places of the world, be they a deep forest,
natural spring or wintry mountain top.
Masters of the forces of Magic, Sprites have spread this knowledge to the
Humans and Goblins. The Sprites have warned these others of the darker forces

of magic that serve to twist the user towards the path of evil. It is yet to be seen if
the other races will heed the Sprites Warning.
Stats: Sprites get a -4 to Strength, and a +2 to Intelligence & Charisma
Size: Sprites range from 1' to 18" tall and are considered Tiny Sized.
Fly: Sprites have dragonfly like wings and can fly at a speed of 12(A)
Light: Sprites can create an effect like a light spell at will. This light emanates
from the sprite itself and have an area of effect of 20 ft.
Starting Age: 20+ 1d10 years old
Max Age: 400 + 1d100 years old.
Classes Allowed: Fighter, Thief*, Bard, Mage (All Specializations except
Necromancer which the Sprites Shun), Cleric
Allowable Multi-Class: Fighter/Mage(or any specialization), Cleric/Mage (Or any
specialization), Thief/Mage (or any Specialization)
Sprite Thieves use the Halfling Modifiers to Thief Skills from the PHB
The youngest of the new Races, only three generations of Humans have
been born into the world. However this young race has proven more fruitful that
any of the others and has already begun to claim their place in the foothills and
plains of the world.
The center of their lands if the city of Whitehall, where the human GodKing, Gabriel Firstborn rules. Gabriel is a man of justice and spurs his people
towards being a force for good in the world. However the human spirit is a wild
and untamed one and the people have shown growth and change in this short
time more than was thought possible.
Stats: Humans get a +1 to one Stat of their choice.
Humans get 1 additional weapon or Non-Weapon Proficiency at start of play.
Starting Age: 15+ 1d4 years
Max Age: 60 + 1d12 years.
Allowable Classes: Any
Allowable Multi-Class: None

The Wolfen are the least numerous of the New Races. Once a favored
prey of the Scaled Ones, the natural form of the Wolfen is a large dire wolf with
human-like eyes. However, with the coming of the Light a strange facet of their
existence was discovered, the ability to assume humanoid form.
When in the light caused by the Great Light or any natural fire, the Wolfen
take on the form of a lithe humanoid with light brown skin. Their features retain
traces of their true canine form including thick hair, pointed ears and long noses.
When the light is removed the Wolfen return to their normal forms, will all items
they are carrying merging into their bodies.
The Wolfen dwell in the northern reaches of the Forest Of Snarut, where
they travel as nomads through the northern parts of the forest.
Stats: Wolfen get a +1 to Dexterity & Wisdom
Wolfen have 30 Infravision
Starting Age: 3 + 1d4 years
Max Age: 25 + 1d20 years
Allowable Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Thief*, Bard, Cleric, Transmuter
Allowable Multiclass: Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Cleric
Shape Change: When in the light of the Great Light or any natural fire, the
Wolfen remains in humanoid form. In the Dark they undergo a transformation
into dire wolf form. In this form their Movement is 18, AC is 7 (modified by any
magical bonus of any armor they were wearing at time of change) and their bite
does 2d4 damage. All other stats remain the same. When in this form a Wolfen
can only speak Wolf Tongue.
*Wolfen Thieves use the Elf Modifiers for their thief skills.

The Gods
The World is filled with a multitude of creature great and small. The Greatest of
these are the Gods. Once eclipsed by the power of Feiracos, these beings have
come forth since the coming of the Light to help to shepherd or manipulate the
mortal races.
Still considered the most powerful of the Gods, Feiracos is the lord of
Darkness and the master of Dragons. Worshipped by the Scaled Ones and their
evil servants, Feiracos grants power to those who work to free him from the

imprisonment forced upon him at the end of the Great War. His greatest enemy
is Durkhan, father of fire and light who drove away the Scaled Ones.
Holy Symbol: A Scaled Claw
Favored Weapons: Scimitar
Specialty Priest
AL: Any Evil
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any
Required Proficiencies: Ancient History (Bonus)
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Chaos, Combat, Guardian, Healing (Reversed),
Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun (Reversed), War
Minor: Healing (Normal)
Granted Powers: Dark Sight (A cleric of Feiracos can see in the dark as well as
in bright sunlight)
Symbol: Tattoo or Pendant of the Scaled Claw
The Cult of Durkhan began after the coming of the Light, and has rapidly
grown to become the most prominent of the Dwarf religious practices. Revered
as a great inventor and warrior, Durkhan is called the Father of Fire and the Lord
of Light by his followers.
The Cult believes that Durkan's spirit dwells within the great light and is
present in the working of all his people. He and his worshippers remain vigilant
against the return of the Scales Ones, and their dark master.
They believe that invention and honorable dealings are the keys to staving
off the power of Feiracos and as such turn their backs on the practice of magic
which they see as too easy to provide true power as it lacks the discipline of
Holy Symbol: Glowing Sun surrounding a Warhammer
Favored Weapons: Arquebus
Specialty Priest
AL: Any Good
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any Blunt & Arquebus
Required Proficiencies: Any one Craft Proficiency (Bonus)
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian,
Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire, Healing, Necromantic (Good Only), Numbers,
Protection, Summoning, Sun, Thought
Minor: War
Granted Powers: Ashes of Durkhan (1/day the Priest can magically create
enough Gunpowder to make his level +2 number of Arquebus Shots)

Symbol: Pendant of A Sun with a Warhammer in the Center

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kailia, the She-Wolf
The Goblins & Wolfen look to Kailia, the Great She-Wolf as their main
Goddess and protector. The mother of all Wolves, Kailia is a great warriors as
well as a caring mother to the pack. The Goblins say that it was Kailia who first
showed them the secrets of their woodland realm and in return the Goblin people
promised to always honor the She-Wolf and her get.
Kailia is said to wander the deepest reaches of the forest as a huge brown
furred wolf with powerful jaws and a lightning quick temper. However her rage is
only used on those who would harm her children and their peaceful forest realm.
She is accompanied by a pack of great Wolfen Warriors sworn to defend the
She-Wolf with their lives.
Holy Symbol: A Wolf's Head
Favored Weapons: Bows
Specialty Priest
AL: Any Good or Neutral
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+, Dex 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any Blunt & All Bows
Required Proficiencies: Long or Short Bow (Required), Hunting (Bonus)
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Animal, Astral, Combat, Charm, Creation,
Guardian, Healing, Protection, Plant, Summoning, Travelers, Weather
Minor: Divination
Granted Powers: Kailia's Howl (1/day The Priest howls and empowers his allies.
All allies of the priest with 60' get a +1 to all hit and damage for 1/round per level
of the Priest. This makes any weapons of the effected allies count as +1 magical
weapons for the length of the effect.), Priest of Kailia can speak with Wolves at
Symbol: Pendant of the Wolf's Head
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Erros the Flutterer
The Greatest God of the Sprites is Erros the Flutterer. Protector of the
innocent and lord of the Sky, Erros was said to be the first of the Sprites to pass
beyond the mortal realm. Light hearted and joyful, Erros is always quick with a
joke and sympathetic to the troubles of his people.
It is said that his jests cause the clouds to cry with laughter and bring forth
the rains, and that he still wanders the world in the form of a jolly old sprite with
close cropped hair and a ready grin.
Holy Symbol: A Cloud with Sprite Wings
Favored Weapons: Mace

Specialty Priest
AL: Any Good
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any Blunt
Required Proficiencies: Healing (Bonus)
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Astral, Charm, Creation, Divination, Elemental
Air, Elemental Water, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic (Good Only) Protection,
Time, Wards, Weather
Minor: Combat
Granted Powers: Immune to Fear Causing Effects, Joy of Life (1/day The priest
can laugh and fill his friends with the Joy of Life. All allies within 60 feet
immediately are effected with a Remove Fear spell and regain 1 hit point per 2
levels of the priest)
Symbol: Pendant of a Cloud whose Chain looks like Sprite Wings.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wanderer
The most enigmatic of the Gods, no one is certain from where the
Wanderer came. He was first sighted during the great war gathering near the
sites of the most violent and bloody battles. He seems drawn to places of death,
but no one is certain whether it is to mourn or to celebrate the loss of life.
The form of the Wanderer is that of a tall man wearing a dark hood and
robe often surrounded by dark feathered carrion birds. All that can be seen of his
face is a thick black beard and lips that neither smile nor frown. It is said that
none have ever heard the Wanderer speak, and other claim that his voice is
reserved for those that have already passed beyond.
Many worship the wanderer for a variety of reasons, and all who dedicate
themselves to him are rewarded with power no matter their motivations. Those
that follow the path of the wanderer can be the most righteous of saints or the
most corrupt of sinners and it seems to make no difference to their inscrutable
Holy Symbol: The Black Raven
Favored Weapons: Staff
Specialty Priest
AL: Any
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any
Required Proficiencies: None
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Astral, Chaos, Divination, Guardian, Healing,
Necromantic, Law, Protection, Summoning, Thought
Minor: None
Granted Powers: Cure or Cause Disease 1/week.
Symbol: Pendant or a Tattoo of a Raven.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gabriel Firstborn
As his name suggests, Gabriel Firstborn is the first and greatest of the
race of men. A great warrior and leader Gabriel lead the newly born race in the
battle against the Scaled Ones, and now leads them in the foundations of their
new lands.
As the King of Humanity, Gabriel rules from his throne in the Castle at
Whitehall and calls all that would follow him to lead a just and honorable life. he
represents the greatest that mankind can become and leads by word and
He is worried that in their thirst for knowledge that his people will be lead
astray and so has empowered servant called Templars with power to help lead
the mass of humanity as it spreads throughout the world.
Holy Symbol: White Throne
Favored Weapons: Long Sword
Specialty Priest
AL: Any Good
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any
Required Proficiencies: Etiquette (Bonus), Law (Required)
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Creation, Guardian,
Healing, Law, Necromantic (Good Only), Protection, Summoning, Traveler,
Minor: War
Granted Powers: Turn Undead
Symbol: Pendant of the White Throne
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K'ram the Schemer
A lesser god in service to Feiracos, K'ram is called the father of Kobolds.
A weak, but cunning God it is said that K'ram dwells within the earth constantly
plotting new evils to plague the mortal races with. He is commonly seen as a
tempter who uses words and false promises to lead the new races down the path
of evil. It is said that K'ram is easily frustrated with those that refuse to give in to
his dark designs and such failures cause the god to sulk and brood within his
cavernous lairs. It is during such brooding that he send his favored servants, the
rat like Kobolds and their masters, the Urd, to perform his will upon the world.
Holy Symbol: A rat
Favored Weapons: Short Sword

Specialty Priest
AL: Any Evil
Minimum Ability Scores: Wis 9+
Races: Any, Gender: Any
Weapons: Any Small Weapon
Required Proficiencies: None
Spheres of Influence: Major: All, Animal, Astral, Chaos, Divination, Guardian,
Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun (reversed), Thought
Minor: Healing
Granted Powers: Backstab (As per thief 2 levels lower than the priest)
Symbol: Tattoo or Pendant of A Rat

On the Lands of the New Races

It is uncertain how large the world is, for much of it was and is the domain of the
Scaled Ones and is not safe for explorers or travelers. What is known is that the
Lands claimed by the New Races is but a small fractions of that which exists.
Much of what is known about the lands outside of this area is handed down by
the eldest of the Goblin Rangers whose forefathers long ago travelled the world
in darkness.
The Flint Mountains
The domain of the Dwarfs marks the Western Edge of the Lands of the
New Races. These mountains are composed of sharp grey stones and are
commonly called the Flint Mountains. Central to this range is the Mountain of
Durkhan's Launch, and the center of the Dwarf lands. The Valleys and peaks of
this range contains the sites of many of the last battles of the Great War.
The Dwarfs primarily settle on the Eastern Slopes of the Mountain range
because it is said that Angry Spirits of the Scaled Ones stalk the shadowy
western slopes. The Dwarfs, who despite claims to the contrary, fear these
ghosts and mark any eastern bound travelers & Roadways with Silver dust to
ward away the influence of the undead.
The Plains of Man
East of the Flint Mountains lies the area called the Plains of Man. More
rolling foothills than actual plains, the Plains of Man are crisscrossed with
streams which make the land very fertile. in the center of the land is Lake
Turella, the large freshwater lake beside which the human city of Whitehall is
located. The city uses the unique white mud from the Lake to craft it's bricks
which gives the city a pure almost shining appearance. The lake also provides
the humans of Whitehall with fish and pearls.
The lands surrounding Whitehall have become home to small villages and
farming communities which supply he humans with a variety of crops. Of a more

unusual nature in these lands are the pillars known to the locals as the Rainbow
Towers. These large pillars, sometimes reaching heights of 20 feet are made of
a strange stone that has proven unbreakable for the humans. As the great light
moves through the sky the pattern of colors upon the pillar move and change.
Not even the great sages of the Sprites seem to know the purpose of the pillars
as their creation pre-dates the existence of all the New Races.
The Mud Flats
Following the Rivers North and East from the Plains of Man a traveler will
eventually reach the lowlands known as the mud flats. This land seems nearly
drowned by the flow of the water from the many tributaries that flow into it and is
choked with dense swamp growth and thick trees.
This land was almost certainly once controlled by the Scaled Ones, and
many foul monsters and swamp giants are known to be found there. The ancient
tales of the Goblin Rangers speak of this land as a pleasant land that lead to a
great body of moving water, however it changed significantly during that time as
the coming of the Light revealed it to be a festering stinking marsh.
The Woodlands of Snarut, & The Greyleaf Forest
On the North and South the Plains of Man are bordered by two great
forests, both of which have become home to the Sprites and the Goblins. One
the north is the Forest of Snarut, a dense evergreen forest, and the south is the
Greyleaf Forest.
The Woodlands of Snarut, named for the Goblin Ranger who made initial
contact with the Dwarf people runs from the edge of the Mud Flats along the
northern edges of the Plains of Man all the way to the Roots of the Flint
Mountains. Not even the Goblins that live in the forest know how far to the north
that it extends, for the northern reaches are dangerous even for the well trained
Goblin Woodsmen and their Grey Wolf allies.
The largest Goblin settlement in these forests is Snarut's Rest which lies at the
boundary between the Dwarf Lands and the Forest. Legend says that the
Ranger Snarut had stopped at this site to sleep when he came upon the first
dwarfs. And in honor of their friendship they established a camp on the very
spot. Whether this is true or not, it is known that old dwarf remains are commonly
found buried in the area with no sign of violence or of the traditional Dwarf burial
rites. These bodies are returned to the dwarfs when they are found, but the
Dwarfs themselves never speak of it or explain the body's presence in the
Sprite settlements are found in these Woodlands as well but not nearly in
the numbers that they are in The Greyleaf Forest.
The Greyleaf Forest starts at the base of the Flint Mountains south of the
Plains of Man, but only extend about half of the way to the Mud Flats. This is a

much older forest than The Woodlands of Snarut, and is composed mostly of
Greyleaf Oaks, and species of Oak Trees whose leaves are the color of granite.
The Greyleaf Forest is home to many of the oldest Sprite Settlements known to
exist. The largest of which is Danuria, a sprite settlement of glowing crystal that
hangs from the limbs of a 1000 year old Oak Tree.
The presence of the Red Wolves has drawn Goblin Tribes to the Grey
Lead forest. The largest tribe is the Mossrunt tribe who have settled in the
Eastern Edge of the Forest. This settlement, named for the Tribe, is a major
point of trade between the Humans and the Goblins.
Travel South through the Greyleaf Forest is not permitted by the Sprites
that live their. They give no reason for the injunction, but will prevent travelers
from going through the forest by force if necessary. This even includes the
Goblins who otherwise have a warm relationship with the Sprites. Travellers will
be told that if they wish to reach the lands beyond the Greyleaf Forest they must
travel all the way around it's Eastern Edge. Rumor has the center of the forest to
be a great set of standing stones that give the Sprites their magical power.
Whatever is truly there, only a fool would risk the Sprites anger by
pressing the point.
The Strongholds of Feiracos
A common name for any underground structures or dungeons pre-dating
the New Races, Strongholds of Feiracos are a common site even within the
lands of the New Races. Some were obviously sites of great importance to the
Scaled ones and the brave or foolhardy can become rich on the ancient wealth
contained within. Yet some have no obvious purpose with designs and symbols
that do not seem in common with those of the Scaled Ones. Many of these sites
are places where the magical energy of the world flows strongly and these pools
of power draw to them great beasts and greedy adventurers alike. Sprite legends
hold that some of these Strongholds focus the flows of magic so intensely that
the magical energy can manifest in material forms and the finding of such self
aware magical artifacts is at the center of many of the Sprites greatest myths.

Regarding Dragons
At the end of the Great War many of the servants of Feiracos joined their
master in his imprisonment within the deep caverns of the world. But to the
sorrow of the New Races this is not true of the greatest of Feiracos' spawn: The
The Dragons are filled with the same evil and greed of their master, but
now without his presence to act as their leash they have splintered and now fight
each other and the new races for domains and the wealth left behind by the
Scales Ones.
It is said that much of the gold and ancient enchanted items of the Scaled

Ones have been gathered by the Dragons in the 40 years since the coming of
the light. These powerful creatures claim these treasures and according to the
eldest of the Sprites, Dragons actually draw strength from their own greed and
these treasure hordes serve to focus that power to the point where the Dragons
can resist the inherent weakness that all their kind have to the great light.
Once the different types of dragons were as numerous as the drops of
water in a thunderstorm, but since the coming of the Light, few have been seen
and it is believed that many have been destroyed by the Light and others by the
battles the Dragons fight with each other over the shattered remains of the
Scaled Ones lands.
While there is no way of knowing the extent of the dragons domains for
certain, only the following Dragon Types have been confirmed to remain since
the Coming of the Light:
Black Dragons: These foul beast dwell within the most twisted bogs and
swamps of the surface world. They hide within the corrupted waters to avoid the
power of the Light and use the night time to spread their evil over the lands they
claim as their own.
Green Dragons: Subtle and cautious the Green Dragons have followed
the lead of the Goblins and have sought solace in the deep woods of the world.
However, the presence of these foul Wyrms has a corrupting effect on the forest
itself and their presence has caused violent confrontations with both Goblin
Tribes and the Woodland Sprites who would seek to drive away and interloping
Dragons. For their part, the Green Dragons consider Sprite meat a delicacy and
when possible choose lairs near weaker Sprite settlements in order to start a
Deep Dragons: Among the most powerful of the remaining dragons, the
Deep Dragons are also the most susceptible to the power of the Light. As such
they have chosen to lair beneath the surface of the world beneath the peaks of
the mighty mountains. As such they have become the hated foes of the Dwarfs,
who would seek to claim those same tunnels for the glory of Durkhan.

On Wealth & Treasure

The Greed of the Scaled Ones is legendary, and it was they who first tore
into the world looking for precious metals. The coins of their realm were crafted
in the forges of the strongholds of Feiracos and formed with six sides to
represent the six limbs of their Draconic God. These coins were forged with
holes in the center so that they could be worn on leather throngs for the Scaled
Ones loved to show their wealth and power to others.
Much of this Wealth has been lost since the Coming of the Light, but the

Goblins of the forest still use these coins to trade within their clans and to the
other races. Dwarfs, while understanding the value of the metals, hold the
Scaled Ones coins in disdain and often will accept them in trade simply to melt
them down and forge new coins in the proper dwarf style. This being the case
Dwarf wealth is forged within each clan and can look radically different
depending on the clan who forged it.
Finding both the Scaled Ones Coins and those of the Dwarfs to be two
large and unwieldy, the Sprites have two different sources of wealth: Gemstones
& Faegelt. Sprites have been gathering gemstones from below their forests for
untold years and will commonly trade them to outsiders. Faegelt is a rare coin
made from traces of gold dust and the magic of the Sprites. These coins are only
created to be sized to the Sprites but are considered valuable to Goblins and
Humans due to the magic contained within them. Dwarfs refuse to trade in
Faegelt and what business they do with the sprites is conducted in gem trade.
Humans being the youngest of the races have little experience with
forging their own wealth, and use dwarf and Scaled Ones Coins interchangeably.
However, the Humans do have one source of wealth that is all their own: Fresh
Water Pearls. The Lakes of the Low Lands are filled with Fresh Water Oysters
that create a wide variety of colored pearls that the humans trade to the other
races. It is this trade that has brought them the influx of gold to create their
economy over the last 40 years.
However, it is worth noting that the gold and wealth owned by the New
Races are quite limited. The Dwarfs, for all their trying, have not located large
veins of gold and so the new races still rely on the recovery of ancient treasures
of the Scaled Ones to provide much of the currency of their realms. In poorer
areas coins are basically unknown and most commerce happens via a bartering

On Magic
It is unknown who or how the forces of magic were first discovered, but it
is known that both the servants of Feiracos and the Sprites had magical
knowledge well before the coming of the Light. Though the Scaled Ones use
magic they cared more for its power than understanding how it functioned, so
much of what is known about magic comes from the work of the Sprites who
taught their lore to both the Goblins and later to the Humans.
The Sprites speak of magic in terms of a great flow of water. They say
that the power that is harnessed by spells exists naturally in the world and flows
from place to place like great rivers. These rivers can pool in places and such
pooling action can result in not only the land being changed by the magic but

also the land and what occurs their changing the magical flow.
The Sprites have identified 12 different alterations within the flow of magic
that has given birth to what they call Schools. While many mages are capable of
tapping into all these flows equally, some beings are naturally attuned to one of
flows and pursue that focus naturally.
Elemental Magics: 4 of the Flows identified by the Sprites are grouped
into a classification called Elemental Magics. (Called Hiran'mi by the Sprites)
These magics are attuned to one of the 4 elements that create the world: Earth,
Wind, Fire & Water. These flows exist in opposition to each other: Earth to Wind
& Fire to Water, and a master of one cannot harness the spells of the other.
The other 8 flows are: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment,
Evocation, Illusion, Transmutation, Necromancy.
Each of these flows are regarded as equally acceptable except for one:
Necromancy. This magic which manipulates the dead is considered an
Anathema to the Sprites, and in fact they claim that no sprite has ever been born
who was attuned to the flow of necromancy. While it is unknown if Goblins can
be so attuned, the Sprites have recognized Humans with this attunement and
have warned the humans of the danger and corrupting nature of such magic.
It is worth noting that Necromancy is commonly used by Scales Ones and
other servants of Feiracos.

The Cultures of the New Races

The primary cornerstone of the Dwarf culture is Reputation and Responsibility.
Each dwarf family is part of a larger Clan whose root stretch back into the time
before the coming of the Light. Each action of a Dwarf is measured against those
of his Clan and each share in the triumphs and failures of the others. As such a
dwarf considers his first responsibility to be defending the reputation of his Clan.
This pressure to reflect well on the clan has forge a system of personal
responsibility that is considered inviolate to the dwarf mindset. If a dwarf says
that he will accomplish something, he will do everything within his power to make
sure that is not only completed, but that the work is of the very best quality. This
is equally true of business and personal interactions. As such a Dwarf may be
reluctant to give his word on a matter, but if he does it can be consider ironclad.
The dwarfs are a fruitful people with a growing population. As increasing the
family is considered an act of great honor, pairing are often arranged by the clan
elders to strengthen bonds within the Clan and to make sure that the very best

are creating the next generation. As such potential pairings can be suggested at
the birth of children from particularly prominent families, but no match is
cemented until after the coming of age of the participants to see what they have
accomplished on their own in their chosen field.
The Dwarfs honor individual accomplishment and invention. Following in the
footsteps of Durkhan is considered a great life goal and successful engineers
and inventors are highly regarded in their clan. The Dwarven language reflects
this regard and has a number of different honorifics depending on the work, clan
and success of the dwarf being addressed.
The Dwarf Language is very complex and new words are created by combining
similar concepts. It is said that when a dwarf speaks a wrench is needed to
unhinge his words and find the deeper meanings. Dwarfs find the languages of
the other New Races simple by comparison and commonly speak at least one
other language.
The Goblins bind themselves loosely into tribes. These tribes, typically named for
some sort of natural formation within their lands, can be groups of different
families or in sparsely populated areas may only be one. Goblin social structure
is fluid with more attention being paid to the oldest and the strongest among
them. Two exceptions to this exist: The Rangers and the Shamans of Kailia the
She Wolf. Both of whom will be given great respect regardless of their age or
apparent strength.
Goblin society is far more individualistic than is the dwarfs. While they do
recognize their clan allegiance, most goblins are more concerned with their
smaller family groups, and their own deeds than any overriding organization.
Goblin families tend to be very large often having 6 or more children, and are
formed by personal decision between the two mates. Because of this Goblin
courtship can take some time as the perspective mates try to impress one
another. Goblins mate for life and would not want to make a bad decision in their
perspective partner, so many goblins will spend time travelling and living their
own lives before returning to their tribe to find a mate.
The Goblin Language is very simple compared to the other races, as so when a
Goblin speaks the language of the Dwarfs or the Humans is can sound stunted
and improper because the Greenskins don't truly understand more complicated
sentence construction. Their written language is very sharp as befits its origin as
trail marks used by the ancient Rangers.
Wizards hold a strange place in Goblin culture. While the Goblins are intelligent
enough to know the power that a Mage can bring to the tribe, magic still seems

to be outside of the normal understand of most goblins. As such Wizards are

often loners within Goblin Societies and dwell on the outskirts of the tribes
village. This does not often upset the wizards as it gives them more time and
quiet to perfect their art.
The Culture of the Sprites is the hardest for an outsider to understand.
Seemingly quite fluid, with nothing an outsider might recognize as family
structure, a Sprite can unfailingly follow the twisted net of their interactions to
know exactly where in social structure a fellow sprite is.
One of the main sources of social standing within the Sprites is magical aptitude.
Sprites make no distinction between Priestly Magic and that of the Arcane arts in
this matter. However, those who are skilled in both are quite highly respected for
having been able to master two such different areas of study.
Secondly, a sprite's attitude seemingly has a huge impact on their standing
socially. This is the hardest thing for outsiders to understand, but the Sprites
value happiness and jocularity in their fellows much more highly than pessimism
and dour attitude. As such the social standing of individuals varies considerably
as do the moods of those individuals.
Marriage in a sprite society is basically unheard of. Since learning of the habit
from the other races a few Sprites have attempted matrimony, but the process
seems needlessly complicated and restrictive to most of them. When a female
sprite wishes to have children she simply picks a male and requests that he mate
with her. It is almost unheard of for the male to refuse this invitation and after the
two mate there is rarely any further interaction between the two unless there was
a pre-existing friendship before the mating. Females raise the children
exclusively until the age of 8 at which time they are taken by the village's
teachers to begin their education.
The Language of the Sprites is a soft and flowerily language punctuated by
strange words derived from the language of magic. Their written word is delicate
and filled with curves and lacking in hard points or consonants.
The Human Culture is still evolving. Being the only of the new races to not have
existed in the time before the coming of the light, the Humans have only had 40
years to come together as a people. The influence of Gabriel Firstborn, the GodKing of the humans has done much to hasten that process, but as the human

race spreads farther from Whitehall a greater spread of experience can be

Humans form themselves into small families typically of the parents and children
only. Once a human reaches adult age it leave it's parents and forms a home of
its own. These adults still form ties to their parents, but not nearly as tightly as
those of the Dwarfs. Humans are nearly as fruitful as goblins and the population
explosion has forces new adults to go further a field to make their homes,
leading to a spreading of humanity throughout the "Plains of Man".
Humans are typically left to choose their own mates, and married by Templars
who perform the rites in the name of Gabriel Firstborn. This organization allows
the families to be kept track of, which is something that many humans take pride
in, though it is by no means a universal measure of worth.
Other than Gabriel Firstborn himself, the God-Kings Templars are the highest
rung of the Human Society. They are known the be the voice of the god king and
work tirelessly to spread his laws to the people. It is in fact a great source of
pride for a father to marry off one of his children to a Templar, and most of them
have their choice of mates.
Under the Templar's it is those that do most to contribute to society that have the
highest ranking in the Human Lands. As such teachers and guards are
respected quite highly, as are adventurers and wizards provided that their
activities aid in the protection and enrichment of their community.
The Human language has taken quite a bit from the tongues of the other new
races, and that versatility has allowed it to become a perfect trade tongue
between the new races. Though rare, some humans do learn the tongues of the
other races to better understand their neighbors.
The Wolfen gather themselves in very tight knit packs. Lead by an alpha male,
who is typically the strongest male present, the packs are nomadic and travel
long stretches of the forests they call home.
Their wolf blood makes sure the Wolfen mature rapidly and they are considered
adults by 4 years of age. Many Wolfen take mates during this time based on
their personal preferences. These relationships are known as Lovemates and
rarely if ever result in offspring.
The breeding of the Wolfen is triggered by an event they call recognition. When
a male and female come into contact that are a good match for breeding, a type
of imprinting occurs that neither mate can resist. Some Wolfen have tried, but
will eventually become listless, depressed and stop eating if prevented from

mating with one they have recognized. These mating partners always result in
at least one child being born, and the bonds last for life between the two
partners. These pairs are called Lifemates.
The Wolfen speak a natural tongue that can be heard and understood by
Wolves, but is impossible to speak in their humanoid form. There is also no
written form of this language as it would prove useless in their natural state. As
such their bards are highly respected keepers of the Packs Lore.
Commonly a Wolfen who spends significant time in their humanoid form will
learn the language of one of the other new races.

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