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The Trend of Settling

Abroad in Pakistan
Final Project Sociology


COMSATS Institute of Information


Table of Contents
TYPES OF MIGRATIONS.................................................................................4


Push Factors..............................................................................................5

Pull factors.................................................................................................5


Positive effects..........................................................................................6

Negative effects........................................................................................6

PROBLEM STATEMENT...........................................................7
SIGNIFICANCE/ RATIONALE.................................................7
RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES.............................................7
Questioner 1...............................................................................................11

Questioner 2...............................................................................................12

Questioner 2

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In Pakistan hundreds of people are going abroad every day. Some of them visit there and
come back but there is much majority who never came back. This trend of settling or
going abroad as many affects on the lives of people going abroad and the society.

Take an example of a person who fined an opportunity, goes abroad for his career and
lead a successful life. When (if) that person returns and bring many gifts for his relatives
and friends, or when they know that person is settled there and having good life there,
this may cause inferiority complex among his relative and friends. Every one wants a
leading life, ultimately they also desire to go abroad. This has become now the trend of
the Pakistani society and its increasing day by day.

This trend exists in almost every third world country like Pakistan. Statistics shows that
hundreds of thousands people from third world countries migrate to 1st world countries
each year.

The purpose of this study is to know whether this trend leaves positive impact on our
society or not (have negative effects). If the effects are positive then how it is and what
benefits can we gain from this trend and if this trend is negative then how to discourage
it. And also the causes that are leading in the increase of this trend.

For this study we took help from various sources that includes internet, news paper,
interview with expert and questions from people who want to go abroad. Since there is
no research work been done before on this issue, so literature was not available.

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There are many types of migrations, each having own theme providing distinction from
each other. To have a better understanding of this study lets take a look on the types of

• Emigration, leaving one's parent/home country and live in another

• Immigration, arriving to live in a new country

• Chain migration, the mechanism by which foreign nationals are allowed to

immigrate due to the acquired citizenship of an adult relative

• Forced migration, the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their
home or home region

• Free migration, a belief that people should be able to migrate to whatever country
they choose, free of substantial barriers

• Illegal immigration, immigration that defies the laws of the arrival country

• Mass migrations, the movement of a large group of people from one geographical
area to another

• Political migration, a migration motivated primarily by political interests

• Rural-urban migration, the moving of people from rural areas into cities

• Seasonal human migration, Migration which is held by season changes

• The activity of nomads, communities that continually move from one place to

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Reasons of this trend and factors causing boost to this trend in present time are
categorized into two dimensions that are as follows:

Push Factors
Factors forcing citizens of Pakistan for emigrating from the home country are

• Poverty
• Lack of employment opportunities
• Lack of various rights
• Political instability
• Corruption
• Religious intolerance
• Natural disasters
• War or other armed conflict
• Famine or drought

Pull factors
Factors attracting the immigrants are

• Better availability of employment and opportunities

• Higher incomes
• Better medical facilities
• Better education facilities
• Relative freedom
• Better behavior among people
• Family reasons
• Political stability
• Religious tolerance
• National prestige
• Better weather
• Lower taxes

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By analyzing all the push and pull factors mentioned above, matching them with the real
life of those who were or are in the circle of this trend, we derived the following effects:

Positive effects
• High quality education.
• Various opportunities for development.
• Raised living standards of the person living abroad and his family.
• More money in less time as compare to Pakistan.
• Foreign remittances.
• Increased investments in Pakistan.
• Exploration to modernization.
• Exploration to other cultures.
• Better intercommunication with different nations.

Negative effects
• People become frustrated from home country and try to go abroad illegally.
• Illegal means present bad image to society and causes various damages to the
people of Pakistan.
• People waist so much money and efforts in going abroad.
• People stay away from their family and friends, though they personally will to
come back or visit at home but are bounded there.
• A complex of inferiority is developed in people living in Pakistan.
• People start under estimating their own values.
• People adopt negative habits of host country’s cultures which are/may against the
norms and values of parent culture resulting increase of deviance in the Pakistani
• People forget about their family values by migrating abroad.

“The trend of going or settling abroad has more negative effects or positive effects on
our society”

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It is now known that the trend of settling abroad in our society is increasing day by day
and has several serious consequences. One of the main negative effects is the brain drain.
Objectives of our project are to highlight the effects of this trend on the society.

Our project would be able to explain.

• The effects of the trend of settling abroad.

• Is this trend a positive or a negative one.

Immigration is the plague in the whole world especially in Pakistan. It is one of the main
concerns of Pakistan sociological issues and some times our economic factors bring
psychological aspects of immigration in our society. The significance of this study is
both theoretical and applied that is this study answers various un answered questions
about the Pakistani society and applied in the sense that if this trend has positive effects
then how to promote it and if it has more negative effects then how to discourage it.

This is the reason we decided to through some light on the social issue on which no
research is previously done.

We applied following tools as research methodologies in the whole course of our
project .

• Group discussions.
• Informal interviews.

From this research, we concluded that the trend of going or settling abroad has more
negative effects.
By comparing our findings, we derived that this trend has positive effect when we talk
about an individual and somewhat also beneficial or positive to his family as they are

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directly affected by him. But when we take the whole society, it has more negative
• This trend of settling abroad is causing the brain drain in our society. As a result
we are loosing the intellects and skilled labor which are assets of our society.
• This trend is increasing day by day.
Statistics show that more people are going abroad as ever before due to current
instability in the society. And if the action is not taken before it’s too late then our
society could have to face serious consequences.
• It is becoming a global problem. Immigration is not only the problem of Pakistan
or any other third world country but it is also a problem of developed and
developing countries. This is the reason that immigration is being politicized over
the past few years.
• Smuggling innocent and poor people who do not have knowledge about that
country and the legal procedure of immigration which afterwards cause insult for
them and as well as for Pakistan.
• In current situation of Pakistan, people rather to struggle to bring it in right path
and taking initiatives for the betterment of society, preferring to leave this
• People do not want to come back to their home country. Some of them stuck in
that society and under some rules and responsibilities.

As we have seen that immigration affects the society very much. So the society as a
whole has to play a role to either discourage it or minimize its negative effects.

So following are the recommendation for the solution of this social problem.

• People should have enough patriotism not to leave their homeland and their loved
ones for the sake of material.

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• People should gain benefit more than providing others by serving them. That is if
they went for education then they must return after the completion and serve the
• People should not underestimate their own cultural values and should not develop
the habits of other nations.
• People should be communicated about their social responsibilities.
• Enough awareness should be created among people about the consequences of
illegal immigration.
• Quality education should be provided to the students so that they do not need to
go abroad also there should be job placement after the completion of their
respective programs.

• Http://



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Questioner 1

Age: ---------------------------------------------------

Family Status: ---------------------------------------------------

Education: ---------------------------------------------------

Job: ---------------------------------------------------

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Q1- Do you have any experience of abroad?

Q2- What perception you have of foreign society?

Q3- What you consider your society is against any other society?

Q4- Do you want to settle abroad, if so then with what interest(s)?

Q5- What are your intentions to go abroad?

Q6- Does anything force you to go out of your country, if so then


Q7- Do abroad attracts you, if so then how?

Q8- Do you have any family member, relative or friend settled abroad,
if so then from when?

Q9- Does s/he visit home, if so then when often?

Q10- Do s/he inspire you to settle abroad, if so then how?

Questioner 2

Age: ---------------------------------------------------

Family Status: ---------------------------------------------------

Education: ---------------------------------------------------

Job: ---------------------------------------------------

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Q1- From when you are settled abroad?

Q2- What is your status?

Q3- What were your interests to go abroad?

Q4- Did anything force you to go out of your country, if so then what?

Q5- Did any thing pulled you abroad?

Q6- Do you have any family member, relative or friend settled abroad
before you?

Q7- Did s/he have played any kind of role to welcome you abroad?

Q8- How often you visit home?

Q9- What problems you are facing abroad?

Q10- What perception you have of foreign society against your


Q11- What you consider your society is against any other society?

Q12- Do you want to come back for permanent in your country?

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