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Bolotina, Olga; Kalb, Dan; Tony Arreola
City outdoor advertising proposal
Monday, July 21, 2014 11:52:59 AM

Olga and Dan,

It's my understanding that the City's proposal to derive new revenues from outdoor advertising
is going to be discussed at Closed Session on July 29th. Please let me know if you'd like to set
up some time to discuss the proposed terms that were submitted by Iris Outdoor.
Michael Colbruno
Managing Partner
Real Estate & Public Affairs
(o) 408-297-4747 (IRIS)
(c) 510-385-9414


Michael Colbruno
Minor, Gregory
Bolotina, Olga; Kiran Jain; Parker, Barbara; Chan, Ada; Kaplan, Rebecca
Cultivation ordinance amendments
Tuesday, December 09, 2014 9:53:49 AM

I wanted to keep you in the loop about some conversations that a few industry people have
been having regarding the cultivation ordinance. This is the same issue that we spoke about
and we believe that this language addresses those concerns. I'm copying a few others who may
be interested in the proposed changes. This better reflects the original intent of the ordinance
when it was introduced.

Changes to proposed amendment to OMC 5.80.010(F)

Dispensary Cultivation Facility or DCF shall mean any facility owned,

operated, and used by a lawfully licensed and permitted Dispensary for
cultivating, warehousing, storing, processing and/or manufacturing more than 9
pounds of dried cannabis, and/or cultivating or storing medical cannabis in an
area greater than 96 square feet of total area within One Parcel of land to be
lawfully distributed to Qualified Patients and Primary Caregivers. for the express
and sole purpose of selling at a lawfully permitted Dispensary.

Changes to proposed amendment to OMC 5.80.020(E)

The City Administrator may issue, as detailed below, a secondary special
business permit to a Dispensary Permittee for operating a Dispensary Cultivation
Facility that will cultivate and process medical cannabis to be lawfully distributed
to Qualified Patients and Primary Caregivers. sold at that the Dispensary
Permittees retail location. In recommending the granting or denying of such
permit in his/her sole and absolute discretion, the City Administrator shall give
particular consideration to the capacity, capitalization, complaint history of the
Permittee, and any other factors that in her/his discretion she/he deems necessary
to the peace and order and welfare of the public. All applicants for a DCF permit
shall pay any necessary fees including without limitation application fees,
inspection fees and regulatory fees that may be required hereunder.
Michael Colbruno
Milo Group of California
1300 Clay St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-1427
Office - (510) 596-1717
Cell - (510) 385-9414
Email -
Website -


Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga
Thursday, February 12, 2015 9:30:58 AM

Any idea when cultivation comes back to Committee?

Sent from my iPhone


Michael Colbruno
Kaplan, Rebecca; Kalb, Dan
Bolotina, Olga; Jones, Andre; John Gooding
Dispensary Revenue 2015.xlsx
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 7:49:05 PM
Dispensary Revenue 2015.xlsx

Dan and Rebecca,

The 8 MCD permit holders are meeting tomorrow in anticipation of changes to the ordinance. We requested the
attached information which we thought might be of interest to you.


Michael Colbruno
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga
John Gooding
EV bill at legislature
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:37:03 AM

Dan and Olga,

We've started talking to the Mayor's staff about the Governor's mandate for EV charging
stations and the 2015 goals set by the Governor. Oakland is way behind in a buildout of EV
stations. John Gooding and I would like to set up some time to talk to you about this issue. In
the meantime, you might want to consider having the city support AB 1236, which would
mandate a streamlined permitting process for EV charging station permitting. I learned from
Planning that we don't even have someone dedicated to this issue, despite the mandate.
Let us know if you have some time and we'll come talk to you about some companies that can
get us to our goals without cost.
Michael Colbruno
Milo Group of California
1300 Clay St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-1427
Office - (510) 596-1717
Cell - (510) 385-9414
Email -
Website -


Michael Colbruno
Kalb, Dan
Bolotina, Olga; John Gooding
Follow up on Barbara Lee
Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:22:13 AM

Councilmember Kalb,
It was great seeing you at the Convention. I wanted to follow up about the discussion we had
regarding attendingBarbara Lees Leadership Breakfast as our guest. You indicated that youd
probably be able to attend, but I wanted to confirm with your office.
The breakfast is on Tuesday March 8 at8 AM atScott's in Jack London Square. Her special
guest is Congressman Eric Swalwell, who has been asked by Minority Leader Pelosi to head
up outreach tomillennials.
Please let us know if you can attend. Attached is the official invitation.


Michael Colbruno
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga
Garbage contract check list
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 10:14:36 AM
Garbage Contract Check List.pdf

Councilmember Kalb and Olga,

After watching the Council deliberations on the garbage contract, I realized that delivery of
the services is the big issue. I've attached a checklist that should be used to make sure that we
can actually deliver what we've promised. This is something that Henry Gardner and DPW
staff should be using to ensure compliance and to set timelines.
I hope that you're enjoying the break.


Isabel Urbano
Bolotina, Olga
Great Meeting You!
Wednesday, December 09, 2015 2:54:55 PM

It was great meeting you yesterday with Michael Colbruno and Cyn Wang from Airbnb. I really appreciate you
taking the time to sit down and have a discussion with us about the best ways to work toward STR regulation in
Im working with Michael Colbruno and John Gooding, so I hope to see you around City Hall on this and other

The Marijuana Regulation and Safety Acts March 1st Deadline

An open letter to County and City Government Officials:

Like many of my colleagues, I began my public service career at the local level where decisions
made in Sacramento often have a profound impact on the decisions we make in our
communities. Over the past several weeks, I have learned that cities and counties are
scrambling to put regulations regarding medical marijuana in place ahead of a March 1st
deadline that was inadvertently included in AB243 of the Medical Marijuana Regulation and
Safety Act (MMRSA). As a former local elected I understand this reaction. However, I am writing
this letter to clarify some of the confusion that has resulted from the inclusion of the March 1 st
deadline in the MMRSA.
The MMRSA will bring a multi-billion dollar industry that has grown up largely in the shadows
into the light. Ultimately, the goal is to provide Californians with the legal, consumer, and
environmental protections we have come to expect from any other industry.
During the scramble at the end of the legislative session this year, an inadvertent drafting error
placed a deadline on local jurisdictions, requiring them to adopt their own land use regulations
for medical cannabis cultivation by March 1, 2016, or turn that responsibility over to the state.
As soon as I was aware of the error I published a letter in the Assembly Journal, the official
record of the Assembly, declaring my intention to pass urgency legislation as soon as the
legislature reconvenes in January. The compromise agreement with the Governors office did
not include the March 1st deadline and this urgency legislation will ensure that the MMRSAs
legislative intent is not altered. I have already amended one of my bills with language that will
strike the deadline and maintain a local jurisdictions ability to create their own regulations. As
an urgency measure, the law will go into effect as soon as it is signed by the Governor.
My intent to remove the deadline has bi-partisan and stakeholder support. The Governors
office is prepared to partner with my office to ensure local control on this issue. I appreciate the
Governors acknowledgement of this drafting error and his offices willingness to work with me
to quickly resolve the problem. Even if my urgency measure is not signed until after March 1st,

the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation (BMMR), the entity responsible for developing the
States regulations, currently exists on paper only. It will be many months before the Bureau
has the capacity to develop and enforce statewide regulations. Additionally we have received
legal feedback confirming that once my urgency measure is in effect jurisdictions will retain the
local control they need.
I am confident that my colleagues and I will eliminate the March 1st deadline before it becomes
a realistic problem as opposed to a theoretical concern for local lawmakers.



Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga
John Gooding
Meeting with Councilmember
Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:25:31 AM

Do you or Councilmember Kalb have time to meet with John Gooding and me to discuss the
garbage contract. Apparently, staff is coming back to brief the Public Works Committee on the
status of negotiations. We have a few things that we'd like to discuss related to that briefing.
Our best availability is next Thursday (except between 1-3 PM). If there is nothing in that time
slot, shoot us a few dates.
Thank you,
Michael Colbruno
Milo Group of California
1300 Clay St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-1427
Office - (510) 596-1717
Cell - (510) 385-9414
Email -
Website -


Kalb, Dan
Michael Colbruno
Re: Cultivation ordinance
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:43:32 AM

I'm available right after Public Works committee today. My cell is

-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

On Dec 16, 2014, at 6:54 AM, "Michael Colbruno" <> wrote:

There was a long discussion with the Mayor, staff and one of the stakeholders last
night. Is there a good time to talk and what's the best phone number? You can
also reach me at (510) 385-9414.
On Dec 15, 2014, at 9:59 PM, Kalb, Dan <> wrote:
Hi M Would be happy to talk tomorrow afternoon---although we may hold
it over in committee until next year.
-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

On Dec 15, 2014, at 6:26 PM, "Michael Colbruno"

<> wrote:

We just had a meeting with Mayor Quan about the

cultivation ordinance at Public Safety tomorrow. There
is one minor change being proposed and I'd like to
discuss with you.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Michael Colbruno
Milo Group of California
1300 Clay St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-1427
Office - (510) 596-1717
Cell - (510) 385-9414
Email -
Website -


Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga
Re: Garbage contract check list
Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:58:03 PM

Feel free to forward it to them. It's critical information for them.

I hope you're getting some "me time" during the recess.
On Aug 21, 2014, at 6:31 PM, Bolotina, Olga <> wrote:
Hello Michael,

Thank you so much for taking time to compile and for sending this check list!

Would you mind if I forward it toHenry Gardner and DPW staff and perhaps to CWS?
Thank you!



Olga A. Bolotina
Community Outreach Director
Office of District One City Councilmember Dan Kalb
City of Oakland
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 230, Oakland, CA 94612
Direct: 510-238-7240

From:Michael Colbruno []

Sent:Tuesday, August 19, 2014 10:13 AM
To:Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga
Subject:Garbage contract check list

Councilmember Kalb and Olga,

After watching the Council deliberations on the garbage contract, I realized that
delivery of the services is the big issue. I've attached a checklist that should be
used to make sure that we can actually deliver what we've promised. This is
something that Henry Gardner and DPW staff should be using to ensure
compliance and to set timelines.

I hope that you're enjoying the break.


Michael Colbruno
Milo Group of California
1300 Clay St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-1427
Office - (510) 596-1717
Cell - (510) 385-9414
Email -
Website -


Michael Colbruno
Pattillo, Chris
Kalb, Dan; Manasse, Edward; Merkamp, Robert; Colleen Patrick-Goudreau; Tim Anderson; Wald, Mark; Flynn,
Rachel; Parker, Barbara; Chan, Ada; Cowan, Richard; Miller, Scott; Colbruno, Michael
Re: Planning Commission Missteps on Urban Agriculture
Friday, September 19, 2014 10:41:53 AM

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. There are a number of issues here that are of concern.
First of all, the proponents of animal slaughter had been sending around emails all week
advising people to not talk about animals and to keep it focused on plants. The goal was to
sneak it by Planning, which I tried to bring to the Commission's attention. Subsequent to the
meeting, emails went out hailing the victory and talking about what a close call it was in
keeping animals out of the discussion. This was a backdoor effort to affect a major policy
change without a discussion.
By you telling people that this wasn't being discussed at the beginning of the meeting, a
number of people decided to leave the meeting. They were never heard and didn't have the
chance to talk about some critical issues and impacts related to raising livestock in
community gardens. This isn't about petting bunny rabbits, as staff tried to portray it. This
issue is about harvesting animals for slaughter and often resale (i.e. - Esperanza's rabbit pot
pies). The issues which I tried to raise about health concerns, disease vector, noise and odor
were VERY RELEVANT to the discussion. The people who you turned away never had the
chance to raise those issues with the Commission. I would argue that this piece of the
discussion needs to be renoticed and reheard by the Commission. I have copied Mark
Wald and Barbara Parker on this email.
Raising livestock in our urban gardens is a serious matter which should have a serious
discussion at the Planning Commission and before the City Council. The Alameda Health
Department, Animal Control, our state and federal meat inspection agencies and others should
be brought into the discussion. At the very least, neighbors who may not want pigs, goats and
crowing roosters in neighborhood gardens certainly should have a proper say and not be
turned away from a hearing.
Thank you again for your thoughtful response and I hope that we can renotice and rehear this
item at Planning. I certainly appreciate that it was a full agenda and the goal was to get
through the agenda.
Michael Colbruno

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Chris Pattillo <> wrote:
I was the one who made the announcement because we were advised that a misleading
rumor had been circulating. My intent was to set the record straight and to ease the anxiety -

certainly not to flame the confusion and certainly not to purposely mislead anyone.
Combining so many items into one agenda item, the confusion about how we would take
testimony on the item and then introducing multiple ill-formed motions simply did not work
I fear I contributed to the problem and will speak with staff to see what should be done to
rectify the situation. It certainly was not my intent to purposely mislead anyone or to
discourage attendees to give testimony.
Please call me if you have further comment.

Chris Pattillo FASLA



444 17th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Direct | 510.550.8855
Main | 510.465.1284

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 7:38 AM, Michael Colbruno <>

I wanted to you to see this also express my feelings about how poorly this was handled. A
number of people left after the initial announcement. I also was shocked at the 180 on the
issue without even a word of discussion about the health, odor, noise or community
impacts of livestock in community gardens.
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Tim Anderson <>
Date: Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 8:33 PM
Subject: Fwd: Planning Commission Missteps on Urban Agriculture
To: Michael Colbruno <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Tim Anderson <>
Date: Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 8:18 PM
Subject: Planning Commission Missteps on Urban Agriculture
To: Councilmember Dan Kalb <>
Cc: Oliver Luby <>, Olga Bolotina <>

Dear Councilmember Kalb,

I'm writing regarding Wednesday's Planning Commission hearing to discuss the sweeping
zoning changes relating to urban agriculture. I believe the Commission was not fully
informed regarding the changes they were asked to make and that members of the public
who came to speak out against the proposal were encouraged by officials not to
I was shocked to learn that as the meeting was called to order, someone from the dais said
that there would be no discussion of animals at the meeting and "If that's what you came
here to discuss you can go home now." I know I don't have to tell you how disturbing it is for people
in government to tell members of the public that their opinion will not be heard in advance of an
agenda item to discuss that very issue. I've already heard from several people who thought the item
was cancelled or that there was reason to conclude they would not be heard. I am collecting their
stories now and will share the details with you and your office as I learn more.

Making an announcement that there would be no discussion of animals is either a

chilling attempt by the City of Oakland to silence members of the public or
Planning's confusion bordering on incompetence. The language in the proposal is
clear, thedefinitionof "Community Gardens", which hassince 2011, (for some
inexplicable reason) included animal products and\or livestock, is being
expandedto include most areas of the city and will no longer require a CUP.
That people who care about the wellbeing of Oakland's people and animals are
concerned by this broad change is no surprise. For Planners to not understand
that allowing the proliferation ofundefinednumbers and typesof livestock in a
city that hasn't expressly allowed that activity for 60 years is actually quite
shocking - unless the goal was todeliberatelymislead.
I encourage you to look into this travesty and ensure that your understanding of
the language in this proposal is clear before voting to move this forward. A new
sweeping right to untold numbers and types of livestock brings up many
What steps are being taken to ensure the humane treatment of animals? Are there any
restrictions as to what an individual can claim as "livestock"? Regulations relating to how
they are housed or cared for? Who will enforce?
What is the environmental impact of allowing livestock to proliferate in Oakland? Should we
expect water contaminated with Giardia due to runoff from chicken manure? It's widely
known that the number one contributor to global climate change is the livestock business.
Why replicate that here in Oakland?
What are the potential health impacts, knowing that animals confined in dense urban
populations are highly likely to develop and spread zoonotic diseases such as avian
influenza, swine flu, and campylobacter? Just a short time ago, employees at the Oakland
Animal Shelter were hospitalized for campylobacter as a result of coming in contact with
diseased chickens. What's the plan for a pandemic on the scale of the H1N1 or
HN79outbreaks in Asia? Will we follow CDC recommendations that advise that children
under age five never come in contact with live poultry?
What are the fiscal impacts? Particularly to our already overburdened animal shelter?Will
the city have to renegotiate its garbage contract in order to handle the large amounts of
manure, offal, and corpses produced by these new animals?

We need to strengthen animal protection laws not weaken them. Thank you for

your consideration.
Kind Regards,
(510) 698-2393


Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga; Kalb, Dan
Recology Support Letter to Mayor & Councils for CWS.pdf
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:24:37 PM
Recology Support Letter to Mayor & Councils for CWS.pdf


Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga; Kalb, Dan
RSG letter of Support 7-28-14 Final.pdf
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:19:40 PM
RSG letter of Support 7-28-14 Final.pdf


Michael Colbruno
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga
Special Meeting
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 8:47:09 AM

Dan and Olga,

Do either of you have a few minutes today to talk about the Special Meeting tomorrow? I can
come by or talk on the phone.
Michael Colbruno
Milo Group of California
1300 Clay St., Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-1427
Office - (510) 596-1717
Cell - (510) 385-9414
Email -
Website -


Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga; Kalb, Dan
Time sensitive re: cannabis
Thursday, October 02, 2014 10:55:03 AM

FYI. Harborside and Blm are both adamantly opposed to your Rules request to increase # of permits to 12.

Sent from my iPhone


Michael Colbruno
Manasse, Edward; Miller, Scott; Pattillo, Chris; Moore, Jim; Coleman, Michael; Flynn, Rachel; Jahaziel Bonilla;; Adhi Nagraj; Emily Weinstein; Colbruno, Michael
Kernighan, Pat; Rebecca Kaplan; Cowan, Richard; Kalb, Dan; Quan, Jean
Urban Agriculture
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 3:34:32 PM

Dear Planning Commissioners and Planning Staff,

When I completed my seven years as an Oakland Planning Commissioner, I had the chance to address
the public and my fellow commissioners and staff at my last meeting. I mentioned that the one issue that
I was certain to follow was the Urban Agriculture issue. Few matters that came before the Commission
during my tenure meant more to me, or was I more engaged with. than this issue.
We had many spirited and thoughtful discussions on the issues surrounding Urban Agriculture and some
of the best and the brightest in our community came to testify. One area where I believed we had a
general consensus on was the need to bifurcate the the issues related to plants and animals under
Urban Agriculture. As I recall, both the Commission and the public agreed that there were no major areas
of disagreement related to agriculture involving plants, fruits, herbs and flowers. However, there were
major concerns and valid issues related to livestock.
These issues are serious and need to be dealt with separately with a serious discussion involving the
community and health care officials. These issues include:
What are the environmental impacts of allowing livestock to proliferate in Oakland? We need to
explore the impacts of giardia in our water supply if it is exposed to chicken manure.
When we have caged poultry and other animals, we need to look seriously at the of spread
zoonotic diseases such as avian influenza, swine flu, and campylobacter.
We need to explore any possible violations with State law regarding caged chickens. We never
fully vetted the health care requirements set forth by the County in relation to many of these
With the proliferation and potential abandonment of livestock, we need to consider the fiscal and
practical impact on our already overburdened animal shelters.
Lastly, there needs to be a discussion about the humane treatment of animals in an urban
environment which is not designed for having large numbers of animals and livestock in close
quarters. Moreover, what are the potential impacts to neighbors related to noise and odor?

I urge the Commission to remove "animal products and livestock production"

from"Community Gardens" definition in Section 17.10.140.
I would recommend that it read: "For the purpose of this classification, Community Gardens are defined
as land that is used for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, herbs, and ornamental plants
by one or more persons for personal consumption and/or donation. This classification does not include
the use of heavy mechanized farming equipment, or commercial sales on or off the premises, except for
limited seasonal sales."
Thank you for your consideration of these issues.
Michael Colbruno


Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga; Kalb, Dan
Waste contract
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 4:54:37 PM

Have you had a chance to read the two letters that were sent over from Republic and Recology re: tomorrow's vote
in the waste contract? This combined approach in partnership with CWS is going to be a better deal for the
Let me know if you need the letters or want to discuss this further.
Sent from my iPhone


Isabel Urbano
Bolotina, Olga
Who do you want at the table?
Monday, September 30, 2013 11:49:42 AM

Dear Olga ,
As you can see from Eric's text, Washington is in crisis. Yet, I've never seen Eric working harder
to find compromises across the aisle to keep government open and working for you.
As all of this happens, in fewer than 12 hours, our fundraising quarter closes. Anyone concerned
about the future of America has to ask: do we want Eric and people like him at the negotiating
table or do we risk electing more extremists?
We are $725 away from reaching our quarterly goal. Can you give $25, $75, or $100 to help us
get there?
I want to report back to Eric that we reached our quarterly goal and that he will be wellpositioned to take on the Super PAC who has put a target on his back. Congress needs
consensus-builders. Only your support can keep Eric in Congress working for us. Every
contribution helps. Will you give $25, $75, or $100 before our deadline?
Isabel Urbano
Swalwell for Congress
P.S. Your contribution of $25, $75, or $100 ensures that Eric can fight another day for reason &
bipartisanship in DC.

Paid for and Authorized by Swalwell for Congress

PO Box 2847







Michael Colbruno
Bolotina, Olga
Sean Donahoe
Wood MMJ letter
Friday, December 18, 2015 10:58:12 AM
March 1 deadline open letter.pdf

I wanted to make sure that you saw this.

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