Jomon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku

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Jomon culture

Jomon culture, which began in 13,000 BC and

continued for about 10,000 years, is a well- known
prehistoric culture peculiar to the Japanese
archipelago. It formed a long-lasting, sustainable
society by adapting to the ecosystem which is
uncommonly rich in biodiversity and coexisting with
nature. Without implementing the full-scale agriculture and pastoralism, Jomon culture accomplished
and continued a sedentary and corporative society
for long periods based on hunting, gathering and
shing as main subsistence. Therefore, being dierent from neolithic cultures in rest of the world,
Jomon culture is an extraordinarily rare prehistoric
culture in the world history.

S e e k in g Wor ld H e r it a ge In s c r ip tion

Jomon Archaeological Sites in

Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku

Boar-shaped clay gure

Important Cultural Property
Tokoshinai 2 Site
Censer-shaped pottery
Kakinoshima Site

Clay objects stamped by hand and foot of child

Oishitai Site

Seeking World Heritage Inscription

Jomon cultural sites are widely distributed throughout the Japanese archipelago. Despite that
basic elements of Jomon culture are shared with other regions, thousands of sites are known
in Hokkaido and northern Tohoku region. It is also a representative region where typical
cultural spheres in Jomon period ourished, such are like Ento-pottery Culture and
Kamegaoka Culture. Among them, Jmon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaid and Northern
Thoku can strongly represent the whole features of Jomon culture. In these sites, a ceramic
assemblage of the oldest group in the world was unearthed, and clay gurines associated with
Jomon spiritual world and large stone circles concentrated. In addition,
there are many sites where rich natural environment is conserved in
this group. For instance, vegetation and landform both of which are
reminiscent of prehistoric Jomon culture are well-preserved.
Jmon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaid and Northern Thoku are,
representing the prehistoric culture that emerged and developed in
the good relationship between human and nature, properties which
proves the superior value of Jomon Culture.
We believe that the Jomon archaeological sites in the four areas of
Hokkaido, Aomori prefecture, Iwate prefecture, Akita prefecture and
related municipalities hold a cultural heritage that should be preserved
Clay tablet
Akita prefecturallyfor future generation as an invaluable treasure common to humanity
designated cultural property
not only Japan, and we are aiming for World Heritage registration to
Oyu Stone Circles
ensure that these sites will be preserved in perpetuity.
The value of the Jomon archaeological sites has been recognized, and on January 5th, 2009 the
group of sites was recorded on the World Heritage tentative list as a World Heritage candidate.
Moving forward, we will further our eorts to achieve World Heritage registration.

Ornamental comb made of antler

Aomori prefecturallydesignated cultural property
Futatsumori Shell Midden

Ento-Kaso type pottery

Important Cultural Property
Sannai-Maruyama Site
Large jade bead
Sannai-Maruyama Site

Lacquered spouted vessel

Kakinoshima Site

Akamido type pottery

Choshichiyachi Shell Midden

Lacquer painted plate shaped

potteryAomori prefecturallydesignated cultural property
Kamegaoka Site

Proposing local governments of the Jomon Archaeological Site in Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku
Hokkaido, Aomori prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Akita prefecture,
Hakodate City, Chitose City, Date City, Mori Town, Toyako Town, Aomori City, Hirosaki City, Hachinohe City, Tsugaru City,
Sotogahama Town, Shichinohe Town, Ichinohe Town, Kazuno City, Kitaakita City
Contact Information
Culture and Sports Division, Bureau of Daily Life Safety, Department of Environment and Lifestyle, Hokkaido Government
Cultural Properties Protection Division, Secretariat Oce of the Aomori Prefectural Board of Education
Lifelong Learning and Culture Division, Iwate Prefectural Board of Education
Cultural Assets Preservation Oce, Akita Prefectural Bureau of Education

TEL +81-11-204-5168FAX +81-11-232-8695

TEL +81-17-734-9922FAX +81-17-734-8280
TEL +81-19-629-6177FAX +81-19-629-6179
TEL +81-18-860-5193FAX +81-18-860-5886

http: / / jo m o n- ja pa n. jp

Hollow clay gurine

National Treasure
Chobonaino Site

Clay gurine (goggle-eyed)

Important Cultural Property
Large size at clay gurine
Kamegaoka Site
Important Cultural Property
Tokyo National Museum
Sannai-Maruyama Site
Image:TNM Image Archives

Flat clay gurine

Akita prefecturallyClay gurine with clasping hands
Clay gurine (goggle-eyed)
designated cultural property
National Treasure
Important Cultural Property
Isedotai Site
Kazahari 1 Site
Nimaibashi 2 Site

Jomon Archaeological Sites in

Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku

Kiusu Earthwork Burial Circles Kitakogane Shell Midden

Ofune Site

Kakinoshima Site

Washinoki Site

Irie/Takasago Shell Midden Sannai-Maruyama Site

Jmon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaid, Northern Thoku, and other regions

consist of eighteen sites including special historic site Sannai-Maruyama site
and Oyu Stone Circle. They involve all the remarkable elements of Jomon
culture, such are like settlements, shell middens and monuments. Furthermore,
since these sites are located at various places including seashore, inland, lake
area and river basin, Jmon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaid, Northern
Thoku, and other regions are extraordinarily valuable representing several
aspects of Jomon culture and their diachronic changes.





Historic site Ofune Site / Hakodate City, Hokkaido

Historic site Kakinoshima Site / Hakodate City, Hokkaido

Historic site Kiusu Earthwork Burial Circles / Chitose City, Hokkaido
Historic site Kitakogane Shell Midden / Date City, Hokkaido
Historic site Washinoki Site / Mori Town, Hokkaido
Historic site Irie/Takasago Shell Midden / Toyako Town, Hokkaido
Special Historic site Sannai-Maruyama Site / Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture
Historic site Komakino Site / Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture
Historic site Omori-Katsuyama Site / Hirosaki City, Aomori prefecture
Historic site Choshichiyachi Shell Midden / Hachinohe City, Aomori prefecture

Historic site Korekawa Site / Hachinohe City, Aomori prefecture

Historic site Tagoyano Shell Midden / Tsugaru City, Aomori prefecture
Historic site Kamegaoka Site / Tsugaru City, Aomori prefecture

Historic site Odai-Yamamoto Site / Sotogahama Town, Aomori prefecture

Historic site Futatsumori Shell Midden / Shichinohe Town, Aomori prefecture
Historic site Goshono Site / Ichinohe Town, Iwate prefecture
Special Historic site Oyu Stone Circles / Kazuno City, Akita prefecture
Historic site Isedotai Site / Kitaakita City, Akita prefecture

Komakino Site

Odai-Yamamoto Site

Omori-Katsuyama Site

Futatsumori Shell Midden

Choshichiyachi Shell Midden

Korekawa Site

Goshono Site

Oyu Stone Circles

Tagoyano Shell Midden

Kamegaoka Site

Isedotai Site

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