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GREAT Quotes

Swami Sukhabodhananda
Swami Sukhabodhananda is one of the Great Indian Spiritual
Masters of our times. His LIFE PROGRAM is Unique
experience and its lessons for worldly success both. His
are also marvelously structured and are suitable for
oriented Individuals and also for those aspiring for worldly

in its spiritual
other programs
both spiritually

His Books are a real pleasure to read and highly illuminating. They are a
MUST READ for learning LIFES LESSONS in the most effective way.
Here are some of his Beautiful quotes. As You can see these quotes are
as much intended for daily life, as they are for spiritual path.
You will enjoy each quote. But please read, and re-read till the intent gets
into your mind and heart.
1. When God gives us problems, it is to humble us and not to tumble us.
2. Pain is a gift from the divine to look into what is happening more deeply.
3. You should be the master of the mind rather than mind being your master.
You should use the mind rather than let the mind use you.

4. Mind creates misery by its desires, expectations, anger and jealousy

stimulated by unnecessary comparisons.
5. When one is alert, one can transform poison into medicine.
6. A noisy and pushy mind leads one to a state of unhappiness.
7. In a seed, there is an infinite capacity to grow. Infinity exists in a finite
seed. A seed planted becomes a tree. From a tree again there is a fruit,
from a fruit there is a seed, from a seed a tree, so in a finite seed there is
the infinite capacity to grow.
8. Worry is a form of identification. It is useless. Unfortunately many of us
think it is right to worry about someone we love. This is madness in
motion. Give up this voluntary form of suffering.
9. Learn to be a witness to your thoughts and feelings. In the witnessing
consciousness, there is no identification with anything. Identification leads
to misery.
10. Can you dwell a little more on the inner world, the mind? Generally, we
are present physically in a place while being psychologically elsewhere.
Outer seeing makes you see physically where you are. Inner seeing makes
you see psychologically where you are.
11. There is no greater force than awareness. When one increases awareness,
even a poison can turn into a medicine and with no awareness a medicine
can become a poison.
12. There are differences in a relationship. Do not give too much of
importance to them. Give importance to your love and commitment, to
your commonality, like you enjoy the joy rides in an amusement park,
even though it appears scary. It gives you jitters but still you enjoy. Enjoy
your relationship.
13. Negative emotions poison life. Like avoiding poisonous food, avoid
negative emotions. Like how you are very alert when you see a poisonous
snake, be very aware and alert of negative emotions. Let them come,
dont identify with them. Dont participate in them.
14. If you go on comparing, life becomes miserable. If somebody is better
than you, learn from them; enjoy others success. No one can have all the
good qualities. Someone will always be better than you at some level. Do
not whip yourself with this comparison.
15. The Gita encourages us to be calm and serene irrespective of the
situations that we face in life. Only such an individual is closer to
enlightenment who remains calm. The greatest discipline is in keeping our
minds calm in spite of external turbulent situations. This is the core
teaching of the Gita.
16. A Zen Master was asked about the secret of his being always happy. The
Zen Master replied, When I wake up in the morning, I ask myself whether

I want to be in - heaven or hell? Then I decide to be in heaven. The

moment I decide to be in heaven, I create heaven in every moment of my
17. The choice in our life is either we come from commitment or complaint.
We have to decide that. Invariably we find people who are powerful are
those who operate from commitment. And those who are powerless,
always operate from complaint. Ones state of being will be powerful if
one operates from commitment.
18. Another dimension one needs to add is to operate from selflessness.
When we do something that is selfless, we find unknown forces
mysteriously strengthen our hands. Pathanjali, a great Yogi says, Do
something good be in the path of goodness, and you will find forces
that mysteriously help you.
19. Understand that you are the creator of your suffering. This understanding
will help you dissolve suffering. An unhappy person in heaven will convert
even heaven into hell; a happy person can convert hell into heaven. So,
change is not required anywhere except within oneself.
20. There are two types of sufferings :- Legitimate; Illegitimate;
Legitimate suffering is sorrow that is proportionate to the situation. For
example your son dies in an accident. This sorrow is valid. But if you
continue worrying for more than one or two years, then there is a
psychological aspect to it. To handle legitimate sufferings, one should
understand that such suffering is the result of your past deeds
Illegitimate suffering is suffering that is not proportionate to the situation.
For example, somebody calls you a fool. You brood over it for days on end.
It is this suffering that one can end through right thinking.
21. When your suffering is due to Karma, your past deeds, you have to
understand that you are only repaying your debt.
22. Surrender is a leap from the ordinary to the sacred; from the logical to the
cosmic. Surrender is like opening the third eye.
23. Surrender is in the realization that God gives me what I need more than
what I want. Surrender is trust. Surrender is being open to life.
24. Mostly, tensions emerge from the way your mind languages your
experience. For example, a student runs several miles and enjoys running
but when it is made a punishment, running creates tension. Where does
the tension come from? It is through the interpretations in ones mind.
25. Observe a surfer. the stronger the waves, the more does he enjoy it. He
decides that he is going to enjoy the waves while surfing. When waves are
strong, he is totally present in the moment. There are no interfering
thoughts in him. In such space something in him makes him very alive to
the life around him.

26. Learn to be in the present. Be aware of the present in total. There is joy
being in the present. Do not get lost either in the past or future.
27. Learn to live from the higher self and not from the lower self. The
higher self encourages you, as it is filled with positiveness. The lower
self is an interfering self. It discourages you. It acts more like an obstacle.
28. Can my house be like that of a rich man? Or can my house be better than
that of my neighbour? You are always lost in comparison. But life is
simple. Ambitions make it complex. Only if you stop the greedy game of
going ahead of others, can you be happy.
29. A meditative attitude is very different. Meditation awakens your
awareness. Once your awareness is of high order, you realise the
foolishness of comparison. You would not allow others success to define
your failure. You would see the beauty of what is and not get lost in what
should be.
30. You would see the uniqueness of yourself. Everyone is unique. Everyone is
incomparable. You would learn the art of seeing beauty even in
imperfection. You would participate in the miracle of life than being busy
in judging life. You would listen to the music of life. You would listen to the
mantra of life or the song of life. Your listening would be with your heart.
Without this inner and outer, music will not be heard. With this, your
perception awakens to newer heights.
31. Commitment is the language of the wise; complaint is the language of the
fools. Commitment is a responsibility and also includes accountability. In
life, one should be responsible as well as accountable. Generally one takes
responsibility without accountability; this weakens ones being.
32. We have both - an actor and a thinker in us. Every time we lie, the thinker
warns us that we are lying and the actor asks us to shut up and continue
telling lies. In such a state, there is a split in our being between the
actor and the thinker. It is like riding a chariot with two horses, with the
horses going in two different directions. Commitment creates integrity. In
this state, it is easier to bring forth the excellence in our lives.
33. Excellence happens when there is love to grow and contribute.
34. Creativity occurs primarily through the power of intention. Intention is like
sowing a seed in existence. Allow it to germinate. Allow the forces of
nature to nurture life.
35. Commitment also involves dropping illusions. We do not see the world as
it is. We see the world projected through our verbose minds.
36. When you are unhappy, there is a pay-off, People give you sympathy.
When you are happy, you have to pay a price. people feel jealous of

37. Since childhood you play this racket of getting attention. As you grow up
this game continues. Have you seen beautiful girls? They tempt men and
when a man falls for them, they push him aside and thus feel strong. This
is called the kiss me off racket. Men also use anger as a racket to protect
their inner wound. Anger in such a case becomes a defence mechanism.
38. Rackets are manipulative games to seek attention. They are types of
mental sickness. Ones psychological immune system becomes weak.
Hence, one is prone to the path of wrong, like when ones bodys immune
system is weak; one is prone to an infection.
39. Become aware. Each time you are miserable, it is your choice. This is your
game. You have some hidden agenda. If you see the foolishness of the
hidden agenda, then you will drop it. It is like being tempted to eat excess
sweets, but the moment you know it is harmful; you will not be tempted to
eat them.
40. Buddha, Krishna and Jesus can still be communicated to, if only you are
more meditative. Their presence is never destroyed. Lord Krishna in the
Gita says, They are fools who consider me to be only the body. All great
masters can be connected to, if you are more meditative. You need not be
frustrated if you cant meet your master. Be in silence. Ask your question
in that space of silence and you get an answer not from the mind but from
the beyond. You have to experience this. This is not a matter of logic; it is
a matter of experience
41. Do we have likes and dislikes or do likes and dislikes have us? As
unconscious beings, likes and dislikes control our lives. Conscious beings
are masters of likes and dislikes. When likes and dislikes are under your
control, they will serve you and in such a state, you are not messed up.
Likes and dislikes are not the problem. However, do they control your life,
or are you controlling them, is the real question.
With Hearty Greetings to
All readers &
Especially the followers & Disciples of the Swamiji





Lots of things are happening at Velliangiri and in the world centred
around Velliangiri. Sadhguru has been busy in changing the world as
always. And, so are all his disciples, in their own ways. The world too, is
responding positively in many ways. A saints efforts are always fruitful
they never go waste. More about the happenings in a subsequent Post.
But, here are some of Sadhgurus words of Wisdom, his Great Quotes of
recent past.
I have tried to put the OPERATIVE PART of these quotes in bold. This is
because, Sadhgurus quotes are almost always, THINGS TO DO & THINGS
Not just to read, feel good and forget.
Harmony in the world will happen only when man is truly harmonious
within himself
Leadership is not about dominance, leadership is a certain sacrifice.
If you know how to keep yourself pleasant within, irrespective of what
is happening around you, Ultimate Liberation cannot be denied to you
The question is not what you do or what you do not do - how you do it is
what changes your life.
Only when man is willing to change himself, there can be a true
Any method to heighten the presence of that which is the source of
creation within you, is yoga.
The physical needs logic. For that which is beyond the physical, logic is
of no use.

It is only when you become aware of death that you want to know what
life is about. Once you come to terms with death and you are
conscious that you will die, you will want to make every moment of
your life as beautiful as possible.
Inward is not a direction. Inward is a dimension.
Being spiritual does not mean being dead serious. If you allow life to
happen within you exuberantly, unbridled, you will touch the spirit.
Being a seeker means no matter what the Vedas said, what Krishna or
Shiva said, you have to know the truth in your own experience.
There is no such thing as right and wrong in life. The question is,are your
actions all-inclusive and appropriate.
Look clearly and deeply - beyond all compulsions of body and mind - what
it is that you really want to do, and just do it.
If you constantly remember that you are mortal, you will walk gently
and sensibly upon this planet
To be spiritual means to be an emperor within yourself. This is the only
way to be
Life has come from a very beautiful source. If you remain in touch with
that source, everything about you will be beautiful.
A spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair
with life
The Moment you identify something as good or bad, you're justdividing
the world
When your mind is full of assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs, it
has no penetration, it just repeats past impressions
Money can only make your surroundings pleasant. It cannot
create inner pleasantness.
Do not think about money, think about living well. The most
important aspect of living well is that you are doing what you really
care about.
If you live your life burning for the highest possibility, in that burning
itself, there is liberation.
If you want everyone to fall in love with you, the first thing is,
you must fall in love with all of them.
Spiritual process is not about chanting a mantra or closing
about enhancing
your perception.
Whenever a child enters people's lives, most people tend to think it is time
to teach. No. When a child enters your life, it is time to learn because
between you and your child, who is more joyful? - The child.

You cannot be receptive when you are too full of yourself.

The less you are, the more you receive. The more you are, the
less you receive.
Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in
such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine
Everything in this cosmos is happening wonderfully well. But
just one nasty little thought coming up in your head is
enough to make it a bad day.
f you go on thinking about life, there will be no life left in you. The
only way is to live it, to experience it, and to enhance your
perception of life.
Confusion is better than stupid conclusions. In confusion, there is still a
possibility. In stupid conclusion, there is no possibility.
The only reason why you are unhappy is because you are trying to be
Most people only experience peace and transcendence when they are
dead. But in the yogic tradition, the word "samadhi" is used to describe a
state in which one has transcended the limitations of the body and
mind, and this happens in life
The relationship between the people of India and Japan is not limited to
mere trade and commerce. I can proudly say that theearliest Indian
export to Japan was Buddhas teachings, which are still much valued.
Whether god or somebody else loves you does not make a difference for
you. If you are loving, it makes your life very sweet.
When you live for everyone, everyone takes care of you
When one is overfed and another one is hungry, I call that a disaster.
=With all Love & Respects
For all Sadhgurus Disciples



Here are some beautiful thoughts and explanations on Yoga from OSHO as
extracted from his Book, Alpha & Omega, Chapter.1. Vol.1. The clarity you will
find in OSHOs thoughts is really impressive and unmatchable :
1. Yoga is a method to come to a non-dreaming mind.
2. Yoga is the science to be in the here and now.
3. Yoga means now you are ready not to move into the future.
4. Yoga means to encounter the reality as it is.
5. One can enter yoga only when he is totally frustrated with his own mind as it is.
6. Yoga means that now there is no hope, now there is no future, now there are no desires. One
is ready to know what is. One is not interested in what can be, what should be, what ought to
7. You can go on doing asanas, postures; that is not yoga. Yoga is an inward turning. It is a total
about-turn. When you are not moving into the future, not moving toward the past, then you
start moving within yourself because your being is here and now, it is not in the future.
8. Yoga is not a religion. Yoga is a pure science just like mathematics, physics or chemistry. it
is just an accident that Hindus discovered it. It is not Hindu. It is a pure mathematics of the
inner being.
9. Yoga doesnt say to believe in anything. Yoga says, experience. Experiment and experience
are both the same, their directions are different. Experiment means something you can do
outside; experience means something you can do inside. Experience is an inside experiment.
10. Science says: Dont believe, doubt as much as you can. But also, dont disbelieve, because
disbelief is again a sort of belief.
11. Yoga is existential, experiential, experimental. No belief is required, no faith is needed only
courage to experience.
12. Yoga is not is difficult, arduous, and sometimes it seems impossible. It is an
existential approach. You will come to the truth, but not through belief, but through your
own experience, through your own realization.

13. Yoga is both a death and a new life. As you are, you will have to die, and unless you die the
new cannot be born. Unless you are ready to die, you cannot be reborn.
14. Yoga is not a philosophy. ... It is not something you can think about. It is something you will
have to be.
15. Yoga is concerned with your total being, with your roots.
16. With Patanjali we will be trying to know the ultimate laws of being: the laws of its
transformation, the laws of how to die and how to be reborn again, the laws of a new order of
17. Simply do what he(Patanjali) says and the result will happen. The result is bound to happen;
18. Yoga is not a shastra; it is not a scripture. It is a discipline. ..It is not curiosity; it is not
philosophic speculation. .. It is a question of life and death.
19. Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos. As you are, you
are totally disorderly.
20. Gurdjieff says that you are not one, you are a crowd, not even when you say I,...There are
many Is in you, many egos. In the morning, one I; in the afternoon, another I; in the
evening, a third I, but you never become aware of this mess because who will become
aware of it? There is not a center who can become aware.
21. As you are, you are a crowd and a crowd has many phenomena. One is, you cannot believe a
crowd. Gurdjieff used to say that man cannot promise. Who will promise? You are not there.
If you promise, who will fulfill the promise? Next morning the one who promised is no more.
And you are a Rotary Club: the chairman goes on changing. Every member becomes a rotary
chairman. Rotation is there. Every moment someone else is the master. Up until now you
have lived as a chaos, a crowd.
22. A crowd cannot be blissful, a crowd has got no self. .. Bliss means absolute silence, and
silence is possible only when there is harmony-when all the discordant fragments have
become one, when there is no crowd, but one... Right now everybody else is in your house,
you are not there. Only guests are there, the host is always absent. And only the host can be
23. Discipline means the capacity to be, the capacity to know, the capacity to learn. ...All the
yoga postures are not really concerned with the body, they are concerned with the capacity to
be. Patanjali says if you can sit silently without moving your body for few hours, you are
growing in the capacity to be. ..the body will become a slave; it will follow you. ..... if the body
is not moving your mind cannot move, because mind and body are not two things.... You are
not body and mind, you are body-mind...The mind is the most subtle part of the body. Or
you can say the reverse, that body is the most gross part of the mind.
24. Whatsoever happens in the body happens in the mind, and the vice versa.... In a nonmoving
body, the mind cannot move; it needs a moving body...If the body is non-moving, the mind is
non-moving, you are centered.

25. Only through discipline you will become a disciple. Only through being centered you will
become humble, you will become receptive, you will become empty, and the guru, the
Master, can pour himself into you.
26. A disciple means one who is centered, humble, receptive, open, ready, alert, waiting,
prayerful. In yoga, the Master is very, very important, absolutely important, because only
when you are in a close proximity of a being who is centered your own centering will happen.
27. Satsang means in close proximity of the means near a Master who has become one
with the truth just being near him, open, receptive and waiting. If your waiting has become
deep, intense, a deep communion will happen. The Master simply there, available. If you
are open, he will flow within you. This flowing is called SATSANG....
28. A disciple means one who is ready to receive, who has become a womb...Discourse may be
there, but discourse is just an excuse. ... if you are a disciple, if you are a disciplined being,
your mind is engaged in listening to me, your being can be in SATSANG. Then your head is
occupied, your heart is open.
29. Then on a deeper level, a meeting happens. That meeting is satsang, and everything else is
just an excuse, just to find ways to be close to the Master. Closeness is all, but only a disciple
can be close.
30. Closeness means a loving trust. Why we are not close? Because there is fear. ...A disciple can
be close for two reasons. One: he is a centered one; he is trying to be centered...A person who
is trying even to be centered becomes unafraid; he becomes fearless. He has something
which cannot be killed. You dont have anything, hence the fear. You are a crowd. The crowd
can disperse any moment. You dont have something like a rock which will be there
whatsoever happens.
31. You may have wives and husbands and so-called lovers, but there is no love, because love
needs closeness, love needs trust. You may have gurus, Masters, but there is no disciplehood
because you cannot allow yourself to be totally given to somebodys being, nearness to his
being, closeness to his being, so that he can overpower you, overflood you.
32. A disciple means a seeker who is not a crowd, who is trying to be centered and crystallized, at
least trying, making efforts, sincere efforts to become individual, to feel his being, to become
his own master. All discipline of yoga is an effort to make you a master of yourself. As you
are, you are just a slave of many, many desires. Many, many masters are there, and you are
just a slave and pulled in many directions.
33. NOW THE DISCIPLINE OF YOGA. Yoga is discipline. It is an effort on your part to change
yourself. ... Yoga is not a therapy. ..a therapy is needed if you are ill, a therapy is needed if
you are diseased, a therapy is needed if you are pathological. A discipline is needed even
when you are healthy. Really, when you are healthy only, a discipline can help then. It is not
for pathological cases. Yoga is for those who are completely healthy as far as medical science
is concerned, normal.... Yoga is for a higher order of health,.. a different type of being and
wholeness....but the society itself is ill!...So sometimes it happens that in an ill society a
healthy person is thought to be is not trying in any way to make you adjusted to the
society.... but it is adjustment with existence itself. It is adjustment with the divine!... it may

happen that a perfect yogi may appear mad to you...because now he is in touch with the
greater, with a higher mind, higher order of things...with the universal mind.
34. NOW THE DISCIPLINE OF YOGA. If your mind has come to realize that whatsoever you
have been doing up to now was just senseless, it was a nightmare at the worst or a beautiful
dream at the best then the path of discipline opens before you.
35. The basic definition is, YOGA IS THE CESSATION OF MIND
36. Yoga is the state of no-mind. The word mind covers all your egos, your desires, your
hopes, your philosophies, your religions, your scriptures. Mind covers all. Whatsoever you
can think is mind...Cessation of the mind means cessation of the known, cessation of the
knowable....Yoga is a jump into the unknown.
37. When there is no mind, you are in yoga; when there is mind you are not in yoga. So you may
do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on thinking, you are not in
yoga. Yoga is the state of no-mind. Because the basic thing to be understood is: when the
activity of thinking is not there, you are there;
38. In the West now, there is much appeal for Zen a Japanese method of yoga. The word zen
comes from dhyana. Bodhidharma introduced this word dhyana in China. In China the word
dhyana became jhan and then chan and then the word traveled to Japan and became zen.
39. When Patanjali says, no-mind, cessation of mind, he means complete cessation. He will not
allow you to make a japa, Ram-Ram-Ram. He will say that this is not cessation; you are
using the mind. He will say, Simply stop! but you will ask, How? How to simply stop?
The mind continues.
40. When you can simply look without being identified with the mind, without judging, without
appreciating, condemning, without choosing you simply look and the mind flows, a time
comes when by itself, of itself, the mind stops.
41. When there is no mind, you are established in your witnessing. Then you have become a
witness just a seer-a drashta, a sakchhi. Then you are not a doer, then you are not a
thinker. Then you are simply being pure being, purest of being. Then the witness is
established in itself.
42. Patanjali will never say that, I am hungry.He will say The body is hungry; he will say,
My stomach is feeling hungry; he will say, There is hunger. I am a witness. I have come to
witness this thought, which has been flashed by the belly in the brain, that I am hungry.
The belly is hungry; Patanjali will remain a witness. You become identified, you become one
with the thought.
43. When mind ceases, you are established in your witnessing self. In other states, except this,
there are identifications. ..If you are in the identifications, you are in the world, in the
misery. If you have transcended the identifications, you are liberated. ...You have
transcended this world of misery and entered the world of bliss.
***To Be Continued.......



Here are some beautiful thoughts and explanations on Yoga from OSHO as
extracted from his Book, Alpha & Omega, Chapter.1. Vol.1. The clarity you will
find in OSHOs thoughts is really impressive and unmatchable :
1. Yoga is a method to come to a non-dreaming mind.
2. Yoga is the science to be in the here and now.
3. Yoga means now you are ready not to move into the future.
4. Yoga means to encounter the reality as it is.
5. One can enter yoga only when he is totally frustrated with his own mind as it is.
6. Yoga means that now there is no hope, now there is no future, now there are no desires. One
is ready to know what is. One is not interested in what can be, what should be, what ought to
7. You can go on doing asanas, postures; that is not yoga. Yoga is an inward turning. It is a total
about-turn. When you are not moving into the future, not moving toward the past, then you
start moving within yourself because your being is here and now, it is not in the future.
8. Yoga is not a religion. Yoga is a pure science just like mathematics, physics or chemistry. it
is just an accident that Hindus discovered it. It is not Hindu. It is a pure mathematics of the
inner being.
9. Yoga doesnt say to believe in anything. Yoga says, experience. Experiment and experience
are both the same, their directions are different. Experiment means something you can do
outside; experience means something you can do inside. Experience is an inside experiment.

10. Science says: Dont believe, doubt as much as you can. But also, dont disbelieve, because
disbelief is again a sort of belief.
11. Yoga is existential, experiential, experimental. No belief is required, no faith is needed only
courage to experience.
12. Yoga is not is difficult, arduous, and sometimes it seems impossible. It is an
existential approach. You will come to the truth, but not through belief, but through your
own experience, through your own realization.
13. Yoga is both a death and a new life. As you are, you will have to die, and unless you die the
new cannot be born. Unless you are ready to die, you cannot be reborn.
14. Yoga is not a philosophy. ... It is not something you can think about. It is something you will
have to be.
15. Yoga is concerned with your total being, with your roots.
16. With Patanjali we will be trying to know the ultimate laws of being: the laws of its
transformation, the laws of how to die and how to be reborn again, the laws of a new order of
17. Simply do what he(Patanjali) says and the result will happen. The result is bound to happen;
18. Yoga is not a shastra; it is not a scripture. It is a discipline. ..It is not curiosity; it is not
philosophic speculation. .. It is a question of life and death.
19. Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos. As you are, you
are totally disorderly.
20. Gurdjieff says that you are not one, you are a crowd, not even when you say I,...There are
many Is in you, many egos. In the morning, one I; in the afternoon, another I; in the
evening, a third I, but you never become aware of this mess because who will become
aware of it? There is not a center who can become aware.
21. As you are, you are a crowd and a crowd has many phenomena. One is, you cannot believe a
crowd. Gurdjieff used to say that man cannot promise. Who will promise? You are not there.
If you promise, who will fulfill the promise? Next morning the one who promised is no more.
And you are a Rotary Club: the chairman goes on changing. Every member becomes a rotary
chairman. Rotation is there. Every moment someone else is the master. Up until now you
have lived as a chaos, a crowd.
22. A crowd cannot be blissful, a crowd has got no self. .. Bliss means absolute silence, and
silence is possible only when there is harmony-when all the discordant fragments have
become one, when there is no crowd, but one... Right now everybody else is in your house,
you are not there. Only guests are there, the host is always absent. And only the host can be
23. Discipline means the capacity to be, the capacity to know, the capacity to learn. ...All the
yoga postures are not really concerned with the body, they are concerned with the capacity to
be. Patanjali says if you can sit silently without moving your body for few hours, you are
growing in the capacity to be. ..the body will become a slave; it will follow you. ..... if the body
is not moving your mind cannot move, because mind and body are not two things.... You are

not body and mind, you are body-mind...The mind is the most subtle part of the body. Or
you can say the reverse, that body is the most gross part of the mind.
24. Whatsoever happens in the body happens in the mind, and the vice versa.... In a nonmoving
body, the mind cannot move; it needs a moving body...If the body is non-moving, the mind is
non-moving, you are centered.
25. Only through discipline you will become a disciple. Only through being centered you will
become humble, you will become receptive, you will become empty, and the guru, the
Master, can pour himself into you.
26. A disciple means one who is centered, humble, receptive, open, ready, alert, waiting,
prayerful. In yoga, the Master is very, very important, absolutely important, because only
when you are in a close proximity of a being who is centered your own centering will happen.
27. Satsang means in close proximity of the means near a Master who has become one
with the truth just being near him, open, receptive and waiting. If your waiting has become
deep, intense, a deep communion will happen. The Master simply there, available. If you
are open, he will flow within you. This flowing is called SATSANG....
28. A disciple means one who is ready to receive, who has become a womb...Discourse may be
there, but discourse is just an excuse. ... if you are a disciple, if you are a disciplined being,
your mind is engaged in listening to me, your being can be in SATSANG. Then your head is
occupied, your heart is open.
29. Then on a deeper level, a meeting happens. That meeting is satsang, and everything else is
just an excuse, just to find ways to be close to the Master. Closeness is all, but only a disciple
can be close.
30. Closeness means a loving trust. Why we are not close? Because there is fear. ...A disciple can
be close for two reasons. One: he is a centered one; he is trying to be centered...A person who
is trying even to be centered becomes unafraid; he becomes fearless. He has something
which cannot be killed. You dont have anything, hence the fear. You are a crowd. The crowd
can disperse any moment. You dont have something like a rock which will be there
whatsoever happens.
31. You may have wives and husbands and so-called lovers, but there is no love, because love
needs closeness, love needs trust. You may have gurus, Masters, but there is no disciplehood
because you cannot allow yourself to be totally given to somebodys being, nearness to his
being, closeness to his being, so that he can overpower you, overflood you.
32. A disciple means a seeker who is not a crowd, who is trying to be centered and crystallized, at
least trying, making efforts, sincere efforts to become individual, to feel his being, to become
his own master. All discipline of yoga is an effort to make you a master of yourself. As you
are, you are just a slave of many, many desires. Many, many masters are there, and you are
just a slave and pulled in many directions.
33. NOW THE DISCIPLINE OF YOGA. Yoga is discipline. It is an effort on your part to change
yourself. ... Yoga is not a therapy. ..a therapy is needed if you are ill, a therapy is needed if
you are diseased, a therapy is needed if you are pathological. A discipline is needed even
when you are healthy. Really, when you are healthy only, a discipline can help then. It is not

for pathological cases. Yoga is for those who are completely healthy as far as medical science
is concerned, normal.... Yoga is for a higher order of health,.. a different type of being and
wholeness....but the society itself is ill!...So sometimes it happens that in an ill society a
healthy person is thought to be is not trying in any way to make you adjusted to the
society.... but it is adjustment with existence itself. It is adjustment with the divine!... it may
happen that a perfect yogi may appear mad to you...because now he is in touch with the
greater, with a higher mind, higher order of things...with the universal mind.
34. NOW THE DISCIPLINE OF YOGA. If your mind has come to realize that whatsoever you
have been doing up to now was just senseless, it was a nightmare at the worst or a beautiful
dream at the best then the path of discipline opens before you.
35. The basic definition is, YOGA IS THE CESSATION OF MIND
36. Yoga is the state of no-mind. The word mind covers all your egos, your desires, your
hopes, your philosophies, your religions, your scriptures. Mind covers all. Whatsoever you
can think is mind...Cessation of the mind means cessation of the known, cessation of the
knowable....Yoga is a jump into the unknown.
37. When there is no mind, you are in yoga; when there is mind you are not in yoga. So you may
do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on thinking, you are not in
yoga. Yoga is the state of no-mind. Because the basic thing to be understood is: when the
activity of thinking is not there, you are there;
38. In the West now, there is much appeal for Zen a Japanese method of yoga. The word zen
comes from dhyana. Bodhidharma introduced this word dhyana in China. In China the word
dhyana became jhan and then chan and then the word traveled to Japan and became zen.
39. When Patanjali says, no-mind, cessation of mind, he means complete cessation. He will not
allow you to make a japa, Ram-Ram-Ram. He will say that this is not cessation; you are
using the mind. He will say, Simply stop! but you will ask, How? How to simply stop?
The mind continues.
40. When you can simply look without being identified with the mind, without judging, without
appreciating, condemning, without choosing you simply look and the mind flows, a time
comes when by itself, of itself, the mind stops.
41. When there is no mind, you are established in your witnessing. Then you have become a
witness just a seer-a drashta, a sakchhi. Then you are not a doer, then you are not a
thinker. Then you are simply being pure being, purest of being. Then the witness is
established in itself.
42. Patanjali will never say that, I am hungry.He will say The body is hungry; he will say,
My stomach is feeling hungry; he will say, There is hunger. I am a witness. I have come to
witness this thought, which has been flashed by the belly in the brain, that I am hungry.
The belly is hungry; Patanjali will remain a witness. You become identified, you become one
with the thought.
43. When mind ceases, you are established in your witnessing self. In other states, except this,
there are identifications. ..If you are in the identifications, you are in the world, in the

misery. If you have transcended the identifications, you are liberated. ...You have
transcended this world of misery and entered the world of bliss.
***To Be Continued.......


India is fortunate to have Great saints as Gurus. One of the Greatest
Saint cum Guru with us today is Sri Sri Ravishankar. His signpost is his
smile. This smile is the proof of his inner calm and inner joy.
I collect his quotes from his various satsangs and speeches. You will find a
few of his advices below. They are beautiful quotes but, more than that,
they are great statements of how one must live ones life. I will follow up
these with a lot more in the future posts. Here are the quotes :
During challenging times, have an attitude of sacrifice, face it, be with
the knowledge that this will also change. During good times, have an
attitude of service and serve everyone to your best capacity.(The Divine
loves you dearly, Dec,22,2011)
Accept people as they are. We expect people to be like ourselves. Have
you found anybody just like yourself? If you find such people, you cannot
spend even five minutes with them. You will want to run away. So,
however a person is, accept them. .(The Divine loves you dearly,
Nobody has the time to think about you. Everybody is lost in their own
world. You worry unnecessarily about what other people will think about
you. Give people the freedom to think whatever they want about you.
Opinions keep changing.(The Divine loves you dearly, Dec,22,2011)
If someone does a mistake, don't think they have done it
intentionally. Similar to how you make mistakes, know that they made
a mistake as well and move on. (The Divine loves you dearly,
Live in the present moment. If you hold on to the past, neither can you
be happy nor can you make others happy. Live like a child, in the present
moment. .(The Divine loves you dearly, Dec,22,2011)
Corruption begins where belongingness ends. Nobody can be corrupt with
people whom they feel connected to

Our country is in this state not because of bad people, but because good
people are silent and are not doing anything about it. The number of bad
people is just a few.
know what is permanent and what is ever-changing. When you know
everything is changing it is because there is a reference point that does
not change.
Whatever joy sex gives, Samadhi is thousand times more joyful because
there is no effort, there is no action there. It is only Being and just Being.
So just the Being consciousness, the play and display of consciousness
comes to ones awareness, comes to ones experience. This is very
beautiful. (13.12.2011. YOU ARE COMPLETE)
Dont keep any corner of your existence away from Divinity. The Divine
should be interwoven into every aspect of your life and this is called
Brahmacharya, which means moving in the infinity, uniting with the
infinity. (13.12.2011. YOU ARE COMPLETE).
Adi Shankar once said, One who labels themselves as something is a fool
and one who labels themselves as nothing is a bigger fool. One who is
nothing does not talk, so just keep quiet. How can you say I am nothing
when you are saying something?! There cannot be somebody there saying
I am nothing. So keep quiet, shut up. If you are nothing then shut up. Be
quiet. (13.12.2011. YOU ARE COMPLETE)
Light is the indication of life. Fire always goes up, even if you bend the
torch. Similarly, there must be enthusiasm irrespective of the situations in
life. People and situations may try to pull you down, but you must keep
yourself enthusiastic. It indicates that you have to move ahead
irrespective of the situations in life. (A disciple should be hollow and
"This New Year go to a place where everything is beautiful !
That place is within you! Wherever you go after that, you will add
The ultimate truth of life is that we will leave everything behind. (The
Divine loves you dearly, Dec,22,2011)
Your feet must be warm, your stomach should be soft and head should be
cool. This is the sign of a healthy person. Unhealthiness is when your
feet are cold, head is hot and stomach is like a stone. (The Divine loves
you dearly, Dec,22,2011)
There is no greater penance than Pranayama.
- With meditation, the consciousness gets purified
- With bhajans, emotions get purified.So Listen to music
- With knowledge, the intellect gets purified. (The knowledge that
everything and everyone is temporary)
- With charity, wealth gets purified.
-With Ghee(Clarified butter), food gets purified.
-With Exercise and Ayurveda, the body gets purified

*** E N D ***

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