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Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh are the
state of India lying completely in the Himalayas.
Uttarakhand lies partly in the Himalayas and partly in the northern plains.
Coastal States of India: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goal Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal.
States having international boundary and coastline: Gujarat, West Bengal.
States having neither coastline nor international boundary 1. Madhya Pradesh 2.
Haryana 3. Chhattisgarh 4. Jharkhand.
Assam and UP share boundary with 8 other states.
Assam shares 2 international boundaries and 8 states.
UP has 8 state boundaries and 1 international boundary.
Boundary line between India and China is divided into 3 partso J & K sector Western sector,H.P. and Uttarakhand Middle sector
o Arunachal Pradesh Eastern sector
Eastern sector Mc Mahon line demarcated in 1914 according to Shimla
Agreement between British and Tibet.
Boundary line between British India and Afghanistan Durand line.
Central Asian Republic very close to India Tajikistan.
Water Body separate India and Sri Lanka Palk strain.
Water body separate Lakshadweep from Maldives 8 degree Channel.
Andaman and Nicobar islands are separated by 10 degree Channel.
Duncan passage is between South Andaman and Little Andaman.
Water body between Indonesia and Andaman and Nicobar islands Great Channel.

Water body between Andaman and Nicobar islands and Thailand is Andaman sea.
2 Provinces of China that borders with India Tibet and Sikiang.

Out of the total area of the country about 10.6% is occupied by mountains, 18.5% by
hills, 27.7% by plateaus and 43.2% by the plains.
India may be divided into four major physiographic regions, viz, 1. The Northern
Mountains, 2. The Great Plains, 3. The Peninsular Uplands, and 4. The Indian
Coasts and Islands.


The region extends all along the northern frontier of the country, for about 2500 km,
with a varying width of 240 to 320 km and a total area of about 5,00,000 km 2.
Himalayas represent the youngest and the highest folded mountains of the earth,
rising to over 8000 m above sea level and consisting of three parallel ranges: (a)
Himadri (Greater Himalaya), (b) Himachal (Lesser Himalaya), and (c) the Siwaliks
(Outer Himalayas.).
The Vale of Kashmir, about 135 km long and 40 km broad, is the only large level
strip of land in the Himalayas.
In the Himalayas snow fields cover about 40,000 sq km of area from Kashmir to
The height of snow line varies between 4000-5800 m in the east and 4500-6000m in
the west.
The Himalayas are intersected by numerous valleys like Kashmir valley, the
Karewas, the Doon valley, the Kangra and Kullu valley (Himachal Pradesh),
Kathmandu valley (Nepal), Bhagirathi valley (near Gangotri) and Mandakini valley
(near Kedarnath).

The Himalayas may be conveniently divided into following four parallel zones.
o The Tibetan Zone: This is about 40 km wide and consists of fossil bearing
marine sediments which are underlain by tertiary granite.
o The Greater Himalayan Zone: This zone rises abruptly like a wall north of the
Lesser Himalayas. It is about 25 km wide with average height above 5000 m.
o The Lesser Himalayan Zone: It is about 80 km wide with average height
between 1300 to 5000 m. It generally consists of unfossiliferous sediments or
metamorphosed crystallines, constituting the main people nappe zone in the
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Garhwal sections.
o The Sub-Himalayan Zone: This is a 8 to 45 l, wide zone with average height
below 1300 m.

Abu Gamin: Himalayan peak situated in the Chamoli district o Uttarakhand. It is
located in the central Himalayas.
Agastya Malai: Mountain, peak, which lines on the border between Kerala and Tamil
The Arwa Group: A group of the three Himalayan peaks namely, Arwa Tower, Arwa
Crest and Arwa Spire.
Balakun peak: Located in the Garhwal Himalayas in the Chamoli district of
Bamba Dhura: Himalayan peak situated in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand.
The Changabang: A steep and rocky peak located in the Garhwal Himalaya of
Chiring We: The highest peak above the Kalabaland Glacier situated in the Kumaon

The Ghent Kangri: A high peak in the Saltoro range of mountains located in Ladakh
district of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Guru Shikhar: the highest peak in Rajasthan situated at a height of 5676 meters
above mean sea level.
Nanda Kot: Mountain peak in the Himalayan range and is a part of the Kumaon
Nilkantha: Himalayan peak in the Garhwal division in the state of Uttarakhand.
Panchchuli: A group of five snow-capped peaks in the Himalayas, which are a part of
the Kumaon division.
Rajrambha: Himalayan peak situated in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand.
Sandakfu: The highest peak in the state of West Bengal.
Sangthang: Himalayan peak situated in the easternmost part of Kumaun at an
altitude of 6,480 meters above mean sea level.
Snsogor: The highest peak in Goa situated at a height of 1,167 meters above mean
sea level.
Uja Tirche: Is a peak which is near to the Tibetan border and is a part of the Nanda
Devi group of the Kumaon/Garhwal Himalaya.


Araku Valley

Andhra Pradesh

Damodar Valley

Jharkhand West Bengal

Darma Valley


Dzukou Valley

North-eastern part

Johar Valley

Markha Valley

Nubra Valley


Sangla Valley

Himachal Pradesh

Saur Valley


Suru Valley


Tons Valley


Yumthang Valley


The sub-Himalaya( Siwaliks):
o The range has a total length of about 2400 km from the Indus gorge to the
Brahmaputra Valley.
o It is known by various local names, i.e., the Jammu hills (Jammu and
Kashmir), the Dundwa range (Uttarakhand), The Churia Muria hills (Nepal),
the Daffla, Miri, Abor and Mishmi hills (Arunachal Pradesh).
o The gorges of the Tista and the Raidak have jointly formed a 90 km gap in the
Siwalik range.
o This is a 8 to 45 km wide zone with average height below 1300 m.
o The Siwalik Range forms the southern part of the zone and the intervening
areas is generally occupied by the tectonic longitudinal valleys called the
Duns, viz., Dehra, Kotah, Patli, Kothri, Chumbi and Kyarda.

The Lesser Himalaya( Himachal):

o It is about 80 km wide with average height between 1300 to 5000 m.
o It generally consists of unfossiliferous sediments or metamorphosed
crystallines, constituting the main nappe zone in the Kashmir, Himachal and
Garhwal sections.

o Important ranges include the Dhaulandhar, Pirpanjal, Nag Tiba, Mahabharat

range and Mussoorie range. The famous hill resorts like Shimla, Chail,
Ranikhet, Mussoorie, Nainital, Almora and Darjeeling etc are situated over
this range.
o Along the slopes are found a number of small pastures which are called merg
in Kashmir (viz. Gulmerg, Sonmerg, Tanmerg) and Bugyal and Payar in
o The best known passes of the Pir Panjal and range are the Pir Panjal Pass
(3480 m), the Bidil (4270m), Golabghar (9812m) and Banihal Pass (2835m).
The Jammu-Sri Nagar Highway uses the Banihal Pass.

The Greater Himalaya or Himadri:

o This zone rises abruptly like a wall north of the Lesser Himalayas. It is about
25 km wide with average height above 5000 m.
o The Himadri runs in an arc like shape in a length of 2500 km from Nanga
Parbat (8126m) in the west to Namcha Barwa (7756m) in the east.
o This is the northernmost or the innermost of all the Himalayan ranges.
o With an average elevation of 6100m above sea level and an average width of
about 25 km, this is the loftiest and the most continuous mountain range of
the world.
o It is about 150 km away from the northern edge of the plains of Northern
o This mountain range boasts of the tallest peaks of the world, most of which
remain under perpetual snow.
o There are many peaks over 8000m in altitude. They are, in descending order
of altitude, Mouth Everest, also called Sagarmatha or Chomo Langma (8848),

Lhotse I (8501m), Mount Akalu (8481m), Kanchenjunga South Peak (8474m),

Kanchenjunga West Peak (8420m), Lhotsa Intermediate Peak (8410m), Cho
Oyu (8123m), Nanga Parbat (8126m), Annapurna (8078m), Gosainthan or
Shisha Pangma (8013m), Makalu South peak (8010m).
o Some of the important peaks between 7000 and 8000m elevation are Nanda
Devi (7817m), Kamet (7756m), Namcha Barwa (7756m), Gurla Mandhata
(7728m), Badri Nath (7138m), Trisul (7138m).
o The Burzil pass and Zoji La in Kashmir, Bara Lapcha La and Shipki La in
Himachal Pradesh, Thaga La, Niti Pass and Lipu Lekh Pass in Uttarakhand
and NAtu La, Jelep La in Sikkim are worthy of mention.
o The Hindustan Tibet road connecting Shimla with Gartok in Western Tibel
passes through the Shipki La.
o Another important trade route connecting Kalimpong (near Darjeeling) with
Lhasa in Tibet however passes through Jelep La (4386m).
o The Himadri runs in an arc like shape in a length of 2500 km from Nanga
Parbat (8126 m) in the west to Namcha Barwa (7756 m) in the east.
The Himalayan ranges immediately north of the Great Himalayan range are called
the trans Himalayas.
This part of the Himalayas ranges is also called the Tibetan Himalayas because
most of it lies in Tibet.
This is about 40 km wide and consists of fossil bearing marine sediments which are
underlain by Tertiary granite.
The most important range of the Trans Himalayas is Karakoram range which is
called as the backbone of high Asia.

The Zaskar, the Ladakh, the Kailas and the Karakoram are the main ranges of the
Trans Himalayan system.
It stretches for a distance of about 1000km in east-west direction and its average
elevation is 3000 m above mean sea level.
The Zaskar range branches off from the great Himalayan range near 80 0E longitude
and runs more or less parallel to it.
The Nanga Parbat (8126m) forms its culmination in the northwest but the adjoining
Deosai Mountain may also be included in it.
North of the Zaskar range and running parallel to it is the Ladakh Range. The
Rakaposhi-Haramosh ranges beyond the Indus may be treated as the extension of
the Ladakh range to the northwest. The Kailas range (Gangdise in Chinese) in
western Tibet is an offshoot of the Ladakh range. The highest peak is Mount Kailas
The northern most range of the Trans Himalayan Ranges in India is the Great
Karakoram Range. Karakoram Range extends eastwards from the Pamir for about
800 km. It is the abode of some of the greatest glaciers of the world outside the polar
regions. Some of the peaks are more than 8000 metre above sea level.
K2 (8611m) is the second highest peak in the world and the highest peak in the
Indian Union.
The other peaks located in its neighbourhood and rising more than 8000m above
sea level are the Gasherbrum I or Hidden Peak (8068m), Broad Peak (8047m) and
Gasherbrum II (8035m).
The Ladakh Plateau lies to the northeast the Karakoram Range. With an average
elevation of over five thousand metres above sea level, it is the highest plateau of
the Indian Union.

It has been dissected into a number of plains and mountains, the most outstanding
among them being soda Plains, Aksai Chin, Lingzi Tang, Depsang Plains and Cang


Highest Mt. Peak in India: K2 or Godwin Austin.
Highest peak in Aravalli: Gurushikhar (in Mt Abu)
Highest peak in Satpura Dhupgarh (Mahadeo Hills)
Highest peak in E Ghats Mahendragiri (Orissa)
Highest peak in W Ghats Anaimudi (Annamalai Hills Kerala)
Highes peak in Nilgiris Doda Betta
Hill in Southern Hill complex Nilgiri, Annamalai, Cardamom and Palani
Hills in Eastern Ghats: Shevaroy, Javadi, Palkonda, Nallamalai, Northern Circars
Oblique range of Western Ghats in Maharashtra: Ajanta, Satmala, Harishchandra,
Satpura range from East to West: Amarkantak Maikal Mahadeo Gawilgarh
Highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar islands Saddle Peak
The highest peak of Naga hills is Saramati peak.
After crossing the Dihang gorge, the Himalayas take a sudden southward turn and
form a series of comparatively low hills running in the shape of a crescent with its
convex side pointing towards the west. These hills are collectively called the
Purvanchal because they are located in the eastern part of India.
The hill ranges running in north-south direction along the Burmese border and
passing through Arunachal Pradesh (Tirap division), Nagaland, Manipur and

Mizoram are collectively called Purvanchal. These are known by various local names
i.e. Patkai Bum (Arunachal Pradesh), Naga hills, Kohima hills, Manipul hills, Mizo
hills, Tripura hills and Barail range.
Extending from Arunachal Pradesh in the north to Mizoram in the South, they form
Indias boundary with Myanmar.
In the north is the Patkai Bum, which forms the international boundary between
Arunachal Pradesh and Myanmar.
After running for some distance southwards, it merges into Naga Hills where
Saramati (3826m) is the highest peak.
South of Naga Hills are the Manipur hills, which are generally less than 2500 metres
in elevation.
The Barail range separates Naga Hills from Manipur Hills.
South of the Manipur Hills are the Mizo Hills, which have an elevation of less than
1500 metres. The highest point is the Blue Mountain (2157 m) in the South.
Longitudinally, the Himalayas can be divided into following sections:
The Punjab Himalayas: The 560 km long stretch of the Himalayas between the Indus
and the Sutluj rivers is known as the Punjab Himalayas. A large portion of this sector
lies in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh as a result of which it is also
called the Kashmir and Himachal Himalaya. Karakoram, Ladakh, Pir Panjal, Zaskar
and Dhaula Dhar are the main ranges of this section.
Kumaon Himalayas: This section extends from Sutluj to Kari river valleys and is said
to have 360 lakes, such as Naini Tal and Bhim Tal. The Pilgrimage centres
(Badrinath, Gangotri) located in this section is of particular importance to the Hindus.

Nepal Himalayas: This section extends from Kali to Tista and has the distinction of
having some of the highest peaks in the world including Mt. Everest.
Assam Himalayas: This section extends from Tista to Brahmaputra. Pauhunri and
Kulhakangari are noted peaks.


It is an aggradational formed by the alluvial deposits of the Indus, Ganga and the
Brahmaputra and their tributaries.
The plain stretches from west (from the banks of the Ravi and Sutluj) to east (the Ganga
delta) to a length of 2400 km.
It is about 90-100 km wide in Assam, 160 km near the Rajmahal Hills, 200 kmin Bihar, 280
km near Allahabad and 500 km in Punjab-Rajasthan.
The plain ranges into the Thar Desert in the south-west. A low watershed of the Delhi ridge
(278 m) along the right bank of the Yamuna river separates the Satluj plains (a part of the
Indus plain) from the Ganga plains.
According to the recent studies, the average depth of the alluvium has been estimated at
about 1300-1400 m which goes on decreasing towards south and finally merging with the
irregular edge of the Peninsular block.

The Great Plains may be divided into a number of smaller units on the basis of the
characteristics of alluvium, surface gradient, drainage channels and regional traits.
Bhabar Plains: It lies all along the foot of the Siwaliks with remarkable continuity from the Indus
to the Tista. It is generally 8 to 16 km wide belt consisting of gravel and unasserted sediments
deposited by the Himalayan rivers in the foreland zone due to sudden break of slope.
The porosity is so high that all streams disappear in the Bhabar tract leaving out only dry

The Plains: South of the Bhabar lies a 15-30 km wide marshy tract called terai where streams
reappear to the surface.
It is zone of excessive dampness, thick forests, rich wild life and malarial climate.
Bangar or Bhangar Plains: The Bhangar represents the uplands (alluvial terrace) formed by the
deposition of the older alluvium and lie above the flood-limit of the plains.
The main constituent of Bhangar is clay which at places gives way to loam and sandy-loam.
Khadar Plains: The younger alluvium of the flood plains of the numerous rivers is called the
Khadar or Bet (in Punjab).
Its alluvium is light coloured and poor in calcareous matter consisting of deposits of sand,
silt, mud and clay.
Delta Plains: Deltaic plain is an extension of the Khadar plain. It covers about 1.86 lakh sq km of
area in the lower reaches of the Ganga river (West Bengal). It mainly consists of old mud, new
mud and marsh.

On the basis of regional characteristics, the Great Plains may be divided into following
four regions:
The Rajasthan Plains: This includes Marusthali and Rajasthan Bagar areas (Steppe lands) to
the west of the Aravalli mountains, A part of the plain has also been formed by the recession of
the sea as is evidenced by the occurrence of several brackish water lakes in the region, i.e.
Sambhar, Degana, Kuchaman, Panchpadra, Didwana and Lunkaransar Tal from which table
salt is obtained.
At present Luni is the only flowing river which reaches the sea.
Most of the Rajasthan Plains are covered by vast stretches of sand.
Sand dunes a large area, the southern and western parts have mostly longitudinal dunes
whereas in the eastern and southern parts, where the wind is strong, barkhans and
transverse dunes are common.
The general slope of the Rajasthan Plain is from east to the west towards the Indus river.

The Punjab-Haryana Plains: The Punjab-Haryana Plain owe their origin to the aggradational
activity of the Satluj, and Beas and the Ravi rivers.
The region has two regional slopes, westward towards the Indus river and southwards the
Rann of Kachchh. The south-eastern part of the plains bordering the Rajasthan Plains (near
Hissar) is sandy and is characterized by shifting sand dunes.
On micro regional basis the Punjab-Haryana Plains may be divided into (a) the Bari Doab
(between the Beas and the Ravi), (b) the Bist Doab (between the Beas and the Satluj), (c)
the Malwa Plain (occupying the central part of the region) and (d) the Haryana-Bhiwani
Bagar in the southern and south-eastern part of the region.
The Ganga Plains: The Ganga Plains extend from the Yamuna river in the west to the western
border of Bangladesh covering a distance of about 1,400 km and an average width of 300 km.
The Maximum height is found near Saharanpur (273 m) from where it goes on decreasing
towards the Sagar Islands (3 m).
The Upper Ganga Plain: It occupies a total area of 1,49,029 sq km.
Besides the Ganga and the Yamuna, other important rivers of the region include Ramganga,
Gomati, Ghaghara and Rapti etc.
Upper Ganga Plains is didived into three micro units: (i) the Ganga-Yamuna Doab (ii) the
Rohilkhand Plain and (iii) the Avadh Plain.
The Middle Ganga Plain: The Middle Ganga plain includes eastern Uttar Pradesh and the
Bihar plains.
There are two large troughs, which may be called Gorakhpur trough and Raxaul-Motihari
trough of over 8,000 m deep.
Besides Ganga, Gomati, Ghaghara, Rapti, Gandak, Kosi (in the north), and Son (in the
south) are other important rivers of the region.
The Kosi, called Sorrow of Bihar has shifted its course over 120 km in recent times.
The Middle Ganga Plain can be broadly divided into two sub regions: (a) the Ganga Plain
North and (b) the Ganga Plain South. The former is further divided into four micro units: (i)
the Ganga Ghaghara Doab, (ii) the Saryupar Plain (iii) the Mithila Plain and (iv) the Kosi

Plain. Similarly the Ganga Plain South is subdivided into (v) the Ganga-Son Divide, (vi) the
Magadh Plain, and (vii) the Anga Plain.
THE LOWER GANGA PLAIN: The Lower Ganga plain incorporating an area of 80,968 sq km,
extends from the foot of the Darjeeling Himalaya in the north to the Bay of Bengal in the south.
The eastern part of the Plain is drained by the rivers (Kartoya, Tista, Jaldhakia Torsa,
Sankosh) joining the Brahmaputra, and the western part by the tributaries (Mahananda,
Purnabhaba, Ajay, Damodar, Drarkeswar, Rupnarayan) of Ganga (Padma-Bhagirathi).
THE BRAHMAPUTRA PLAINS: The Brahmaputra Plains, also called as Assam Valley, are the
easternmost part of the Great Plains drained by the Brahmaputra and its tributaries.
These plains from Sadiya (in the east) to Dhubri (near Bangladesh border in the west) are
about 720 km long and about 80 km wide covering a total area of about 56,274 sq km.
The General altitude of the valley ranges from 130 m in the east to 30 m in the west (Sadiya
130 m, Dibrugarh 105m, Sibsagar 97m, Jorhat 87m, Tezpur 79m, Guwahati 55m, and
Dhubri 34m) with as average slope of 12 cm per km. Majuli (area 929 km 2) is the largest
river island in the world.
The Assam Valley is divided into two sub regions: (1) Upper Assam Valley and (2) Lower
Assam Valley. The Upper Assam Valley include the districts of Lakhimpur and Sibsagar and
Tezpur Tahsil of Darrang district. The Lower Assam Valley consists of Dhubri, Goalpara,
Barpeta, Kamrup, Nagaon and Darrang districts.


Covering an area of 16 lakh sq km, the Peninsular Uplands form the largest physiographic
division of India.
The fault in which the Narmada river flows divides the region into two unequal parts; the
smaller one in the north being known as the Central Highlands.
It is lightly tilted towards north. The southern part has been tilted east with bold heights to the
west. This areas is popularly known as the Deccan Plateau comprising the Satpuras,
Western and Eastern Ghats and a large number of plateaus.

On the basis of its physiographic characteristics, the Peninsular Uplands may be divided into
a number of sub-units. These include hill ranges like the Aravallis, Vindhyas, Satpuras,
Sahyadris, the Eastern Ghats, plateaus like Chotanagpur, Meghalaya, Deccan, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Bundelkhand and fertile plain like Malwa, Chhattisgarh etc.
The Aravalli which runs from north-east to south-west for about 800 km between Delhi and
Palanpur (Gujarat) represents a relict of one of the worlds oldest fold mountain systems.
The range becomes more continuous and rising to above 900 m in the south. Its highest
peak lies in Abu hills (Gurushikhar Peak 1722m).


Malwa Plateau with length of 530 km and a width of 390 km, occupies an area of about
15,000 sq. km. It is bordered by the Aravallis in the north, the Vindhyan range in the south
and the Bundelkhand Plateau in the east.
The region has two systems of drainage, one towards the Arabian Sea (Narmada, Tapi and
Mahi), and another towards the Bay of Bengal (Chambal and Betwa joining the Yamuna).
The Western Vindhyas is an escarpment which varies in character and height.
The Western Satpuras separate the Narmada and the Tapi river basins.
South-west of Panchmarhi is Dhupgarh (1350m) which is the highest peak of the Satpuras.

Bundelkhand Uplands is bounded by the Yamuna river in the north, the Vindhyam Plateau in
the South, the Chambal in the north-west and Panna-Ajaigarh ranges in the south-east.
The region is characterized by senile topography.
The streams like Betwa, Dhasan and Ken have carved out steep gorges.

The Chhotanagpur Plateau is composed of Archaean granite and gneiss rocks with patches
of Dharwar rocks. The Dhalma range marks the belt of Archaean lava flows.

Chhotanagpur consists of a series of plateaus standing at different levels of elevation; the

highest general elevation of about 1100m in the mid-western portion known as the Pat lands.
Hazaribagh and Ranchi plateaus standing at same general elevation (600m) but separated
by the Damodar trough.
Chhotanagpur is drained in different directions by numerous rivers and streams of which the
Damodar, Barakar, Subarnarekha, North Koel, South Koel rivers have developed extensive
drainage basins.

The Meghalaya-Mikir Uplands consisting of the Garo, Khasi, Jainita and the outlying Mikir
and Rengma hills is a tableland which has been detached from the Indian Peninsula by the
Malda Gap.
It is bordered by the Dhansiri river in the east and the Singimari in the west.
The Shillong peak (1961m) is the highest peak of the area.
Mikir Hills are detached from the Meghalaya Plateau and are surrounded by plains on three
The southern ranges known as the Rengma Hills have an average elevation of 900m. The
area is characterized by radial drainage with Dhansiri and Jumna being the main rivers.

The basaltic sheet has a thickness of more than 2,000 m and has been formed by the
consolidation of the lava that erupted sub-aerially about 60 to 65 million years ago.
It is sometimes difficult to distinguish the Deccan Plateau from the Sahyadri.


The Mahanadi Basin is also called Chhattisgarh Plain. The Mahanadi with its tributaries like
Seonath, Hasdo, Nand etc drain this area and form the radial pattern. The areas is
characterized by red and yellow soil which are suitable for rice cultivation.
The Chhattisgarh Plain is bordered by a series of hills and plateaus. The northern boundary
is formed by the Lormi plateau, Pendra plateau, Chhuri hills and Raigarh hills. This area is
largely formed by ancient granites and gneisses with their characteristics rounded rolling
The Durg Uplands are rounded and rolling granitic and gneissic areas. The southern rimland
includes the Rajhara Hills in southern Durg district and the Raipur Uplands in south-eastern
Raipur district (300-500m). The Rajhara Hills contain Dharwarian rocks in which iron ore is
mined for Bhilai steel plant.

Its Abujhmar hills provide one of the richest which iron-ore is deposits at Bailadilla Range.

The region has an average elevation between 600-900m. Mulangiri (1923m) is the highest
peak (Baba Budan hills) followed by Kudremukh (1892m).

The region has two small physiographic units: (i) Telangana, and (ii) Rayalaseema Upland.
The Telangana is a long belt of peneplains mainly developed over the gneissic rocks. Its
northern and north-eastern margin is occupied by the Godavari valley which is distinct due to
its faulted structure.
The Rayalaseema Upland is divided by the Penner.
The Rayalaseema Plateau is a vast tableland forming northward extension of the Karnataka


The Sahyadris or Western Ghats run parallel to the western coast for about 1,600 km in
north-south direction from the mouth of the Tapi river to Cape Comorin.
These are block mountains formed due to the downwarping of a part of the land into the
Arabian Sea. Sahyadris form the real watershed of the Peninsula.
In the Nilgiris, the Eastern Ghats join the Sahyadris to form a mountain knot whose highest
point is Doddabetta (2637 m).


The Eastern Ghats form the eastern boundary of the Deccan Plateau.
These are a series of detached hills of heterogeneous composition which are called by
various local names.
Their average elevation is 1100 m. They depict true mountain characteristics between the
Mahanadi and Godavari.
The predominant rocks are khondalites and charnokites.
Between the river Krishna and Chennai they continue as the Kondavidu hills mainly
composed of quartzites and slates.
The Nallamalai (900-1100 m height) and Palkonda hills are composed of Cuddapah and
Kurnool formations.
The last stretch beyond Chennai is formed primarily of charnokites together with gneiss,
crystalline limestone, quartzites and mica-schits.
The Nilgiris (Blue Mountains) provide the converging site for three mountain ranges: the
Sahyadri joining opposite of the Mukurti peak; the southern Ghats across the Palghat in the
south and the Eastern Ghats at the north-eastern corner.


The Vindhyan Range extending from Jobat in Gujarat to Sasaram in Bihar runs for about
1,050 kms.

It is a relict mountain whose rock formations date back to the pre-Cambrian period.
The Maikal range, forming a connecting link between the Vindhyas and the Satpuras, is a
large plateau.
The Vindhyan range together with Satpura form of the watershed of central India from which
rise the Narmada, Chambal, Betwa, Tons, Ken son and other rivers some of which flow into
the Ganga and other into the Godavari and Mahanadi.


Parallel to the Vindhyas between the valleys of the Narmada in the north and that of the Tapi
in the south, lies the Satpura range which extends from Ratanpur in the west to Amarkantak
in the east. It has total length of about 900 km and average height 770 m. Structurally the
Satpura range has three parts. (i) Rajpipla hills (width 60 km) in the western part with steep
slopes. (ii) The Mahadeo hills are composed of quartzites of the Gondwana system and pink
sandstones. (iii) The eastern part consisting of Maikal range is composed of Gondwanas and
Archaean gneisses.


The Peninsular Uplands are flanked by coastal plains of varied width extending from
Kachchh to Orissa.
With the notable exception of Gujarat the west coasts have a narrow alluvial margin
interspersed by hilly terrain and characterized by more wet climate.
It is a submerged coast.
The backwaters are the characteristic features of this coast.
From Kachchh to Cape Comorin it has total length of 1,840 km.
The East Coast Plains are broader, associated with depositional activity of rivers.
It stretches about 1,800 km from Mahanadi mouth to Cape Comorin. It is a coast of
emergence in which the deltas of Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna, the Kaveri etc. are
characteristic features of the coast.


Physiographically the Indian coastal plains may be sub-divided into following three broad
divisions: (a) Gujarat Coastal Plain, (b) West Coastal Plain, and (c) East Coastal Plain.

Gujarat Coastal Plain: It is formed by the alluvial deposits of the Sabarmati, Mahi and numerous
tiny parallel consequent streams whose process of formation is still continuing. The region
consists of major and minor peninsulas, gulfs, islands, ranns, creeks, marshes, hills, plateaus

West Coastal Plain: West Coastal Plain lies between the Sahyadris and the Arabian Sea. It is
mainly characterized by sandy beaches, coastal and dunes, mud flats, lagoons, alluvial tracts
along rivers, estuary, laterite platforms and residual hills. The West Coastal Plain may be subdivided into three main regions (i) the Konkan, (ii) the Karnataka or Kanara, and (iii) the Kerala
or Malabar. The Konkan Coastal Plain consists of undulating lowlands. It is widest near Mumbai,
in the amphitheatre-like basin of the Ulhas.
The Karnataka Coastal Plain depicts (i) a narrow belt of very recent deposits, (ii) an erosion
platform, (iii) inland belt of isolated hills of Archaean gneisses.
The Malabar Coast is narrower in the north and south and wider in the middle section.

East Coastal Plain: It lies between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal and is more
extensive and wide than its western counterpart. These plains are formed by the alluvial fillings
of the littoral zone comprising some of the largest deltas of the World
The East Coastal Plains mainly consist of recent and tertiary alluviums.
The region has a straight shoreline with well defined beaches of sand and shingles.
The most famous beach is the Marina Beach in Chennai.
The Chilka lake in the south-west of the Mahanadi delta is the biggest lake of our country.


India has total of 247 islands of which 204 lies in the Bay of Bengal and remaining the
Arabian Sea.
The Bay islands consisting of Andaman and Nicobar group of islands have a crescentic
shape and denote the peaks of submerged Tertiary mountain ranges a continuation of the
Arakan Yoma fold axis.
The Arabian Sea islands have a coral origin and are surrounded by fringing reefs.
Besides there are a number of offshore islands along the Ganga-mouth, eastern and
western coasts and in the Gulf of Mannar.
(a) Arabian Sea islands: The Arabian Sea islands comprise 36 islands of Lakshadweep Group.
Only 25% of the area is inhabited.
The southern most island (Minicoy) is separated from the rest of the group by the 9 degree
The northern most group is collectively known as Amindivi Islands.
Similarly the central group is collectively called as Laccadive Islands.
In the south the Lakshadweep is separated from Maldive Islands by Eight Degree Channel.
(b) Bay of Bengal Islands: The Andaman and Nicobar group of islands are separated from each
other by the 10 degree Channel. The extreme southern most point is Indira Point (Pymalion
Point or La Henching) at 6.70 N and 93.80E.
The Andaman Group of Islands inclue 204 islands. There are two volcanic islands, e.g.
Barren and Narcondam.
The Nicobar Group of Islands comprises 18 islands. These are separated from the Andaman
group of islands through 10 degree Channel which represents a fracture zone. Some of the
Nicobar islands like Chowra, Car Nicobar and Pulo Milo are essentially coral, while Katchall,
Nancowry and Great Nicobar are hilly as are the Andamans.
(c) Offshore Islands: India has a number of islands along the Western, Eastern coasts. Among
Western coast islands mention may be made of Piram, Bhaisala (Kathiawar); Diu, Vaida, Nora

(Kachchh coast); Aliabet (Narmada-Tapi mouth); Elephanta, Salsette, (near Mumbai); Pamban,
Crocodile (Gulf of Mannar); Sri Harikota (mouth of Pulicat lake); Parikud (mouth of Chilka lake)
and New Moore and Sagar (Ganga delta).






Little Nocobar



Sentinel Island



Middle and South Andaman



Strait Island



Great Nicobar



Great Nicobar



Length of coastline (Km)

1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands


2. Gujarat


3. Andhra Pradesh


4. Tamil Nadu


5. Maharashtra


India is a land with long coastline measuring over 6,700 km, washed by the Arabian
sea in the west, the Bay of Bengal to the east and the Indian Ocean to the south.
Flanking the Konkan Malabar Coast of Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Goa, are
the Western Ghats. While on the eastern side, a wider area stretches between Bay
of Bengal and Eastern Ghats, called as the Coromandel Coast. The Indian States
and Union Territories having coastal boundaries are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa,

Karnataka, Kerala, Daman and Diu and Lakshadweep Islands facing the Arabian
Sea and West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and
Andaman and Nicobar Islands facing the Bay of Bengal.
Of all these States and Union Territories, Gujarat has the longest coastline. India is a
endowed with several beautiful beaches, dotting its long coastline. Information about
some of the beautiful beaches of India given below:
Andhra Pradesh:

Rishikonda Beach, Bheemunipatnam, Manginapudi Beach,

Vodarevu Beach, Mypad Beach


Colva Beach, Dona Paula, Miramar, Anjuna, Vagator Beach, Arambol Beach,

Gujarat: Porbandar Beach, Chorwad Beach, Beyt Drawka, Somnath and Veraval
Beach, Mandvi Beach, Gopnath Beach

Devbagh Beach, Om Beach and the Kutle Beach, Parambur Beach,

Ullal Beach, Murudeshwar, Malpe Beach, Maravanthe, Karwar Beach.


Lighthouse Beach, Rockholm Beach, Samudra Beach, Ashoka Beach,

Kappad, Kovalam, Varkala, Thirumullavaram, Vypeen and Gundu Island, Cherai Beach,
Alleppey Beach, Veli Beach, Bekal Beach, Shangumugham Beach, Kovalam Beach

Kavaratti, Minicoy, Kadamat, Bangaram







Alibag Murud Janjira,







Shriwardhan, Harihareshwar, Vijaydurg and Sindhudurg, Vengurla Malvan


Puri, Chandipur, Gopalpur-on-sea, Gahirmatha Beach, Paradeep, Bolighai

Beach, Konark Beach

Andaman and Nicobar: Corbyns Cove, Beaches of Havelock Island, Beaches of Neil
Island, Beaches of Chiriya Tapu, Wandoon

Beaches of Puducherry

Tamil Nadu:

Pulicat, Covelong, Marina Beach, Pichavaram, Kurusada Islands,

Vattikotai, Sadurangapattinam Beach, Mandapam, Mahabalipuram

West Bengal:

Digha Beach, Shakarpur Beach, Frazerganj, Ganga Sagar

Daman: Devka (or Dwarka beach), Japore Beach


Jallandhar Beach, Chakratith Beach, Nagoa Beach

Walur Lake...Jammu & Kashmir Bhim Tal...Uttarakhand.


Kolleru......Andhra Pradesh





Dal Kale...Jammu & Kashmir






Naini Tal..Uttarakhand


Salt Lake..Kolkata

Nakki Lake..Rajasthan



Pulicut...Andhra Pradesh


Vembanad Kayal..Kerala

Upper and Lower Lake...Bhopal,


Nizam Sagar....Hyderabad

Annual Yield of water:


Contribution (%)













Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra, Sutluj, Alaknanda, Gandak, Kosi are Himalayan rivers.
Some rivers are older than the mountain themselves. Their gorges are the evidence of it. So,
they are also examples of antecedent rivers.
Antecedent rivers in respect of all three parallel ranges of Himalayas Indus, Sutluj, Ganga,
Ghaghra, Kosi, Brahmaputra.


Indus along with its tributaries forms one of the largest drainage systems of the world.
Indus river enters India at an elevation of 4206m and continues to flow in the north-west
direction between the Ladakh and the Zaskar Ranges.
About 50 km before Skardu, it is joined by the Shyok river.
Indus river ends its mountainous journey at Attock and is joined by the Kabur river from
Just above Mithankot, it receives accumulated waters of Panjand Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi,
Beas and Sutluj.
Finally, it empties itself in the Arabian Sea, making a big delta.
Indus has a total catchment area of 1,178,440 sq km, out of which about 321,290 sq km lies
within India.

It rises in a spring at Verinag.
Lidar, Sind and Pohru are the tributaries of Jhelum in Kashmir.
At Muzaffarabad, the river takes a sharp hairpin swing southward and the Kishanganga joins
it on its right banks.
Thereafter, it forms the India-Pakistan boundary for 170 km and emerged at the Potwar
Plateau near Mirpur.
It joins the Chenab at Trimmu.

It originates near the Bara Lacha Pass in the Lahul-Spiti part of the Zaskar Range. The
united stream-Chandra and Bhaga-called the Chandrabhaga flows in the north-west
direction through Himachal Pradesh and enters Jammu and Kashmir as Chenab.
It enters the plain area near Akhnur in J&K.
It cuts a deep gorge near Kishtwar.
It receives waters of Jhelum and Ravi rivers.

It originates from Kulli hills near the Rohtang Pass in Himachal Pradesh.
It cuts a deep gorge in the Dhaula Dhar range after crossing Chamba.
It enters Punjab Plains near Madhopur and later enters Pakistan 26 km below Amritsar.
It debouches into the Chenab a little above Rangpur.

It also originates near Rohtang Pass, close to the source of the Ravi.
It crosses the Dhaula Dhar range through a deep gorge from Lorji to Talwara.
IT debouches on the plain near Pong and meets the Sutluj river at Harike.
It lies entirely within the Indian territory.

It rises from the Manasarovar Rakas Lake near Darma Pass.
In Nari Khorsan province of Tibet, it has created and extraordinary canyon.
It is joined by the Spiti river at Namgia near the Shipki La.
Before entering the Punjab Plain, it cuts a gorge in Naina Devi Dhar (Bhakra Dam has been
constructed here).
It enters the plain at Rupnagar (Ropar).
It is joined by the Beas at Harike.
From near Ferozepur to Fazilka, it forms the boundary between India and Pakistan for nearly
120 km.
It joins the Indus a few kilometers above Mithankot.


Name of


Length (in km)


drained (sq km)

the river

Near Manasarovar Lake

2,880 (709 in India) 1,178,440 (321, 290 in



at 5,185m elevation
Varinag at 4,900 m altitude724

34,775 upto Indi-

Pak border

Bara Lacha Pass


26,155 upto Indo-Pak


Near Rohtang Pass


14,442 (5,957 in India)


Near Rohtang Pass





at 4,062m height
Manasarovar-Rakas Lakes1,450 (1,050in India)


at 4,570 m altitude


The total area of the Ganga basin in India is 861,404 sq km which accounts for 26.3% of the
geographical area of the country.
The Ganga basin covers over 12,500 sq kms in northern india.
This basin is shared by

The Ganga Drainage System:

Name of


Length (in km)

Area drained (sq km)

the river

Gangotri Glacier at 7,010m



Yamnotri Galcier at 6,330




Near Mhow




Garhwal district at 3,110m




Near Gurla Mandhola peak




south of Manasarovar
Tibet-Nepal border at 7,620

425 in India

46,300(7,620 in India)

Sikkim-Nepal-Tiber Himalaya

730 in India

86,900(21,500 in


It originates as Bhagirathi from the Gangotri glacier.
Alaknanda joins it at Devaprayag. Pindar river joins it at Karan Prayag and Mandakini or Kali
Ganga at Rudra Prayag.

The combined waters of the Bhagirathi and the Alaknanda flow in the name of the Ganga,
below Devprayag.
IT debouches on plain from hills in Haridwar.
It is joined by Yamuna in Allahabad.
Beyond Farakka, it is known as Padma in Bangladesh.
It bifurcates itself into Bhagirathi-Hooghly in West Bengal and Padma-Meghna in
The Brahmaputra as the Jamuna joins it at Goalundo.
Padma receives meghna to the north of Chandpur.
The delta formed by the Ganga-Brahmaputra is the largest delta of the world covering an
area of 58,752 sq km.
The total length, 2525 km, is distributed among states:


Uttar Pradesh


West Bengal






It is the largest and the most important tributary of the Ganga.
It originates from the Yamunotri glacier on the Bandarpunch Peak in Garhwal in
It enters the plains near Tajewala.
Tons, a tributary of it, joins it below Kalsi. At this site, the water carried by the Tons is twice
the water carried by the Yamuna.
It takes a southerly course upto Mathura and south easterly in its onward journey upto
Allahabad where it unites with the Ganga.

It rises near Mhow in the highlands of Janapao Hills.
It enters a gorge at Chaurasigarh.
It joins Yamuna an Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh.
Banas joins it near Sawai Madhopur.
Betwa, rising in Bhopal, joins the Yamuna near Hamirpur. Dhasan is also a tributary.

The Son river springs from the Amarkantak Plateau.
It joins the Ganga near Danapur in Patna district.
It catchment area is 71,259 sq km.
Almost all the tributaries join it on its right bank.
Tributaries are Johilla, Rihand, Kanhar and north Koel.

It rises in the hills of the Chotanagpur plateau and flows through a rift valley.
It is also called Sorrow of Bengal
It joins the Hugli 48 km below Kolkata.
The total length of the river is 541 km.
Its catchment area is 25,820 sq km.

It rises in the Garhwal district of Uttarakhand.
It enters the Ganga plain near Kalagarh.
It joins the Ganga at Kannauj.
Its basin covers 32,493 sq km.

It originates near the Gurla Mandhota peak, south of Manasarovar in Tibet.
It is known as the Karnaili in Western Nepal.
It joins Ganga a few kilometers downstream of Chapra in Bihar.
The total catchment area of the river is 127,950 sq km out of which 45% in India.

It forms the boundary between Nepal and Kumaon.
It is known as the Sarda or Chauka after it reaches the plains near Tanakpur.

It originates near the Tibet-Nepal border.
Kali Gandak, Mayangadi, Bari and Trishuli are the major tributaries of it.
Its drainage area is 46,300 sq km out of which 7620 sq km is in India.

The Kosi river consists of seven streams, namely, Sut Kosi, Tamba Kosi, Talkha, Doodh
Kosi, Botia Kosi, Arun and Tamber and is popularly known as Saptkaushiki.
Seven rivers mingle with each other to form three streams named the Tumar, Arun and Sun
Then all three streams unite at Triveni to the north of the Mahabharat Range to form the


The Brahmaputra rises in the great chemayungdung glacier in the Kailas range.
It flows eastward from it source region.
Mariam La separates the source of the Brahmaputra from the Manasarovar lake.
With the total length of 2900 km, it is one of the longest river in the world.
It is known as Tsangpo in Tibet and Yarlung Zangbo Jiangin in Chinese language.

It is one of the most remarkable navigable waterways of the world with boats sailing at an
altitude of about 4000 metre above sea-level.
It turns suddenly south and south-west near Namcha Burwa.
It emerges from the foothills under the name of Siang and then the Dihang.
It enters India west of Sadiya town near Passighat where it receives the Dibang and the
Lohit. From here, it is known as the Brahmaputra.
New Gwalpara, it enters Bangladesh as Yamuna and meets Padma at Goalundo.
It has a braided channel along most of its length in Assam.
It is among the four largest rivers of the world in terms of volume of discharge at the mouth,
The look is like a delta in reverse where Dibang and Lohit rivers meet the Brahmaputra river.
Tista, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, was a tributary of the Ganga prior to the devastating
floods of 1787.
Majuli is the river island of the river Brahmaputra (area 1250 sq km).
National waterways 2 is on the Brahmaputra river from Sadiya to Dhubri.


Three main directions of flow:
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauveri and several smaller rivers draining south-east into the
Bay of Bengal.
The Narmada and the Tapi flowing west as well as several small rivers originating from the
Western Ghats flow westwards in to the Arabian Sea.
Tributaries of Ganga and Yamuna such as Chambal, Betwa, Ken, son and Damodar flow in
the north-easterly direction.


It has its source in Dandakaranya near Sihawa in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh.
Its upper course lies in the saucer-shaped basin called the Chhattisgarh Plains.
Hirakud dam is built on this river.

It is the largest river system of the peninsular India.
It is held in reverence as Vridha Ganga or Dakshina Ganga
It has a catchment area of 312,812 sq km which covers about 10% of the area of India.



(%) Share



Andhra Pradesh


Madhya Pradesh


(Chhattisgarh also)




The source of the river is in the Trimbak Plateau of North Sahyadri near Nasik in
Manjira is the only important right bank tributary which joins the Godavari near Kondalwadi.
Below Rajahmundry, the river Godavari divides itself into two main streams the Gautami
Godavari on the east and the Vashishta Godavari on the west and forms a large delta of
lobate type with a round bulge and many distributaries.

It is the second largest east flowing river of Peninsula of India.
It rises in Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar.

It debouches into the Bay of Bengal, forming a big delta in arcuate shape.
Koyna Dam is made on the Koyana river, a tributary of the Krishna river.

It is designated as The Ganga of the South.
Its source-lies at Tala Cauvery on the Brahmagiri range of hills in the Western Ghats.
Its upper catchment area receives rainfall during summer by the south-west monsoon and
the lower catchment area receives rainfall during winter season by the retreating northeast
It is one of the best regulated rivers and 90 to 95% of its irrigation and power potential
already stands harnessed.
Sivasamudram waterfalls is on this river.
The river divided itself into two distinct channels at Srirangam, the northern channel is called
Kollidam and the southern one retains the Cauvery.
Cauvery river also forms a big delta in a quadrilateral shape

It originates from the Ranchi plateau.
It forms the boundary between West Bengal and Orissa in its lower course.
Its total length is 395 km.

It comes into existence by the confluence of the Koel and the Sankh river near Rourkela in
It has a total length of 800 km.
Its main tributaries are Kura, Sankhad and Tikra.

It springs from the Nandi Durg peak in Karnataka.
The total length is 597 km.
The principal tributaries are the Jayamangli, the Kunderu, the Chitwavari, the Papagani and
the Cheyeru.



Left Bank tributaries


Zaskar, Panjnad, Nubra

Shyok, Gilgit, Kabut


Ib, Mand, Hasdom, Sheonath

Ong, Jonk, Tekl


Penganga, Wardha, Wainganga Manjira

Right Bank tributaries

Indravati and Sabari


Bhima, Doni, Musi, Muneru

Melprabha, Gatprabha, Tungabhadra


Herangi, Hemavari, Lokpavani,

Lakshmantirtha, Kabani, Suvarnavati,

Srimsha and Arkavati

Bhavani and Amaravati


Burhner, Banjar, Shar, Shakkar, Hiran, Barna, Kola


Tawa and Kundi

Sipra, Kapra, Khursi, Mona,

Purna, Betul, Patki, Suki, More,

Gima, Bori, Amaravati

Arunavati, Gomai


Gomati, Ghaghara, Gandak,


Yamuna, Son, Punpun etc

Burhi Gandak, Kosi etc.


Chambal, Sind, Betwa, Ken


It is the largest of all the west flowing rivers of the Peninsula.
It rises from the Amarkantak plateau in Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh.

If flows through a rift valley between the Vindhyan Range on the north and the Satpura
Range on the south.
The Duam Dhar falls is formed by the Narmada River in Jabalpur.
It makes as estuary studed with several islands. Aliabet is the largest island.

It is the second largest west flowing river of the Indian peninsula.
It is known as the twin or the handmaid of the Narmada.
It originates from Multai in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh.

This 320 km long river is the rage given to the combined streams the Sabar and the
It rises from the hills of Mewar in the Aravalli Range.
Its tributaries are Hatmati, Sedhi, Wakul, Meshwa, Vatrak etc.

It rises in the Vindhyan range and debouches into the Gulf of Khambhat.
Its length is 533 km.
It drains an area of 34,862 sq km.
The main tributaries are Son, Anas and Panam.

Its water is brackish below Balotra.
Its source lies to the west of Ajmer in the Aravallis.
The river is known as the Sagarmati in its upper course and from Govindgarh, where Sarsuti
joins it, becomes Luni. Finally, it is lost in the Rann of Kachchh.

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