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Problem for Kriging Estimation

500 mN

There are 4 drillholes of x1, x2, x3, and x4 which located randomly in the middle of regular
grid where the grid spacing is 100100 m (see figure). Those drillholes were derived from
exploration of primary Au deposit. The Au grades for each known points are: z(x1) = 10
ppm, z(x2) = 20 ppm, z(x3) = 5 ppm, and z(x4) = 15 ppm. If the variogram model for Au
grades distribution is Spherical Model with range = 200 m, nugget variance (C0) = 5 ppm2,
and sill (C) = 25 ppm2, then:













500 mE

1. Please estimate the Au grade for Block V or z(V)* by using Ordinary Block Kriging,
by assuming the searching radius for estimation is 250 m from the central of Block V!
The average variogram between data points and estimated block are:
x1 ,V 25 ppm2

x3 ,V 20 ppm2

x2 ,V 30 ppm2

x4 ,V 30 ppm2

2. Please calculate kriging variance from the estimation result! The average variogram
within block is: V ,V 15 ppm2
. Also calculate the relative standard deviation of
estimation (error) on Block V! Note: relative to the estimated grade in Block V.
3. Please compare the estimated grade of Au in Block V by using conventional estimation
methods such as IDS and NNP with searching radius of estimation is 250 m from the
central of Block V!
4. Please compare the result of block kriging estimation by using Ordinary Point Kriging
to estimate the point located in the central of Block V (named x0)! Please also calculate
its kriging variance and relative standard deviation!

Solution for Kriging Estimation

Variogram model for Spherical with nested structure of: nugget effect (C0) = 5 ppm2, sill
(C) = 25 ppm2, range (a) = 200 m, the formula is:
3 h h 3
(h ) C 0 C
3 for h a
2a 2a

C 0 C for h a
0 for h 0

Then the data used for estimation are only z(x1), z(x2), and z(x3) due to the constraint on
searching neighborhood 250 m, consequently the z(x4) is not used for estimation.



Estimator formula: z(V)* i zx i for block kriging or z(x 0 )* i zx i for point kriging

1. Ordinary Block Kriging System:

. x , x x , V



We could expand the formula above as follow:

1 x 1 , x 1 2 x 1 , x 2 3 x 1 , x 3 x 1 , V


1 x 2 , x 1 2 x 2 , x 2 3 x 2 , x 3 x 2 , V


1 x 3 , x 1 2 x 3 , x 2 3 x 3 , x 3 x 3 , V



0 1

Our task is to find 1, 2, 3, Z(V)*, and . To solve the equation we need to calculate the
variogram between point to point using the formula and condition in item (a) above.
The distance x1 to x2 = x2 to x1 = 316.23 m or h > a, so (xi, xj) = C0 + C
The distance x1 to x3 = x3 to x1 = 223.61 m or h > a, so (xi, xj) = C0 + C
The distance x2 to x3 = x3 to x2 = 223.61 m or h > a, so (xi, xj) = C0 + C

Then the solution is:

1 0 2 30 3 30 25


130 2 0 3 30 30


130 2 30 3 0 20



0 1

Subtracting (2) from (1) then:

301 - 302 = 5
1 = 0.167 + 2


Subtracting (2) from (3) then:

-302 + 303 = 10
3 = 0.333 + 2


Substituting (5) and (6) to (4) then:

0.167 + 2 + 2 + 0.333 + 2 = 1
32 = 0.5
2 = 0.167
1 = 0.167 + 0.167 = 0.334
3 = 1 - 1 - 2 = 0.499
Finally: z(V)* = 1.z(x1) + 2.z(x2) + 3.z(x3)
= (0.334 10) + (0.167 20) + (0.499 5)
= 9.175 ppm Au

1. Kriging Variance is given as:

Block kriging variance:

V, V i . x i , V


To solve the equation, we need to calculate , Lagrange multiplier from the kriging system
in item (b):
(1): 302 303 25 then = 5.02
2 = -15 + 5.02 + (0.334 25) + (0.167 30) + (0.499 20)
= 13.36 ppm2
To calculate relative error or relative kriging standard deviation in block V:

(V )* 13.36 3.65 ppm

(V ) *relative

(V ) *
z (V ) *


100% 39.84 %

2. Estimation in V or x0 using NNP (Nearest Neighborhood Point) and IDS (Inverse

Distance Square):
NNP z(V)* = z(x0)* = z(x3) = 5 ppm Au
IDS z(V)* = z(x0)* = [(z(x1) / (hx1-x0)2) + (z(x2) / (hx2-x0)2) + (z(x3) / (hx3-x0)2)] /
[1 / (hx1-x0)2) + (1 / (hx2-x0)2) + (1 / (hx3-x0)2)]
= [(10 / (141.42)2) + (20 / (200)2) + (5 / (100)2)] /
[(1 / (141.42)2) + (1 / (200)2) + (1 / (100)2)
= 8.57 ppm Au

3. Ordinary Point Kriging System:

. x , x x , x



We could expand the formula above as follow:

1 x 1 , x 1 2 x 1 , x 2 3 x 1 , x 3 x 1 , x 0


1 x 2 , x 1 2 x 2 , x 2 3 x 2 , x 3 x 2 , x 0


1 x 3 , x 1 2 x 3 , x 2 3 x 3 , x 3 x 3 , x 0



0 1

Our task is to find 1, 2, 3, Z(x0)*, and . To solve the equation we need to calculate the
variogram between point to point using the formula and condition in item (a) above. So the
solution is:

1 0 2 30 3 30 27.10


130 2 0 3 30 30


130 2 30 3 0 22.19



0 1

Subtracting (2) from (1) then:

301 - 302 = 2.9
1 = 0.097 + 2


Subtracting (2) from (3) then:

-302 + 303 = 7.81
3 = 0.260 + 2


Substituting (5) and (6) to (4) then:

0.097 + 2 + 2 + 0.260 + 2 = 1
32 = 0.643
2 = 0.214
1 = 0.097 + 0.214 = 0.311
3 = 1 - 1 - 2 = 1 0.311 0.214 = 0.475
Finally: z(x0)* = 1.z(x1) + 2.z(x2) + 3.z(x3)
= (0.311 10) + (0.214 20) + (0.475 5)

= 9.765 ppm Au
Point kriging variance:

K2 i . x i , x 0

To solve the equation, we need to calculate , Lagrange multiplier from the kriging system
in item (b):
(1): 302 303 27.10 then = 6.43
2(x0)* = 6.43 + (0.311 27.10) + (0.214 30) + (0.475 22.19)
= 31.82 ppm2
To calculate relative error or relative kriging standard deviation in point x0:

( x0 )* 31.82 5.64 ppm

( x0 ) *relative

( x0 ) *
z ( x0 ) *


100% 57.77 %

1. Estimated value of point kriging > block kriging > IDS > NNP
2. Estimated value of block kriging IDS
3. Standard deviation of error of block kriging < point kriging

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