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Quirks of 9 Avowed Dictators / Leaders

From the infamous to the insane, we have a run-down of quirks of 8 avowed leaders. It takes a particular
personality type run for democratic election or even take over a country. And while being the boss of an
entire state can be quite an ego trip, it also puts idiosyncrasies, obsessions and OCDs under a
magnifying lens. It also puts these figures into the position of taking their whims and compulsions to a
whole new level. These figures have frequently started out with humble beginnings, only to rise to the top
of the pile, fueled by the desire to leave their imprint on their country and history at large. In many cases,
these figures seek power and recognition, fostering a cult of personality, which gives them god-like
attributes in the eyes of their people.
#9 Berlusconi
The 78-year old three-time Italian Prime Minister, business magnate and media tycoon suffered a rather
unceremonious fall from Grace in 2013 when he was found guilty of paying for sex with an underage
prostitute and abusing his office. The Media Set and AC Milan owner, has long been reputed to have
connections with the Italian Mafia and other unsavory characters. His love of beautiful women and
penchant for mixing with the jet set drove him to regularly organize parties in his mansion outside of
Milan, where it was rumored that up to 20 girls would engage in Bunga Bunga African-style rituals in the
nude. Claims have emerged that il Cavaliere (as he is known) has paid a cool USD$ 5 million to
Moroccan belly dancer and alleged prostitute Karima El Mahroug (a.k.a Ruby Rubacuori), for her
services at his parties. While his conviction has been overturned, Berlusconi is more likely to be
remembered for his Bunga Bunga parties than for being the longest-serving post-war Italian premier.
#8 Brezhnev
Leonard Brezhnevs place in the annals of history has been secured due to his position as General
Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union a position which he
held between 1964 and 1982. In Russian polls, his name tops the list of the 20th centurys most popular
Russian leaders, despite the fact that his policies brought about the Era of Stagnation. Reputedly a vain
man, keen on retaining and building his reputation for greatness, he was known to demote anyone
unable to see his genius. He had a passion for status symbols, particularly medals (of which he was
awarded over 100, some of which were even undeserved) and fast foreign cars (ideally gifted to him by
foreign state leaders.)
#7 Saddam Hussein
The Fifth President of Iraq, in office between 1979 and 2003, Saddam Hussein was very eager to foster a
cult of personality in his country. Countless portraits, statues and other artefacts were commissioned in
his honor, and to his greatest delight. These icons of the Iraqi leader were aimed at idealizing Hussein in
the eyes of his people and bolstering propaganda favorable to his regime. During the height of his
popularity, images of him (appealing to a variety of audiences due to the different costumes from the
Bedouin to the tailored suit) were literally everywhere, giving the impression that he was watching every
move. Hussein famously had the Blood Quran commissioned to be written, using 27 liters of his blood as
a gesture of thanks to God for preserving his life from various dangers.
#6 Stalin
The Soviet Union tyrant, who was in power between 1925 and 1953 was responsible for the death of
millions. Such was his need to establish himself as leader through fear and control that he has pretty
much set the bar for the culture of personality, with several places being named after him, as well as the
Stalin Prize and the Stalin Peace Prize. He magnanimously accepted to be referred to with titles like
Brilliant Genius of Humanity. Ironically, this particular breed of genius wanted to be remembered for the
modesty of great people. Various propaganda artefacts were commissioned in order to rally the support
of the people, including literature, music, paintings and film. He allegedly had a body-double, known as
Rashid, who would stand in for Stalin at functions and media events, after World War II, when his health
started to decline.

#5 Nero
Ancient Romes enfant terrible, who destroyed his beloved city and most prized possession, along with
himself and countless citizens, in his never-ending quest for grandeur. The Roman Emperor is blamed for
starting the Great Fire of Rome, in order to clear some space to build what was to be an impressive,
palatial arena. The same man who was rumored to dip Christians in oil and set them alight so as to
illuminate his evenings, was also responsible for the executions of many romans, including his mother. It
is also thought that he poisoned his step-brother, in his quest for power. Neros ego knew no bounds. His
love for driving chariots had him compete in the Olympic Games (his talents being such that he was
thrown off the chariot and almost killed in the process). Despite his position as Emperor, he composed
and performed songs in public, so as to bolster his popularity. Ultimately, afraid of being denounced as a
public enemy, he took his own life.
#4 Ceausescu
Together with his wife, the Romanian head of state (19671989) was convicted and sentenced to death,
when found guilty of genocide and illegal gathering of wealth. The tyrant and self-titled Genius of
Carpathians had a king-like scepter made for him, upon being elected Romanian President. This
prompted artist Salvador Dali to send him a telegram, sarcastically congratulating him for inventing the
Presidential Specter. To ensure loyalty, after the defection of one of his trusted senior police officials, he
had a number of family members invested with Government positions. Another victim of vanity,
Ceausescus official photos portrayed him in his prime, at the age of around 40.
#3 Gaddafi
The Libyan revolutionary and politician emerged from a very humble background, as the son of a
Bedouin goat-herder. Despite his remarkable rise to power he had retained a rather modest public
persona with the exception of his rather extravagant wardrobe. His public image as a serious, pious,
family man, is in stark contrast with the rumors about what took place behind the closed doors of his 6mile reinforced compound near Tripoli. According to Le Monde journalist Annick Cojean, Gaddafi was a
womanizer, a rapist and a torturer, who retained a harem of women at his disposal. His Amazonian
bodyguards were also not immune to his forceful advances. Gaddafis Zenga Zenga parties are rumored
to have been the purveyor of Berlusconis sexually-colored parties with scantily-clad women. It is claimed
that the former Italian Premiers intimate gatherings were inspired by Gaddafi himself
#2 Kim Jong-il
Also known as The Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il was the Supreme Leader of the Democratic Peoples
Republic of Korea, between 1994 and 2011. He built on the cult of personality which he inherited from his
father, who previously occupied this position of North Korean leader and further developed the states
propaganda machine, so that he attained near god-like status in the eyes of his people. Such is the
extent of the hero worship towards him, that like X-Mens Storm, he is believed to control the weather
through his mood. When rumors about his health issues became stronger, and he failed to make a public
appearance during the 2008 Olympic Torch ceremony in Pyongyang, the North Korean government had
to disclose that being merely mortal, Jong-il had suffered a stroke. He was rumored to have used a body
double to hide the effects of his health issues and continue to foster the illusion of his immortality.
#1 Kim Jong un
Kim Jong un took over leadership of North Korea, following his fathers death in 2011. The position was
originally designed for his elder brother, who, however, displeased his father by travelling to visit Tokyos
Disneyland on a false passport. Not only did the younger Jong inherit his fathers position, but also his
facial features, physique and personality. Jong was a great Michael Jordan fan at school and frequently
drew detailed pencil portraits of the athlete. He is also a fan of basketball, computer games and Eric
Clapton. Fond of socializing, drinking and partying, he had an imported Jacuzzi fitted at his mansion in
order to help him recover from the alcohol fueled nights.

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