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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

Final Assignment
Probability and Statistics
Due Date: Final Exam Day
Question 1:
1) The mean of the given set of data 7, 5, 9, 7, 8, and 7 is
a) 5
b) 7
2) The median of given set of data 7, 5, 9, 7, 8, and 7 is
a) 7
b) 8
3) The range of given set of data 7, 5, 9, 7, 8, and 7 is
a) 5
b) 7
4) The midrange of given set of data 7, 5, 9, 7, 8, and 7 is
a) 5
b) 7
5) The variance of sample 12, 15, 17, 20 is
a) 11.333
b) 8.5
6) Chebyshevs Theorem states that at least ________ of
within k standard deviations of the mean:

None of the above
None of the above
None of the above
None of the above
None of the above
the measurements of any data set lie

d) None of the above

For Questions 8-10, refer to the data given below:












a) 3.1
b) 3.75

c) 3.8
d) None of the above

a) 3.4
b) 3.75

c) 3.8
d) None of the above


a) 3.1

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b) 3.75




Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

c) 3.8
d) None of the above
10) In how many ways can 4 boys and 5 girls sit in a row if the boys and girls must sit alternate?
a) 20
c) 2880
b) 280
d) None of the above
11) How many distinct permutations can be made from the letters of the word COLUMNS?
a) 7
c) 5040
b) 49
d) None of the above
12) In how many ways can 5 different trees be planted in a circle?
a) 120
c) 24
b) 64
d) None of the above
13) In how many ways can a true false test consisting of 9 questions be answered?
a) 9
c) 512
b) 81
d) None of the above
14) If A, B, C are mutually exclusive events and P(A)=0.2, P(B)=0.3 and P(C)=0.2. Then
a) 0.5
c) 1
b) 0.7
d) None of the above
15) When the number of trials (n) is relatively small to N, then the Hyper geometric distribution
can be approximated to:
a) Binomial Distribution
c) Poisson Distribution
b) Negative Binomial Distribution
d) None of the above
16) In negative binomial, the number of ___________ are fixed:
a) Trials
c) Trials and successes
b) Successes
d) None of the above
17) When n is large and p is small, we can approximate Binomial distribution to:
a) Hyper geometric Distribution
c) Poisson Distribution
b) Negative Binomial
d) None of the above
18) In z-distribution, the curve is symmetric about the:
a) Mean
c) Variance
b) Horizontal axis
d) None of the above
19) The probability of union of two events A and B is equal to sum of their individual probability
i.e. P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) if the two events are
a) Mutually exclusive
c) Dependent
b) Non mutually exclusive
d) None of the above
20) The probability of union of two events A and B is equal to sum of their individual
probability i.e. P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) P(A B) if the two events are
a) Mutually exclusive
b) Non mutually exclusive

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c) Dependent
d) None



Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

21) A batch of parts contains 100 parts from a local supplier of tubing and 200 parts from a
supplier of tubing in the next state. If four parts are selected randomly and without
replacement, what is the probability they are all from the local supplier?
a) 0.0119
c) 0.8041
b) 0.4080
d) 0.1955
22) If P(A) = 0.2 and P(B) = 0.3 and they are mutually exclusive, P(neither A nor B) will be
equal to
a) 0.44
c) 0.56
b) 0.50
d) None of the above
23) For each new employee, a company gives a five-digit identification card. Each digit can be
0, 1, 2, or 3. If repetitions are allowed, how many different cards are possible.
a) 625
c) 1024
b) 768
d) None of the above
24) Let P(X) = CX for X=1, 2, 3, 4. Determine the value of constant C so that the function
P(X) is a probability mass function:.
a) 10
c) 0.1
b) 5
d) None of the above
25) The binomial distribution is a distribution of __________
a) Number of successes
c) Number of trials
b) Number of failures
d) None of the above
26) What is the probability of random variable X, if X representing number of trials until 3 rd
success, if 3rd success occurs on 5th trial with success rate = 0.3.
a) 0.02917
c) 0.09529
b) 0.07938
d) None of the above
27) Calculate b(x<2; n=5, p=0.1)
a) 0.0814
c) 0.9185
b) 0.0729
d) None of the above
28) The probability of any event is ranges between,
a) -1 and 1
c) - and
b) 0 and 1
d) None of the above
29) Let the random variable X is uniformly distributed with the random values -4, -2, 0, 2, and 4.
What is the expected value of X?
a) Zero
c) 4
b) 2
d) None of the above
30) Let an unfair coin is tossed 9 times. What is the expected number of heads occurs if
Probability of a head occurs is twice of tail occurring?
a) 3
c) 6
b) 4.5
d) None of the above
31) What is variance of age of five friends? If all are of same age=20.

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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

a) Zero
c) 20
b) 5
d) None of the above
32) The range of variance is:
a) infinity to +infinity
c) Zero to infinity
b) -1 to +1
d) None of the above
33) Let E(X) = 4. What is the expected value of discrete random variable Y=2X+4?
a) 8
c) 20
b) 16
d) None of the above
34) The random experiment tossing of two coins is an example of
a) Uniform distribution
c) Hyper geometric Distribution
b) Binomial distribution
d) None of the above
35) A worn machine tool produces 1% defective parts. Let X = number of defective parts in the
next 25 parts produced. Identify the process.
a) Bernoulli Process
c) Geometric Process
b) Binomial Process
d) Negative Binomial Process
36) If 5 cards are dealt from a standard deck of 52 playing cards, what is the probability that 3
will be hearts?
a) 0.0815
c) 0.815
b) 0.2742
d) None of the above
37) Suppose that the number of flaws on a thin copper wire follows a Poisson distribution with a
mean of 2.3 flaws per millimeter. Determine the probability of exactly 2 flaws in 2
millimeter of wire.
a) 0.265
c) 0.106
b) 0.113
d) None of the above
38) The number of errors in a text book follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of 0.01 errors
per page. What is the probability that there are three or less errors in 100 pages?
a) 0.0189
b) 0.3678
c) 0.9810
d) None of the above

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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

Question 2:
a) In a binomial experiment if p(x=0) =0.0041 and p(x=1) =0.041 are the result of 5 trials
then find the value of p and q.
b) Write any three properties of binomial distribution.
c) Three cards are chosen at random from a deck of 52 playing cards without replacement.
What is the probability of getting a jack, a ten and a nine in order?
d) A city survey found that 45% of teenagers have a part time job. The same survey found that
78% plan to attend college. If a teenager is chosen at random, what is the probability that the
teenager has a part time job given that he plans to attend college?
e) Each of 10 computers of Intel Company has been returned to the distributor because of poor
quality of screen performance when it is running. Suppose that 6 of these have serious screen
defective. What is the probability that randomly selected 3 computers have at least 2 serious
screen defectives?

Question 3:
The following are the paired information of management aptitude score and grade point average
observed from 10 students
Management aptitude score








Grade point average








a) Plot a scatter diagram between aptitude score and grade point average.
b) Estimate grade point average when management aptitude score is 750
Question 4:
The number of messages sent per hour over a computer network has the following distribution.

X= no. of messages

0.05 0.25






a) Find the cumulative distribution.

b) Find
Question 5:
a) How many distinct permutations can be made from the letter of the word infinity?
b) How many bridge hands are possible containing 4 spades, 6 diamonds, 1 club, and 2 hearts?
c) A coin is tossed 5 times in succession. What is the probability that at least 1 head occurs?

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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

d) If a letter is chosen at random from the English alphabet, what is the probability that the letter
is a vowel?
e) Two cards are drawn in succession from a deck without replacement. What is the probability
that both cards are greater than 2 and less than 7?
f) A continuous random variable X that can assume values between x=1 and x=4 has a density
function given by f(x) = 1/3. Show that the area under the curve is equal to 1.
g) A 3-wheeler vehicle has a capacity of 4 passengers per trip. The average number of
passengers travel per trip is 3. What is the probability that vehicle will be overloaded on a
h) A roulette wheel is divided into 25 sectors of equal area numbered from 1 to 25. Find a
formula for the probability distribution of X, the number that occurs when the wheel is spun.
Question 6:
Given a Normal distribution with mean = 40 and standard deviation = 6, find
a) The area below 32;
b) The area above 27;
c) The area between 42 and 51;
d) The x value that has 45% of the area below it;
e) The x value that has 13% of the area above it.
Question 7:
A consumer survey indicates that the average household spends = $155 on groceries each
week. The spending amount is approximately normally distributed with = $25.
a) What proportion of the population spends more than $150 per week on groceries?
b) What is the probability of randomly selecting a family that spends less than $110 per week?
c) How much money do you need to spend each week to be in the top 10% of spenders for

Question 8:
The lifespan of two different light bulbs are exponentially distributed. Given that one light bulb
has an average rating of 750 hours and the other has an average rating of 1500 hours, what is the
probability that the one with 1500 hours will last a less amount of time than the one with the 750
hour rating?
Question 9:
In the November 1990 issue of Chemical Engineering Progress, a study discussed the percent
purity of oxygen from a certain supplier. Assume that the mean was 99.61 with a standard
deviation of 0.08. Assume that the distribution of percent purity was approximately normal.
(a) What percentage of the purity values would you expect to be between 99.5 and 99.7?

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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

(b) What purity value would you expect to exceed exactly 5% of the population?
Question 10:
The weights of a large number of miniature poodles are approximately normally distributed with
a mean of 8 kilograms and a standard deviation of 0.9 kilogram. If measurements are recorded to
the nearest tenth of a kilogram, find the fraction of these poodles with weights
(a) over 9.5 kilograms;
(b) of at most 8.6 kilograms;
(c) between 7.3 and 9.1 kilograms inclusive.
Question 11:
The tensile strength of a certain metal component is normally distributed with a mean of 10,000
kilograms per square centimeter and a standard deviation of 100 kilograms per square
centimeter. Measurements are recorded to the nearest 50 kilograms per square centimeter.
(a) What proportion of these components exceed 10,150 kilograms per square centimeter in
tensile strength?
(b) If specifications require that all components have tensile strength between 9800 and 10,200
kilograms per square centimeter inclusive, what proportion of pieces would we expect to scrap?
Question 12:
Statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National
Safety Council show that on an average weekend night, 1 out of every 10 drivers on the road is
drunk. If 400 drivers are randomly checked next Saturday night, what is the probability that the
number of drunk drivers will be
(a) less than 32?
(b) more than 49?
(c) at least 35 but less than 47?
Question 13:
Researchers at George Washington University and the National Institutes of Health claim that
approximately 75% of people believe tranquilizers work very well to make a person more calm
and relaxed. Of the next 80 people interviewed, what is the probability that
(a) at least 50 are of this opinion?
(b) at most 56 are of this opinion?
Question 14:
A common practice of airline companies is to sell more tickets for a particular flight than there
are seats on the plane, because customers who buy tickets do not always show up for the flight.
Suppose that the percentage of no-shows at flight time is 2%. For a particular flight with 197
seats, a total of 200 tickets were sold. What is the probability that the airline overbooked this

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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

Question 15:
A telemarketing company has a special letteropening machine that opens and removes the
contents of an envelope. If the envelope is fed improperly into the machine, the contents of the
envelope may not be removed or may be damaged. In this case, the machine is said to have
(a) If the machine has a probability of failure of 0.01, what is the probability of more than 1
failure occurring in a batch of 20 envelopes?
(b) If the probability of failure of the machine is 0.01 and a batch of 500 envelopes is to be
opened, what is the probability that more than 8 failures will occur?
Question 16:
The exponential distribution is frequently applied to the waiting times between successes in a
Poisson process. If the number of calls received per hour by a telephone answering service is a
Poisson random variable with parameter = 6, we know that the time, in hours, between
successive calls has an exponential distribution with parameter =1/6. What is the probability of
waiting more than 15 minutes between any two successive calls?
Question 17:
The lifetime, in weeks, of a certain type of transistor is known to follow a gamma distribution
with mean 10 weeks and standard deviation 50 weeks.
(a) What is the probability that a transistor of this type will last at most 50 weeks?
(b) What is the probability that a transistor of this type will not survive the first 10 weeks?
Question 18:
Computer response time is an important application of the gamma and exponential distributions.
Suppose that a study of a certain computer system reveals that the response time, in seconds, has
an exponential distribution with a mean of 3 seconds.
(a) What is the probability that response time exceeds 5 seconds?
(b) What is the probability that response time exceeds 10 seconds?
Question 19:
The number of automobiles that arrive at a certain intersection per minute has a Poisson
distribution with a mean of 5. Interest centers around the time that elapses before 10 automobiles
appear at the intersection.
(a) What is the probability that more than 10 automobiles appear at the intersection during any
given minute of time?
(b) What is the probability that more than 2 minutes elapse before 10 cars arrive?
(c) What is the probability that more than 1 minute elapses between arrivals?
(d) What is the mean number of minutes that elapse between arrivals?

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Name: ________________________

Std ID: ________________________

Sec: ____________

Question 20:
In a biomedical research study, it was determined that the survival time, in weeks, of an animal
subjected to a certain exposure of gamma radiation has a gamma distribution with = 5 and =
(a) What is the mean survival time of a randomly selected animal of the type used in the
(b) What is the standard deviation of survival time?
(c) What is the probability that an animal survives more than 30 weeks?

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