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Susan Miller


179 Great Northern Road

Aberdeen AB22 4BD


01224 740861

University of Aberdeen, MSc Integrated Petroleum Geoscience, 2015 2016
Awarded a full scholarship from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Courses include: Geophysics, Petrophysics, Basin Analysis, Structural Geology and Sedimentology
The course also includes field trips to Northumberland and Arizona where I will gain practical experience of
exploring the development of basins, stratigraphy and sedimentology.
University of Aberdeen, BSc (Hons) Geology and Petroleum Geology (2.1), 2009 2013
Degree accredited by the Geological Society of London
Courses included: Basin Analysis & Geophysics, Applied Sedimentology, Techniques in Petroleum Geology
and Petrology & Tectonics
Research Project: Shallow marine reservoirs a feasibility study. Examined and compared how a number of
reservoirs were explored and applied this to some recently discovered fields.
Mapping Project: Planned and carried out a month long project in North Dakota and Montana mapping
rock formations in the Williston Basin. The Bakken Shale Formation which is part of this area has since been
developed further as one of the main oil fields in the USA. I was awarded the McHardy Prize for my field
Inverness High School, 2003 2009
Advanced Highers: Chemistry (B), Maths (C)
Highers: Geography (A), Chemistry (A), Maths (B), English (B), French (C)
9 Standard Grades, all at credit level

Relevant Work Experience

Geoscientist, Talisman Energy, Aberdeen
Sept 2013 Jul 2015
During my two-year training programme I gained practical experience in interpreting well and seismic data
as well as completing courses on leadership, project management and business writing. Once I had
completed my Health & Safety course, I was also given the chance to spend time offshore which I enjoyed
very much although it was challenging. During my last months at Talisman, I was a member of a project
team where I provided all the relevant geological data for a new well which has since been developed.
Summer Intern, Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen
Jun 2012 Aug 2012
I spent eight weeks mainly in the marine investigation department where I worked on various projects,
including a major offshore survey in preparation for the installation of a new pipeline. I also spent time in
data management where I used ArcGIS for mapping.
Office Assistant, Maersk Group, Aberdeen
Jul 2010 Aug 2010
I provided administrative support to the New Ventures team, including typing up reports, organising and
taking minutes at meetings and answering and referring queries from clients. This gave me an excellent first
insight into oil exploration in the North Sea.

Professional Memberships

Fellow of the Geological Society of London

Member of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB)

Work-Related Skills

I am experienced in using ArcGIS, SigmaPlot and Minitab through both my degrees

and through my work experience. Both at Talisman and Fugro, ArcGIS was used
widely along with other customised software. I am also familiar with SPSS which I used
for some of my course work and I am a highly confident user of all Microsoft
applications and a number of email programmes.


At Talisman my work often involved analysing large datasets, interpreting the

information and making recommendations for my project team. I have developed
these skills further through complex practical and laboratory exercises which form
part of my MSc programme. This has included wire log interpretation, petrophysical,
seismic and sedimentological analysis as well as the calculation of reserves and


I have been involved in a variety of successful teams at work, during my studies and
through my outside interests. At Talisman I was a member of several project teams,
sometimes as the only Geoscientist, where my contribution was vital to the success of
projects worth several million pounds. During my time at the Officer Training Corps, I
also completed courses in leadership and led teams of up to ten on exercises.


I have developed excellent written communication skills through my academic work.

This included a 5,000 word report on my mapping project for which I was awarded a
prize. I also frequently wrote reports and made presentations on my findings to
colleagues and managers at Talisman. I have learned how to communicate
effectively with a wide range of people through my customer service experience at
Next and RS McColl and my voluntary work for the City Council.

Additional Work Experience

Sales Assistant, Next, Aberdeen, Sept 2010 May 2013
I worked in the busy Childrens Department. It was extremely important to build up rapport with my young
customers and keep them entertained while providing a service to and answering queries from parents.
Summer Programme Volunteer, Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen, Jul 2011 Aug 2011
I assisted with the City Councils summer programme for school children which involved supervising groups
of up to 30 on activities such as nature walks, painting or on trips, for example to Storybook Glen.
Shop Assistant, RS McColl, Aberdeen, Oct 2009 Jun 2010
I was responsible for serving customers and keeping the shop well stocked at all times. In the managers
absence, I was also responsible for cashing up and locking up the shop.

Interests & Achievements

Officer Training Corp I was part of the Corp throughout my undergraduate degree. I took part in two
expeditions to the Highlands and to the Dolomites, leading the group of 25 students for one of them. This
was part of my leadership qualification which I completed in 2011. I took part in further Adventure Training
which gave me the chance to experience sailing, hang gliding and parachuting.
Cycling I am a keen cyclist and have been on a number of cycling holidays, including to France and Italy.
In 2010 I visited Spain where I explored the Pyrenees with a group of friends which was a real challenge.
Photography I have been interested in photography since the age of 10 when I was given my first camera.
I now specialise in landscapes and nature photography and have had my work exhibited, jointly with other
artists, at a small local gallery.

References Available on request

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