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Solution for Practice Test 7 for Test 4

Solution to Practice Test Problem 7.1(Understanding Circular Motion)

Problem: Consider an object undergoing uniform circular motion, at constant speed v and radius r. In the
following questions, carefully does not mean the answer has to be long and wordy, it just means you need to
make sure you demonstrate an understanding of the important concept or fundamental law that supports your
(a)What is the magnitude of its acceleration?
(b)Carefully explain why it has an acceleration.
(c)Draw a diagram showing the path of the object, and the direction it is travelling at some point on the
path. For that point, draw the acceleration vector for the object and label it (c).
(d)Now assume the object is still going in the same circle of radius r, but its speed is increasing. Draw the
acceleration vector for the same point in the path as before, but label this one (d). Be neat so we can
clearly tell which is which.
(e)For this case of increasing speed, if the speed is increasing uniformly, what is the angular quantity that
stays the same? What angular quantity is changing that could be calculated from the constant quantity
and time? Write the equation between the two quantities relating them to time.
Solution to Part (a)
The magnitude of the acceleration is given by ac =

r ,

Grading Key: Part (a) 1 Points

1 point(s) : found the right formula
Solution to Part (b)
Since the direction is constantly changing, even though the speed isnt.
Grading Key: Part (b) 1 Points
1 point(s) : velocity direction is changing
Solution to Part (c)
The object is travelling in a circle, with acceleration perpendicular to velocity, directed towards the center of the
motion. It is traveling in a direction tangent to the circular path.

Direction of motion at point


Grading Key: Part (c) 3 Points

1 point(s) : acceleration in correct direction, toward center
1 point(s) : circular path
1 point(s) : a possibly correct direction indicated for the motion at a point

Solution to Part (d)


Grading Key: Part (d) 2 Points

2 point(s) : vector points ahead of the center
Solution to Part (e)
The angular acceleration stays the same. The angular velocity is changing but it can be calculated from the
angular acceleration, = t.
Grading Key: Part (e) 3 Points
1 point(s) : angular acceleration stays the same.
1 point(s) : angular speed or velocity,
1 point(s) : = t
Total Points for Problem: 10 Points

Solution to Practice Test Problem 7.2(Beam Statics)

Problem: A uniform horizontal beam of weight 200N and length 8.0m is attached to a brick wall. The end
farthest from the wall is supported by a cable that makes an angle of 53 with the horizontal. This cable runs
from the end of the beam to a point on the brick wall above the beam. If a 600N person stands on the beam,
2.0m from the wall,
(a)On the back of this page, draw the extended free body diagram you would need to solve the problem for
this situation.
(b)Find the tension in the cable and the force exerted by the wall on the beam.

Solution to Part (a)

No words are required in the solution. There are descriptions of
the forces in the grading key. The drawn forces must exhibit those






Grading Key: Part (a) 11 Points

1 point(s) : Should seem reasonable that F = 0.
1 point(s) : = 0, indicates acceleration.
1 point(s) : Force of tension along cable
1 point(s) : Fwall,b
1 point(s) : Fe,b
is = weight of beam
2 point(s) : Fp,b
is the same size as the weight of the person so 3 Wb (1
point if longer but not close to 3)

4 point(s) : right locations for forces (-1 point for each extraneous force)
Solution to Part (b)
Since the system is in equilibrium,
= 0

Fx = 0

Fy = 0

Write the expression for the sum of torques about the wall, since this gets rid of a force for which we do not know
size or direction. The individual torques are found by = rF . Lets choose clockwise to be positive:
aboutwall = 0 = (+2m)Wp + (4m)Wb T (sin 53 )(8m)
Solving for tension, T = 313N.
Write the expression for the sum of x-components of force letting the force by the wall on the beam be positive
(both vertically and horizontally):
Fx = 0 = T cos 53 + Fwall,x
= T cos 53 = 188N

Now the expression for the sum of the y-components of force:

Fy = 0 = T sin 53 + Fwall,y
Wp Wb
= 550N

The total force by the wall on the beam is 580N at an angle of 71 above the horizontal. If the student multiplies
the forces by g, they should have at least noticed the wrong units, so 1 if everything else is done right. In that
case T 3068 Fx 1846 and Fy 5390. I could not make myself put units on these numbers...

Grading Key: Part (b) 14 Points

3 point(s) : Sum of torques and forces are zero
2 point(s) : correct relative signs in torque expression
1 point(s) : recognizes = rF
1 point(s) : correct component in torque expression
2 point(s) : correct terms and signs in Fx expression
3 point(s) : correct terms and signs in Fy expression
1 point(s) : Correct tension (ok if give as components)
1 point(s) : Correct F~wall,beam
(ok if give as components)
Total Points for Problem: 25 Points

Solution to Practice Test Problem 7.3(Lunar Delivery, with Energy)

Problem: A space shuttle, after delivering supplies to a lunar base, is preparing to return to Earth. The mass
of the moon is Mmoon = 7.35 1022 kg, and the radius of the moon is rmoon = 1.738 106 m.
(a)At what minimum speed does the space shuttle have to travel after launch to escape the gravitational
pull of the moon?

(b)How many Joules of potential energy does a 200kg object-moon system have, if the object is 800km
above the surf ace of the moon?

(c)How fast would the space shuttle have to travel if it needed to place a satellite into a stable, circular
orbit by just releasing it 800km above the surface of the Moon?

(d)If the satellite has inertia 200kg, what is its angular momentum in this circular orbit?

(e)If the speed were not quite correct because of an error in the mass of the moon and the orbit started to
decay just due to the pull of gravity, what would the angular momentum be when the satellite was at
200km above the surface. Why?

(f)Calculate gmoon .

Solution to Part (a)

In order to escape the gravitational field of the moon, an object must have just enough kinetic energy to make
its total energy zero, or
K +U =0
K = U
GM m
mv 2 =
And so the escape velocity as a function of distance (from the center of mass of the object of mass M ) is
M is the mass of the moon, and r is the distance from the center to the surface of the moon.

u 2 6.673 1011 Nm2 (7.35 1022 kg)
= 2376
1.738 106 m
Grading Key: Part (a) 7 Points
1 point(s) : correct m
2 point(s) : Etot = 0 and correctly solves for v (can be one step)
1 point(s) : Correct form for kinetic energy
1 point(s) : Correct potential energy, including negative sign
1 point(s) : correct r
1 point(s) : correct answer with units
Solution to Part (b)
The potential energy between two objects is given by
U =

Gm1 m2

Dont forget the negative sign! Also remember that r is from the center of the moon to the center of the shuttle.
(6.673 1011 Nm
kg2 )(7.35 10 kg)(200kg)
U =
(1.738 106 m) + (800 103 m)
U = 3.86 108 J
Grading Key: Part (b) 5 Points
2 point(s) : 1.5 points for expression for potential (even if no minus sign),
and 1/2 point for correct sign (minus) for final answer
2 point(s) : Correct substitutions; adds radius of moon to height above surface for r
1 point(s) : correct math

Solution to Part (c)

In order for the satellite to achieve a stable circular orbit, the centripetal force must equal the gravitational force:
mac = m

GM m

Now solve for the velocity v,


This distance R is the radius of the moon, rmoon , plus the distance of the satellite above the surface of the moon,
r = 800km. Substituting this information, we find
rmoon + r
(6.673 1011 Nm
kg2 )(7.35 10 kg)
= 1390
(1.738 10 m + 8 10 m)

Grading Key: Part (c) 6 Points

1 point(s) : correct R
3 point(s) : ac =


2 point(s) : Fg = mac
Solution to Part (d)
Angular momentum is

~ = ~r p~

For a circular orbit, the angle between the position vector and the direction of motion is 90 , so angular momentum
L = rmv
The satellite is traveling at 1390 ms , and r is the radius of the moon plus the distance from the surface of the
L = (1.738 106 m + 8 105 m)(200kg)(1390.14 )
kg m
= 7.06 1011
Grading Key: Part (d) 6 Points
2 point(s) : a correct definition of angular momentum
1 point(s) : reduces to mvr
2 point(s) : 1 each: same R as in (b); same v as in (b)
1 point(s) : consistent answer with correct units
Solution to Part (e)
Since the force of gravity is a central force, there is no torque on the satellite. Torque causes change in angular
momentum; if there is no torque, then the angular momentum can not change. So, while it drops to 200km, the
angular momentum is still the same.
Grading Key: Part (e) 6 Points
2 point(s) : force is central
2 point(s) : no torque
2 point(s) : stays the same

Solution to Part (f)

The gravitational force between two objects is given by Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation,
Fg =

Gm1 m2

Using Newtons Second Law, we can solve for the acceleration,

F g = m2 a =

Gm1 m2


We give this acceleration the special symbol g. Remember that R in this context is the distance between the
centers of mass of the objects, so it is the radius of the moon, in this case.
gmoon =

(6.673 1011 Nmkg2 )(7.35 1022 kg)

= 1.6 2
(Rmoon )2
(1.738 106 m)2

Grading Key: Part (f) 5 Points

2 point(s) : Correctly recognizes g as acceleration due to gravity at moons
2 point(s) : plugs in the numbers for moon correctly (1 each radius and
1 point(s) : correct answer with units
Total Points for Problem: 35 Points

Solution to Practice Test Problem 7.4(Mass on Spring)

Problem: Consider a spring hung vertically from the ceiling. Take upward to be positive in the problem.
spring. It then undergoes simple harmonic motion with a period of
(a)An object is attached to a k = 300 m

(b)You pull the object in part (a) so that it undergoes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 6 cm.
What is its maximum acceleration and velocity?
(c)If we call the time where it is first passing through the equilibrium position on the way up t = 0, write
an equation of motion for the oscillation, x(t) =?, identifying the values of all constants that you use.
Solution to Part (a)
The period is


seconds. The frequency is the inverse of the period,


= 3Hz

Now find the angular frequency, = 2f

= 6
Use the relation =


to solve for the inertia.


300 m
= 0.84kg
36 2

Grading Key: Part (a) 5 Points

1 point(s) : correct relationship between f and T .
1 point(s) : correct relationship between and f (can do in one step).
1 point(s) : correct relationship between and m.
1 point(s) : correctly substitutes k
1 point(s) : correct answer with units

Solution to Part (b)

You could use conservation of energy to get maximum velocity, since once you know the maximum displacement,
you know the total energy of the motion. However, we are going to need acceleration too, so it is probably easier
to do it this way:
Define a function representing the motion,
x(t) = A sin(t + ),
where is the angular frequency, and the amplitude is A. is the phase angle, to make the initial conditions
work out okay, but since we just care about maxima, it isnt going to matter to us.
The time derivative will also be sinusoidal with angular frequency , but with amplitude A (chain rule).
v(t) = A cos(t + ),
The maximum velocity will occur when the sinusoidal term is 1, so

vmax = A = (.06m) 6s1 = 0.36
vmax = 1.13m/s

We just need to take a second derivative to get maximum acceleration, which brings out another factor of ,

amax = A 2 = (0.06m) 6s1 = 2.16 2 2
amax = 21.32m/s2

Grading Key: Part (b) 5 Points

1 point(s) : recognize v related to and A.
1 point(s) : |vmax | = A
1 point(s) : |amax | = A 2
1 point(s) : correct vmax (ibcs ok) with units.
1 point(s) : amax = vmax with units
Solution to Part (c)
Starts out with zero position and maximum positive velocity. Sine works best, because x(t) = 0 and x (t) = max,
or we could do the cosine, but we would have to remember to SUBTRACT 2
x(t) = A sin(t) or A cos(t


Grading Key: Part (c) 5 Points

1 point(s) : sine or cosine
2 point(s) : correct phase choice
1 point(s) : A = 0.06m
1 point(s) : from part (b).
Total Points for Problem: 15 Points

Solution to Practice Test Problem 7.5(Multiple choice-First law)

Problem: In chapter 9, we learned about the work-energy theorem we represented with work-energy diagrams.
Which law of thermodynamics is basically the same thing?
Select One of the Following:

(a) Zeroth Law - If one object is in thermal equilibrium with a second object, and the second object is in thermal
equilibrium with a third, then the first and third objects are in thermal equilibrium.
(b-Answer) First Law: Energy is not lost in processes that involve changing the temperature or phase of an object,
thermal energy is associated with temperature and phase.
(c) Second Law - Total entropy cannot decrease, but it can increase; OR heat flows spontaneously from hot to
cold; OR Heat engines are always less than 100% efficient.
(d) Third Law - Entropy approaches a constant as temperature approaches absolute zero.
The Work-Energy Theorem: W = E where Work is net work done due to external forces and E includes
all the changes in energy in the system. The first law of thermodynamics is the same law as the work-energy
theorem, with thermal energy identified as a type of energy and heat as the equivalent of work, another form of
energy transfer.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Practice Test Problem 7.6(Where are Waves on Strings - More Dense to
Less Dense)
Problem: You are given two strings of different
densities tied together. (Like the lab demo) You
shake the first string up and down once, causing one
complete sinusoidal wave pulse. The wavelength is
25cm, and at t = 0, the leading edge of the wave is
25cm from the join of the two strings, as shown in
the first picture. In the first string, the wave travels
at a speed of 0.5 ms . The second picture shows the
wave at a time after the first picture.

String 2

String 1

25cm 25cm

String 2

String 1

(a)How does the period of the wave on string 1

compare to the period on string 2? Justify
your answer.


(b)Which string is has more mass? Why?



(c)What is the speed of the wave in string 2?

Justify your answer.
(d)How much time passed between the two
Solution to Part (a)
The period of the wave is the amount of time it takes for the source to complete one entire wave motion, so is
not dependant on the material in the wave. Thus the wave in both strings will have the same period.
Grading Key: Solution to Part (a) 3 Points
2 point(s) : No difference between the two strings.
1 point(s) : Valid argument as of why.
Solution to Part (b)
: When the wave passes from string 1 to string 2, the wavelength increases. An increase in wavelength is caused
by an increase in wave speed. This is caused by a decrease in string weight. Thus string 1 is the heavier string.
Grading Key: Solution to Part (b) 3 Points
1 point(s) : String 1 is heavier.
2 point(s) : Valid reason.

Solution to Part (c)

Three ways to do this:
1. We can cheat and think of the speed of the wave in terms of a periodic wave. This can be determined
c = f
The wavelength in string two is known (2 = 21 = 0.5m) but the frequency is not. However, the frequency
does not change as the wave passes from string to string. Finding the frequency in string 1 will be the same as
in string 2
0.5 ms
= 2Hz
Using this frequency to find c2
c2 = (0.5m)(2Hz) = 1
2. We can do it right. Wave speed is how long a wiggle is, divided by how much time it takes for a wiggle to
go by:
c = /T
The period does not change, since that is determined by the external source that created the wave. The speed is
determined by the material, and the wavelength is the thing that adjusts to make it all work out. So
T =

= 0.5s
0.5 ms

3. Or we can just see that it has to be proportional, since period is fixed, so if the wavelength doubles, so
does the speed.
c2 =

Grading Key: Solution to Part (c) 3 Points

2 point(s) : Correct equation for wave speed - or - states it is proportional
to wavelength
1 point(s) : Correct answer with units.
Solution to Part (d)
At a time t = d/v later, the wave will have hit the boundary and two resulting waves will be produced. One wave
produced will be transmitted through the boundary into string 2. This wave has the same sinusoidal pattern as
the original wave but with twice the wavelength. The second wave produced was reflected. The reflected wave
has the same shape as the original wave travelling back from whence it came with the same wavelength.This wave
was not inverted because the initial wave is traveling from a more dense medium to less dense medium, this acts
like a free boundary. To find out how long it takes the original wave to reach the boundary from where on the
string the wave starts:
t= =
= 0.5s
0.5 ms
The two resulting waves will continue to travel until they get to their new positions.
The reflected waves position:
0.75m = v1 t = (0.5

)t t = 1.5s.

Or we could use the transmitted waves position (recall that the velocity has changed for string 2):
1.5m = v2 t = (1

)t t = 1.5s.

Remember that this is the distance the leading edge of the original wave travels. The rest of the wave is behind
these positions. Combine all of this to find the time the wave is at the new position is 2s later.


Grading Key: Solution to Part (d) 8 Points

1 point(s) : Used the equation: d = vt to find the distance the two waves
1 point(s) : Used the velocity given for the incident wave.
1 point(s) : Used the leading edge of the incident wave is 0.25m from the
1 point(s) : Found the time it took to get to the boundary from the initial
position shown to be 0.5s
1 point(s) : Used the velocity they calculated for the transmitted wave if
used transmitted wave, or original, if use reflected wave.
1 point(s) : Used the leading edge of the reflected wave at the later time
is 0.75m from the boundary or the leading edge of the transmitted wave is
1.5m from the boundary.
1 point(s) : Found the time it took to get from the boundary to the position
shown to be 1.5s (ibc if mistake on speed and used transmitted)
1 point(s) : Adds their times together to get a total time. (Student could
simply look at the total distance traveled in the first string. this would be
Total Points for Problem: 17 Points


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