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Relations to Eto:

Sedna (Inuktitut: , Sanna) is the goddess of the sea and marine animals in Inuit
mythology, also known as the Mother of the Sea or Mistress of the Sea. The story of
Sedna, which is a creation myth, describes how she came to rule over Adlivun, the
Inuit underworld. (ghoul world)

In one legend Sedna is a giant(her kakuja), the daughter of the creator-god

Anguta(Yoshimura), with a great hunger that causes her to attack her
parents(indirectly leads to her mothers death, because she was her parents priority)
. Angered, Anguta takes her out to sea and throws her over the side of his kayak
(She was left in a sewer, Anguta didn't directly hate her, but himself). As she clings
to the sides, he chops off her fingers and she sinks to the underworld, becoming the
ruler of the monsters of the deep(ghouls). Her huge fingers become the seals,
walruses, and whales hunted by the Inuit.(her little creations : Seidou, rosewalt girl,
and Noro).
In the Netsilik region, the story states that Nuliayuk was a mistreated orphan (Same
as Eto). One day the people tried to get rid of her by attempting to drown her by
chopping off her finger tips (. But the fingertips would transform to seals and
walruses. Eventually Nuliayuk marries a sculpin(Eto doesn't actually marry anyone,
but "ties her existence" to that of the OEK to inspire ghouls and freighten the CCG)
and lives in the sea controlling all sea mammals.(Under the water/surface, ghoul's
and their world).

The varying legends each give different rationales for Sedna's death. Yet, in each
version, her father takes her to sea in his kayak, chopping off her fingers. In each
version she sinks to the bottom of the sea, worshiped by hunters (CCG) who depend
on her goodwill to supply food (Investigators won't be able to provide for their
family without killing ghouls that Eto controls) . She is generally considered a
vengeful goddess, and hunters must placate and pray to her to release the sea
animals from the ocean depths for their hunt.

Sedna is also a dwarf planet that is 3 times as far from the Sun as Neptune, and is
slowly getting futher away. It could symbolize that Eto and Sedna are getting closer
to "Death" as time goes on.

Regarding this chapter:

Aergia[pronunciation?] (Greek: , "inactivity") is a goddess in Greek
mythology, a personification of sloth and laziness (Furuta, cmon he is kinda
feminine). She is the daughter of Aether (god of the upper winds) and Gaia (Mother
of all gods and earth) (( The "world" is made out of Winds and earth, that same
"World" is equivalent to V and their birdcage; basically Furuta is the son/daughter of
V itself, not necessarily a Washuu since why he can't "call his father a father")). She
is said to guard the court of Hypnos (Kanou) in the Underworld (Ghoul world).
In Greek mythology, Hypnos (/hpns/; Greek: , "sleep")[1] was the
personification of sleep (Kanou put Yoshimura to sleep in order to extract samples);
the Roman equivalent was known as Somnus.

Well then, let's put some things together. This chapter mostly revolved around four
characters; Kaneki, Eto, Furuta, and Arima. All of which are One Eyed Ghouls or
potentially one eyed (arima). One Eyed ghouls represent a "scarcity" themselves
since there's only a few here and there.
Lazy in this case might not necessarily mean being actually lazy , but more on the
lines of "Not doing something unless it's absolutely necessary". In the case of
Furuta, he doesn't fight back until he was actually driven into a corner in the face of
death. Arima and Kaneki, on the other hand, are known to be paralleled as
investigators that won't act unless they're ordered to. That's their own "laziness",
which isn't actually lazy but just a far away cousin of it.
Kaneki and Furuta have a lot in common if you ask me. The penguins that were
shown behind Furuta's kagune are black and white, just like his and kaneki's
personality. How? well, the white color contains "every color" and the black color
contains "none of the colors". We've seen this in Kaneki's hair transformations as
well. They're both sides of the same coin. Furuta's black "penguin side" might be his
real intentions and being active in the ghoul world, while Kaneki's white and black
hair are usually his switch between persona's and/or dimensions.

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