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Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413

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Radio Frequency Identication (RFID) and communication technologies

for solid waste bin and truck monitoring system
M.A. Hannan a,, Maher Arebey a, R.A. Begum b, Hassan Basri c

Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Institute for Environment and Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 18 January 2011
Accepted 19 July 2011
Available online 25 August 2011
Solid waste monitoring and management

a b s t r a c t
This paper deals with a system of integration of Radio Frequency Identication (RFID) and communication technologies for solid waste bin and truck monitoring system. RFID, GPS, GPRS and GIS along with
camera technologies have been integrated and developed the bin and truck intelligent monitoring system. A new kind of integrated theoretical framework, hardware architecture and interface algorithm
has been introduced between the technologies for the successful implementation of the proposed system.
In this system, bin and truck database have been developed such a way that the information of bin and
truck ID, date and time of waste collection, bin status, amount of waste and bin and truck GPS coordinates
etc. are complied and stored for monitoring and management activities. The results showed that the realtime image processing, histogram analysis, waste estimation and other bin information have been displayed in the GUI of the monitoring system. The real-time test and experimental results showed that
the performance of the developed system was stable and satised the monitoring system with high practicability and validity.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Most of the local governments and urban agencies identied
that waste monitoring and management are becoming an acute
problem for their urbanization and economic development (Shekdar, 2009). Again, the lack of awareness, ignorance and knowledge
among communities about solid waste issues has worsened the
problem (Ahmed and Ali, 2004). However, it is critical for them
to adopt a broad approach in developing a working framework
due to their social, economic, technological, political and administrative views. The standards of waste management in Malaysia are
still poor. For example, poor and outdated documentation of waste
generation rates, inefcient and manual collection systems and
inefcient utilization of disposal site space (Hassan et al., 2000).
The information about the collecting time and area, tracking the
trucks and trash bin, amount of solid waste, quick response to
urgent and clients complaints are still problems for the management (Ping and Yang, 2006; Chandravathani, 2006; Vicentini
et al., 2009). Thus, the solid waste management companies are
focusing for higher technologies to solve the problems related to
waste collection, monitoring and management.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.A. Hannan).
0956-053X/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

RFID is a rapid emerging technology in the elds of logistics,

manufacturing, supply chain management, animal and farming,
military equipments and navigation (Roussos and Kostakos,
2009). RFID technology of these elds is matured enough, which
ensures the system is practical, universal and with perfect function
(Thomas, 2003; Ngai et al., 2007; Buzzi et al., 2009). In Germany,
20% of garbage collection is managed with such RFID systems
(Botek, 2003). In European countries, RFID are also using for collecting waste from trash and recyclable materials, solid waste
management and disposal of goods (Williams et al., 2008; Thomas,
2009). RFID weighing system measure mass of the waste constituents and identify each waste component on the bin during collection using 135 kHz RFID tags. The waste generator then is charged
accordingly following pay-as-you-throw principle (David, 2010).
There are many RFID and GPS based on bin monitoring system
has been developed for identifying the bin status and automatically reported its data to the control station server (Wyatt, 2008).
While with the existing system, it is hard to get all the facilities
in time and limited to the detection of bin condition (Abdoli,
2009). To stimulate all these facilities, an effective and robust system is therefore needed to maximize the waste management
efciency through the monitoring of the bin status, contents and
its surrounding area, collecting time, vehicle location. However,
implementations the system with GUI have some limitations
(Latifah et al., 2009). In order to deal with this great demand on

M.A. Hannan et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413

above limitations, the advanced communication technologies solutions such as RFID, GPRS, GPS and GIS must be utilized.
In this paper, theoretical framework and interface algorithm between communication technologies such as RFID, GPRS, GPS and
GIS have been developed for the prototype implementation. The
interface algorithm in the control server is able to analyze the location of the trucks, estimate the waste in the bin and its surrounding
area. Thus, the proposed system would be able to solve the mentioned problems with robust solution.

2. Solid waste scenario in Malaysia

In Malaysia, solid waste problem is one of the most controversial environmental issues due to inadequate management practices
and indiscriminate dumping of wastes (World Bank, 1993; Fadel,
2006). Moreover, rapid development, growing population and
changes in consumption pattern directly resulted in the generation
of enormous amount of waste. However, with vision 2020, Malaysia become fully developed country. Therefore, a lot of improvements have to be done in solid waste monitoring and management.
The amount of solid waste generated in Malaysia is steadily
increasing (JICA, 2010). So far, less than 5% of the waste is being
recycled. Despite the massive amount and complexity of waste
produced, the standards of waste management in Malaysia are still
poor. However, the government is currently focusing on methods
to approach the challenge. Table 1 shows the total waste generation in Malaysia projected up to 2010 (JICA, 2010). It is seen that
due to the growing population and increasing consumption, the
amount of solid waste generated in Malaysia went up from
18,494 tons per day in 2002 to 26,419 tons in 2007. Currently, over
30,000 tons of waste is produced each day in Malaysia (JICA, 2010).
This resulted in an increase amount of the national average waste
generated at 0.50.8 kg/person/day, but in the cities the gures
have escalated to 1.7 kg/person. Again, the forecast shows that
the amount would expect to be rise to 50,000 tons by the year
2020 (Abushammala et al., 2010).
The availability of solid waste database in Malaysia is limited
and most of these data are kept as hardcopies and not compiled
or synthesized for further usage (Ping and Yang, 2006). Today,
there is no existing system dedicated by the government of Malaysia to standardize, compile, verify, store, manage and update solid
waste data using a single database system for future planning and
management. Thus, a signicant prediction tools is needed for the
estimation of produced waste, routing optimization and monitoring trucks and bins to support future planning.

Table 1
Total quantity of domestic waste generated daily (tons per day).

Kuala Lumpur

JICA study estimation: Total quantity of

waste in tons per day (TPD)

Projection in TPD










3. RFID and communication technologies

3.1. Radio Frequency Identication (RFID)
RFID is designed to enable readers to capture data from tags and
transmit it to a computer system without any physical connection
at a range of radio frequency. An RFID system consists of three
components: an antenna, tag and reader. The antenna uses radio
frequency waves to transmit a signal that activates the transponder. When activated, the tag transmits data back to the antenna.
Low-frequency RFID systems have short transmission ranges and
high-frequency RFID systems offer longer transmission ranges.
RFID technology is used in a wide range of applications worldwide
including automotive, contactless payments, laundry, library, livestock, pharmaceutical, retail supply chain management, ticketing
and in industry as an alternative to the bar code (Micro Invention
Project, 2006; Lee and Chan, 2009). With extensive research and
development, RFID process system takes a step further by adding
a new application category. Thus, RFID with integrated technologies, the proposed system would provide real time truck tracking
and bin monitoring system.
3.2. Camera
Low cost and resolution RGB camera is used for bin monitoring
system that is mounted on the top of the truck along with RFID
reader in order to get images. RFID reader and camera associated
with on-board GPS and GSM/GPRS module are attached with truck
such a position that can cover 3 m2 around the bin. The waste estimation is analyzed from both gray and binary images. The gray
scale image represents an image as a matrix of bright and dark pixels i.e. the intensity interval between 0 and 255 pixels. The Otsu
method enhanced the binarization of the degraded image in order
to improve the quality of the image as well as quantitative measures of low resolution images. The performance of the Otsu method is evaluated based on optimal conversion of image pixel
function within the intensity level into binary image. The images
can be automatically uploaded from the truck to the designated
server via GPRS connectivity.
3.3. Global Positioning System (GPS)
GPS is a satellite-based navigation system formed by satellites
placed into the orbit to record locations on the earth. The satellites
periodically emit radio signal to GPS receivers to calculate and display accurate location, speed, and time. GPS works accurately in all
weather conditions, day or night, around the clock and the globe.
Today, GPS is extensively being used in motor vehicle for providing
emergency road side assistance, determining the vehicles position
on an electronic map displaying and helping drivers to keep track
of their position. Modern systems automatically create a route and
give turn-by-turn directions to designated locations (Kumar and
Kevin, 2002). GPS is used in this system for tracking the position
of the truck and bin location.
3.4. GSM/GPRS technology
GSM is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services with the transmission of
SMS. GPRS is a wireless data service developed from the existing
GSM system and can be associated with the INTERNET. It provides
a link between mobile users and data network as well as highspeed wireless IP. GPRS used packet switching technology that
can take up a number of wireless channels to transfer data at a rate


M.A. Hannan et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413

Black box

RFID Reader
Bin with Tag


Truck with Black box




coordinate system of a particular place on the earth. Spatial data

and associated attributes in the same coordinate system can then
be layered together for mapping and analysis. A GIS is different
from other information systems, because it integrates common
database operations such as query and statistical analysis with
the advantages of visual and geographic analysis through maps
(Bin et al., 2004; Ma et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2002). GIS can be used
for scientic investigations, resource management, monitoring and
development planning. Thus, with the aid of GIS in the control server, the solid waste bin can be detected, monitored and managed,
4. Method and system

Fig. 1. Architecture of solid waste bin and truck monitoring and management

SW Bin


The method of the proposed system is divided into three subsection such as theoretical framework, hardware architecture and
interface algorithm between technologies. The prototype is developed using RFID, GIS and GPRS interfaced with low cost camera
along with control server for solid waste bin and truck monitoring
and management system. In this system, there is a great deal of
process intelligence to ensure the capability of the prototype and
also justify its validity. Subsections of the prototype are detailed
as follows.

Reader & Camera

4.1. Theoretical framework

Snap Image



Storage the information of

time, location, RFID and

Update the GIS

Subtract received
image from the


Update BIN

The theoretical framework of the bin and truck monitoring system is based on data communication between RFID tag and reader,
images and GPS data transmission using GSM and GPRS network
and retrieved data interface with GIS. The RFID reader continues
radiating RF signal i.e. operating energy or effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) to the RFID tag. If the bin associated with tag lies
within the readers range, an alternating RF voltage is induced on
the transponder antenna. Then the voltage is rectied to provide
a direct-current (DC) supply voltage for tag operation. The adequate power level received by the tag determines the read/write
range or identication range between the reader and tag (Ricci
and Grisanti, 2009) as follows:


EIRP reader Gtag

where, EIRPreader is the effective isotropic radiated power of the

reader, Ptag is the power required at the tag antenna output, Gtag
is the tag antenna gain, and k is the free-space wavelength of the
RF carrier, respectively.
Again the power available to the tag and power detected by the
reader can be expressed as follows:

Update RFID

Pav EIRP  Greader 

Fig. 2. The processes of updating the GIS and bin database.

Pdr Pbs  Gtag 

up to 160 Kbps. GPRS network has a wide coverage and can truly
achieve real-time sending and receiving (Kia et al., 2008).
3.5. Geographic Information System
GIS integrates software and hardware for storage, collecting,
managing, mapping, analyzing of data and showing all forms of
geographical information in a computer-based system. It helps to
analyze data visually and look patterns, trends, and relationships
that might not be visible in tabular or written form. The tabular
form is associated with spatial features, which are stored in a






where, Pam is the RF power available at the tag antenna and Pdr is the
RF power reradiated at the tag antenna.
In the passive RFID system, the power, received by the tag, directly determines the read/write (R/W) range or identication
range between the reader and tag. The tag needs to backscatter
sufcient power to satisfy the reader sensitivity. This is determined
from the maximum allowable bit error rate (BER). Thus, the power
link between the RFID reader and tag needs to be investigated very
carefully. However, before determining the distance of reader and
tag, data encryption is needed in RFID technology as a safety measure. If the data stored in the tag is not encrypted, any reader is

M.A. Hannan et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413


Fig. 3. Solid waste truck information in the database.

Fig. 4. Solid waste truck information in the database.

able to read the information or the tag can be refused to be read by

the reader. To prevent this event, the reader used must be authenticated with the tag and only the rightful reader can retrieve the
data contained in the tag. Thus, the data encryption protects the
data in the RFID tag (Wang et al., 2008). The mechanism of data
encryption is shown as follows:

S fP; C; K; E; Dg

where, P expresses the space of plaintext, C expresses the space of

ciphertext, K is the key or the space of key, E is encryption algorithm
and D is decryption algorithm, respectively.
The distance between the reader and the tag can be calculated
and veried using parameters like frequency of the reader, wavelength of the reader, period of time for tag detection, and the number of detection within a period of time. Thus, the distance
between the reader and the tag can be estimated as follows (Tin
and Zaw, 2009):


fx  v x  px
2  cx

where, dx,0 is the distance between tag and reader x, fx is the frequency provided by reader x, vx is the wavelength of frequency provided by reader x, px is the period of time for tag detection and cx is
the number of tag detection within a period of time, respectively.
When the reader and the tag are in the required proximity, the
system requires the message read by the reader to be sent to the
system. But besides RFID, GPS data ows are also needs to be processed before integrating it with the system. GPS gathers location
data from the satellite and sent to the web server of the system
along with RFID data. This GPS data is able to be used to get the
minimum distance of the bin location and certain truck position
equipped with GPS module. The minimum distance with build in
map between the bin and truck is determined at the user interface
as follows (Niu et al., 2009):


x  xi 2 y  yi 2

where, minimum distance between the bin tag and truck reader,
(x, y) is the GPS coordinates of the truck and (xi, yi) is a point at
the bin segment.


M.A. Hannan et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413

This RGB images are converted into grayscale images to make a

comparison. Then the RGB and gray scale images are subtracted in
order to obtain the image of the differences between the two
images. The image of differences is then converted into a binary
black/white image for further processing. The threshold for this
procedure is calculated using the Otsu methodology (Rovetta
et al., 2009). The Otsus methodology computes a global threshold
level that can be used to convert an intensity image to a binary image as shown in Fig. 5. The threshold level is a normalized intensity
value that lies in the range of 01. The detail Otsus model are as

r2 within T nB T r2B T nO T r2O T

nB T




nO T



The GSM positioning distance estimation between the GSM transmitter and receiver is obtained as follows.

TA-Distance TA-v alue


where, TA-Distance is the time advance distance, TA-value is the

xed value depends on the GSM module and dTA is 554 m,
Data collected by the RFID and GPS is saved in the database and
is retrieved whenever prompted by the user. At the users end, GIS
is interfaced and used as the mapping tool. This study was conducted to emphasize the uses of GIS layers and imagery perspective of transportation geographic to the extraction method of
accessibility index. The Gutierrez and Gomez model is registered
with actual transportation layers or digital map as follows (Lee
et al., 2003):


j1 T ij M j


where, nB (T) and nO (T) are the summation of image pixels p(i)
within the intensity level (0, T  1) and (T, N  1), respectively. r2B
(T) and r2O (T) are the variance of pixels in below threshold and
above threshold, respectively.
For easy computation, between-class variance is used by subtracting the within-class variance from the total variance of combined distribution.

r2 between T r2  r2 within T
nB TlB T  l nO TlO T  l

j1 M j


where, Ai is the accessibility index of the extraction method at ith

node, n is the number of nodes in the map, Tij is the travel time between origin to destination at ith and jth node and Mj is the objective factors such as population or job opportunity, respectively.
This study emphasizes on RFID data, GIS layer and imagery data.
Thus, web sensed imageries are co-registered with actual transportation layers or digital map.

where r is the combined variance and l is the combined mean.

Notice that the between-class variance is simply the weighted variance of the cluster means around the overall mean. Substituting
l = nB(T)lB(T) + nO(T)lO(T) and simplifying Eq. (8):

r2 between T nB T nO TlB T  lO T2

Ai Pn

Thus, for each potential threshold of T, the followings are needed to

be considered.
Once RFID, image and GPS data are obtained, they are sent to
the web server via GPRS network to the control station. In case
of GPRS network is unavailable the system converts to GSM connectivity to obtain stability and functionality of the system. GSM
acts as the communication medium that enables the data sending
wirelessly and the integration between the hardware and software.

4.2. Hardware architecture of the system

The hardware system is consisting of RFID devices i.e. tag and
receiver, low cost camera, GPS and GSM and GPRS module interfaced with GIS as shown in Fig. 1. The proposed system is based
on web-access architecture of a network for distributed bins and
trucks. There are four main activities of the system such as RFID
and camera data acquisition, acquired data including GPS information transmission through GSM and GPRS transceiver, GIS database
management system for proper mapping and decision for monitoring and management system, respectively.
The real time data acquisition factors such as time spent to,
from and at locations, bin and truck serial number i.e. ID, captured
image, truck route and bin position are optimized for bin monitoring and management system. RFID tag is mounted on 120 and

Fig. 5. GUI for bin monitoring system: empty bin status.

M.A. Hannan et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413

240 L bin in order to gather the serial number of the bin. The RFID
reader and camera are mounted in the truck. GPS and GIS are used
in the intelligent system for tracking the position of the truck and
bin location as well as mapping the detection and monitoring of
the trucks and bins. In this way, the actual content of the bin and
its surrounding area can be estimated with high precision.
4.3. Interface algorithm between technologies
The interface algorithm between the technologies working
principle shown in Fig. 2. The interface algorithm deals with the
process of intelligence to ensure the system capability and justify
its validity. RFID tag is attached to each bin in order to monitor
and track the bin during the collection process. Low cost camera
and reader are attached to the truck in order to get bin information
and images. When the truck comes closer to the bin, RFID reader
communicates with the RFID tag to capture the tags ID and other
information about the bin and gives signal to the camera to capture
the rst image. After the collection process is done, the camera
captures the second image. Thus, all the real-time informations
such as tag ID, collection time, bin status images, waste content
in the bin and GPS data are forwarded to the control server through
the GSM and GPRS modem with the availability of GSM/GPRS network. The GIS based operator interface presents a digital map of
bin status as well as truck position. All these data from the bin
and truck are stored in the database and presented on the digital
map. The received images are subtracted from reference i.e. gray
scale images in order to obtain the image differences between
the two images. The image differences are then converted into a
binary black/white image for further processing to calculate SW
amount using Otsu methodology. As the functionality of the system is to optimize the scheduling activities according to the previous uploaded data, then bin prole and RFID database need to be
updated to measure the efciency of the current situation. The
minimization processes consider the cost of the time and cost of
truck operation. The system parameters are represented by the
recorded data of the bin. In this way, collection time and position,
actual content of the bin and its surrounding area can be estimated
with high precision.
5. Results and discussion
Based on monitoring function and operating principle, the system structure was consisted mainly four parts such as (i) automated bin attached with RFID tag, (ii) intelligent vehicle i.e. truck
equipped with RFID reader, camera, GPS module and GSM and
GPRS transmitter, (iii) Monitoring platform interfaced with GSM
and GPRS receiver and GIS module, and (iv) communication network, respectively. In this section, RFID tag and Reader data acquisition, bin and truck data information, waste estimation, image
analysis within GUI, histogram analysis are demonstrated in order
to monitoring and management solid waste bin and truck using
RFID and communication technologies.
Fig. 3 shows the bin information in the monitoring database.
The information such as bin ID, date of waste collection and truck
ID, stored in the RFID tag were read by the RFID reader. The images
taken by camera were processed based on Otsu methodology in order to examined bin status either collected or uncollected and
amount of estimated waste either empty, full or overow, respectively. The latitude and longitude coordinates of bin location were
provided by GPS module that attached in the truck along with RFID
reader and GSM and GPRS module. All these information are combined together and sent to the control station via GSM and GPRS
transceiver. The control station compiled all the information and
stored in the system database as mentioned.


With the similar fashion of bin monitoring, waste truck database was monitored as shown in Fig. 4. All information such as
truck ID, driver name, longitude, latitude, truck speed, collection
and date were received in the control station via GSM and GPRS
transceiver and complied in the system database. Thus, operator
can monitor the bin and truck data that was stored in the database
for future planning use.
The image processing and histogram analysis, waste estimation,
bin status, bin ID, collection date and time, etc. are discussed in the
bin and truck monitoring system. All the processing was carried
out in the control server through graphical user interface (GUI)
as shown in Figs. 57. In the process of image restoration, image
enhancement and waste estimation, the effected noise and low
contrast were removed using ltration technique to overcome
these problems. After the image being processed the image converted into grayscale format to make a comparison. Grayscale image was subtracted from the reference image in order to obtain the
differences between the two images. For example, in default status
i.e. empty bin, the whole image was represented by black pixel and
no appearance to white pixels. It was noticed as the waste increased, the number of black pixel decreased and intensity level
of histogram increased as shown in full and overow bin status
GUI. In GUI, the frequency of occurrence of each grayscale was
0255. The background of the image was removed by subtracting
the two images from each other. The subtracted image i.e. the left
image was the objects or waste. Then the gray format image was
converted into binary format of 0 or 1 value. The 0 value corresponds to black indicated no waste appeared and 1 corresponds
to white indicated the waste. The slider was added to the GUI to
measure the status of the bin and the amount of waste whether
the bin was empty, full or overow, respectively.
The waste estimation was analyzed from both gray and binary
images. Grayscale image showed the intensity level of histogram
and how it was varied from empty to overow status. Binary
images showed the slider value and how it changed from empty
to overow. There are three status of the bin was recorded and
tested. First case showed the empty status of bin i.e. there was
no pixel recorded in the histogram and conversion of binary image
was all black i.e. 0 values. We have measured the frequency occurrence of the white pixels at 255 and found there was no white pixel
recorded on the slider. There was nothing in the status indication
bar. Thus the bin status was empty along with other information
as shown in Fig. 5.
In the second case, the bin status was full in which the intensity
level of histogram was changed as the waste increased as shown in
Fig. 6. We have measured the frequency occurrence of the pixels
value at 255 and found that the amount of waste represented by
the slider value was 306,919 pixels. It also found that the bin status
bar was red color in full position i.e. bin was full of waste. In general, the maximum image pixels are 480,000 at 255 in the slider.
Thus, it can concluded, if the waste increases, the white pixels increases as well and the slider value changes to higher range of the
white pixel.
In 3rd case, it was found that the intensity level of histogram
was higher due to the overow of waste as shown in Fig. 7. The
bin status indicated that it was overow and slider value was increased to 350,158 pixels at 255. It also seen that the frequency
occurrence of pixels value was higher than the threshold value.
The image pixels increased as the waste increased. It can be concluded that the higher the intensity level of histogram, higher
the waste and lower the intensity, lower the waste. Thus, the
image analysis of the developed system provided the status of
the bin for monitoring and management. Again, re-allocation the
location of the bin, truck route and its scheduling are also the contribution of the system. Hence, the control server of the system can
plan for better bin and truck distribution cooperating with


M.A. Hannan et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 24062413

Fig. 6. GUI for bin monitoring system: full bin status.

Fig. 7. GUI for bin monitoring system: full bin status.

communication technologies. Thus, solid waste bin and truck

including related information can be monitor and manage using
the developed system.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, a new solution of integrated RFID and communication technologies such as GPS, GSM/GPRS, GIS and low cost camera is developed to enhance waste collection operation, bin and
truck monitoring and management efciency. The developed system provides improved performance on collecting information of
bin and truck ID, date and time of waste collection, bin status,
amount of waste and bin and truck GPS coordinates for monitoring
and management services. All these information are stored in the
developed bin and truck database. The implementation of the system with graphical user interface is contributed to provide data
about the bins and trucks, their position and the image analysis.
The system is also contributed to reallocate the location of the

bin from solid waste amount that have been thrown daily as well
as truck route and its scheduling. Hence, the control server of
the system can plan for better bin and truck distribution cooperating with communication technologies. Thus, solid waste bin and
truck including related information can be monitor and manage
using the developed system.

The authors are acknowledged this work for the nancial support under the Grant UKM-PTS-003-2009.

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