Asset ACP User Reference Guide

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ASSET ACP User Reference Guide

For Version 9.0

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Change History
This table shows the change history of this guide:



23 February 2015

First edition.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7

Using ASSET ACP ........................................................................................... 9

Using the ACP Workflow.................................................................................... 9
Recommendations and Guidelines .................................................................. 10
About the File Menu ......................................................................................... 11
Setting Up Thresholds and Parameters ........................................................... 12
Setting RF Array Thresholds ..................................................................................... 12
Setting the Strategy ................................................................................................... 16
Setting Traffic Options ............................................................................................... 18
Specifying the Settings .............................................................................................. 18
Globally Committing All Your Changes ..................................................................... 20

Managing Plans ............................................................................................... 20

Using the Plan Manager ............................................................................................ 21
About the Concept of Plans in ASSET ACP .............................................................. 21
Viewing and Using Plans in the Plan Manager ......................................................... 22
Creating Plans for Optimisation or Analysis .............................................................. 23
Using the Context Menu ............................................................................................ 30
Viewing Plans in the Map View Window.................................................................... 32
Applying a Plan to the Database ............................................................................... 35
Applying a Plan Temporarily to the Database ........................................................... 36
Comparison between Temp Apply and Apply to Database ....................................... 37
Deleting a Plan .......................................................................................................... 38

Setting Action-Constraints for Plans................................................................. 38

About the Action-Constraints Dialog Box .................................................................. 39
Using the Action-Constraints Dialog Box ................................................................... 41
About Action-Constraints Templates ......................................................................... 53
Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to Objects ................................................. 63

Optimising a Network ....................................................................................... 65

Prerequisites for an Optimisation .............................................................................. 65
Running an Optimisation ........................................................................................... 66
Monitoring an Optimisation ........................................................................................ 67
About Applying Plans to the Database ...................................................................... 73

Analysing and Evaluating Plans ....................................................................... 73

Information Generated by the Analysis ..................................................................... 74
Prerequisites for Running an Analysis ....................................................................... 75
Performing an Analysis for a Single Plan .................................................................. 75
Performing an Analysis to Compare Plans ................................................................ 77
Displaying Plan Comparison Results in the Map View .............................................. 78
About Rollout Planning and Partial Plans .................................................................. 79

About Action-Constraints ................................................................................. 83

Methods of Configuring Action-Constraints ............................................................... 83
About the Action-Constraints Available ..................................................................... 84

Selecting Report Formats ................................................................................ 96

Index............................................................................................................... 99

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide


1 Introduction
ASSET ACP is ASSET's automatic cell planning and optimisation tool. Relying on the same
advanced algorithm used by ADVANTAGE, the tool searches for improvements based on userspecified criteria, and greatly speeds up the cell planning process.
ASSET ACP enables the automatic optimisation of the physical network configuration to maximise
capacity for the desired range of services and traffic demands. It can optimise design parameter
settings (antenna, power) to meet the network performance objectives.

The tool is designed to aid planners in their day-to-day planning activities.

The maximum number of cells that can be experimentally modified within any one
optimisation is 150. That is, when creating a plan, 150 cells is the maximum that can be in
the 'plan' state. There is no limit on the number that can be in the 'read-only' state.

If, in addition to ASSET ACP, you also have a Financial Analysis licence, these two
modules share the same dialog box (ACP & Financial Analysis).

The technologies explicitly supported are:





Fixed WiMAX

Mobile WiMAX


In this guide, for simplicity, the term WiMAX may represent Fixed or Mobile WiMAX, and
the term CDMA/EV-DO may represent CDMA2000 or EV-DO.

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide



In ASSET ACP, the Optimiser Workflow enables you to perform the vast majority of tasks from a
single dialog box.

Using the ACP Workflow

The ACP Workflow enables you to perform all the tasks within ASSET ACP from a single dialog
box. This incorporates the setting up of parameters, costs, constraints and targets, and generation
of optimisation plans.

Example of the ACP Workflow dialog box in ASSET ACP

The ACP Workflow comprises a number of main options in the left hand pane, and each of these
enables you to access a range of specific options that are displayed in the right-hand pane.
Note: The tab names and options within the ACP Workflow dialog box will vary slightly according to
the technology that you are using.

To start the ACP Workflow:

From the Tools menu, click ASSET ACP.

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Recommendations and Guidelines

Important: There are some crucial factors which you should consider when using ASSET ACP. It is
strongly recommended that you consider the following factors carefully, otherwise you run the risk
of optimisations taking much longer than necessary. If these issues are considered properly, and
the set-up is sensible, ASSET ACP can perform at its best in terms of speed, performance and

Large Array Support

For performance reasons, it is strongly recommended to turn off Large Array Support (LAS)
when running optimisations.
If the scenario (region size, map data resolution, terminal count, covering cell depth, and so
on) means that there is not enough memory available to ENTERPRISE without using LAS,
it is better to reduce the memory demands of the scenario (such as splitting the scenario
into multiple parts), rather than attempt to use LAS.
For information on the Large Array Support Settings, see the ENTERPRISE Installation
and Administration Guide.

Prediction Resolutions
For performance reasons, prediction resolutions for individual cells should be set so that
they match the resolution at which the analysis or optimisation is being performed. Ideally,
the predictions should already be available at the specified map data resolution, before
performing an analysis or optimisation.

You can use the following list of guidelines to maximise the ability of the optimisation algorithm to
find an optimised network configuration quickly:


Concentrate on the region and cells of interest. Use the Plan Wizard to specify the region
and cells of interest, and ignore areas or cells that should not be part of the optimisation.

Restrict the optimisation calculations to vectors and/or drive test routes (if possible). Use
the option in the Plan Wizard (or the Edit Vectors right-click option) to restrict the
optimisation array and cost calculations to specific vectors and/or drive test routes.

Do not use a higher array resolution than required. If you can get realistic network
performance results by specifying a low resolution for the optimisation, there is no point in
using a higher resolution.

Restrict the number of servers/cells considered for array generation. If you can get realistic
results (for example, with respect to interference) by specifying fewer servers/cells for the
optimisation, there is no need to use more.

Limit the optimisation cost calculations to a lower number of servers/cells (if appropriate).
Use the Servers/Cells per Pixel option on the Strategy page of the Optimiser Workflow to
do this.

Focus on problematic cells/areas. Use read-only filters (for network objects that should be
considered, but not modified) and/or the Problem Cells options to ensure that the
Optimiser concentrates on cells that are performing badly.

Do not under- or over-constrain the optimisation problem. Make sure that the specified
actions/constraints are reasonable, so that inappropriate configurations are not evaluated,
but also flexible enough to allow the Optimiser to produce the best possible plan.

Fine-tune the algorithm. The nature of the algorithm is general enough to apply to a wide
range of optimisation problems. Although the algorithm can be fine-tuned per specific
scenario to further maximise its efficiency (the algorithmic fine-tuning depends on the setup
and user permissions), it is not an easy task and must be approached with caution.


About the File Menu

ENTERPRISE enables you to import XML files into a project or export XML files from a project. You
can do this using the File menu, which gives access to the XML Import and Export dialog boxes.
When you have an ASSET ACP licence, these dialog boxes contain an additional tab, enabling you
to import or export ASSET ACP-specific plans, thresholds, templates and settings.
Important: Only plans marked as in 'Use' by the current user will get exported. This provides some
user-control in a situation where there are numerous plans, and you do not want to export all of
them. However, if you want to export other plans, you need to use the 'Toggle Use' option for such
plans in the Plan Manager of the Optimiser Workflow. See Viewing and Using Plans in the Plan
Manager on page 22.
This picture shows an example:

Example of XML Export Dialog Box

For more information on importing and exporting XML data, see the ENTERPRISE User Reference


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Setting Up Thresholds and Parameters

The ACP Workflow enables you to perform all the tasks within ASSET ACP from a single dialog
This section focuses on the thresholds, parameters and settings, which are crucial to the
optimisation engine.
Important: These steps, in particular the ones related to the radio environment setup, are probably
not relevant to the general user, assuming that the administrator (or super-user) has already
completed them. This is also true for optimisation scenarios that have been set up by one user that
can be shared with other users who access the same project.

To start the ACP Workflow:

From the Tools menu, click ASSET ACP.

Setting RF Array Thresholds

The RF (radio frequency) array thresholds in the ACP Workflow enable you to specify:

RF array thresholds for clutter

RF array thresholds for vectors

These thresholds determine the required RF performance for your optimisations and analyses.

Specifying RF Array Thresholds for Clutter

In the RF Array Thresholds, you can configure clutter-specific thresholds that define the current or
required performance of your network. This enables you to specify and use minimum signal
strength and signal quality targets for chosen clutter types.
These thresholds are evaluated when running optimisations and when performing an analysis.



This picture shows an example of the Clutter Thresholds:

Example of Clutter Thresholds

To edit the Clutter Thresholds:

1. Within the left-hand pane of the ACP Workflow, double-click RF Array Thresholds, and then
double-click Clutter.

2. Click the required technology, as appropriate, depending on your licences.

3. Specify the threshold values as required in the columns for the appropriate clutter types.
The following table describes them:







The minimum signal level (dBm) that is required to

provide coverage in the corresponding clutter type.



Fixed WiMAX


Mobile WiMAX

Preamble RSS






Pilot Ec/Io


Pilot Ec/Io

Fixed WiMAX


Mobile WiMAX

Preamble CINR



The minimum signal quality ratio (dB) that is required in

the corresponding clutter type.

All changes that you make on this page are automatically saved to the database in the
Applied state, and the changes will persist when you close the Workflow dialog box.
However, if appropriate, you can carry out one of the following actions:

If you want to restore the options on this page to the previous committed state (if such
a state exists), click Restore

If you want to share the changes on this page with all other users, click Commit


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Setting the General Clutter Parameters

If you want to use the sampling options, you can do this on the General Clutter Parameters tab. To
do this:
1. Within the left-hand pane of the ACP Workflow, select RF Array Thresholds, then doubleclick Clutter, and then click General.

2. On the General Clutter Parameters tab, specify the Sampling parameters, if required, for
the appropriate clutter types. The following table describes the parameter:



Determines whether cost function sampling is applied to the clutter

type. This sampling is a calculation process using only a subset of
the total pixels during optimisation. The process 'removes'
neighbouring pixels of the same clutter type, and therefore makes
the optimisation and analysis faster.
Sampling is only recommended if your mapping resolution is high
(under 50m) and you want to optimise a large area.
Tip: You can display the subset of pixels on the map View. See
About the Sampling Option on page 34.

If required, you can change all values in a column by editing one row and then doubleclicking on the column heading.

Specifying RF Array Thresholds for Vectors

In the RF Array Thresholds, you can configure vector-specific thresholds that define the current or
required performance of your network. This enables you to specify and use minimum signal
strength and signal quality targets for chosen vectors.
These thresholds are evaluated when running optimisations and when performing an analysis.



The Override checkbox not only enables you to edit the values, but also activates the
vector thresholds. Conversely, if unselected, the vector thresholds are not active.
Therefore, you should always bear this in mind before you run an optimisation or perform
an analysis.

When selected, vector thresholds will always have a higher priority than clutter thresholds
(in the pixels that are intersected by your chosen vectors).


This picture shows an example of the Vector Thresholds:

Example of Vector Thresholds

To edit the Vector Thresholds:

1. Within the left-hand pane of the ACP Workflow, double-click RF Array Thresholds, and then
double-click Vector.

2. Click the required technology, as appropriate, depending on your licences.

3. Click the Select Vectors button, and in the dialog box that appears, choose the vectors for
which you would like to configure parameters, then click OK.
4. Select the Override checkbox.
5. Specify the values as required in the columns for the appropriate vectors. The following
tables describe the thresholds:





You can specify the relative priority of the chosen vectors.

This will determine which parameters are to be used at
locations with intersecting vectors. To raise the priority of a
vector, select it, then drag and drop it to the required
priority position.





The minimum signal level (dBm) that is required to provide

coverage in the corresponding vector.



Fixed WiMAX


Mobile WiMAX

Preamble RSS






Pilot Ec/Io


Pilot Ec/Io

Fixed WiMAX


Mobile WiMAX

Preamble CINR



The minimum signal quality ratio (dB) that is required in the

corresponding vector.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Tip: You can employ functionality similar to that in spreadsheets, such as:

Copying and Pasting single or multiple values within the dialog box

Copying and Pasting values directly to and from Microsoft Excel

Pressing the Ctrl-Shift-DownArrow/UpArrow keys (as a quick method of highlighting

rows in a column)

6. Leave the Override checkbox selected if you want these thresholds to be active for your
optimisations. You can deactivate them at any time, by deselecting the checkbox.
All changes that you make on this page are automatically saved to the database in the
Applied state, and the changes will persist when you close the Workflow dialog box.
However, if appropriate, you can carry out one of the following actions:

If you want to restore the options on this page to the previous committed state (if such
a state exists), click Restore

If you want to share the changes on this page with all other users, click Commit

Setting the Strategy

The Strategy option in the ACP Workflow enables you to:


Select the metrics to be used in the optimisations, that is Coverage or Quality, or a

combination of both

Select the mapping resolution to be used in the optimisation

Specify a Reference Terminal Type

Set the pixel weighting for Area vs. Traffic

Select the technology or technologies (depending on licences)

Set the maximum number of servers or number of covering cells


This picture shows an example:

Example of Metrics Selection/Weights tab

To do this:
1. Within the left-hand pane of the ACP Workflow, select Strategy.

2. On the Metrics Selection/Weights tab, either specify exact percentages in the edit boxes
for Coverage or Quality, or use the slider control.
3. Select the mapping resolution to be used in the optimisation.
4. Specify a Reference Terminal Type (required to generate the arrays).
5. In the Pixel Weighting pane, specify whether the calculation of the optimisation costs
should consider area only, traffic only or both combined. To do this, type a value in the %
Traffic box to define the weighted importance of traffic-specific calculations for the
optimisation; the % Area value is then automatically updated.
6. In the Mechanism Technologies pane, select the technologies for which you want the
metrics/weightings to be used. You can also specify, as appropriate:

Maximum number of servers (GSM) - the number of cells that are considered as
covering cells and interferers.

Number of covering cells (all other technologies) - the number of cells that are
considered as primary covering cells, handover cells (if appropriate) and interferers.

All changes that you make on this tab are automatically saved to the database in the
Applied state, and the changes will persist when you close the Workflow dialog box.
However, if appropriate, you can carry out one of the following actions:

If you want to restore the options on this tab to the previous committed state (if such a
state exists), click Restore

If you want to share the changes on this tab with all other users, click Commit


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Setting Traffic Options

The Traffic option in the ACP Workflow enables you to specify the list of terminal types to be used
in an optimisation.
This option is relevant if you want to consider traffic in your optimisations (it is not required for an
analysis/optimisation that is area-based only).
Note: Even if you do not consider traffic, you still need to specify a Reference Terminal type. You
can do this on the Metrics Selection/Weights tab of the Strategy page.

To do this:
1. Within the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Traffic.

2. On the Terminal Types tab, you can select the required terminal type(s) from the list

All changes that you make on this tab are automatically saved to the database in the
Applied state, and the changes will persist when you close the Workflow dialog box.
However, if appropriate, you can carry out one of the following actions:

If you want to restore the options on this tab to the previous committed state (if such a
state exists), click Restore

If you want to share the changes on this tab with all other users, click Commit

Specifying the Settings

The Settings in the ACP Workflow enable you to:

Set the Simulator Speed to run in memory-optimised mode

Choose a different antenna height parameter for optimisation

Specify the thresholds that relate to the Auto Plan Setup method

To access these settings, in the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Settings:

There are two tabs available: Options tab and Auto Plan Setup tab.



Simulator Speed
Service-based optimisations and analyses, are, by default, run in speed-optimised mode, which can
have an impact on the memory used. If you prefer to use the memory-optimised mode (lower
speed) option, you can select this option as follows:
On the Options tab, select the 'Run Simulator in memory-optimised mode' checkbox.

Antenna Height Optimisation

By default, if antenna heights are being optimised, the optimisation updates the Height-Inv value.
You should only choose this option if you prefer it to update the Height-Pred Offset value instead.
See the ASSET User Reference Guide for an explanation of these height parameters.
You can select this option as follows:
On the Options tab, select the 'Update Height-Pred Offset instead of Height-Inv in Site DB'

Auto Plan Setup Thresholds

These thresholds relate to the Auto Plan Setup method of creating an optimisation plan. They are
invoked by the cell identification algorithm which is used within the Auto Plan Setup process. For
information on this method, see Using the Auto Plan Setup Method to Create a Plan on page 27.
To define the thresholds:
On the Auto Plan Setup tab, set the required options for the appropriate technology. This
table describes the available settings:



Fixed WiMAX
Mobile WiMAX

Preamble RSS

Only pixels containing values equal to or higher than the

threshold will be included.
All pixels below the threshold will be excluded.

The thresholds vary according to the technology that you are using.

All changes that you make on these tabs are automatically saved to the database in the
Applied state, and the changes will persist when you close the Workflow dialog box.
However, if appropriate, you can carry out one of the following actions:

If you want to restore the options on each tab to the previous committed state (if such a
state exists), click Restore

If you want to share the changes on each tab with all other users, click Commit


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Globally Committing All Your Changes

If you want to Commit all your changes in the Optimiser Workflow, you can use the Global Commit
All option from the main menu.
This will Commit all the Applied parameters in the workflow, such as the RF Array Thresholds,
Settings and so on.
Note: This action will also Commit all the Applied changes in the ASSET tool, not only in the Site
Database, but also in all other dialog boxes.

To do this:
From the Database menu, click Global Commit All:

If other people are logged into the same database as you, it is possible that they have Committed
changes to network element(s) that you are now trying to Commit. If this happens, you are
prompted either to cancel the Commit or to continue, overriding their Committed data with your own

Managing Plans
The ACP Workflow enables you to perform all the tasks within ASSET ACP from a single dialog
This section focuses on how to use the Plan Manager, which controls the plans and delta plans
output by the optimisation engine.
To start the ACP Workflow:
From the Tools menu, click ASSET ACP.



Using the Plan Manager

The Plan Manager in the ACP Workflow enables you to perform a number of plan-related

View and use existing plans

Create new plans

View and Edit Action-Constraints

Analyse the performance of any plan, or compare plans

Start/Run Optimisations

Delete plans

Temp Apply/UnApply

Apply to Database

There is also a context menu, which you can access by right-clicking on the
icon of the
appropriate plan. This provides quick access to the same options as most of the main buttons, but
also provides extra options. For more information, see Using the Context Menu on page 30.
Important: When you are using the ACP Workflow for the first time, you need to set up the general
parameters, strategy, settings, and so on, before you run any optimisations. These may include:

RF Array Thresholds (Clutter/Vectors)




However, this depends whether you have the appropriate user permissions. Parts of this process
may not be relevant to the general user. Depending on the situation, it is possible that the above
options and parameters are centrally specified and committed within the user's organisation.

About the Concept of Plans in ASSET ACP

There are two 'categories' of plan in ASSET ACP:


Delta plan

A delta plan is the result of an optimisation run from an original plan. However, in essence, the two
types of plan, when created, can be considered to be the same. This is because, in general terms,
you can perform similar operations using a plan of either category, and you can choose to Apply
any of these plans to the database.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Here are some basic principles:

Before you can start an optimisation, you must have at least one plan created. For more
information, see Creating Plans for Optimisation or Analysis on page 23.

Plans are created by way of a 'snapshot' from the current Site Database (this is the only
way a 'new' plan can be created). During that process, you can choose to restrict the
scope of the plan in terms of (i) region, (ii) sites/nodes/cells, and (iii) vectors/drive test
routes, by using the options in the Plan Wizard. At the end of that process, the plan
appears within the Plan Manager list.

Plans and delta plans are listed in the Plan Manager section of the Workflow dialog box.

Delta plans can only emanate from a plan, and they must always be 'parented' to a plan,
since they represent changes to the starting plan.

When you run an optimisation for the plan, the delta plans appear as 'children' of the parent

Plans are categorised by the

icon. Delta plans are categorised by the


This picture shows an example of how plans and delta plans are listed in the Plan

Viewing and Using Plans in the Plan Manager

When you are viewing plans, there are three viewing options:

These options are visual 'filters' that help you to distinguish which plan(s) you are working with.
The 'Created By Me' option always lists the plans that you (the logged in User ID) have created.
The 'All Plans' option always lists all existing plans, regardless of who created them.
The 'Used' option requires a more detailed description:
The concept behind the 'Used' option is that, generally speaking, only one individual would be
working with a particular plan at any one time. This would avoid 'multi-user' problems if you are
intending to work iteratively with a plan, making progressive changes toward a new plan which has
the potential to improve the quality of your network.
However, it is possible, if required, for a plan to be 'used' by more than one person. When this is
the situation, the Action-Constraints are viewable but not editable, and the plan cannot be deleted.
When you create a plan, it automatically becomes 'used' by you. However, it is possible to turn this
status on/off, using the Toggle option in the context menu. In a similar way, any user who did not
create the plan, can use the Toggle option to activate his/her 'used' status for that plan. The option
can therefore be used to hand over the 'use' of the plan to a different single user, or (if explicitly
required) it can be used to share the 'use' of the plan amongst multiple users.
In situations where you may want multiple users to work on the same plan, but have the freedom to
edit the Action-Constraints for that plan, you can utilise the Duplicate option. This enables different


users to 'branch off' from the same original plan into potentially different proposed network plans. It
also enables you to work on a copy of an existing plan, so that you can experiment with different
Action-Constraints, while still retaining the original plan.
Note: When exporting plans from a project using XML Export, only plans marked as 'Used' will be
exported. For more information, see About the File Menu on page 11.

Creating a New Plan from a Delta Plan

In situations where you want to work with a plan that emanates from a delta plan, you can convert
any delta plan into a (normal) plan. This enables you to work with a plan whose values are
equivalent to how they stood at the latest stage of the delta plan, and then you can edit the ActionConstraints (this is not possible in a delta plan). You can then run a secondary optimisation from
the point already reached in the delta plan.
For more information on the context menu, including the Toggle and Duplicate options, see Using
the Context Menu on page 30.

Creating Plans for Optimisation or Analysis

There are two basic methods of creating a plan in ASSET ACP.

Using the Plan Setup to create a plan

Using the Auto Plan Setup to create a 'recommended' plan

Here is a brief summary of each method:

The Plan Setup method enables you to specify the region and the filters (cells) for the plan,
and then manually assign the appropriate Action-Constraints templates.
It can be launched either from the Workflow, or directly from the Map View. The latter is
quicker and easier if the Map View is already displaying the correct region and filters.
This method is recommended for users who wish to create plans without any
recommendations from the tool.

The Auto Plan Setup method can automatically recommend the grouping of cells into
filters, and consequently facilitates the assigning of the appropriate Action-Constraints
template to those filters. It can also automatically determine the geographic area for the
resultant plan, by creating a vector. The concept behind this method is that it can automate
some of the pre-optimisation tasks (which would be done manually when using the Plan
Setup method).
This method is recommended for users who wish to create plans helped by
recommendations from the tool.
It can be launched either from the Workflow, or directly from the Map View. The latter is
quicker and easier if the Map View is already displaying the correct region and cell filters.
A fuller description of this method is included in Using the Auto Plan Setup Method to
Create a Plan on page 27.

If you launch either method directly from the Map View, you should ensure that the display includes
the region and the cells that you want to choose from when creating the plan.
If you launch either method from the Workflow (Plan Manager), you should ensure that the display
includes the region that you want to use when creating the plan. In this case, it is possible to
choose cells that are not displayed on the Map View, but they must be located within the region.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide


When creating a plan, two of the steps are crucial in determining which cells will be
included: (i) specifying the region and (ii) selecting the site/cell filter(s).

A further (optional) step enables you to select specific vectors and/or drive test routes,
which can be useful if you want to precisely define the pixels that will be included in the
metrics evaluation. This is an important way of focusing the optimisation calculations, but it
does not (for example, in the case of a polygon) determine which cells are included.

Using the Plan Setup Method to Create a Plan

There are two basic methods of creating a plan in ASSET ACP. This section describes the Plan
Setup method.
To create a new plan for optimisation:
1. Check that you have a Map View window open that displays the region and cells that you
want to include. (However, if you prefer to enter precise co-ordinates, an open Map View is
not essential.)
2. Open the Workflow by clicking the shortcut button

on the main ASSET ACP toolbar.

3. In the left-hand pane, select Plan Manager.

4. Click the Plan Setup button, then click the Plan Setup option.
5. In the Plan Wizard that appears, type a name for the plan.
If required, you can select an existing plan as a template. For information on this, see the
following section.
Click Next.
6. Check that the region for the plan is correct. If necessary, you can modify the region by
entering precise co-ordinates.

Click Next.



7. Select one or more filters to determine which sites/nodes and cells are to be considered in
the plan.

Click Next.
8. The next step of the wizard enables you to select the appropriate Action-Constraints
templates on a filter basis.
Note: Anything you edit here can be modified after creating the plan, using the ActionConstraints dialog box. In fact, if preferred, you can skip this step now, and do it later, as
described in Using the Action-Constraints Dialog Box on page 41.
Use the Add button to specify each filter-template combination. (You can delete a row by
clicking .) Here is an example:

Where appropriate, you can use the up and down arrows

to set the filter priorities.
Only one template (per mechanism) can be assigned to a filter. Therefore, in cases where
an object exists in more than one filter in this dialog box, the filter priority number is
important in determining which template is assigned.
If required, you can check the contents of the relevant filter by clicking

Tip: You can edit any of the filter selections and/or template assignments by clicking in any
of the columns. You can also edit any of the Action-Constraints Templates (in the normal
way) by clicking the Manage Templates button.
Click Next.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

9. If appropriate to your requirements, restricting optimisation calculations to vectors can

make calculations faster and more focused, by focusing on the improvement of specific
areas and/or drive test routes.

If you want to restrict the optimisation to particular vectors, select the Use Vectors
checkbox and then specify the vectors under the System or User folders, as appropriate.
- and/or If you want to restrict the optimisation and/or analysis to a drive test route, select the
appropriate vectors from the Measurements folder.
You can subsequently modify the restriction selections at any time, by right-clicking on the
plan in the Plan Manager of the Workflow, and selecting Edit Vectors.
10. Click the Finish button.

Using an Existing Plan as a Template

When you are creating a new plan for optimisation using the Plan Setup Method, you can choose to
select an existing plan as a template for the new plan.
If you do this, the cells to be included in the new plan are still determined by the region and filters
that you select within the Plan Wizard, but the key difference is that all the action-constraints for
cells that exist both in the original 'template' plan and in the new plan are 'copied' into the new plan.
In effect, it copies the action-constraints for such cells into the Action-Constraints dialog box, but
takes a fresh snapshot of the parameters in the Site Database.
This option may therefore be useful if you have made changes in the Site Database since creating
the original plan, and want to bring those changes into a new plan.
Note: Any cells that were in the original 'template' plan, but not captured by the region and filters for
the new plan, are always excluded from the new plan. Conversely, if there are cells in the new plan
that did not exist in the original 'template' plan, they would need their action-constraints to be edited
in the Action-Constraints dialog box (in the usual way).



Using the Auto Plan Setup Method to Create a Plan

There are two basic methods of creating a plan in ASSET ACP. This section describes the Auto
Plan Setup method.
The Auto Plan Setup method can be considered as an automatic plan-recommendation system.
This method can be very useful when the interactions between the cells to be planned are not well
known at the time when you are creating the plan.
The concept behind the Auto Plan Setup method is that it can automatically identify some of the
pre-optimisation tasks which would be done manually when using the Plan Setup method.
In basic terms, you begin with a Map View window which contains your required region and cells.
You then need to specify which cells are your 'main focus'. So this requires that those cells are
already in one or more filters (you can use the normal Static or Dynamic filters, or the Selection
At the stage where the Auto Plan Setup is aware of the 'main focus' cells, it can recommend the
grouping of other cells into 'tiered' filters (using an algorithm based on user-defined settings). It is
then simple to make the appropriate Action-Constraints template assignments. For example:

Action-Constraints Template selection

Main focus

Template allowing significant changes

Recommended (tier 1)

Template allowing some changes

Recommended (tier 2)


Furthermore, the Auto Plan Setup can then automatically determine the geographic area that
should be taken into consideration during analysis and optimisation of the resultant plan. The
algorithm builds a list of all cells contained within the plan that have any 'non-Read-Only' ActionConstraints Templates associated with them. It then finds all pixels where any of these cells
provides a signal strength above the relevant signal threshold defined on the Auto Plan
Setup tab of the Settings page in the Workflow. An enclosed vector (polygon) is then created
around all these pixels.
In summary, the main benefits of this method are:

The 'tiered' filters are recommended automatically (and they are independent of currently
existing filters). These tiered filters can be considered as a form of cell 'hierarchy' in terms
of what can happen in the optimisation.
This is based on a cell identification algorithm that uses the settings under the Auto Plan
Setup tab in the Settings page of the Workflow. For more information, see Specifying the
Settings on page 18.

The templates in the Action-Constraints dialog box are assigned based on the previous
sequence of assignments in this dialog box, which creates consistency for iterative use of
the Auto Plan Setup.

You can manually override these recommendations (if you have the relevant permissions).

The geographic area for the eventual evaluation of the plan can be automatically
Note: Depending on the planning region size, cell volumes, and map data resolution, the
running of the algorithms for the filters and the geographic area can take some time.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

To create a new auto plan for optimisation:

1. If you intend to use the 'Create Restriction Polygon' option, a valid Reference Terminal
Type must have been specified on the Strategy page of the Optimiser Workflow.
2. Check that you have a Map View window open that displays the region and cells that you
want to include. (However, if you prefer to enter precise co-ordinates, an open Map View is
not essential.)
3. Open the Workflow by clicking the shortcut button

on the main ASSET ACP toolbar.

4. In the left-hand pane, select Plan Manager.

5. Click the Plan Setup button, then click the Auto Plan Setup option.
6. In the Auto Plan Wizard that appears, type a name for the plan.
Click Next.
7. Check that the region for the plan is correct. If necessary, you can modify the region by
entering precise co-ordinates.
Click Next.
8. Select one or more filters to determine which sites/nodes and cells are to be considered in
the plan.

Click Next.
9. Select one or more filters to define which cells should represent the 'main focus'. Click
10. The 'Review Recommendations' step of the wizard shows the Focus filter and the
recommended 'Tier 1' and 'Tier 2' filters, each associated with their appropriate ActionConstraints templates. Here is an example:

You can edit any of the filter selections and/or template assignments by clicking in the Filter
column or in any of the planning mechanism columns. You can also edit any of the ActionConstraints Templates (in the normal way) by clicking the Manage Templates button.
You can use the
button if you need to specify more filter-template
combination rows, and you can delete rows by clicking .



Where appropriate, you can use the up and down arrows

to set the filter priorities.
Only one template (per mechanism) can be assigned to a filter. Therefore, in cases where
an object might exist in more than one filter in this dialog box, the filter priority order is
important in determining which template is assigned.
You can check the contents of the relevant filter by clicking

11. If you want the Auto Plan Setup to automatically determine the geographic area that should
be taken into consideration during evaluation of the resultant plan, select the 'Create
Restriction Polygon' option.
(You can only do this if a valid Reference Terminal Type has been specified on the
Strategy page of the Optimiser Workflow.)

If you select this option, the Auto Plan Setup will run the restriction polygon algorithm and
store the associated vector.
The new vector subsequently appears in the ACP folder in the Vector Manager and in the
Map View's Data Types list (where it can be visualised).
Click Next.
12. If required, you can restrict optimisation calculations to vectors to make calculations faster
and more focused, by concentrating on the improvement of specific areas and/or drive test

If you want to restrict the optimisation to particular vectors, select the Use Vectors
checkbox and then specify the vectors under the System or User folders, as appropriate.
- and/or If you selected the 'Create Restriction Polygon' in the previous step, the 'Use Restriction
Polygon' checkbox will be already selected, but you have the option to deselect it.
- and/or If you want to restrict the optimisation and/or analysis to a drive test route, select the
appropriate vectors from the Measurements folder.
You can subsequently modify any of the restriction selections at any time, by right-clicking
on the plan in the Plan Manager of the Workflow, and selecting Edit Vectors.
13. Click the Finish button.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Using the Context Menu

When you are viewing the Plan Manager, there is also a context menu available, which you can
access by right-clicking on the appropriate plan or delta plan. Here is an example:

Example of Context Menu for Plans or Delta Plans

This not only provides quick access to the same options as most of the main buttons, but also
provides extra options:

Available for




See Using the Action-Constraints Dialog Box on page


Edit Vectors

Plans and delta plans

Enables you to modify the vector selection for a plan.



Shows the included cells, the planning region (size,

location, resolution).
Tip: It also provides an Update 2D View button,
which can be very useful.

Initial Report


Shows the current values, and the constraints, of the

network contained in the plan, and the possible
network parameter changes that may be considered
in an optimisation (as appropriate).

Delta Report

Delta plans

The current values, and the constraints, of the

network contained in the delta plan, and the specific
network parameter changes 'proposed' by the

Final Report

Delta plans

A complete report of the state of the 'optimised'

In other words, the current values are replaced by the
'proposed' values (only in the report, not in the




Available for



Plans and delta plans

This enables you to run an analysis, in order to

evaluate any plan configuration or compare any two
configurations. You can output associated reports.
See Analysing and Evaluating Plans on page 73.

Financial Analysis

Plans and delta plans

Perform a financial analysis of your network. This is a

licensed module that can help you make informed
network planning decisions. For more information,
see the Financial Analysis User Reference Guide.


Plans and delta plans

The automatic Optimiser can consider an extensive

range of physical design and network parameter
settings in order to improve the performance of the
radio network.
See Running an Optimisation on page 66.



This is a useful option in situations where you want


Work on a copy of an existing plan, so that you

can experiment with different Action-Constraints,
while still retaining the original plan.

Work on a copy of a plan that is being 'Used' by

someone else, but want the freedom to edit the
Action-Constraints for that plan.

For more information, see Viewing and Using Plans

in the Plan Manager on page 22.

Delta plans

This is a useful option in situations where you want to

work on a plan which emanates from a delta plan.
The key benefits are:

The plan values are equivalent to how they stood

at the latest stage of the delta plan

You can edit the Action-Constraints (this is not

possible in a delta plan)

You can then run a secondary optimisation from

the point already reached in the delta plan

For more information, see Viewing and Using Plans

in the Plan Manager on page 22.

Plans and delta plans

A quick way to rename a plan or delta plan. These

names must always be unique within a project.


Plans and delta plans

When you delete a plan, its 'child' delta plans are also
removed. However, a delta plan can be deleted


Plans and delta plans

This simply acts as a 'bookmark', so that you can

quickly identify the plan you have been working on. It
also appears as the default plan in the dialog boxes
where you need to select a plan.

Toggle Use

Plans and delta plans

You can use this option to toggle the 'Used' status of

a plan.
The option can be used, for example, to 'release your
usage' of a plan. This may, for example, enable
another user to 'obtain the usage' of that plan.
For more information, see Viewing and Using Plans
in the Plan Manager on page 22.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide


Available for


Set Active Cells to

Selection Filter

Plans and delta plans

This enables you to quickly update (overwrite) the

contents of the Selection Filter with the 'active' cells
that are in the selected plan.
For more information about the Selection Filter, see
the ENTERPRISE User Reference Guide.


Plans and delta plans

Refreshes the page.

Viewing Plans in the Map View Window

In addition to viewing plans within the Plan Manager, there are also some viewing options in the
Map View window.
When you have created plans, you can view that region in the Map View.
To do this:
1. Ensure you have a Map View window open that will include the planning region for the plan.
2. On the Map View toolbar, click the


3. In the Map Information Control dialog box, click the Data Types tab.
4. Select the required plan under the Plans heading:

5. Click the Apply button.



The planning region is displayed:

6. If required, you can double-click the plan name in the Map Information and Control, and
select a different display colour.
Important: The other items displayed (including the nodes or sites) depend on which other items
are selected in the Data Types (this may also depend whether a Favourite View has been initially
displayed). This plan viewing option does not discriminate in terms of nodes/sites; it simply
visualises the planning region.

About Plan Viewing Options

When you are viewing plans in the Map View, you can use some additional options in the Map View
To access these options:
1. In the Map Information and Control, right-click the required plan:


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

2. Click the required option. This table describes the options:



Plan Summary

A summary which lists the included cells, and the planning

region (size, location, resolution).
Tip: The summary also includes an Update 2D View button,
which can be very useful.

Apply (or Remove) Sampling

See About the Sampling Option on page 34.

Update Selection Filter

Enables you to quickly update (overwrite) the contents of the

Selection Filter with the cells that are in the selected plan.
For more information about the Selection Filter, see the
ENTERPRISE User Reference Guide.

Properties (all options)

In the same way as for other items in the Data Types, these
options enable you to manage the display properties of each
Tip: The Properties option can also be accessed by doubleclicking the plan name.

3. If you have modified one of the visual options (Apply Sampling, Properties), you need to
click the Redraw button to refresh the Map View.

About the Sampling Option

In the Clutter Parameters, on the General Parameters tab, it is possible to specify that you want
to enable cost function sampling for specific clutter types, so that only a subset of the total pixels
are used for an optimisation. This is described in Setting the General Clutter Parameters on page
If you have used sampling, whenever you are viewing plans in the Map View, you can choose to
modify the highlighted planning region so that it displays only the exact pixels that will be included
in the optimisation calculations.
To do this:
1. In the Map Information and Control, right-click the required plan (under the Plans heading in
the Data Types).
2. Click the 'Apply Sampling' option.
3. Click the Redraw button.
If some of the clutter parameters have been set to use sampling, only the corresponding
pixels will be displayed. Here is an example:



Applying a Plan to the Database

The Apply to Database option enables you to Apply any of your plans or delta plans to the
database (a delta plan is the result of an optimisation run from an original plan, but you can Apply
either type of plan, optimised or otherwise).
The Apply to Database option is equivalent to a normal manual Apply in the Site Database, and it
enables you to use the complete functionality within ASSET ACP and ASSET. For example, you
can analyse the performance of the plan (using arrays and reports) within ASSET, and make any
necessary subsequent manual changes to the Site Database. As is the normal case for all Applied
data, you can choose to subsequently Commit the data.
There is also a 'Temp Apply' option, described in the following section.
There are key differences between the Temp Apply and the Apply to Database options. See
Comparison between Temp Apply and Apply to Database on page 37.
Important: You can, if required, use the Restore All option after using Apply to Database, but
please note that this will restore the database back to the last Committed configuration, which may
lead to:

Any previously Applied changes in the Site Database being lost (in the normal way)

A configuration in the Site Database that is different from the plan that you created to start
with (because the plan, when created in the Plan Manager, is independent of subsequent
database changes)

To use the Apply to Database option:

1. Within the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Plan Manager.

2. Select the appropriate plan.

3. Click the Apply Plan button.
4. Click the Apply to Database option.
The plan is now applied to the database.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Applying a Plan Temporarily to the Database

This option enables you to 'Temporarily Apply' of one of your plans to the database, so that you
can analyse the performance of the plan (using arrays and reports) within ASSET. The main benefit
of this is that you can experiment with the potential benefits of the plan, and subsequently revert to
the previous configuration in the database.
There is also a normal 'Apply to Database' option, described in the previous section.
There are key differences between the Temp Apply and the Apply to Database options. See
Comparison between Temp Apply and Apply to Database on page 37.
To use the Temp Apply option:
1. In the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Plan Manager.

2. Select the appropriate plan.

3. Click the Apply Plan button.
4. Click the Temp Apply option.
The plan is now temporarily applied to the database.
You will see the appropriate cell parameters temporarily modified in the Site Database window, but
the whole Site Database is in a read-only state.
The read-only state will remain in place until you decide to revert to the previous configuration in
the database.
To revert to the previous configuration in the database:
1. Select the appropriate plan.
2. Click the Temp UnApply button.
The database is now reverted to its previous configuration, and the Site Database window is active



Comparison between Temp Apply and Apply to Database

There are some key differences between the 'Temp Apply' and the 'Apply to Database' options, as
summarised here:
Summary of Temp Apply
When you click Temp Apply, you can view the temporary changes in the Site Database window,
which, at this point, appears in a read-only state. This operation is fundamentally different from the
normal Apply operation used in the rest of ENTERPRISE, because it does not overwrite any
changes you might have made in the Site Database since you created the plan. In other words,
when you subsequently revert it from its 'temporary' state (by clicking Temp UnApply), nothing will
have changed from the configuration that was in place immediately before you clicked Temp Apply.

You cannot make any manual changes to the Site Database while it is in this 'temporary'
restrictive state.

The operation does not affect other users who are sharing the project.

You cannot close a session (that is, close the project) while the Site Database is in the
'temporary' state. It is obligatory to revert it by clicking Temp UnApply before you close
your session.

The Temp Apply operation is independent of your user-specific object permissions (since
no values are written to the database).

Summary of Apply to Database

This is equivalent to a normal (manual) Apply, which means that it will overwrite any changes you
might have made in the Site Database since you created and optimised the plan. In other words, if
you had made some changes to the relevant cells since that time, it will overwrite those changes
with the new values when you click the Apply to Database option.

You can make further manual changes to the Site Database, in the normal way, after this

You will be able to use the Restore option in the Site Database, if necessary, to restore to
the previous committed state (assuming the network elements had at some stage been
previously committed).

The operation may subsequently affect other users who are sharing the project, in the
normal way, if you choose to Commit the changes.

You can close a session (that is, close the project) in the normal way, if required, with some
changes in the Applied state.

The Apply to Database operation is always dependent on your user-specific object



ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Deleting a Plan
To delete an optimisation plan:
1. Within the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Plan Manager.
2. Select the appropriate plan.
3. Click the Delete Plan button.
4. Click Yes to proceed.
The plan is now removed.
(You cannot delete a plan if it is 'in use' by more than one user.)

Setting Action-Constraints for Plans

The purpose of action-constraints in ASSET ACP is to allow certain network parameter changes to
be considered in a network optimisation, but at the same time impose meaningful limitations and
restrictions on those changes, in order to accurately represent the real-world environment.
In ASSET ACP, there are two separate 'sources' of action-constraints:

Action-constraints that you can set up and edit within the Optimiser Workflow

Action-constraints that you can set for specific network elements directly within the Site

Important: Action-constraints that are set in the Site Database are always auto-populated into the
Action-Constraints dialog box when you create a plan. You then have the freedom to modify those
action-constraints at that stage, if required. When you run an optimisation, the Optimiser reads the
action-constraints exclusively from the Action-Constraints dialog box, regardless of their original
This flexibility enables you to:

Set specific action-constraints in the Site Database, and then edit these action-constraints
(if required) and set up further action-constraints (if required) in the Action-Constraints
dialog box.
- or -

Set up action-constraints exclusively in the Action-Constraints dialog box.

This chapter focuses on the plan-specific Action-Constraints dialog box within the Optimiser
Workflow. For more detailed information about the action-constraints within the Site Database, see
About Action-Constraints on page 83.



About the Action-Constraints Dialog Box

The ASSET ACP tool focuses on automatic optimisation of plans. The Action-Constraints dialog
box plays a crucial part in this process.
Here is some key information about its importance:

The Action-Constraints dialog box not only sets the constraints for the network
optimisation, but, crucially, it also sets the possible actions (namely, the network
parameter changes) that can take place.

In the majority of cases, when you have created a new plan, you must set possible
changes in the Action-Constraints dialog box, otherwise an optimisation will not run. The
only exception is when you are performing an Antenna optimisation where electrical or
mechanical tilts have been set on the Antenna Constraints tab in the Site Database before
the plan was created.

For additional information about the action-constraints, see About Action-Constraints on page 83.

Example of Action-Constraints dialog box

The user interface of the Action-Constraints dialog box is designed to help you. The two main
guiding factors are the colour distinctions and the checking facility:
Colour Backgrounds
There are two colour backgrounds for columns in the dialog box:

The columns that cannot be edited (for example, those that show the current values of the
plan) are presented on a blue background.

The columns that can be edited (for example, those for which action-constraints can be set
for the plan optimisation) are presented on a green background.

Checking Facility
The Check button is extremely useful for automatically verifying that the plan's action-constraints
are valid, and ready for the optimisation to run.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

For example, it can show you:

How many 'Degrees of Freedom' are in the plan, according to the current state of the
Action-Constraints. This value emanates from the amount of variables in the plan. This
picture represents a plan where fifteen of the antennas can each undergo a possible
azimuth change:

If there are no Degrees of Freedom, then the optimisation will not be allowed to run.

The feedback may display an error or a warning, for example:

Errors will not allow the optimisation to run; warnings will allow it to run, but the message is
aimed at making you aware of the situation.
Important: It is recommended that you make full use of all these guiding factors to ensure
everything is set up correctly before optimising any plan.

About the Fixed Columns for the Action-Constraints

The Action-Constraints dialog box contains many columns for the potential network parameter
changes. These sets of columns exist for each planning mechanism (Antenna/Power).
One of the most important columns for each group of action-constraints is the 'Fixed' column.
Some basic principles are:

If the Fixed checkbox for any action-constraint is selected:


That action-constraint (for the object in that row) can be considered as completely

The existing values - although inactive - remain in place just in case you want to reuse
them later, by removing the Fixed setting. Unless that happens, they stay inactive.

Here is an example:

In one of the rows, the Fixed checkbox for the Azimuth action-constraint is selected.
Therefore, when the optimisation is run, no azimuth changes will be considered for that
particular antenna in that row.



The above principles are true whether the Action-Constraints dialog box is edited manually
or by using Template Assignments. With specific regard to changes made to the ActionConstraints values by assignment from Templates, you should note the following:

For each planning mechanism (Antenna/Power), there is a Read Only template

available. When this is assigned to a filter, all the 'Fixed' checkboxes (for the objects in
the associated filter, and independently for each mechanism) become automatically
selected in the Action-Constraints dialog box.

When you create a template, it is likely that you will not have selected all the potential
action-constraints in that template. When you assign that template to a filter, the 'Fixed'
checkboxes for the action-constraints that were unselected in the template become
automatically selected in the Action-Constraints dialog box (for the objects in the
associated filter and independently for each mechanism).
For example, if a template has only Azimuth (Antenna mechanism) selected, the other
action-constraints (Tilts, Heights, Device/Pattern) would all be set to 'Fixed' in the
Action-Constraints dialog box, after the template assignment.
For more information, see Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to Objects on page

Using the Action-Constraints Dialog Box

The Action-Constraints dialog box plays a crucial role in ASSET ACP, because it enables you to
specify which parameters can be changed (for the cells that can be planned) during optimisation.
You can do this for one or both of the planning mechanisms.
For additional useful information about the action-constraints, see About the Action-Constraints
Dialog Box on page 39.
When you run an optimisation, there are two planning mechanisms you can use:



ASSET ACP provides the flexibility to run optimisations based on any single mechanism, or both,
according to your optimisation strategy.
The Action-Constraints dialog box presents a tabular display containing a tab for each mechanism.
There is also a Summary tab showing how many sites, cells, and antennas are in the Plan.
The other tabs (Antenna/Power) display the parameters relevant to each planning mechanism,
which can be briefly described as:

The current values of the network contained in the Plan

The constraints, that is, the restrictions on what can be changed, in terms of objects,
ranges, limits and so on

The actions, that is, all the possible network parameter changes that may be considered in
the optimisation

Important: The action-constraints of any plans which already have delta plans are always in ReadOnly format.
You can edit the Action-Constraints for an optimisation plan.
Note: If you are only intending to analyse a plan, you may not need to edit the action-constraints.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

To edit the Action-Constraints for an optimisation plan:

1. Open the Optimiser Workflow, by clicking ASSET ACP from the Tools menu.
2. In the left-hand pane, select Plan Manager.

3. Select the appropriate Plan, and click the Constraints button.

The Action-Constraints dialog box appears.
For the selected Plan, you can edit the constraints and/or the possible changes. You can do this:

Individually for each object, on a manual basis. You can employ functionality similar to that
in Microsoft Excel to do this, such as copying and pasting.
- or -

Using Action-Constraints Templates that you have created, which you can:

Manually assign to objects in the Action-Constraints dialog box, under the Templates
- or -

Assign to objects on a 'filter-specific' basis, by clicking the Assign Templates button.

Important: When you have finished making changes in the Action-Constraints dialog box, you must
always click 'Apply', in order to save the changes.

About the Viewing Options for Action-Constraints

You can perform many kinds of viewing operations similar to that in Microsoft Excel, by clicking
the appropriate
within the dialog box.
There are two distinct 'levels' in the Action-Constraints dialog box, where the


The section headings (ID, Current Values, Azimuth, Pilot Power, Candidate Planning and
so on)

The column headings (Property, Cell, Min, Max, Step, Fixed and so on)

Example of Heading levels in Action-Constraints dialog box

For the Section headings, when you click

Show/hide columns (within the section)

For the Column headings, when you click


, you can perform this viewing option:

Show/hide column

Sort ascending

, you can perform these viewing options:


Sort descending

Show all rows

Filter (gives option to show only the rows containing a chosen value in column)

In addition, if you prefer, you can perform similar viewing operations using the Show/Hide button:

Show/Hide button

About the Methods of Editing the Action-Constraints

The Action-Constraints dialog box is very flexible, and enables you to set up the action-constraints
for your optimisation plans in ways that suit your specific requirements. As you gain experience in
using the ASSET ACP tool, you will develop your own preferences in how you approach this
important part of the optimisation process.
Important: Whichever method(s) you use, you must always click 'Apply' in the Action-Constraints
dialog box, when you have finished, in order to save the changes.

In summary, as previously described, you can take different approaches to editing these values:

Individually for each object, on a manual basis

Using action-constraints templates

A combination of the above

In very simplified terms, here is some general advice on how you might use each method:
Manually Editing the Action-Constraints Values
If you only want to set up or edit a single parameter, for example an Azimuth Change Step, it is
probably easier and quicker to edit the value directly in the Action-Constraints dialog box:

Example of Azimuth values in the Action-Constraints dialog box


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

If you want to set up different values for different groups of cells, make full use of the filters when
you edit the values.


These filters only display the cells included in the plan when it was created. Therefore,
they are intrinsically 'subsets' of the corresponding filters that you would view in the
Site Database.

Different filters can be selected for each planning mechanism.

Each time you open a project, the filters in this dialog box will always default to the filter
specified on the Filters tab of the Preferences dialog box, under the File menu.

You can employ functionality similar to that in Microsoft Excel, such as:

Copying and pasting single/multiple values within the dialog box

Copying and Pasting values directly to and from Excel

Pressing the Ctrl-Shift-DownArrow/UpArrow keys (as a quick method of highlighting an

active column)

Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to Cell Filters

If you want to set up or edit a variety of parameters, such as values for Mechanical Downtilt,
Azimuth and Height, it is probably easier and quicker to set up Templates, and then use the Assign
Templates button to assign the template values to the objects:

Example of Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to Cell Filters

For more information, see Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to Objects on page 63.



About the Action-Constraints on the Antenna Tab

The Action-Constraints dialog box contains tabs for each of the planning mechanisms. The topics in
this section describes the columns under the Antennas tab. These contain the parameters relevant
to the Antenna planning mechanism, and can be briefly described as:

The current values of the network contained in the Plan

The constraints, that is, the restrictions on what can be changed, in terms of objects,
ranges, limits and so on

The actions, that is, all the possible network parameter changes that may be considered in
the optimisation

Tip: The Action-Constraints Templates provide you with a quick and easy way of setting up
action-constraints so that they can be reused across all or some of your plans. You should make
full use of these templates so that you avoid duplication of constraints that may be generic to all
plans. In other words, you should avoid spending time setting many constraints directly in the
Action-Constraints dialog box, if there is a high chance that you will be using those actionconstraints for other plans. See About Action-Constraints Templates on page 53.

Antenna Tab - ID Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the ID heading:

Columns in the ID section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:

Column Heading


Property, Site/Node, Cell,

Layer/Carrier, Technology,
Logical Antenna Index, Antenna

These are object identities relating to the network elements included in

the plan.


If applicable, this is the assigned template that determines the possible

changes in the row. If the changes are independent of a template, this
field will display 'Custom'. If the Read Only template is assigned, all the
'Fixed' checkboxes in the row are selected.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Antenna Tab - Current Values Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Current Values heading:

Columns in the Current Values section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:

Column Heading


Device/Pattern, Electrical, Mechanical, Total Tilts, Azimuth,

Height, Shared identity, Easting/Northing.

All values relevant to the starting Plan.

Antenna Tab - Antenna Constraints Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Antenna Constraints heading:

Columns in the Antenna Constraints section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:

Column Heading


Height Variation

If you want to use height variation, select the checkbox. This defines whether the
heights for individual antennas may differ at a specific Property.
Note: If height variation is not selected, all antennas on the same cell layer
(GSM) or all carriers at this Property (all other technologies) must be at the same
height. However, GSM cells for different cell layers, or cells of different
technologies (for example, GSM and UMTS) can still have antennas with heights
different from each other.

Minimum Azimuth

This enables you to set a minimum separation (in degrees) that you are willing to
accept between antennas of the same height on a specific Property.

Co-Location Enabled

This enables you to allow antenna devices to share co-location parameters

(identical location co-ordinates, height and azimuth, and existing on the same
Note: If Antenna Co-location is not enabled for a Property, no antenna sharing or
co-location configuration can be accepted as a valid starting configuration or
examined as a potential optimisation solution by the Optimiser. For more
information, see How the Optimiser Considers Shared Antennas on page 57.



Column Heading


Forbidden Azimuth
Range Min/Max

This enables you to define, for a specific antenna, an orientation range that the
automatic optimisation cannot consider for azimuth changes. For this, the
minimum represents a clockwise bearing (the start azimuth of the forbidden
range) and the maximum represents an anti-clockwise bearing (the end azimuth
of the forbidden range).
For descriptive detail on this, see About the Forbidden Azimuth Range on page

About the Forbidden Azimuth Range

In the Action-Constraints dialog box, on the Antenna tab, there is a section heading named
Antenna Constraints, and these constraints enable you to restrict the available options that can be
used to optimise the antennas located on a Property.
One of the constraints enables you to define, for a specific antenna, an orientation range that the
automatic optimisation cannot consider for azimuth changes. For this, the minimum represents a
clockwise bearing (the start azimuth of the forbidden range) and the maximum represents an anticlockwise bearing (the end azimuth of the forbidden range).
Note: This description of the Forbidden Azimuth Range also corresponds to the similar option on
the Antenna Constraints tab in the Site Database. (Action-constraints that are set in the Site
Database are always auto-populated into the Action-Constraints dialog box when you create a plan,
but they can be modified at that stage, if required.)
The way that you set the forbidden azimuth parameters depends on your exact requirements. This
illustration shows the importance of setting up the minimum and maximum settings correctly:

Examples of forbidden azimuth ranges with corresponding parameters in the Action-Constraints dialog box


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

This next picture illustrates a more specific example of how the forbidden azimuth might be used
within an antenna optimisation.
The example represents an antenna currently set to 60 with an optimisation azimuth range
between 0 and 120, but with a forbidden range between 90 and 105:

Specific example of how the forbidden azimuth might be used within an antenna optimisation

This picture shows how the corresponding parameters would be set in the Action-Constraints dialog

Example of the corresponding parameters in the Action-Constraints dialog box



Antenna Tab - Electrical Tilt/Patterns Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Electrical Tilt/Patterns heading:

Columns in the Electrical Tilt / Patterns section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:

Column Heading


Use Min/Max/Step

Serves as a 'switch'. Select this if you want Min/Max/Step values to be used in the
optimisation, but do not select it if you want Specified Device/Patterns to be used


You can enable the electrical downtilt of the antenna to be changed, by specifying
Minimum and Maximum downtilts, and the allowed Step of change (all in degrees).


Select this if you want nothing to be changed for Electrical Tilt/Patterns. If this is
selected, the 'Use Min/Max/Step' checkbox will have no effect.


You can enable the antenna devices and/or patterns to be changed.

Tip: The easiest way to set up these is to use a template. See Configuring ActionConstraints Templates for Antenna Planning on page 55.
Note: If you want to enable these specified patterns to be used during optimisation,
ensure that the Min/Max/Step checkbox is not selected.

Device Fixed

Select this if you want the pattern to be allowed to change, but not the device.


Total downtilt must also be set, in order to allow the required changes to the electrical
downtilt during optimisation. See Antenna Tab - Total Downtilt Heading on page 50.

For an optimisation to consider electrical downtilt changes, the appropriate antenna

patterns for each antenna device need to be set up in the Cellular Antennas dialog box.

If any of the three antenna constraints for electrical tilt (Min; Max; Step) are enabled for an
antenna in the Site Database, the Use Min/Max/Step checkbox for that antenna is
automatically selected in the Action-Constraints dialog box, but this is editable.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Antenna Tab - Mechanical Downtilt Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Mechanical Downtilt heading:

Columns in the Mechanical Downtilt section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:




You can enable the mechanical downtilt of the antenna to be changed, by specifying
Minimum and Maximum downtilts, and the allowed Step of change (all in degrees).


Select this if you want nothing to be changed for mechanical downtilt.

Note: Total downtilt must also be set, in order to allow the required changes to the electrical
downtilt during optimisation. See Antenna Tab - Total Downtilt Heading on page 50.

Antenna Tab - Total Downtilt Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Total Downtilt heading:

Columns in the Total Downtilt section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:





You can specify limits for the total downtilt. Any changes made to the electrical and/or
mechanical downtilt during optimisation would not be allowed to exceed these limits.


Select this if you want nothing to be changed for the total downtilt.


Antenna Tab - Azimuth Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Azimuth heading:

Columns in the Azimuth section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:

Column Heading



You can enable the azimuth of the antenna to be changed, by specifying Minimum
and Maximum azimuths, and the allowed Step of change (all in degrees).


Select this if you want nothing to be changed for the azimuth.

If you want to set up a forbidden azimuth range, see About the Forbidden Azimuth Range on page

Antenna Tab - Height Heading

This section of the Antenna tab of the Action-Constraints dialog box displays the column names
under the Height heading:

Columns in the Height section of the Antenna tab in the Action-Constraints dialog box

This table describes the options:

Column Heading


Use Min/Max/Step

Serves as a 'switch'. Select this if you want Min/Max/Step values to be used in the
optimisation, but do not select it if you want Values to be used instead.


You can enable the height of the antenna to be changed, by specifying Minimum
and Maximum heights, and the allowed Step of change (all in degrees).


If applicable, this initially shows a list of values specified in the Site Database (see
Configuring Property Antenna Constraints on page 87). Alternatively, you can
manually edit the list of values in the column.
Note: If you want to enable these values to be used during optimisation, ensure
that the Min/Max/Step checkbox is not selected.


Select this if you want nothing to be changed for the antenna height. If this is
selected, the 'Use Min/Max/Step' checkbox will have no effect.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

About the Action-Constraints on the Power Tab

The Action-Constraints dialog box contains tabs for each of the planning mechanisms. The
columns available on the Power tab can be briefly described as:

The current values of the network contained in the Plan

The constraints, that is, the restrictions on what can be changed, in terms of objects,
ranges, limits and so on

The actions, that is, all the possible network parameter changes that may be considered in
the optimisation

The columns contain all the power-related parameters that correspond to the technology of the
network element.
For some of these parameters, there is an option to set a 'uniform group' constraint. This enables
you to specify groups of cells that you want to be adjusted uniformly by the Optimiser.
To do this:
In the appropriate 'Uniform Group Id' column, specify a number (0 or greater) for the cells
that you want to be grouped by the Uniform Power constraint. It is possible, if required, to
use different numbers to make separate groups.
If this option is inactive for a cell, the value shows as -1.
Note: If this is enabled, the respective initial power values for the associated cells must be the
same in order for changes to be considered by the Optimiser. If the initial power values are not the
same, then this constraint will not be applicable and will be ignored.

Tip: The Action-Constraints Templates provide you with a quick and easy way of setting up
action-constraints so that they can be reused across all or some of your plans. You should make
full use of these templates so that you avoid duplication of constraints that may be generic to all
plans. In other words, you should avoid spending time setting many constraints directly in the
Action-Constraints dialog box, if there is a high chance that you will be using those actionconstraints for other plans. See About Action-Constraints Templates on page 53.



About Action-Constraints Templates

The Action-Constraints Templates provide you with a quick and easy way of setting up actionconstraints so that they can be reused across all or some of your Plans.
This flexibility enables you to specify the action-constraints for one or both of the planning



Tip: You should make full use of these templates so that you avoid duplication of constraints that
may be generic to all Plans. In other words, you should avoid spending time setting many
constraints directly in the Action-Constraints dialog box, if there is a high chance that you will be
using those action-constraints for other plans.

Example of the Actions Constraints Template Editor

When they are created, these templates can then be either:

Manually assigned to objects in the Action-Constraints dialog box, under the Templates
- or -

Assigned to objects on a 'filter-specific' basis, by clicking the Assign Templates button

Note: If you subsequently modify any values directly in the Action-Constraints dialog box after
assigning a template, the Templates column (for the relevant object) automatically reverts to


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Creating and Editing Action-Constraints Templates

To create or edit Action-Constraints Templates:
1. Open the ACP Workflow, by clicking ASSET ACP from the Tools menu.
2. In the left-hand pane, select Plan Manager.

3. Select the appropriate plan, and click the Constraints button.

4. In the Action-Constraints dialog box, click the Manage Templates button.

5. You can now add, remove, edit, or rename a template.

To add or edit a template in the Action-Constraints Template Manager dialog box:
1. If you are adding a template, click Add, name the template, click OK, and then click Edit.
- or If you are editing an existing template, select it and click Edit.
2. In the dialog box that appears, click the first action or constraint that you wish to configure,
for example Antenna Planning - Electrical Downtilt.

For details on the different planning actions and constraints that you can configure, see
one of the following sections:

Configuring Action-Constraints Templates for Antenna Planning on page 55

Configuring Action-Constraints Templates for Power Planning on page 58

3. In the right hand pane, edit the values for this action or constraint. For example:

4. Click the next action or constraint that you want to configure, and in the right hand pane edit
the values as appropriate.
You can configure any combination of actions or constraints in the same template. For
example, a template can contain Antenna Planning and Power Planning actions or
5. When you have configured all of the actions and constraints that you require, click OK, and
then, in the Action-Constraints dialog box, click Close.



6. You can now assign this (or any other) template to objects on a 'filter-specific' basis in the
Action-Constraints dialog box, as described in Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to
Objects on page 63.

Configuring Action-Constraints Templates for Antenna Planning

When creating or editing Action-Constraints Templates, you can configure antenna planning
optimisation actions and constraints. These can be used with either cost mechanism to identify the
optimum configuration of the antenna subsystem for a network.
The concept of antenna planning in ASSET ACP is to incorporate into the optimisation the practical
details of the site construction and the real environment limitations that affect the antenna
The antenna optimisation can support all the main types of actions that are allowed for the antenna
subsystem. These include changes to the number of antennas, the antenna type (device and
pattern), downtilt (electrical, mechanical and total), azimuth and height.
This picture shows an example of the actions and constraints for antenna heights:

Example of Action-Constraints Template for Antenna Height

This table describes the antenna planning action-constraints that you can configure:



Enable the antenna devices/patterns to be changed.

Select the required antenna devices/patterns from the list of antennas.
Tip: To locate a particular antenna device or pattern, type the name in the Find
pane, and click Find.
To restrict what is displayed to just the selected items, click Show Selected. To
undo this, click Show All.

Electrical Downtilt

Enable the electrical downtilt of the antenna to be changed:

Change Step indicates the allowed step of change (in degrees).

Max Change defines the maximum permitted change from the respective
original value in the Site Database (in degrees).

Total Downtilt must also be selected, unless Mechanical Downtilt is considered

and the Total Downtilt is to remain unchanged.
Note: For an optimisation to consider electrical downtilt changes, the appropriate
antenna patterns (for each antenna device) need to be set up in the Cellular
Antennas dialog box.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide



Mechanical Downtilt

Enable the mechanical downtilt of the antenna to be changed:

Min Value sets the minimum mechanical downtilt that is permitted (in
degrees). Any downtilts below the minimum will not be modified in the

Max Value sets the maximum mechanical downtilt that is permitted (in
degrees). Any downtilts above the maximum will not be modified in the

Change Step indicates the allowed step of change (in degrees).

Max Change defines the maximum permitted change from the respective
original value in the Site Database.

Total Downtilt must also be selected, unless Electrical Downtilt is considered and
the Total Downtilt is to remain unchanged.
Total Downtilt



Enable the total downtilt (electrical plus mechanical) of the antenna to be


Min Value sets the minimum total downtilt that is permitted (in degrees). Any
downtilts below the minimum will not be modified in the optimisation.

Max Value sets the maximum total downtilt that is permitted (in degrees).
Any downtilts above the maximum will not be modified in the optimisation.

Enable the azimuth of the antenna to be changed:

Change Step indicates the allowed step of change (in degrees).

Max Change defines the maximum permitted change (in degrees).

Min Diff at Same Height specifies the minimum permitted angular distance
(in degrees) that has to be maintained if antennas for the same technology
and cell layer (if applicable) are positioned at the same height.

Enable the height of the antenna to be changed:

Min Value sets the minimum antenna height that is permitted (in m). Any
antennas below the minimum will not be modified in the optimisation.

Max Value sets the maximum antenna height that is permitted (in m). Any
antennas above the maximum will not be modified in the optimisation.

Change Step indicates the allowed step of change (in m).

Max Change defines the maximum permitted change from the respective
original value in the Site Database (in m).

Important: When configuring antenna planning actions and constraints, you should remember the


The original parameter settings (for example, antenna types) are always included in the

Any antenna parameters with values outside the {min, max} range set in the respective
constraints will not be changed during the optimisation.

The antenna type, electrical downtilt, mechanical downtilt and total downtilt
actions/constraints are interdependent. For example, you cannot consider changes to the
mechanical downtilt without enabling changes to the electrical and/or total downtilt as well.


How the Optimiser Considers Shared Antennas

This section provides definitions of the two types of shared antenna in ENTERPRISE, and
summarises how they are considered when you run the Optimiser.
In ENTERPRISE, there are two definitions of shared antennas, described as follows:

Explicitly Shared Antennas:

In ENTERPRISE, this is defined as two or more logical antennas that represent a single
physical antenna in a real network.
This is automatically configured in the Site Database on the Antennas tab (at the cell level
for GSM, and at the node level for all other technologies), if you select the same physical
antenna to be used for more than one logical antenna. This is explained in the ASSET
User Reference Guide.
In this case, the physical configuration of the shared antenna is forced to remain identical
between the appropriate cells or nodes co-located on the respective Property.

Implicitly Shared Antennas:

In ENTERPRISE, this is defined as two or more antenna devices that are not explicitly
shared, but share the same co-location parameters (identical location co-ordinates, height
and azimuth, and existing on the same Property).

Note: If you want the Optimiser to consider a network configuration that allows antenna sharing
(implicit or explicit), you must ensure the
option is enabled on the Antenna
Constraints tab for the relevant Properties in the Site Database. For more information, see
Configuring Property Antenna Constraints on page 87. There are also options related to antenna
sharing within the Settings. For more information, see Specifying the Settings on page 18.
Depending on the antenna planning actions and constraints that you have specified for the
considered cells:

In the case of any considered antennas that are 'explicitly' shared, their configuration (for
example, mechanical tilt) can be modified (jointly) during the optimisation, but the
respective antennas will remain explicitly shared.

In the case of any considered antennas that are 'implicitly' shared, their sharing status may
change during the optimisation. For example, antennas that were initially shared may each
end up having different configurations, and become non-shared.

In the case of all other considered antennas, their sharing status may change during the
optimisation. For example, antennas that were not initially shared may each end up having
the same configuration, and become implicitly shared.

Note: Whenever antennas are shared, the number of actions and respective action costs are
considered appropriately, and are only counted once for the same physical antenna object. For
example, a mechanical tilt change to an antenna shared between two cells would only be counted


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Configuring Action-Constraints Templates for Power Planning

When creating or editing Action-Constraints Templates, you can configure power planning
optimisation actions and constraints. These can be used with any cost mechanism to identify the
optimum power levels for individual base stations.
In addition, the optimum BTS Types (GSM) and Node Types (UMTS) can be identified.
When optimising power levels, there are key differences between technologies. For example, in
UMTS - unlike in GSM - the physical channels can be transmitted at different powers. The power in
the node is shared between signalling and user traffic, and so, if less power can be allocated for
signalling, more can be made available to user traffic, thus increasing the cell downlink capacity.
The ASSET ACP power optimisation is sufficiently advanced to handle the differing requirements
by offering technology-specific actions, such as GSM PA Output Power, UMTS Pilot Power,
CDMA2000 Pilot Power, EV-DO Rated PA Power, WiMAX TX Power or LTE Max TX Power.
This picture shows an example of the action-constraints for GSM PA Output Power:

Example of Action-Constraints Template for GSM cell PA Output

About GSM Power Planning Action-Constraints

This table describes the GSM power planning actions you can activate for cells:
Select This Action To
PA Output Power

Enable the power amplifier (PA) output to be changed.

BTS Type

Enable the BTS equipment type to be changed on a site.

If you have selected PA Output Power, the constraints described in this table become active:


This Constraint

Enables You To

Min Value (dBm)

Set the minimum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Max Value (dBm)

Set the maximum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Change Step (dB)

Set the permitted step of power change (in dB).

Max Change (dB)

Set the maximum permitted change from the current value in the cell (in dB).


This Constraint

Enables You To

Changes Allowed

Define how the current value will be allowed to change within the set ranges:

'Any' allows both higher and lower values to be examined during the

'Only decreases' just allows lower power settings to be examined.

'Only increases' just allows higher power settings to be examined.

Important: When defining GSM power planning actions and constraints, you should remember the

The original parameter settings (for example, BTS equipment types) are always included in
the optimisation.

Any power parameters with values outside the {min, max} range set in the respective
constraints will not be changed during the optimisation.

Certain actions/constraints depend on specified performance metrics and/or cost

mechanisms. For example, the BTS Type action and constraint may have an effect on the
performance costs, providing that the PA Output Power option is also considered.

About UMTS Power Planning Action-Constraints

This table describes the UMTS power planning actions you can activate for cells:
Select This Action


Max TX Power

Enable the maximum transmit power to be changed.

Pilot Power

Enable the pilot power (CPICH) to be changed.


Enable the HSDPA power to be changed.

Max Power Per User

Enable the maximum power per user to be changed.

Node Types

Enable the Node equipment type to be changed on a node.

If you have selected any of the above power planning actions, the constraints described in this
table become active:
This Constraint

Enables You To

Min Value (dBm)

Set the minimum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Max Value (dBm)

Set the maximum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Change Step (dB)

Set the permitted step of power change (in dB).

Max Change (dB)

Set the maximum permitted change from the current value in the cell (in

Fixed % of Max TX Power Specify that the appropriate power (for all the cells associated with the
template) is always adjusted in proportion with the Max TX Power. This
maintains the same ratio that exists in the starting plan.
Note: When this is selected, the Change Step and the Changes Allowed
become read-only, and the values that you set for the Max TX Power are
used instead.
Uniform Power

Specify that all the cells associated with the template are adjusted
together. If the initial power values are not the same, then this constraint
will not be applicable and will be ignored.

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

This Constraint

Enables You To

Changes Allowed

Define how the current value will be allowed to change within the set

'Any' allows both higher and lower values to be examined during the

'Only decreases' just allows lower power settings to be examined.

'Only increases' just allows higher power settings to be examined.

Important: When configuring UMTS power planning actions and constraints, you should remember
the following:

The original parameter settings (for example, Node equipment types) are always included
in the optimisation.

Any power parameters with values outside the {min, max} range set in the respective
constraints will not be changed during the optimisation.

If the Uniform Power constraint has been enabled, the respective initial power values for
the associated cells must be the same in order for changes to be considered by the

When you are using the Fixed % of Max TX Power checkbox (for Pilot Power, HSDPA
Power or Max Power Per User):

You should ensure that all the values you set for the Max TX Power planning action are
compatible with your overall objectives

If optimising HSDPA Powers, cells will be considered for HSDPA power optimisation
only if they are enabled for HSDPA (and have a Node Type that supports HSDPA)

If the Fixed Ratio and/or Uniform Power constraint has been enabled, the Optimiser will not
change the Node Type from one that supports HSDPA to one that does not, and vice

If a cell considered by the Optimiser cannot support HSDPA (in other words, none of its
available Node Types support HSDPA or it is not supported on the cell), the Optimiser will
not allow any changes to the HSDPA Power and will not consider the HSDPA-specific
Fixed Ratio and Uniform Power constraints for this cell.

About CDMA/EV-DO Power Planning Action-Constraints

This table describes the CDMA/EV-DO power planning actions you can activate for cells:
Select This Action


CDMA2000 Pilot Power

Enable the pilot power to be changed.

EV-DO Rated PA Power

Enable the rated PA power to be changed.

If you have selected any of the above power planning actions, the constraints described in this
table become active:


This Constraint

Enables You To

Min Value (dBm)

Set the minimum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Max Value (dBm)

Set the maximum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Change Step (dB)

Set the permitted step of power change (in dB).


This Constraint

Enables You To

Max Change (dB)

Set the maximum permitted change from the current value in the cell (in

Changes Allowed

Define how the current value will be allowed to change within the set

'Any' allows both higher and lower values to be examined during the

'Only decreases' just allows lower power settings to be examined.

'Only increases' just allows higher power settings to be examined.

Important: When configuring CDMA/EV-DO power planning actions and constraints, you should
remember the following:

The original parameter settings are always included in the optimisation.

Any power parameters with values outside the {min, max} range set in the respective
constraints will not be changed during the optimisation.

About WiMAX Power Planning Action-Constraints

This table describes the WiMAX power planning actions you can activate for cells:
Select This Action


TX Power
(Fixed and Mobile)

Enable the transmit power to be changed.

If you have selected the above power planning action, the constraints described in this table
become active:
This Constraint

Enables You To

Min Value (dBm)

Set the minimum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Max Value (dBm)

Set the maximum power that is permitted (in dBm).

Change Step (dB)

Set the permitted step of power change (in dB).

Max Change (dB)

Set the maximum permitted change from the current value in the cell (in dB).

Changes Allowed

Define how the current value will be allowed to change within the set ranges:

'Any' allows both higher and lower values to be examined during the

'Only decreases' just allows lower power settings to be examined.

'Only increases' just allows higher power settings to be examined.

Important: When defining WiMAX power planning actions and constraints, you should remember
the following:

The original parameter settings are always included in the optimisation.

Any power parameters with values outside the {min, max} range set in the respective
constraints will not be changed during the optimisation.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

About LTE Power Planning Action-Constraints

These are the LTE power planning actions that you can activate for cells:

Max TX Power (dBm)

Traffic Offset (dB)

Control Offset (dB)

Synchronisation Offset (dB)

Broadcast Offset (dB)

Multicast Offset (dB)

Reference Signal SNR Threshold (dB)

Max TA Threshold (msec)

Max Range Threshold (km)

If you have selected any of the above options, the constraints described in this table become
This Constraint

Enables You To

Min Value

Set the minimum power that is permitted.

Max Value

Set the maximum power that is permitted.

Change Step (dB)

Set the permitted step of power change.

Max Change (dB)

Set the maximum permitted change from the current value in the cell.

Changes Allowed

Define how the current value will be allowed to change within the set

'Any' allows both higher and lower values to be examined during the

'Only decreases' just allows lower power settings to be examined.

'Only increases' just allows higher power settings to be examined.

Important: When configuring LTE power planning actions and constraints, you should remember
the following:


The original parameter settings are always included in the optimisation.

Any power parameters with values outside the {min, max} range set in the respective
constraints will not be changed during the optimisation.


Assigning Action-Constraints Templates to Objects

When you have created Action-Constraints Templates, you can assign them to objects in the
Action-Constraints dialog box.
You can do this manually within the Action-Constraints dialog box, under the Templates column.
However, it will often be easier to make 'filter-specific' assignments by using the Action-Constraints
Assignments dialog box.
To do this:
1. Within the left-hand pane of the Optimiser Workflow, select Plan Manager.

2. Select the appropriate Plan, and click the Constraints button.

3. In the Action-Constraints dialog box, click the Assign Templates button.

4. In the dialog box that appears, click Add.

(If you have previously set up some filter-template combinations on this dialog box (and
clicked OK) you can retrieve them by clicking the Get Last button.)
5. In the row that appears, select a filter.
6. Select the required template(s) to assign to that filter.
Depending on your optimisation planning approach, you can either assign the same
template to all the planning mechanisms, or you can assign different templates to each.
This allows flexibility if you want to experiment with different combinations of templates.
7. Continue with the Add button until you have specified all the required filter-template
combinations. (You can delete a row by clicking .) Here is an example:

Where appropriate, you can use the up and down arrows

to set the filter priorities.
Only one template can be assigned to an object. Therefore, in cases where an object might
exist in more than one filter in this dialog box, the filter priority number is important in
determining which template is assigned.
You can check the contents of the relevant filter by clicking

8. Click OK. The assignments you have made now appear in the Action-Constraints dialog
9. When you have finished making changes in the Action-Constraints dialog box, you must
always click Apply, in order to save the changes.

When you have finished, you can close the Action-Constraints dialog box.

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Important: There are three points you should note regarding template assignments. Two of these
points relate to default templates that are always available to you (these are in addition to the
templates that are user-defined):

Read Only template - when this is assigned to a filter, all the 'Fixed' checkboxes (for the
objects in the associated filter) become automatically selected in the Action-Constraints
dialog box.

Unchanged template - when this is assigned to a filter, nothing is changed (for the objects
in the associated filter) in the Action-Constraints dialog box. This option is necessary
because you may want, for example, to assign a template for just one or two planning
mechanisms, and leave the other(s) unchanged.

When you create a template, it is likely that you will not have selected all the potential
action-constraints in that template. When you assign that template to a filter, the 'Fixed'
checkboxes for the action-constraints that were unselected in the template become
automatically selected in the Action-Constraints dialog box, for the objects in the
associated filter.
For example, if a template has only Azimuth (Antenna mechanism) selected, the other
action-constraints (Tilts, Heights, Device/Pattern) would all be set to 'Fixed' in the ActionConstraints dialog box, after the template assignment.

All templates (read only, leave unchanged and user-defined) are assigned separately to each
individual planning mechanism. Therefore, the above points are valid independently for each
For more specific information about the 'Fixed' columns, see About the Fixed Columns for the
Action-Constraints on page 40.

Modifying Templates after Assigning them to Objects

In situations where you modify an Action-Constraints Template that is already assigned to various
objects, those changes will not be made retrospectively in the Action-Constraints dialog box for
those objects.
However, you can explicitly choose to make those changes in the Action-Constraints dialog box by:

Manually reassigning the template to objects in the Action-Constraints dialog box, under
the Templates column

Reassigning the template to objects on a 'filter-specific' basis, by clicking the Assign

Templates button

Using the 'Reassigning All Templates' option

Reassigning All Templates

This method represents a quick way of implementing changes from modified Templates (as
described in the first paragraph) into the Action-Constraints dialog box.
This special option re-applies all the modified (that is, current) settings from all templates that are
currently assigned to objects in the Action-Constraints dialog box. This operation is applicable to all
three planning mechanisms.
To do this:
Click the Reassign All Templates button.
Tip: If you want to reassign some of your currently assigned templates, but not all, you can change
the template selection in the Action-Constraints dialog box to 'Custom' on the objects that you don't
want to modify, before pressing the Re-assign All Templates button.


Optimising a Network
The ACP Workflow enables you to perform all the tasks within ASSET ACP from a single dialog

Example of the ACP Workflow dialog box in ASSET ACP

The principal feature of ASSET ACP is the automatic Optimiser, which can consider an extensive
number of physical design and network parameter settings that affect the performance of the radio
You can set up and start the automatic optimisation of a network configuration according to a
choice of:

One or both metrics: Coverage and/or Quality

Various actions and constraints

One or both of the planning mechanisms: Antenna and/or Power

This section focuses on how to run an optimisation, and how to interpret the feedback.
To start the ACP Workflow:
From the Tools menu, click ASSET ACP.

Prerequisites for an Optimisation

Before you start optimising your network, ensure that you, or your administrator, have (where

Set up a project with the necessary planning data, including traffic (if applicable).

Defined the RF Array Thresholds.

Created a plan (defining the area, cell filters, and, optionally, vectors), using the Plan
Manager. For more information, see Using the Plan Manager on page 21.

Defined the appropriate parameters or options on the Strategy, Traffic and Settings tabs.
The Strategy tab governs the selection of which Metrics are to be used. The Traffic tab
governs the selection of terminal types. The Settings tab includes thresholds for the Auto
Plan Setup method.

Configured the Action-Constraints for the optimisation.

Created/loaded traffic arrays, if applicable. For traffic-based optimisations, a traffic array

must be available.

This then enables you to Start an Optimisation.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Running an Optimisation
Before you can run an optimisation, you must have created at least one plan.
(If appropriate, you can also choose to optimise a delta plan.)
For a full list of the prerequisites, see Prerequisites for an Optimisation on page 65.
To start an optimisation within the Plan Manager:
1. Open the Workflow by clicking the shortcut button

on the main ASSET ACP toolbar.

2. In the left-hand pane, select Plan Manager.

3. Select the appropriate plan, and click the Optimise button. The Optimiser dialog box

4. Set the minimum time interval for the 'best cost value' plan to be saved (at each time
interval, a new delta plan is saved only if the best cost value is less than the previous saved
value). To do this, in the Delta Plan Writing Interval edit box, type the number of minutes
and click Set.
Note: At the point where you stop the optimisation, an additional delta plan is saved
(according to the same criteria above), as if the next time interval had been reached.
5. If you want to view statistics information using the Statistics Graph, Statistics Details or
Report buttons, ensure that the Calculate Statistics checkbox is selected.
6. To start the Optimiser, click Start.
The Optimiser starts running, and can be monitored.



Monitoring an Optimisation
When you have started an optimisation, the Optimiser runs. This picture shows an example of a
running scenario:

Example of the Optimiser dialog box

The following values are displayed in the Optimiser dialog box:



Starting configuration

The name of the plan or delta plan.

Modification strategy

The modification strategy specified in the Settings.

Starting cost value

The cost for the starting configuration.

Best cost value

The cost for the best configuration that the Optimiser has found so far.

Current cost value

The current optimisation cost.

Generated cost value

The cost for a generated optimisation state.

Cost value gain; absolute;


The absolute gain value represented by the difference between the

starting and best cost values; this gain expressed as a relative

Cost function calls

The total number of iterations that have taken place up to this point in
the optimisation. This includes the iteration required for optimisation
initialisation and (if applicable) any iterations rejected based on the Max
Objects/Actions or Max Degradation criteria.

Iterations: accepted; generated; Accepted: The number of iterations that have been accepted by the
Optimiser's search algorithms as the correct "path" to take to the
optimal solution. These may or may not decrease the best plan cost at
any particular point in an optimisation, depending on the search
algorithm in use at the time.
Generated: The number of performed iterations (this is the same as the
number of accepted states).
A/G: The 'Accepted to Generated' ratio.
States: accepted; generated;

Accepted: The number of states that have been accepted by the

Optimiser as valid (that is, a state that has broken no hard constraints
such as Max Degradation, Max Objects/Actions, Min/Max Inter-Site
Generated: The number of performed states.
A/G: The 'Accepted to Generated' ratio.

Start Time, Stop Time, Elapsed


The time the Optimiser was started, the time it was stopped, and the
elapsed time.

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

While the optimisation is running, you can view a variety of useful feedback information, by clicking
any of the following buttons:

Cost Graph - for a graphical representation of the best, current and generated cost values
for each iteration

Statistics Graph(s) - for the initial and best plan values for the selected series

Cost Details - for a variety of information about the costs related to the optimisation

Statistics Details - for the statistics for the initial iteration and the most recent best plan

Optimisation Report - for complete details of the generated optimisation plans

To stop the Optimiser at any point:

Click Stop (you cannot resume the optimisation when it has been stopped)
Important: After stopping the Optimiser, you can still view the data it displays and the feedback
graphs. This data and the graphs are available until you close the Optimiser dialog box. The data in
the Optimisation Report, on the other hand, is still available until you start another optimisation.

About the Cost Graph

When you are running the Optimiser, you can choose to display the Cost Graph, by clicking the
appropriate button.
This displays a graphical representation of the best, current and generated cost value at or up to
(as applicable) each optimisation iteration.
This picture shows an example:

Example of a Cost Graph

You can use this feedback to assess whether a satisfactory cost value has been achieved, and also
to see the pattern of values generated by the Optimiser.
To zoom in on a particular section of the graph:
1. Click and hold down the left mouse button on the graph where one corner of the required
section will be and drag the mouse to create a box.
2. Release the mouse button.
To zoom back out, right-click.


About the Statistics Graph(s)

When you are running the Optimiser, you can choose to display the Statistics Graph(s), by clicking
the appropriate button.
This displays a graphical representation of the initial and best plan values for a selected (Metric)
This picture shows an example:

Example of a Statistics Graph

To select what information is shown on the graph, click Series, and in the dialog box that appears,
select the required categories of information. Then click OK.
To zoom in on a particular section of the graph:
1. Click and hold down the left mouse button on the graph where one corner of the required
section will be and drag the mouse to create a box.
2. Release the mouse button.
To zoom back out, right-click.
To create another graph, click New Graph.
If you are starting from a delta plan, you can view statistics from the previous optimisation by
clicking Show History.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

About the Cost Details

When you are running the Optimiser, you can choose to display the Cost Details, by clicking the
appropriate button.
This displays the following information:

The number of independent optimisation variables (Degrees of Freedom, or DOF)

The number of pixels in the area that will be considered by the Optimiser

The contribution of each considered cost category (and its components) to the starting,
best, current and generated optimisation cost (the relevant metric selection/weights and
multiplier coefficients are also displayed)

The number of considered optimisation actions on a starting, best, current and generated
optimisation plan basis

The examined optimisation states (or iterations) and the respectively generated
optimisation cost (the best and current cost values are also displayed)

Tip: To get details of different cost values besides the current ones, ensure that the Log states
option is selected.
This picture shows an example:

Example of Cost Details

You can also use this information to check the entire optimisation setup after an optimisation has
started. For example, you can ensure that the weights and multiplier coefficients are correctly
configured and that the optimisation targets are realistic and can be met.



About the Statistics Details

When you are running the Optimiser, you can choose to display the Statistics Details, by clicking
the appropriate button.
This displays the statistics relevant to the performance metrics for the optimisation, depending on
the type of optimisation that you are running. You can view statistics per technology, for traffic
and/or area.
This picture shows an example:

Example of Statistics Details

About the Optimisation Reports

When you are running the Optimiser, you can choose to display the Optimisation Report, by
clicking the Report button.
This report includes coverage statistics based on the RF Array Thresholds that you set, as defined
in the following categories:
For this technology

Statistics on the Report tabs


RSS, CINR, Quality


RSCP, Pilot Ec/Io, Quality


RSCP, Pilot Ec/Io, Quality


RSCP, Pilot Ec/Io, Quality

Fixed WiMAX

DL RSS, DL CINR, Quality

Mobile WiMAX

Preamble RSS, Preamble CINR, Quality


RSRP, RSRQ, Quality


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

You can view these details in terms of overall coverage, per clutter threshold and/or per vector
threshold. You can also view action information, and cost information.
Tip: If appropriate, you can choose to optimise a delta plan. If you begin a new optimisation, the
statistics information for the previous one will be deleted. However, if you continue optimisation
from the last generated delta plan, the statistics information for the last optimisation will still be
The optimisation report provides details of the actions, statistics and costs for the starting plan and
each subsequent best plan. This picture shows an example:

Example of Part of an Optimisation Report

Tip: You can produce a similar report (for a specific delta plan) after you have stopped the
Optimiser, by selecting the appropriate plan in the Plan Manager section of the Workflow, and
clicking the Analysis button.
You may be able to choose which customised report format you want to use for this report type. For
more information, see Selecting Report Formats on page 96.



About Alternative Optimisation Scenarios

When you have finished running the Optimiser, you can investigate alternative optimisation
scenarios, such as:

Modifying the optimisation strategy

Using a different traffic array

Examining different types of actions and/or the impact of limiting the number of actions

Considering drive test measurements in the pathloss predictions and/or running a drive test
route-based optimisation

Using a generated delta plan as the starting configuration

Any combination of the above scenarios

About Applying Plans to the Database

When a plan has been optimised, it becomes a delta plan. At any time, you can Apply a plan or a
delta plan to the Site Database. This also enables you to analyse the performance of the plan
(using arrays and reports) within ASSET.
For more information on this, see:

Applying a Plan to the Database on page 35.

Applying a Plan Temporarily to the Database on page 36.

Analysing and Evaluating Plans

The analysis functionality in ASSET ACP enables you to analyse your network plan against your
chosen optimisation strategy, or compare two plans. You can also use the rollout planning
functionality to assess and sequence the potential network changes for a plan.
More specifically, it enables you to:

Analyse and evaluate a current plan configuration or an optimised delta plan configuration

Compare any two plan configurations, whether current or optimised

Access the rollout planning functionality, in order to assess and sequence the potential
network changes for a delta plan

You can evaluate a single plan, or compare two plans, in terms of their performance (with respect
to measurements and optimisation metrics).


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

As part of the network evaluation, statistics similar to those available in ASSET can also be
generated. The statistics include the coverage and interference metrics (presented per clutter type
and/or per vector). In addition, feedback based on the specified optimisation metrics can be
The performance achieved for each configuration is presented (in terms of absolute and/or relative
values) on a traffic and area basis.
The analysis report generated can include:




You can use the produced reports and/or graphical information to determine how good a plan is, or
the number/cost of the required optimisation actions (if applicable).
You can also use the Analysis dialog box to access the rollout planning functionality, in order to
assess and sequence the potential network changes for a delta plan. For more information, see
About Rollout Planning and Partial Plans on page 79.

Information Generated by the Analysis

You can use the generated statistics to analyse (or compare) your plan configurations in terms of
the following types of information.
The report generated can include (as appropriate):









The number of changes that the

Optimiser has considered. These
are divided into antenna, power,
and combined actions.

Antenna - antenna unit, device, pattern (remote

and site adjustable electrical downtilt),
mechanical downtilt, azimuth, height.


The statistics for the metrics used

in the optimisation calculations.

Coverage, quality.

Optimisation Costs

All costs relating to the

optimisation metrics.

Optimisation metrics as specified above.

Power - GSM PA output power, GSM BTS type,

UMTS max TX power, UMTS pilot power, UMTS
HSDPA power, UMTS max power per user, All
UMTS power settings, UMTS Node type, WiMAX
(Fixed and Mobile) TX power, CDMA2000 pilot
power, EV-DO Rated PA power.


Prerequisites for Running an Analysis

Before performing an analysis, ensure that you (or your administrator) have:

Set up a project with the necessary planning data, including traffic (if applicable). For more
information, see the ENTERPRISE and ASSET User Reference Guides.

Defined the RF Array Thresholds.

Defined the appropriate parameters or options on the Strategy, Traffic and Settings tabs.

Created (or have access to) a plan. For more information, see Using the Plan Manager on
page 21.

Created/loaded traffic arrays, if applicable. For traffic-based optimisations, a traffic array

must be available.

Performing an Analysis for a Single Plan

Using the analysis functionality, you can analyse the performance of a network plan or compare
any two plans. Analysing the performance of a single plan enables you to evaluate either a starting
(new) plan or a delta (optimised) plan.
To analyse a single plan:
1. Ensure that you have performed the required preparation steps, as described in
Prerequisites for Running an Analysis on page 75.
2. Within the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Plan Manager.

3. Select the appropriate plan, and click the Analysis button.

4. In the Analysis dialog box, the selected plan appears as the Base Plan.

(If you want to select a different plan, you can do this by clicking the browse button


5. Select the reporting level you require (Property, Site or Cell).

6. Click Analyse to perform the analysis.
When the analysis has finished running, the Report button will become active.
7. To generate the report, click the Report button, then select the format for your report, and
click OK.
This report is similar to the Optimisation report (available from the Optimiser). The
difference is that this report focuses on a specific plan or delta plan.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Here is an example:

8. When you have finished, in the Analysis dialog box, you can either click Reset to analyse
or compare other plans, or you can click Close.
You may be able to choose which customised report format you want to use for this report type. For
more information, see Selecting Report Formats on page 96.



Performing an Analysis to Compare Plans

Using the analysis functionality, you can evaluate the performance of a network plan or compare
any two plans. Comparing the performance of two plans enables you to assess one against the
other, and evaluate any differences or improvements.
You can analyse and compare the performance between any two plans according to your needs,
whether they are plans or delta plans. You can also compare any two delta plans, even if they
originated from different starting plans.
To compare any two plans:
1. Ensure that you have performed the required preparation steps, as described in
Prerequisites for Running an Analysis on page 75.
2. Within the left-hand pane of the Workflow, select Plan Manager.

3. Select one of the two plans you want to compare, and click the Analysis button.
4. In the Analysis dialog box, the selected plan appears as the Base Plan.
(If you want to select a different plan, you can do this by clicking the browse button
5. In the Analysis dialog box, for the Compare Plan, click the browse
the other required plan.


button, and select

6. Select the reporting level you require (Property, Site or Cell).

7. If required, click the Compare Options button if you want to set default values for comparing
array pixels where one has a server and one does not.
8. Click Analyse to perform the comparison analysis. When the analysis has finished running,
the Report button will become active.
9. To generate the reports, click the Report button, then select the format for your reports,
and click OK.
10. When you have finished, in the Analysis dialog box, you can either click Reset to analyse
or compare other plans, or you can click Close.
You can also view the comparison analysis results in the Map View window. For information on
how to do this, see Displaying Plan Comparison Results in the Map View on page 78.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Displaying Plan Comparison Results in the Map View

After you have performed an analysis to compare two plans, you can display your results in the
Map View window.
To do this:
1. Ensure that you have a Map View window showing the considered network
configuration(s). If not, you can select the region(s) for the plans using the Plans heading
in the Data Types list:

2. On the Map View toolbar, click the Map Information Control button
Data Types tab.

and then click the

3. To display plan comparison results (which show the coverage/interference arrays for the
chosen plans), expand the Delta Plan Analysis heading, and then expand the required plan
(or the 'Diff' category).

4. From the list that appears, select the array type that you want to view and click Redraw to
view the related analysis results:

5. To define how the array is displayed, double-click the required array and edit the display
properties in the dialog box that appears. You can set the following display options:

Which layers are displayed

The colour used for the level of improvement

The level of improvement you want to display

6. Click OK and then click OK and Redraw.



This picture shows an example of plan comparison analysis information displayed on the
Map View window. The values show the improvement between Plan 1 and Plan 2 for the
Nth Pilot Server.

About Rollout Planning and Partial Plans

The Rollout Planning functionality provides a very useful way of determining the order in which to
make changes to a network.
You can sequence the changes (grouped by cell, site or Property) according to any user-selected
metric value (such as coverage or quality), and then assess the potential cumulative improvement
in the chosen metric (or any other chosen metric) as the changes are implemented one by one.
In basic terms, this functionality asks the question: Which is the best (user-subjective) sequence to
perform the potential network changes, and how many of those changes are really needed to
achieve the required benefits?
The Rollout Planning functionality can be used for delta plans, and is particularly relevant to labourintensive changes requiring site visits, such as antenna azimuth or height changes.
For example, you might have a plan that proposes antenna changes on 30 sites. After the initial
analysis, the ranking functionality enables you to sequence the changes and evaluate their
progressive or cumulative effect. You could then choose a modified sequence for the deployment of
those changes. Then, after running a new analysis and report, you could re-evaluate the changes,
and specify a new sequence. When you are finally satisfied, you may decide that the changes on
only 15 of those sites are worth deploying, and create a partial plan.
The Rollout Planning functionality is accessible from the Analysis dialog box. The Analysis dialog
box, in its normal usage, provides the ability to analyse your network configurations based on any
user-selected metric, and then generate analysis reports that contain single columns per metric.
However, the added benefit of the Rollout Planning functionality is that it enables you to sort, reanalyse and produce a cumulative report with multiple columns per metric.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

In summary, after performing an analysis, you can use this functionality to:
1. Set the ranking level to Property, Site or Cell.
2. Re-sequence the rows of potential network element changes according to any of their
analysed metric values.
3. Re-analyse.
4. Choose a reporting level.
5. Produce a cumulative report based on your chosen sequence.
In addition, if required, you can create a partial plan.
Partial Plans
From your original plan, you can create a "Partial Plan", which is a plan that will consider making
changes only for the elements that you choose.
The benefit is that, having re-sequenced the potential changes, you can decide which ones are
really beneficial (based on the chosen metric) to the improvement of your network.

Using the Rollout Planning Dialog Box

When you are using the Analysis dialog box, you can use the Rollout Planning functionality in order
to assess and sequence the potential network changes for a delta plan. You can also choose to
create a partial plan.
To do this:
1. Run the Analysis in the normal way.
2. Wait until the analysis has finished running.
3. Click the Rollout Planning button.
The Rollout Planning dialog box appears, as in this example:



You can:

List the elements by their Ranking level: Property, Site or Cell

Show the columns for Absolute Values and/or Additional Improvement in the dialog box
(this has no impact on the report, which always includes both types of information).

Sort the rows by clicking on any of the column headings

Promote or demote any elements by selectively highlighting the row(s) and using the
Up/Down arrow buttons

4. To generate a fresh analysis of your changes (taking the new sequence into account), click
When the analysis has finished running, the Report button will become active.
5. Select the reporting level you require.
6. Click the Report button, then select the format for your report, and click OK.
This report enables you to view and assess the cumulative statistics (relating to the chosen
metrics) for each cell, site or Property. Here is an example of a report, after ranking the
above results by coverage:

(For clarity, the above example report has been simplified; rows have been removed.)
In this example, the 'partial plan' values in the columns (when read left to right) illustrate
how the overall coverage value increases as each additional site/node in the sequence is
considered for inclusion in the plan. Obviously, at the same time as the summed value
increases, the individual coverage value for each site/node tends to diminish.
Note: A separate report will be generated for each of the metrics that you specified when
setting up the analysis. For example, if you selected Coverage and Quality, two separate
reports would be presented.

7. In the Rollout Planning dialog box, if you want to change the element sequence and reanalyse, you can now click the Reset button.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Creating a Partial Plan

In the Rollout Planning dialog box, when you have finished re-sequencing the potential changes,
you can optionally create a 'partial plan'. This means that you can decide which changes are really
beneficial (based on the chosen metric) to the improvement of your network, and create a new
reduced plan.
If appropriate to your requirements, you can then Apply (or Temp Apply) the partial plan to the
database, or use it in an optimisation.
To do this:
1. Check that you have finished re-sequencing and analysing your changes in the Rollout
Planning dialog box.
2. Decide which items you want to include in the partial plan (sequence 1 to n).
3. Click on the row that relates to Sequence n (that is, the lowest ranked item in your
proposed partial plan).
4. In the example shown here, clicking the row relating to Sequence 6 would create a plan
that includes the items in the top six rows (1 to 6 inclusive):

5. Click the Partial Plan button.

A new partial plan is automatically created, and listed in the Workflow dialog box, under the plan
from which it was created. Here is an example:

Example of Partial Plan appearing in Workflow dialog box



About Action-Constraints
The purpose of action-constraints in ASSET ACP is to allow certain network parameter changes to
be considered in a network optimisation, but at the same time impose meaningful limitations and
restrictions on those changes, to accurately represent the real-world environment.
An example of an 'action' may be that you want to allow the antenna azimuths of a group of cells to
be changed, but, at the same time, you might want to specify a 'constraint' for one of those cells,
which could be a forbidden azimuth range because of a nearby school.
Important: The ASSET ACP tool focuses on automatic optimisation of plans, and the ActionConstraints dialog box plays a crucial part in this process. This section focuses on the ActionConstraints within the Site Database. For more detailed information about the plan-specific ActionConstraints dialog box within the Optimiser Workflow, it is important that you read the section
Setting Action-Constraints for Plans on page 38.

Methods of Configuring Action-Constraints

In ASSET ACP, there are two separate 'sources' of action-constraints:

Action-constraints that you can set up and edit within the ACP Workflow

Action-constraints that you can set for specific network elements directly within the Site

In both cases, these action-constraints can be configured on an object-by-object basis, or to groups

of objects through the use of filters. There is nothing you can set up in the Site Database that you
cannot also set up in the Action-Constraints dialog box.
Important: Action-constraints that are set in the Site Database are always auto-populated into the
Action-Constraints dialog box when you create a plan. You then have the freedom to modify those
action-constraints at that stage, if required. When you run an optimisation, the Optimiser reads the
action-constraints exclusively from the Action-Constraints dialog box, regardless of their original
When you run an optimisation, there are two planning mechanisms you can use:



ASSET ACP provides the flexibility to run optimisations based on any single mechanism, or both of
For example, this flexibility enables you to:
1. Set specific action-constraints in the Site Database.
2. Edit these action-constraints (if required) and set up further action-constraints (if required)
in the Action-Constraints dialog box.
- or Set up action-constraints exclusively in the Action-Constraints dialog box.
3. Select one or both of the planning mechanisms, according to your optimisation strategy.
Note: The action-constraints of any plans which already have delta plans are always in Read-Only

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

For more detailed information about the action-constraints within the ACP Workflow, see About the
Action-Constraints Dialog Box on page 39 and Using the Action-Constraints Dialog Box on page

About the Action-Constraints Available

This section describes the various action-constraints that can be specified in ASSET ACP. They
are summarised in this table, listed against the specific network elements to which they relate.
Note: Although these action-constraints are described here specifically in terms of setting them in
the Site Database, the concept of the action-constraints is the same if you set them within the ACP
Workflow. If you are setting them within the ACP Workflow, you should also refer to About the
Action-Constraints Dialog Box on page 39.

Network Element



Mast, BTS Type



GSM Site


GSM Cell


GSM Subcell



Antenna, Resource


Power, Power Control

CDMA2000/EV-DO Site


WiMAX Node


WiMAX Cell


LTE Node


LTE Cell


You can also edit a number of constraints in the Site Database simultaneously, as described in
Configuring Constraints in the Site Database Global Editor on page 94.

Configuring Equipment Constraints

You can specify constraints for masts and BTS equipment, so that the constraints are used when
these objects are assigned to a network element in the Site Database. Masts can be used to
constrain the antenna heights of Properties (all technologies). BTS types can be used to constrain
the output power of GSM subcells.
To configure equipment-specific constraints for masts:
1. From the Equipment menu, select Masts.
2. In the dialog box that appears, select the mast that you want to constrain.
3. Click the Dimensions tab, and:


Specify the structure height

Select the required mount option - if you select Rooftop, the building height of the
Property will be added to the mast height to give the antenna height


4. Click the Constraints tab, and specify the mast heights that you want to make available:

In the Available Masts Height pane, type a height value and click Add

To change a value, select it and enter a new value in the box and click Update

To remove a value, select it and click Remove

5. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

BTS Types
To configure equipment-specific constraints for BTS types:
1. From the Equipment menu, select BTS Equipment.
2. In the dialog box that appears, select the BTS type that you want to constrain.
3. Click the Parameters tab, and in the PA Output Power pane, select a cell layer and specify
the minimum and maximum PA Output power values that the BTS can provide. This picture
shows an example:

4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Note: These constraints are only used if these equipment types are assigned to the relevant
network elements in the Site Database. For example, masts are assigned to Properties (all
technologies), and BTS equipment types are assigned to GSM sites.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Configuring Physical Antenna Constraints on the Property

Property antenna constraints relating to the physical attributes (antenna location, device, height,
mechanical tilt, azimuth) of an antenna are related to the antenna optimisation, and enable you to
restrict the available options that can be used to optimise the antennas located on the Property.
To configure Property Physical Antenna Constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a Property, and click the Physical Antennas tab. This picture shows an example:

3. Ensure that you select the appropriate antenna from the list (if there is more than one).
4. Use the scroll bar to scroll to the right, to reveal the antenna constraints (Height Fixed,
Azimuth Fixed, and so on). This picture shows an example:

5. You can activate the following constraints per antenna, if you want to prevent such changes
during optimisation:

Height Fixed

Azimuth Fixed

Device Fixed

Mechanical Downtilt Fixed

So, for example, selecting 'Device Fixed' means that the Optimiser will not consider
changes to the device for that antenna.

6. You can, if required, define a Forbidden Azimuth Range for the cell's antenna. This enables
you to define an orientation range which the automatic optimisation cannot consider for
azimuth changes.
To set the range, specify a clockwise bearing (the start azimuth for the forbidden range)
and an anti-clockwise bearing (the end azimuth for the forbidden range).
(For a fuller description of these settings, see About the Forbidden Azimuth Range on page



7. You can activate and set the following constraints per antenna, if you want to enable such
changes during optimisation:

Mechanical Downtilt - Min

Mechanical Downtilt - Max

Mechanical Downtilt - Step

So, for example, setting any values for this means that the Optimiser will consider
changes to the mechanical tilt, within the defined range, for that antenna.

Note: Valid Total Downtilt values must also be set on the Antenna Constraints tab for the
cell (GSM), or the node (all other technologies).
8. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Configuring Property Antenna Constraints

Property antenna constraints are related to the antenna optimisation, and enable you to restrict the
available options that can be used to optimise the antennas located on the Property.
To configure Property Antenna Constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a Property, and click the Antenna Constraints tab. This picture shows an example:


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

3. In the Antenna Height Rules pane, enter the minimum and maximum height values that you
wish to use as a basis for the antenna constraints defined on this tab.
To manually define a series of allowable antenna height values within the minimummaximum range:

Select the Manual option, and then select the Constrain checkbox.

In the value box above the Add button, type the first value in metres.

Click Add.

Add further values as required - to delete a value, select it and click Remove. To edit a
value, select it, change the value and then click Update.

To define a series of allowable antenna height values within the minimum-maximum range
based on the mast associated with the Property (which is defined on the General tab of a
Property in the Site Database):

Select the Mast option, and then select the Constrain checkbox.

The constraint values that you have defined for this mast appear. For more information
on this, see Configuring Equipment Constraints on page 84.

To define a series of allowable antenna height values within the minimum-maximum range
based on a particular step size:

Select the Step option, and then type a value in metres for the step.

Select the Constrain checkbox.

A series of allowable antenna height values appears, starting with the defined minimum
height, then moving upwards in steps (according to the size you defined) to the defined
maximum height.

For example, the allowable height values for a minimum height of 20m and a maximum of
30m with a step size of 2m would be 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30m.
4. In the Height Variation pane, you can determine whether the heights for individual antennas
may differ at a specific Property (this option is cell layer-specific for GSM). To do this, select
the Allowed checkbox.
Note: If this is not selected, all antennas on the same cell layer (GSM) or on all carriers
(UMTS) at this Property must be at the same height. However, GSM cells for different cell
layers, or cells of different technologies (for example, GSM and UMTS) can still have
antennas with heights different from each other.
5. In the Antennas at Same Height pane, you can specify a minimum azimuth difference. This
is the minimum separation (in degrees) that you are willing to accept between antennas of
the same height on this Property. To do this, select the Constrain checkbox and type a
6. In the Antenna Co-location pane, select the Enable Co-location checkbox if you want to
enable antenna devices to be able to share co-location parameters (identical location coordinates, height and azimuth, and on the same Property).
Important: If Antenna Co-location is not enabled for a Property, no antenna sharing or colocation configuration can be accepted as a valid starting configuration or examined as a
potential optimisation solution by the Optimiser. For more information, see How the
Optimiser Considers Shared Antennas on page 57.
7. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.



Configuring GSM Site Installation Constraints

GSM site installation constraints can be set to restrict the options that can be used during GSM cell
power optimisation.
To configure GSM site installation constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a GSM site, and click on the Installation tab.
3. In the ACP Constraint pane, select the Fix Site Equipment checkbox if you want the
specified BTS equipment type to stay unchanged during a GSM power optimisation.

4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Configuring GSM Cell Antenna Constraints

Antenna constraints are related to the antenna optimisation, and enable you to restrict the available
options that can be used to optimise the antennas associated with a cell.
GSM cell antenna constraints are configured per antenna, in contrast to the constraints that can be
configured per Property, which relate to all antennas on the Property. See Configuring Property
Antenna Constraints on page 87.
Property antenna constraints relating to the physical attributes (antenna location, device, height,
mechanical tilt, azimuth) of individual antennas can be configured on the Property. See Configuring
Physical Antenna Constraints on the Property on page 86.
To configure GSM cell antenna constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a cell, and click the Antenna Constraints tab.
3. Ensure that you select the appropriate antenna by selecting the required antenna number
from the Antenna Configuration pane:

These numbers correspond to the antennas listed on the Antennas tab. The constraints are
always antenna-specific.

ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

4. In the Misc Constraints pane, you can activate the following constraint per antenna, if you
want to prevent such changes during optimisation:

Antenna Pattern Fixed

Selecting this means that the Optimiser will not consider changes to the antenna
pattern for that antenna.

You can also activate and set the following constraints per antenna, if you want to enable
such changes during optimisation:

Total Downtilt - Min; Max

Electrical Downtilt - Min; Max; Step

So, for example, setting values for 'Electrical Downtilt' means that the Optimiser will
consider changes to the electrical tilt, within the defined range, for that antenna (valid
Total Downtilt values must also be set).

5. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Configuring GSM Subcell Power Constraints

GSM subcell antenna/TRX constraints can be set to fix the PA output during the GSM cell power
To configure GSM subcell antenna/TRX constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a GSM subcell, and click the Antenna/TRX tab.
3. In the ACP Constraint pane, select the Fixed PA Output checkbox if you want to prevent
changes to the PA output by the Optimiser during optimisation.

4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.



Configuring Antenna Constraints for UMTS, CDMA/EV-DO, WiMAX or LTE

Antenna constraints are related to the antenna optimisation, and enable you to restrict the available
options that can be used to optimise the antennas associated with a node.
Antenna constraints are configured per antenna, in contrast to the constraints that can be
configured per Property, which relate to all antennas on the Property (described in Configuring
Property Antenna Constraints on page 87).
Property antenna constraints relating to the physical attributes (antenna location, device, height,
mechanical tilt, azimuth) of individual antennas can be configured on the Property. See Configuring
Physical Antenna Constraints on the Property on page 86.
To configure antenna constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a node and click the Antenna Constraints tab.
3. Ensure that you select the appropriate antenna by selecting the required antenna number
from the Antenna Configuration pane:

(These numbers correspond to the antennas listed on the Antennas tab. The constraints
are always antenna-specific.)
4. In the Misc Constraints pane, you can activate the following constraint per antenna, if you
want to prevent such changes during optimisation:

Antenna Pattern Fixed

Selecting this means that the Optimiser will not consider changes to the antenna
pattern for that antenna.

You can also activate and set the following constraints per antenna, if you want to enable
such changes during optimisation:

Total Downtilt - Min; Max

Electrical Downtilt - Min; Max; Step

So, for example, setting values for 'Electrical Downtilt' means that the Optimiser will
consider changes to the electrical tilt, within the defined range, for that antenna (valid
Total Downtilt values must also be set).

5. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Configuring UMTS Node Resource Constraints

Node constraints can be set to restrict the node to a particular node type during a power
To configure node resource constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a node and click the Resource tab.
3. In the ACP Constraint pane, select the Fix Node Type checkbox if you want the specified
Node type to stay unchanged during a power optimisation.

4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Configuring UMTS Cell Power Constraints

UMTS cell power constraints can be set to restrict the power settings that can be used to optimise
the cell. Selection of any of these constraints will prevent the relevant power from being changed
during an optimisation.
To configure UMTS cell parameter constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a UMTS cell, and click the Cell Params tab.
3. In the UMTS Parameters pane:
Set this parameter to

If you want to prevent changes to this power

Fixed Max TX Power

Maximum (total) TX power

Fixed UMTS Channel Power

The power that is dedicated to the Pilot, Control, Synchronisation

and Indicator channels

Fixed HSDPA Power

HSDPA power

4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.



Configuring UMTS Cell Power Control Constraints

UMTS cell power control constraints can be set to restrict the maximum downlink power per
connection that can be used to optimise the UMTS cell.
To do this:
1. From the Site Database, click Sites.
2. Select a UMTS cell, and click the Load&Power Ctrl tab.
3. In the TX Power Limits pane, under ACP Constraint, select the Fixed checkbox.

4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Configuring WiMAX Cell Power Constraints

WiMAX cell constraints can be set to restrict the power settings that can be used to optimise the
cell. Selection of this constraint will prevent the relevant power from being changed during an
Note: These constraints are applicable to both Fixed WiMAX and Mobile WiMAX.
To configure WiMAX cell power constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select a cell, and click the WiMAX Params tab.
3. In the ACP Constraints pane, select the Fix TX Power checkbox.
4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.

Configuring LTE Cell Power Constraints

LTE cell constraints can be set to restrict the power settings that can be used to optimise the cell.
Selection of this constraint will prevent the relevant power from being changed during an
To configure LTE cell power constraints:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. Select an LTE cell, and click the LTE Params tab.
3. In the ACP Constraints pane, select the Fix TX Power checkbox.
4. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Configuring Constraints in the Site Database Global Editor

Changing information for a large number of Properties, sites and cells can be a very lengthy
process when performed manually. To avoid this, you can use the Global Editor to define
constraints for objects identified by a filter.
Note: The Global Editor is used on a per filter basis - you cannot specify a different filter for
different tabs.
To use the Global Editor:
1. From the Database menu, click Sites.
2. In the Site Database window, click Global Edit.
3. Select the appropriate filter.
4. Select the items that you want to change for the network elements in this filter. For a list of
the ASSET ACP-specific constraints, see ASSET ACP-specific Constraints in the Global
Editor on page 95.
Here is an example of the constraints in the Global Editor:

Important: Where a parameter has two checkboxes, ensure you select both if you want to
set the relevant constraint. However, if you want to disable (previously set) constraints, you
can select the first checkbox, and deselect the second checkbox. In simple terms, the first
checkbox determines whether the change is to be made, and the second checkbox
determines what is to be changed. For example:

To set the constraint

To unset the constraint (if previously set)

5. Click Apply to save the changes, and Commit if appropriate.



ASSET ACP-specific Constraints in the Global Editor

This table describes the ASSET ACP-specific constraints:
On this tab

You can set these constraints


Forbidden Azimuth Range

Antenna Device Fixed
Mechanical Downtilt Fixed
Azimuth Fixed
Height Fixed
Mechanical Downtilt - Min; Max; Step

Cell Constraints

Antenna Pattern Fixed

Electrical Downtilt - Min; Max; Step
Total Downtilt - Min; Max

Property Constraints


Allow Co-location

Allow Height Variation

Same Height Min Azimuth Diff

Antenna Height Rules:

Manual, Mast or Step Height

Min Height

Max Height

Installation (GSM)

Fixed Site/BTS Equipment

Cell Layer (GSM)

Fixed PA Output

Node Config (UMTS)

Fixed Node Type

Cell Params (UMTS)

Fixed Max TX Power

Fixed UMTS Channels Power
Fixed HSDPA Power

Load & Power Ctrl (UMTS)

Fixed Max DL Power per Connection

WiMAX Cell Params

Fixed TX Power

LTE Cell Params

Fixed TX Power


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide

Selecting Report Formats

ASSET ACP enables an organisation to configure its own presentation styles for the following

Analysis report

Optimiser report

Rollout Planning report

Financial Analysis report

Financial Analysis (Difference Method) report

Note: The last two report types depend on a Financial Analysis licence.
This can be done using report formats that can be configured and managed by your administrator.
For information on this, see the ENTERPRISE Installation and Administration Guide.
If such formats have been configured, an individual user can determine the 'mapping' of the
required report format to each ASSET ACP report type.
Important: A default set of formats already exists in any new project. These formats are already
mapped to each report type, so if you are satisfied with the default reports, you do not need to do

If you need to view or modify the mapping relationships, you can use the ACP & Financial Analysis
Reports Assignment dialog box.
To open this dialog box:
From the Reports menu, click ACP & Financial Analysis Reports Assignment.
The ACP & Financial Analysis Reports Assignment dialog box appears:



To change the mapping relationship for a report type:

1. For the appropriate report type, click in the Report Name column.
2. In the drop-down list, select the required report name (this is only meaningful if multiple
formats have been made available for the report type).
3. Repeat the steps if you want to modify any other mapping relationships.
4. Click Close.
The reports will automatically be output in the chosen format when they are next generated.
You can check the basic details of the currently mapped report formats by selecting the report type
and clicking the Info button.


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide



about 83
antenna planning 41, 55
dialog box 39, 41
power planning 41, 58
setting 83
templates 53
workflow 9
Analysing and evaluating plans 73
for a single plan 75
network improvement 77
network performance 75
to compare plans 77
sharing 57
Auto Plan Setup, using 27
Azimuths, forbidden ranges 47, 86

Clutter/Vector parameters 12
about 83
Action-Constraints dialog box 42
BTS equipment and mast 84
GSM cell antenna 89
GSM site installation 89
GSM subcell antenna/TRX 90
in Site Database 83
metric degradation 16
Property antenna 87
UMTS cell load and power ctrl 93
UMTS cell params 92
UMTS node antenna 91
UMTS node resource 92
Context menu for plans 30

Delta Plans 21

Action-Constraints templates 53
antenna 41, 55
parameters 9
power planning 58
prerequisites 65
reports 67, 71
running the optimiser 67
starting the optimiser 66
strategy 16
thresholds 12
Optimiser Workflow
using 9

Partial plans 79
Plan Manager, using 21
concept 21
creating 23
Traffic Options 18
using the Plan Manager 21
viewing and using 22

RF Thresholds 12
Rollout planning 79

Sampling, for clutter 12
Shared antennas
about 57
how considered 57
graphs 69
reports 69, 71

setting 12

Forbidden Azimuth ranges 47, 86

Global Editor
setting constraints in site database 94

Network Improvement Analysis 77
Network Performance Analysis 75


ASSET ACP 9.0 User Reference Guide


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