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User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 571
UWB. See Ultrawideband (UWB)
Vacuum tubes, 238, 621. See also Microwave tubes
Varactor diodes, 618619
Varactor modulators
frequency, 175176
Varactors, 173
opeation, 173175
Variable-frequency oscillator (VFO), 240, 303304
Variable-gain ampliier (VGA), 331, 341
Varistor, 699
VCOs. See Voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs)
Vector signal analyzers (VSA), 862864
Vector signal generator (VSG), 862
Velocity factor (VF), 470471
calculation of, 471
Velocity modulation, 622
Vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL), 750
Vertically polarized, 510
Vertical radiation pattern, 521
Vertical redundancy check (VRC), 419
Very high frequency (VHF), 16, 19, 238240, 268
wavelengths, 14
Very high-speed DSL (VDSL), 414
Very low frequency (VLF), 16
Very small-aperture terminal (VSAT), 680
VF. See Voice frequency (VF)
VHF. See Very high frequency (VHF)
VHF aircraft communication circuit, 334336
Video or TV over the Internet (IPTV), 558
Virtual LAN, 585
Virtual private network (VPN), 585
Viruses, 580581
Visible light, 728
Visible spectrum, 17. See also Light
Viterbi code, 424
VLF. See Very low frequency (VLF)
Vocoder, 227228, 785786. See also 2G cell phones
Voice frequency (VF), 16
Voice mail, 704
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 455, 558,
fundamentals, 721722
home, 722723
latency, 722
link establishment, 722
signal low, 721722
Voice over LTE, 799
Voice over the Internet protocol (VoIP) phones, 22
Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VXO), 177, 244
Voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), 177180,
187188, 352, 363364
Voltage measurements, 850851
Voltage variable capacitor (VVC), 244
Von Neumann bottleneck, 229



VSA. See Vector signal analyzers (VSA)

VSAT. See Very small-aperture terminal (VSAT)
VSG. See Vector signal generator (VSG)
VXO. See Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VXO)
WAAS. See Wide-Area Augmentation System
Walsh codes, 787
WAN. See Wide-area network (WAN)
Waterfall display, 338
Waveguides, 606614
cutoff frequency, 607
hardware and accessories, 610614
signal injection and extraction, 606
signal propagation, 608610
size and frequency, 607
Wave impedance, 509
Wavelength, 1315, 728
light, 17
very high frequency, 14
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM), 11, 459,
CWDM, 763
DWDM, 763764
Wavelength of cables, 464466
WCDMA, 790791
WDM. See Wavelength-division multiplexing
Web, 557
Weighted current source DAC, 209210
WEP. See Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
WFA. See Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)
White noise, 315, 316
Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS), 691
Wide-area network (WAN), 22, 436
Wideband modulation, 403
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,
spread spectrum, 403410
Wide-wavelength division multiplexing
(WWDM), 454
Wi-Fi. See Wireless local-area networks (WLAN)
Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA), 823
Wi-Fi Direct, 823
Wi-Fi ofload, 810
WiGig, 821
WiMAX, 412, 829830
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 824
Wireless Ethernet, 454
Wireless idelity (Wi-Fi). See Wireless local-area
networks (WLAN)
Wireless Internet service providers (WISP), 829
Wireless local-area network (WLAN), 341,
448449, 723, 817824
future, 823824
hardware, 818819

smartphones, 801
standards, 819823
WFA, 823
Wireless metropolitan-area networks (WMAN),
Wireless radio. See Radio(s)
Wireless security, 586, 824
Wireless technologies, 815846
Bluetooth, 824827
infrared wireless, 830834
IoT, 844846
M2M, 844846
NFC, 838839
PAN, 824827
RFID, 834838
TVWS, 843
UWB, 839843
WiMAX, 829830
WLAN, 817824
ZigBee, 827829
Wireless transceiver, 343344
Wireless UWB, 839843
Wiring block, 705
WISP. See Wireless Internet service
providers (WISP)
WMAN. See Wireless metropolitan-area networks
World Administrative Radio Conferences, 20
World Wide Web (WWW), 557, 571. See also
Worms, 581
WWW addresses, 559
X2, 758
xDSL modems, 412414
XFP, 758
Xmodem protocol, 427
XOFF protocol, 426
XON protocol, 426
XOR phase detector, operation of, 248
XPAK, 758
XSBI, 757
Yagi antenna, 528
YIG. See Yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG)
Yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG), 617
Zero-IF (ZIF) receiver, 310312
Zero impedance, 62
ZigBee, 827829
ZigBee coordinator (ZC), 827
ZigBee end device (ZED), 828
ZigBee router (ZR), 828829

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