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FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Your articles look at moral reasons for being
vegetarian or vegan which is a very
interesting mix and unique . . .
Tim Barford - founder VegFestUK

MAY 2016 - ISSN 2053-4426

UK and FRANCE - e-mail:

Special report by
Stephen Ward


nut butters click this ad
(and use code NW-FG16)

BRITISH expats living in France are

She told FG: You dont know what

getting worried at the thought of a

will happen. And its quite reassuring


for us to know that even if [Brexit]






should happen, assuming that we

referendum next month.

One British linguist, who's worked in

have got through all the stages of the

France's public sector for two years,

French citizenship, we would have

said that both she and her husband

some protection. So its added a bit of

were seriously considering taking








in a country fond of its bureaucracy.

I think there'll be a low turnout to

Helen explained: You need three

the referendum and if so, it will be

years tax returns; you need proof of

mostly people who are anti-EU who

your address; you need not only your

will vote, she told on-line paper The

birth certificate but also the birth

Local, on condition of anonymity.

certificates of your parents some of





misinformation to be spread and a

Nutural World

Becoming French is no easy matter

which we had but some of which we

didnt have.

very real possibility that the British

Then it all needs to be translated,

electorate will vote for a Brexit, the

but not just by anyone but by an

paper quotes her as saying.

official translator.

FG interviewee Helen Landau 53,

They do like their bureaucracy and

and partner Francis Squire 54, who

its quite expensive to have them

live in Provence in the south, have


already applied for French citizenship.

They must have 90 per cent of the

The approaching referendum has

information on a birth certificate in

added momentum to their application

Helen admits.

their computer.
Continued on page 4

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Left isnt antiSemitic author

Nelcya Delano in front of the
plaque erected as part of
general war memorials in
Lucas Tronche

Villeneuve les Avignon

AN AUTHOR and historian who has penned

Delano's comments came at a recent

a book on the roundup of Jews in wartime

function where a plaque highlighting the round-

France has spoken out on the anti-Semitism

up of Jews during the Second World War in

row engulfing the British political left.

Villeneuve les Avignon a southern French town

But her views come in sharp contrast to

comments from newly-elected London mayor
Sadiq Khan and a top Jewish leader.
Labour has suspended Ken Livingstone from

was unveiled thanks to her efforts.

Think you can

tell a story from

Her book: Dune petite rafle provenale

('A small roundup in Provence) is available in
good bookshops.

the party and an enquiry has been launched

a punnet of

after remarks he made to the BBC.

"When Hitler won his election in 1932, his
policy then was that Jews should be moved to
Israel. He was supporting Zionism before he

A RADIO show all about vegetarianism has

went mad and ended up killing six million Jews,"

been funded by the on-line crowd funding

Livingstone said.

scheme Kickstarter.

Speaking to FG, Nelcya Delano said: Anti-

Now the fascinating show Vegetarianism -

Semitism is used to shut down a few remarks

the story so far, is on the airwaves and goes

on Israel. I dont see why it [criticism of Israel]

on until spring next year.

Creator, reporter, editor and avid FG

should be linked [to anti-Semitism].


Khan, Londons

new mayor, of

reader, Ian McDonald told us: The

Pakistani origin and a Muslim, has said that

programme tells the whole story from [the

Labour clearly "dont understand what racism is".

early days] till today, around the world.

And Board of Deputies of British Jews

You can listen to it on Resonance 104.4

president Jonathan Arkush reportedly told the

FM in London, and on the internet wherever


you are via





deliberately did was to draw an equation

between Nazism and Zionism.
He therefore crossed a line into what
certainly most people would regard as distinctly

It will be released one episode a month, in

A punnet of strawberries

We pay well for

tips and copy;
write in to us at:

fifteen parts, slowly unfolding over 2016 and

It includes interviews with people around
the world from East to West and back again."

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

BREXIT FEARS - from page 1

A LONDON bus, cleverly disguised as a

veggie food truck, has been taking Europe by
For the Vegan Routes food truck was one of
174 mobile food stands at the Brussels Food
Truck Festival 2016 this month.
One happy customer gushed: Food trucks
normally tend towards fried and heavy foods, so
Vegan Routes was a welcome change we could
feel virtuous about. I gobbled down the hummus
with fresh heirloom veggies.

Parlez-vous francais? Helen Landau and Francis Squire hope to become French citizens.
Then you have to take a French test,

A Frenchwoman born in an English-

because you have to be at a certain level in

womans body: Helen Landau tells FG about

French. We are at that stage now. Weve done

her love affair with France and her reasons for

the French tests. Weve got our certificates.

becoming French. (See page 10).

On our last check Vegan Routes could be

found parked in Brewer Street in Soho, London.

Were nearly at the end of the process.

The final thing is, we have to get a police
report from our home country. So that theyre
sure that were not of dubious character. And
then well be complete and we can then go and
depose it.
Then, in typical Brit fashion, she adds warily:
Based on my experience it might be that they
add a few extra things that we didnt think of.

ACCORDING to latest figures there are

around 400,000 Brits living in France.
Besides Paris they choose southern
France, Brittany and recently, Corsica.
Numbers shot up by 50% between 2009
and 2012. The French National Statistics
Institute (INSEE) puts this down to the
financial crisis which swept Europe.


Sin huevo . . . FG reader
Sylvia Pillay tucks into some
egg-free Spanish goodies

LACTO-VEGETARIANISM has come to the land of the bullfight thanks to followers of a spiritual path.
Members of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas group are strict lactovegetarians, and don't touch fish, flesh, fowl or eggs as part of a daily
meditation regime. An annual visit in May to Malaga, Spain by their leader
Gurinder Singh Dhillon brings thousands swarming into the area.
Now local traders have wisened up to the three-day guru-fest and are
offering egg free ice-cream to hungry Brit disciples, many of them
strangers to Iberia's soaring early summer temperatures.
Sylvia Pillay, an FG reader, volunteer and group member, said: The
vendors in San Miguel the main street in Torremolinos knew all about
us. Signs everywhere - no eggs. One place was doing crepes with no
egg with a chocolate filling. I think we gave a boost to the economy.

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Hawaii 5 - No!

Clegg backs UK bid to

legalise medical pot

HOLLYWOOD A-lister and vegan

A CAMPAIGN aimed at legalising the use of

businessman, Woody Harrelson, has been

marijuna for medical reasons has won the

refused permission to set up a medical

backing of former Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg.

The move comes as a Catholic bishop in America

marijuana dispensary in Hawaii.

has urged lawmakers there to allow the drug to be

Harrelson, 54, was hoping to open a

used medically in his state.

dispensary in the state, the first of its kind in the

End Our Pain campaigners in the UK hope to


attract hundreds of thousands of signatures for a

He was among the first of nearly 60

petition backing the move.

applicants to make a bid to create one of the

They want doctors in the United Kingdom to be

pioneering dispensaries in Honolulu County

under his company name, Simple Organic

able to prescribe marijuna to help take away the


painful symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Crohns

disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

According to website The Cannabist the

In Iowa, USA, Bishop Richard Pates has asked

five-member selection panel did not give any

House and Senate members to approve a

reasons for accepting or rejecting applicants.

comprehensive bill to permit medical cannabis.

Harrelson is an ethical vegan and raw foodist.

He also reputedly wont eat sugar or flour.

I believe now is the time to help suffering Iowans

Woody Harrelson

and their families get access to this medicine," Pates

Hawaii became the first state to legalize

medical marijuana 16 years ago.
Under a law passed in 2015, the state can

Harrelson, with an estimated wealth of $65m

(44.85m), shot to stardom as the surly barman

said in a letter, the Des Moines Register reported.

EOP campaigner Peter Carroll told The

grant eight licenses. Applicants must have $1

in 80s Cheers, starred with Moore and Redford

Independent: Denying patients access to a medicine

million cash before applying for a licence, plus

in the seminal, Indecent Proposal and co-stars

that can help them just because it contains cannabis

$100,000 for each (of 2) dispensary locations.

with McConaughey in HBOs True Detective.

is morally wrong and cruel.

We make healthy, delicious bakes that are sensitive

to a range of free-from needs.
We are passionate about healthy food using the
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We specialise in vegan and raw vegan.

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Fusion Cakes & Bakes is based in Bristol
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FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

With a
little help
from our

Magic touch to
boost FG profile
THE MAGIC of social media is to be harnassed by the FG team as a
welcome boost to its presence on the net.
Friends Gazette currently goes out directly by email to readers all over
the UK with a burgeoning readership worldwide.
Now they will also get regular reminders of up-coming articles as well
as the latest product offers and competitions.
A spokesman said: We often have things to tell our readers, be it a
competition, breaking news story or special offer which is relevant to them
and we dont want to wait to bring it to their notice. Now we will be able to
keep them slap bang up-to-date using Facebook.
Marketing supremo at FG, Maggy Ng, added: Readers can now get
additional alerts to breaking stories as well as partake in all the wellknown Friends Gazette competitions and offers.
Facebook users can also use the social media giant to share news
stories or competitions with their friends in addition to emailing them in the

FRIENDS GAZETTE is a free and independent magazine/newspaper

normal way.

and we intend to keep it that way.

To do so we need the support of advertisers.
Our current advertisers include some of the top producers in the
vegan/vegetarian world from spring water to vegan marshmallows.

Friends Gazette is posted monthly on where more than

3,000 people regularly log-in to read present
and past issues and stories.
It is thought that a higher profile on social media will increase the
magazines availability to readers as well as attract new ones.

We dont believe in touting for testimonials, many of which end up

Monthly distribution will also take place using MailChimp from May.

being paid for. However here are a few compliments which have
come our way, without asking, in the course of business.


Thanks everyone. SW
I believe that the FG is of a very high standard and I would like my brand
to be associated with it.
Mordechai Chachamu - Nutural World
Perhaps I could offer a selection of our products to Friends Gazette for
you to review.
Julian Lucas Plamil Foods

Your market - our readers

Happy to see the result of our collaboration as a whole now!

Real journalism

It looks great.
Caroline de Filipis Bute Island Foods

News not propaganda

Exclusive stories

Love it!

Investigative reports

Ananda Ananda Foods

Human interest
Your articles look at moral reasons for being vegetarian or vegan which is

Selected advertisers

a very interesting mix and unique . . .

Tim Barford - founder VegFestUK

For our 2016 media pack simply email:

Have seen the advert. Looks good and I'm enjoying reading the articles.

I have given it to my dad to read. Thanks again.

Lady Hummingbird - vegan jewellery


Thanks for the ad. It looks good. We are always happy to do business


with Friends Gazette.

Salique Khan - Diwanas Brick Lane

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Veggie dreams can come

true - in sunny Croydon

Video game boosts

veggie appetite
WANT your kids to eat up their
greens? Simple, give them a video
game. Not any game, though. It has to

The opening of a vegan cafe in

be one aimed at encouraging healthy

Croydon, Surrey has caused a stir


of interest in the local press and in

Thats the message from the US

the fast-growing vegan and vegan-

Department of Agriculture which found

curious community in the suburbs.

that a serious video game, Squires

Marijan Suarez reports.

Quest! II: Saving the Kingdom of

CONVENIENTLY located in Project

Fivealot, helped kids aged 10-11

B at Middle Street, between bustling

improve their fruit and vegetable

Surrey Street market and the High

intake. Lead researcher Dr Karen

Street, Buttercream Dreams is a

Cullen said: By using a serious video

relaxed urban vegan caf, new to

central Croydon.

Delicious generous portions in vegan cafe, Buttercream Dreams, Croydon

intake at dinner . . . and fruit intake at

Lauren Adderley and her enthusi-

with cous cous, a fresh carrot, beet-

take - I left with a couple of deli-

astic team offer delicious, generous

root and green leaf salad for 7.00,

cious chocolate and biscuit cup-

portions of hearty mains, home-

followed by a delicious slice of blue-

cakes! These are priced at 2.50.

made cakes, teas, coffees and even

berry and lemon polenta cake.

cocktails at affordable prices.

All the food is vegan and there
are gluten-free goodies and sugar
free treats available. I sampled an
excellent groundnut stew served

games we saw increases in vegetable

Highly recommended for a quick

breakfast, lunch and snacks.

In the game eight characters
interact with the player, a squire, who
must save the medieval kingdom of

family coffee break or a leisurely

Fivealot from sneaky King Ssynster by

chocolate and coconut cake, a pop-

lunch. Dont be shy give vegan

meeting food goals and earning

ular choice here.

food a try!

enough badges to become a knight.

My companion had a superb

Currently opening between 10.00

The ladies, with a passion for

good food, will package a cake to

and 16.30, Monday to Saturday.

Of 400 participants, 79% reported

meeting all goals during game play.

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016


Fast-foodies risk breaking family

and social ties - a study shows
DO YOU WOLF down ready-made
meals from the freezer or fridge when


youre hungry rather than using fresh

ingredients youve bought at the local
organic store?
If so, you could be losing touch with the

ALMOND and apricot kernels could

food you consume and as a consequence

kill, the UK health watchdog has

from society in general.


The startling results come from a public

The warning comes in the wake of a

dialogue commissioned by the UKs Food

recent re-evaluation by European

Standards Authority called Our Food

experts. Britain's Food Standard Agency


said this month: "We advise that bitter

The subject was thrashed out recently

by 200 food experts who met in London to

apricot kernels including the powdered

forms should not be eaten.

discuss what the impact of changes to the

"This is because a naturally-occurring

global food system could be and what we

substance in the kernels changes after

all can do to get the best outcome for

people eat the products to cyanide.

people in the UK.

Steve Wearne, director of policy at the

"We also advise that sweet apricot

kernels and bitter almonds are not eaten

Food Standards Agency, said: The food

as the same toxic chemical can be

supply chain is complex and under

present in these also."

pressure from a growing world population.

It's the FSA's role to understand how
this affects the interests of consumers.

Cyanide is a poisonous chemical that

can cause nausea, fever, headaches

FORGET the shop bought variety and get your

and, in extreme cases, be fatal.

pressure cooker out from the back of the cupboard for

this traditional summer treat.

Curry spices in
salmonella fear

1 lb (450g) limes
1.2 kg granulated sugar (or more, to taste)
1 pint water + extra 2 fluid oz.

ASIAN food company TRS this month


pulled three of their products after

Scrub fruit, removing any stalky bits.

they were found to contain

Halve. Place in pressure cooker with one pint water.


Bring to pressure and cook 15 minutes, cool quickly by

In an official statement food watchdog

using cold water on lid.

the UK Food Standards Agency said:

Place the limes and most of the water in a liquidiser

TRS Wholesale is recalling its Jeera

and liquidise to the texture you prefer.

(cumin) Powder and Dhania (coriander)

Pour into a preserving pan (or large thick-bottomed

Powder because salmonella has been

pan) with the rest of the lime water and the 2 fluid oz

detected in the products.

TRS Wholesale is also recalling its
Ground Cumin (jeera) Powder and Chilli
Powder (Extra Hot) because salmonella
has been detected in the products.
The west London based company
was founded over 50 years ago and is
part of the TR Suterwalla Group.
TRS claims to be one of the largest

and the sugar. Heat gently to dissolve sugar, tastewithdrawn while the FSA is carrying out
further tests.

may be required according to taste.

He said he was surprised by the

development and added this was the
first such incident in the companys

minutes, stirring occasionally.

Cool for 10 minutes and pot into warmed jars.

The recall affects 100g packs of

cumin and coriander with best before
dates of June and December 2017, and

imports and packs over 900 lines from

400g chilli powder packs with a best

its extensive facility in Southall, Middx.

before date of March 2018.

told Friends Gazette the items had been

Bring to the boil (gently) then bubble-boil for 10

history as far as he knew.

suppliers of ethnic foods in the UK and

Cash-and-carry manager Kirit Joshi

test; limes vary as to their ripeness and more sugar

Affected items can be returned to the

store of purchase for a full refund.

pic courtesy Jess

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016


Sikh ashram at
centre of
political visits




are government elections which could usher

Known as Radha Soami Satsang Beas it

descending on a Punjabi ashram in an in a change of power in the sub- is popular with lower caste Sikhs or Dalits
unabashed bid to snatch votes as continent.
elections loom.

who attend in their millions providing fertile

A recent report in Indian paper, The ground for vote hungry politicians.

Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Tribune, reads: "The dera, which has a

Its belief system, known widely as Sant

Singh Badal and his wife, also a considerable number of followers from Mat, is passed down from father to son and
politician, visited Dera Baba Jaimal the Dalit community, has been attracting remains in an Indian family in much the
Singh in Beas last month.

top leaders of various political parties."

The visit came just a day after arch-

Indians go to the polls next spring to

same way as an orthodox western religion.






rival Rahul Ghandi dropped in for a vote for local councils or Vidhan Sabhas. maintains a neutral stance in all things
closed-doors chat with group leader

As in the UK these results often political, a well-known fact among followers.

Gurinder Singh. (Breakfast in Beas - foreshadow national voting which follows

Friends Gazette, April 2016)

some time later when the government of representatives of the people of a particular

Badal is related to Singh by marriage.

Both politicians are scrambling for




Members of a Vidhan Sabha are direct

the country is up for grabs.

state as they are directly elected by an

The centre is one of 900 ashrams or electorate consisting of all citizens above

local deras in the area.

the age of 18 of that state. (Comment p13)


89a Cronulla Street, Cronulla Beach, NSW, Australia. +61 409 700 511

A model strikes a
Yin Yoga pose

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Im in love with France,

I admire its values
Theatre owner and self-confessed francophile
tells Friends Gazette what it is that makes
her want to fully embrace her new country.
I WAS born in Paddington,

I was lucky I was given the

London and have lived a little

opportunity to work here by my

bit all over England.

company [doing] marketing.

I went to university in

They actually brought us to

as simple as really tasting the

foods that you eat.
I think the three-hour lunch
hours are a bit of a myth.

Birmingham and my first job was

Paris. I stayed seven years in

But even if its a 40-minute

in Merseyside and then I came

that job. And during that time I

lunch - time is taken, theres a

back to London.

completely fell in love with the

little ceremony, even if its quite

life in France.


Actually, now we have

severed ties there. We are not

I think the French people still

That attracted me and I

[two of] those people who just

have a lovely art of savouring

definitely think theres a bit of an

have a little base [in France].

life, savouring the good things in

art to just sitting on the terrace

life that becomes a little bit

when the sun is out and enjoying

infectious. It could be something

a cup of coffee.

We live a hundred percent

here [in Villeneuve].

cont. p11


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FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Im in love with France . . . from p10

womans skin that definitely doesnt suit the

vote, because once again I dont have the vote

[which makes me want to take French

French climate. So I spend most of the summer

because I cant register because of the time that

citizenship] is not being able to vote. We dont

with this lovely English blush.

Ive been away I would definitely vote to stay in the

I think one of the most fundamental things

have a right to vote in the UK because we dont

Its a very bureaucratic process at the end of

EU. Not just because of the individualistic reasons

have a permanent home in the UK and we dont

[which], assuming it would be accepted, we

that [leaving] might cause my life difficulty but I

have the right to vote in France, apart from in

would be able to ask for a passport.

fundamentally have always believed that a strong

some of the very local elections.

We have now paid about 15 years worth of

Europe is a good thing.

Ill feel very proud [when

I have always had a

we get it], because I am in

taxes in France without ever having been able

love with France. I do

double life, one of my more

to exercise the right to vote and it feels part of

admire its values.

lives than one. I worked in

being fully integrated into a country which is

business in big multi-

Libert, galit, fraternit;

Im not aware of three

national companies in

British values. People do

marketing, in market

little enclave of British people that met up with

talk about British values, but

research, but I always did

other British people and joined British tennis

theyre not as articulated in

theatre on the side at the

clubs. We wanted to live in France and enjoy

that same way as they are

the French [life] and it is just as a natural

in France with their libert, galit, fraternit.

what we always wanted to do.

We never wanted to just create or live in a

extension of that.
I have an inner French woman who was born
in an Englishwomans body with English-

highest levels that I possibly

Men are equal to women; everyone is equal;

could as an amateur, as an amateur actress.

I followed a two year course designed especially

we are free to think what we want to think,

for people like me at the brilliant Questors Theatre

exercise our religion freely and there is that

which is based in Ealing in London. I did lots of

spirit that we should be

productions with them. Its a course that goes over

fraternal. We should support

two years. Very intensive. Three evenings a week

each other.

plus every tenth day for two years with two full

I think theres a great deal

productions. It aims to take you to the level of

of scepticism [in Britain]

having a professional training, though its all done

towards Europe and what

on an amateur basis.

benefits it brings and I think

And then I continued with the theatre all through

that the vote [EU

my time in the UK with one or two productions a

referendum] will be rather

year. Then when I came to France I joined a


French theatre group and did some productions

Its not a given which way

the vote will go. If I had the
Pictured: (p10) Helen
Landau, (this page, top)
Fort St Andr, Villeneuve
les Avignon and (left)

also in French, in Paris.

But it had always been at the back of my mind
that one day Id love to have a theatre. And one
Sunday I had to work for my business all day and
at about five oclock on a Sunday afternoon after
doing marketing reports I browsed through the

Rue du Chapeau Rouge,

internet and I saw this little sign saying Theatre for

Avignon, after which the


theatre is named; (over)

It was a little pocket theatre. Its very small. It

More Lives Than One a

was an investment but it wasnt millions of Euros. It

Chapeau Rouge poster

is a very, very small theatre. Its kind of like one of

and the cantina just a

few doors down from the
theatre itself.


the English pub theatres. There are 33 places.

It was a now-or-never moment, really. It was
like: every time youre with friends

cont. p12

FG est Charlie et Paris - May 2016

Im in love with France . . . from p 11

stage with a small cast. Most of it is in French,

when the second bottle of wine opens youre

working with local groups, people from the Avignon

always talking about how one day you want to

And then we try to put on something once a year

own a little theatre; now heres one for sale, are

in English. Less easy to do because there arent so

you going to do something about it or not?

This was towards the end of 2011 and we

many [English] people in this area that are into

actually took ownership just after the Festival in

theatre but we do manage to do a bit in English.

Then, of course, we have our participation in the

2012. So we do a lot of ateliers (workshops),

Avignon Festival which is full-on; seven shows a

three a week, two in theatre and one in

medieval music. And we started conversation
classes in English as well.

We mainly do theatre and music, obviously

quite small productions that dont require a big


day for three weeks.

Helen was speaking to Stephen Ward.

Write to

I dont trust the


Very accurate

I FULLY breast fed my children

sending us Friends Gazette.

Dear [Friends Gazette],

Sorry to be tardy in thanking you for

introducing any vegan food they

We have been away for three days.

would accept from the age of six

It was an interesting read and we

months. (Baby diet FG April)

This was 35 years ago for the eldest
and 29 for the youngest.
My three sons are life vegans and
have never had allergies.
Why are some foods considered

really appreciated the article on our

chocolate tasting; a very accurate
report. (Christmas comes early for FG
chocoholics - FG April)
Good evening to you.

allergenic? Surely the fault lies with

Marie Cayol,

society/the medics telling parents not

Provence, France

Say Scheese!
FG has teamed up with top Vegan food enterprise
Bute Island Foods to offer two of their promotional tee
shirts as competition prizes.
Just answer this question.
Is the Isle of Bute on the
Firth of Clyde,
the Firth of Forth,
or the Forth of Fifth?
First two correct answers out the hat will win a tee shirt
each bearing the Scheese logo (see below).
The 100% cotton Fruit-of-The-Loom tee shirts, usually
costing 12 each, come in small, medium, large and extra
large for men and women. Please state preference with
entry to

to feed certain foods to their children .

It only becomes a problem if the
child doesn't have the chance to eat it.
I ate these vegan foods, nuts, soy
(once it arrived in the UK) so probably
passed on these substances in some
form in my breast milk.
If a child never goes into a

Get the basics right

swimming pool from a young age there

THERE is no keeping politics out of

is every chance it might never learn to

religion. Presidents, prime ministers,

swim and hence drown.

kings, queens and princes love to drop

Experiences are important.

Food is food. In my case, any vegan
food was worth trying.
My children are lucky that I do not

in on spiritual leaders.
In their insatiable appetite for votes or
support they hope that some of the
leader's spiritual charisma will rub off on

trust the medical establishment and I

them and that his or her blessing will

reason things out logically for myself.

result in favourable poll ratings.

Angie Wright
Eastbourne, Sussex

But in a democratic society these

meetings between spiritual leaders and
hopeful temporal ones must be held in
public and be public knowledge.
Something sadly not in evidence

Trs fidle

when Radha Soami guru Gurinder

Chre [Friends Gazette],

Singh recently met with top Indian

EXCUSE-moi dtre tardive pour vous

politicians. (Scramble for votes... p9)

remercier de lenvoi du journal de

Friends Gazette.
Nous tions absents pour trois jours.

First Rahul Ghandi, VP of India's

Team Bute Island Foods in their tees - somewhere in Scotland

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Congress Party; then the very next day

by Punjab deputy chief minister Sukhbir

Journal trs intressant lire et bien

Singh Badal of Sikh political party

sr nous avons beaucoup apprci

Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD).

JOIN 3,000+

Yet not an official beep! It took the


chocolat trs fidle. (Christmas comes

Indian press and Friends Gazette to


early for FG chocoholics - FG April)

break this otherwise hush-hush news.

larticle qui relate notre test pour le

Bonne soire vous.

If this group wants to operate


effectively in the West and it clearly

Marie Cayole,

does, it really must get our basic tenets

Provence, France

of transparency and openness right.

LOGO (left) TO
TO JULY 2013

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