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MBA 1(B) – FA09

Final Project

Submitted To:
Madam Ayesha

Submitted by:

Group Members

 Waseem Anjum

 Rehman Rathore

 Muhammad Shakeel

 Naveed Ahmad


Wilson’s Pharmaceuticals


Wilson’s Pharmaceuticals started operations in 1982. Wilson’s

excelled as one of the most innovative and progressive
pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan having invested largely in
the fields of Research and Development, Quality Control and
Assurance. We are implementing International Quality Systems
(ISO 9001) & (ISO 14001) and our Internal Training Systems are
well established.

Product Range
We have specialized in diversified fields of pharmaceutical
manufacturing. Wilson’s has obtained reputation of market leader
in ORS, Anti
Antibiotics, Analgesics, Dermatology Preparations, CV
Preparations and Liquids etc.

Quality Policy
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We believe in quality
with economy and a reasonable return on investment. Quality
objectives are established and reviewed periodically. We strive to
reach the apex of quality ladder closer to Total Quality
Management (TQM).

Quality Objectives:
1. Regular review of system and processes to achieve
improvements to enhance customer satisfaction.
2. Extend affordable healthcare with efficacy to all corners
of the country.

Environmental Policy
We are committed to protect environment for the society against
the negative impacts of our activities and products. Environmental
programs and targets are implemented and sustained according to
applicable environmental legal and other requirements including
review for regular improvements.

Environmental Objectives:
1. Ensure purity of materials, machines, water, air and work
2. To contribute to the pollution free environment in the
work and surrounding area.
3. Control of waste to conserve resources.

Organization Setup

Managing Director

Director Imports

General Manager /
Management Representative

Deputy General Manager Manager


Manager Manager
Production MIS

Manager Manager Deputy Manager

Manager Manager Manager
Power Quality Manager Technical Manager
Maintenance HRC Statistics
Generation Assurance QC Co-ordination Imports

Deputy Deputy
Production Manager
Manager QA
PA to

Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant

Manager Manager Manager Manager QC
Production Quality Quality (Packaging
Assurance Control Control)

Manager Manager
Manager Manager
Packaging Raw
Physician Finished Security
Material Material
Sample Store Goods Store Officer
Store Store

Corporate level:

All the goals and objectives of the company are well defined by the
corporate level lead by the managing director. The whole company
function is controlled by the Managing Director. All the existing
products of the company are approved by the ministry of health through
Managing Director. All the new innovations and the market survey for
the new products are conducted by corporate level. These products are
approved from the ministry of health through the corporate level.
The corporate level defines all the duties and function of the each and
every person in the company and every one has to follow these
instructions. All the government rules and regulations are fulfilled by the
corporate level. All the main strategies are defined at the corporate level.
e.g. to increase the sales for the defined year we have to increase our
production, distributions and promotions. The distribution of all the
products and managing the market requirements are organized by the
corporate level.

Business Level:

All the goals and objective that are defined by the corporate level are
handover to the business level to achieve them. All the requirements of
the markets are given to the business level. At the business level the
General Manager (GM) controls the business level activities. GM defines
its own strategies to achieve the goals and objectives of the company
given by the corporate level. The General Manager defines all the
duties, rules and regulation which are followed by the functional level in
every condition. All the targets of productions are given to the business
level to make the production under the specific criteria. All the duties,
rules and regulation are to be followed by the functional level defined by
the business level in every condition. Business level perform the major
role in the performance, quality, features and the reliability of the
products relative to the competitive production. The business level is the
most authority level of the company after the corporate level as compare
to other levels.
In the business level there are three categories namely:

 General Manager (GM)

 Deputy General Manager (DGM)

 Manager Production

 Quality Control Manager

 Manager MIS

 Manager Central R&D

DGM is the most responsible person at the business level
for the whole functionality of the company. The DGM
supervise the working of Manager Production, Quality
Control Manager and Manager MIS. Further on the
Production Manager responsibility is to complete the
targeted production and Quality Control Manager has to
control the quality and performance of the products
throughout the whole production procedure. Its is the
DGM responsibility to allocate all the duties and working
routines of all the workers/labors and provide all the
instruction and information about the working.

Functional Level:

All the production procedure of pharmaceuticals products

are conducted at this stage. From the beginning of the
production till the finishing goods, all the work is done by
the functional level. Once the market distributers give the
target of the pharmaceuticals to the Head Office, the
Manager Director (MD) handover to the business level
then the business level gives the information to the
Production Manager to manage raw materials to fulfill the
specific target in the defined criteria under the functional
level. All the goals and objectives that are defined in the
corporate level and given to the business level are
physically achieved in the functional level.
Manager of Power Generation provides the raw material
for the production for the running and new products. The
statistics department generate these requirements and
send to the DGM. The Quality Control Manager checks the
quality of the production from raw materials till to the
finishing goods. During the production some samples are
sent to the Ministry Of The Health to ensure the quality
and performance of the products. The minimum
production of a product in one cycle will be 2500 pieces
either the order of the given product by the business level
is 1700 then the excess amount will be managed by the
production manager.

When a product is in a finishing stage the second
products will be in the production cycle and third will be in
the initial stage.
When the production of the product is complete, the
Production Manager informs the DGM of the company
then DGM has to forward the finishing goods batch to the
Manager Director and through MD the demand of the
distributor is served.
The expiry date of the product will start from the initial
stage of the production of product, when the raw material
is purchased and a specific batch no. is given to the
production file of that material and after the completion of
the production some samples will be stored in company
till the expiry date of that product.
Company’s Culture:

The company’s culture is strong

culture. Each and everyone has to obey the rules and
regulations defined by the corporate level. The
functionality of all the department depend on each other.
In the company, at functional level all the workers have a
specific uniform. The working hours for all the workers
from top to bottom is from 8:30 to 4:30. When the
demand increases company arrange the extra shifts to
meet that demand. The workers are loyal to the company
because the company always look off their problems. The
company follows the principle of division of labor in order
to increase the work efficiency and performance. The
company’s environment is very strict because the rules

and regulation given by the MD are implemented to the
whole company specially at functional level. The salary
list of the all workers is made at every 20th of the existing
month and it is delivered to the GM then to MD who will
approve it and give it to every worker till 5th of every
month. The company follow the centralized system
because all the decision and powers is in the custody of
MD with formal rules and regulations. All the strategies
and decisions are made at the corporate level for the
coming years in the existing year of last week. All the
workers are bound with their duties and company also
make the daily analysis of their performance and work
capability related production. The company contains
friendly environment.

Decision making procedure:

Some times the

Wilson’s company management take the decision of the
problem at the spot according to its condition. There is no
compromise with daily routine work. The market survey is
conducted by the Research And Development (R&D)
Department and to be conscious with current market
situations. Company makes the decision with current
market situations and demands and brings innovations
and improvements in their concept as well as product.
The Wilson’s company also make the decision at the time
if any diseases spread in the surrounding environment.

If any complaint prevails in the market they are very
much responsible for its treatment and take the right
decision to solve the problem e.g. once the customer
complained that company’s product is not functioning
properly and the ministry of health took that samples to
ensure that whether these are infected or not so in the
result sample were surely infected but later on when the
company matched that samples with stored samples
available in the company then it came to know that the
complaint samples were infected and they determined
the reasons for infectiveness. Later on its was checked
and came to know that the products stored by the
distributer, were directly effected by the sun rays which
was the cause of the bad results, because the
pharmaceuticals products are environment sensitive.

Selection criteria:

The company’s Selection criteria

process is highly formal, the selection is made at
minimum qualification, B pharmacy level. Later on the
company gives the training to the selected candidates
through highly trained staff, the seminars are training
workshops are conducted by the firms to educate theirs
works time to time according to their routine work. After

the training the practical training is given to the workers
by visiting them the production procedure of the products
regularly for at least 15 days and then it is decided that
where the right worker settles on right job.

Social Responsibilities:

The Wilson’s pharmaceuticals

company is highly social responsible. Company has made
a social welfare fund committee social security of worker.
The workers are registered with the EOBI. It is for only
those workers whose wages are less than Rs.10,000. All
the employees has the free medical treatment who are
registered with the social security of workers. For the
Male workers the medical treatment of him and his whole
family is free. For the female workers who are

registered with social security welfare has free treatment

for herself and her family except her husband. In case of
death of workers the company also pays Rs 5,000 for the
funeral processions.

All the workers contribute reasonable amount to that
committee for the welfare of their workers.
The company is very much responsible for its
environmental atmosphere. They are very much careful
about environmental activities to prevent it from the
pollution by controlling their production process.
Because they believe that “Prevention Is Better That


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