What If We Were Get Cancer

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Rani Prastyawati/140000188

Three Harmfull Ingredients You Should Avoid

Three harmful chemicals you should highly avoid: Parabens,
Synthetic colors, and Sulfates

Generally, the purpose of this presentation is to give information
about the definition of Parabens, Synthetic colors, and Sulfates,
where it is mostly found, and its side effects. This presentation also
invite the audience to avoid those three chemicals.

Public Speaking Student at EEC Class

Audience attitude
There are a part of audience that concern with health issue, and the
other part that dont care about that. It is a challenge for presenter
to get audience attention to this topic, but presenter believe that
this topic very close with audience daily activities so the audience
will interest.

A. Grab your audiences attention
Asking about the cause of cancer
B. State your topic and purpose

There are 3 chemicals audience should highly avoid

These information are very important for you because

many of these synthetic chemicals are skin irritants, skin
penetrators, endocrine disrupters and are carcinogenic

C. Preview your speech

Im going to divide this talk into three parts. I want to
start by explaining about parabens first and then Ill
describe about Synthetic colors, and Sulfates will be the
last topic in this presentation.

II. Body
A. State first main idea
Parabens are used as preservatives
o Parabens possess estrogen-mimicking properties
that are associated with increased risk of Endocrine
disruption, cancer, developmental and reproductive
o absorbed through the skin and have been identified in
biopsy samples from breast tumors.
o They can be found in makeup, body washes,
deodorants, shampoos and facial cleansers.
B. State second main idea
Synthetic colors are derived from petroleum or coal tar

Coal tar-derived colours are used extensively in

Synthetic colors are suspected to be a human
carcinogen, a skin irritant, skin tumors and are linked to
ADHD in children.
The European Classification and Labeling considers it a
human carcinogen and the European Union has
banned it.

C. State third main idea

Sodium laureth sulfate is used in cosmetics as a detergent and
also to make products bubble and foam.

This surfactant can be found in more than 90 percent

of personal care and cleaning products.
SLSs are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants.
A major concern about SLS is its potential to interact
and combine with other chemicals to form
nitrosamines, a carcinogen that can cause breast
cancer, kidney and respiratory damage.
They can be found in shampoo, body wash/cleanser,
mascara and acne treatment.

III. Conclusion
A. Restate your main idea
Thus, we can see the three ingredients you should highly avoid.
What I talked about was the harmfull effects of Parabens,
Synthetic colors, and Sulfates.
B. Add a memorable conclusion.
The first think I want you to do when you leave here today is to
take a look on the ingredients of your personal care product and
identify whether that products contains these three kind of

Three Harmfull Ingredients You Should Avoid

What if we were get cancer? Who will be blame for it? Cigarettes?
Junk foods? Or may be your daily personal care products?
How if I say, your daily personal care can harm your body and can
cause cancer? Is that a fact?
Fundamentally, there are thousands of chemicals in your products,
many of which are being absorbed into your body. These information
are very important for you because many of these synthetic
chemicals are skin irritants, skin penetrators, endocrine disrupters
and are carcinogenic. I cant go through all of these harmful

chemicals, but here are 3 you should highly avoid: Parabens,

Synthetic colors, and Sulfates. Im going to divide this talk into
three parts. I want to start by explaining about parabens first and
then Ill describe about Synthetic colors, and Sulfates will be the last
topic in this presentation.
Now let's consider the harmful effects of Parabens. Parabens are
widely used preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria, mold
and yeast in cosmetic products. Sounds good, right? Not so fast,
they do more than that. Parabens possess estrogen-mimicking
properties that are associated with increased risk of Endocrine
disruption, cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity. These
chemicals are absorbed through the skin and have been identified in
biopsy samples from breast tumors. They can be found in makeup,
body washes, deodorants, shampoos and facial cleansers. You can
also find them in food and pharmaceutical products.
So, that's the general picture for parabens, now I'd like to move on
to Synthetic colors. These synthetic colors are derived from
petroleum or coal tar sources. Coal tar-derived colours are used
extensively in cosmetics, generally identified by a five-digit Colour
Index (C.I.) number ( in the 75000 and 77000 series, respectively).
Synthetic colors are suspected to be a human carcinogen, a skin
irritant, skin tumors and are linked to ADHD in children. The
European Classification and Labeling considers it a human
carcinogen and the European Union has banned it.
That completes my overview of Synthetic colors , so now I'd like to
move on to Sodium laureth sulfate (sometimes referred to as SLES)
is used in cosmetics as a detergent and also to make products
bubble and foam. This surfactant can be found in more than 90
percent of personal care and cleaning products (think foaming
products). SLSs are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants. A
major concern about SLS is its potential to interact and combine
with other chemicals to form nitrosamines, a carcinogen that can
cause breast cancer. These combinations can lead to a host of other
issues like kidney and respiratory damage. They can be found in
shampoo, body wash/cleanser, mascara and acne treatment.

Thus, we can see the three ingredients you should highly avoid.
What I talked about was the harmfull effects of Parabens, Synthetic
colors, and Sulfates. Research shows that these chemicals can

cause cancer, reproductive toxicity, skin tumors and are linked to

kidney and respiratory damage. The first think I want you to do
when you leave here today is to take a look on the ingredients of
your personal care product and identify whether that products
contains these three kind of chemicals. If it is yes, try to move on
another products that most suitable and good for your health. Thank
you. Would anyone like me to explain anything further?

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