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PCC-Digital Marketing

A Project Report
A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising on Cadbury Dairy Milk
Chocolate From 2013-15

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for MBA Semester -IV

Programme of Poornima University, Jaipur
Submitted By:
Pranav Mishra
Roll No: 2014MBXX1028

Submitted to :
Mr. Hariom Gurjar

Poornima University

IS-2027 to 2031 Ramchandrapura P.O. Vidhani Vatika, Sitapura Extension, Jaipur 303905 (Rajasthan)


I hereby declare that the PCC Digital Marketing project report entitled A Study on
Effectiveness Of Social Media Advertising On Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate From 201315.Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business
Administration to POORNIMA UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR is my original work and not
submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or

Many persons have contributed to make this Digital Marketing Project report in a reality. I would
specially like to express my appreciation to Mr. Hariom Gurjar For his unstinted support,
encouragement and his painstakingly and meticulous effort towards developing this Project

I acknowledge the help and cooperation received from all the faculty members of POORNIMA
UNIVERSITY. Several Students and Friends have contributed directly and indirectly to the
contents this Project Report, as they had given me numerous ideas. Their criticism gave me the
much-needed hints about the areas that needed elaboration and amendments and also to present
them with greater clarity.

I would Welcome Constructive Suggestions to improve this Project, which can be implemented
in my further attempts.

Thanking you!
Pranav Mishra

With this thesis, I finalize my MBA, Banking and Marketing at the Poornima University in
I am privileged to be alive at such a time when social media landscape has practically
transformed the way people communicate and do business. Its like living when the radio was
first invented in the 18th Century I bet it was the moment and likewise to now with the birth of
social media. As a student of business and marketing, I have followed the debate about the
impact of the social media phenomenon with much interest. My motivation is part driven by the
desire to have an in-depth study about this prodigy and also to find out whether its just a
euphoric tide driving the debate or this phenomenon is actually a game changer in marketing.
The young and old alike have opened up an account with one or more social media networks.
With such an outburst on the number of people using these networks, companies have also seized
the opportunity to reach out to a larger assembly of people within limited time, but covering a
larger mass audience.
Initially I had planned to do my research on the A Study on Effectiveness Of Social Media
Advertising On Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate From 2013-15, but focusing my study on how
social media impact on the sales of Cadburys products.


S. No.





Objective of the Study


Literature Review




Research Methodology


Methods of Data Collection

Page No.


About the topic:My subject of study A Study on Effectiveness Of Social Media Advertising On Cadbury Dairy
Milk Chocolate From 2013-15 is taken for know the how Cadbury Dairy milk Chocolate done
their marketing on social media like Facebook, twitter, and yahoo or other areas of social
marketing. Know that how to use these tools to increase the sales of the Cadbury Dairy Milk
Chocolate and their impact of consumer relation.
Introduction of Projects:Cadbury is a multinational company and the Cadbury dairy milk is a brand of chocolate which is
made by Cadbury. Cadbury made different types of chocolates and other products which is sold
in several countries around the world. It first sold its products in United States in 1905.
Digital Marketing:The promotion of products or brands via one



forms of electronic



example, advertising mediums that might be used as part of the digital marketing strategy of
a business could include promotional efforts made via the Internet, social media, mobile phone
sand electronic billboards, as well as via digital and television and radio channels.
Why Digital Marketing Is Important:Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place
they want it. Gone are the days when the messages people got about your products or services
came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know. Digital media is an evergrowing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now
exposed not just to what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends,
relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. And they are more likely to believe them than you.
People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are
personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences.

Digital Marketing System (DMS):

A Digital Marketing System (DMS) utilizes the entire concepts of Digital

Marketing (DM) so to Improve Marketing ROI and understand campaign and
website performance. A DMS can help you gain the insight you need to improve
conversion rates and generate more qualified leads through web, e-mail, mobile and


A DMS gives you a comprehensive overview of marketing performance and channel

effectiveness by allowing you to:

Track customer engagement
Identify top-performing campaigns
Measure marketing initiatives across multiple channels

Social Media:Social media is engaging with consumers online. According to Wikipedia, social media is
internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings. Social media is
all about networking and networking in a way that espouses trust among parties and communities
involved. Any website which allows user to share their content, opinions, views and encourages
interaction and community building can be classified as a social media. Some popular social
media sites are: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Digg, MySpace, Stumble Upon, Delicious, Scribed,
Flicker etc.

History of Social Media Marketing

Social Media seems to be a new trend, but its roots stretch to the beginning of computer era.
What we see today is the result of centuries-old social media development. A user net, which was
launched in 1979, was the first progenitor of social media, and the journey from User nets to
Facebook is a long one. User nets allowed users to post on newsgroups. It was followed by
bulletin board systems (BBS) which allowed users to login and interact. Online services like
prodigy were the precursors to BBS. After online services, internet relay chat came into light
which gave way to instant messaging.

Modern social networks came into picture post 2000. Apple launched its Friendster in 2002. It
has millions of users. Hi5 and LinkedIn were launched in 2003. LinkedIn is a ground for
professionals to reach out to one another. MySpace also originated in 2003 and became well
known by 2006. Similarly Facebook was launched in 2004 and surpassed MySpace, Orkut,
Multiply, etc., and is still expanding. This decade also conceived media sharing platforms like
photobucket, flicker, youtube, instagram, revver, etc., along with news and bookmarking
platforms like Digg and Delicious. Since 2000, Social Media has bloomed to horizon and is still
expanding limitlessly. Along with media sharing, many other portals that provide real-time
updates were introduced, for example, Twitter, Posterous, Tumbler, etc. In 2007, Facebook
launched its advertising system.

Importance of Social Media

The importance of social media is unbeatable. It is a powerful channel of marketing a game
changer for any business. It provides us the flexibility to communicate at both personal as well as
business levels.
Business owners can improve search rankings, leads, sales, and traffic using search media. This
can be done at reduced marketing expenses. Besides business, it is a cool platform to connect
with friends and dear ones.

Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is a degree to which your brand name is known. Brand name solidifies
customers trust. So, it is important that your brand name overshadows your products. Promoting
the brand name helps your business grow and get over obsolete business state. Social Media
Marketing can help you in branding your business. It helps you increase your public profile as
well. All you need is to

Choose right Social Media Channel for your business.

Finalize a social content strategy.
Make a strong content strategy.
Participate in good conversation with your customers to let them feel more connected.
Keep track of all key metrics like potential reach, conversation share, links, etc.

Social Engagement
Social Media Engagement is the process of reaching out to potential customers and interacting
with them through Social Media. It is primarily done in order to draw attention towards a
particular product or a service. It is a two-way channel where a consumer can share a good
relationship with the vendors.
To achieve optimum reach, you need to engage with your audience. It can be a relentless task. To
grab more out of less, you need to strategize your social media engagement norms.

Use 'Social Channels' to reach out fans.

Use Social Media platforms to announce any event you are organizing.
Entertain Posts your audience is posting.
Use Social Media Circles to participate in valuable and educational conversations.
Participate in Social Media groups.

Introduction of Company Cadbury

Cadbury is a multinational company and the Cadbury dairy milk is a brand of chocolate which is
made by Cadbury. Cadbury made different types of chocolates and other products which is sold
in several countries around the world. It first sold its products in United States in 1905.

Cadburys started as a one man business, opened in 1984 by a Quaker, John Cadbury, which
becomes nowadays Cadbury Limited, and now becomes the worlds largest chocolate producers.
In 1831 the business had changed into grocery shop and John Cadbury became the manufacturer
of the company.
Cadbury Dairy Milk is a worldwide brand of chocolate of United Kingdom Which made its
different types of products and promote in different countries like Pakistan, India, Italy, Canada,
France almost all countries.

Product Varieties
Cadbury made different types of chocolates and other products like:

Cadbury dairy milk chocolate, Kit Kat, Five Star, clairs, Fruit & Nut, Cadbury lite, Cadbury
Crackle etc

Cadbury byes

Bourneville, Cadbury delight
Cadbury hall

Selection of product
From above of these products I select the Cadbury dairy Milk chocolate which is the one of
product of Cadbury. In 2003 Cadburys made Dairy milk into super brand, bringing a number of
different products under the name dairy milk branding for example dairy milk with bubbles.

Its no surprise to find out that Cadbury has established separate Facebook pages for each of its
most popular products, including Dairy Milk, Wispa, Crme Egg, Bourneville and Hot
Each one publishes its own content and competitions making it difficult to condense it all into a
single blog post, so I'll just focus on the key highlights.
The first thing to note is that all the pages are updated on a daily basis with brand-related
content, ranging from straightforward product promotions to recipe ideas.

In general each post attracts thousands of likes and tens of comments, which the social team does
a good job of responding to.
Cadbury clearly sees value in maintaining an active Facebook presence and interacting with
customers, probably because it has already achieved a great deal of success in nurturing its fans
as brand advocates.
This is a departure from the more casual approach adopted by Starbucks and McDonalds, which
make very little effort to maintain their social communities but still achieve massive levels of
engagement on their Facebook walls.
Looking specifically at the Dairy Milk page, most of the content is currently about promoting the
Joyville brand with a strong focus on its competition to find a Joyville Taster.
The winner receives a trip to the Cadbury factory, a years supply of Dairy Milk and the chance
to be the first to taste new products.
To be in with a chance of winning you have to come up with a word to describe Dairy Milk
chocolate then enter it either on a dedicated minisite or within a Facebook app.
Its a really smart competition as the prize is positioned as a sweet benefits package that comes
alongside the fictional job. Its a great way of rewarding fans with a prize that cant really be won
anywhere else.
The Wispa page is also running a promotional campaign to celebrate reaching two million
likes. The social team has researched its fans and has begun publishing random stats about
Again, its a clever way of celebrating the community and the posts make a nice change from the
usual product promos.
The current Wispa campaigns follows a brilliant campaign that the Dairy Milk team ran last year
to celebrate reaching one million likes.

The challenge was to increase the engagement among its fans, as well as reaching friends of fans
and the wider Facebook community. To test what content users would engage with, Cadbury
decided to build a giant Facebook like thumb out of pieces of Dairy Milk.
It used teaser ads in the build up to the event, and then live streamed in a studio decorated with
user-generated content and photos. The team also responded to user requests and comments in
the video.
As a result, Cadbury gained 40,000 Facebook fans and more than 350,000 people were actively
involved in the campaign. Some fans even left the live feed running for hours on end.
Perhaps the most important result was that more than 33% of fans engaged with the campaign
and it proved that the brand could achieve impressive results through social marketing, which
helped underpin the new Joyville marketing initiatives.

Facebook is a social networking service provider. It lets you invite and connect with friends,
send messages and pictures, like and comment or share them. Facebook has seen outstanding
growth since its inception and is poised to maintain its dominance in social networking.
History of Facebook
Facebook was founded by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004. In May 2007,
Facebook opened up its developer platform to allow third-party developers to build applications
and widgets that, once approved, could be distributed through the Facebook community. In May
2008, Facebook engineers announced Facebook connect, a cross-site initiative that allows users
to publish on third-party sites in their Facebook newsfeed. The site was redesigned in late 2008,
intended to streamline the website and make it easier to see what friends were doing.
What is Facebook Marketing?
Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform available with many
advantages associated with it. It is primarily a social networking site, however it can be used as a
handy tool for promoting and advertising a business. We can use Facebook to promote a brand,
market a company, or create awareness about a service or a product.

Success with this form of marketing requires more than a fan page and a few friends. When used
effectively, Facebook marketing can provide a business with exciting benefits and results.
Facebook marketing can enable businessmen to greatly improve their brand awareness and reach
out to a wider audience.
How to Create a Fan page
A Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote your business, build awareness for a cause,
and gather support for your brand. If you would like to create a fan page, follow these easy steps:
Log in to your Facebook account.

Click on the settings on the top right-hand corner of your page.

Click on create page.
Click on the type of page you would like to create.
Fill in all the information required.

Click on "get started".

Upload a profile picture and click on save photo.
Complete the 'about' section and click 'save info'.
Now decide whether you want to enable ads or skip.

Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups are the places for small group communication where users can share their
common interests and express their opinion. Groups allow people to come together around a
common cause. Groups are for discussing issues and
Facebook Community
A Facebook Community is about an organization, a celebrity, or a topic. Community pages are
meant for general topics and all kinds of unofficial but interesting things. These pages let us stay
connected with others who share similar interests and experiences.
Grow Your Business with Facebook
Facebook is fast becoming a powerhouse of marketing activity due to the sheer number of
engaging users on the site and the simplicity of connecting with them directly.

Facebook can provide your business with a branding outpost on the web where customers,
employees, and even the media can find information about your company, products, and
services. Facebook connects you and your staff directly to your customers and fans.
Facebook can generate new leads for your business by drawing users attention towards what you
are offering. Facebook helps in sharing links, images, and posts on a customizable page to
project a better sense of your business. Facebook runs tactics like contests, sweepstakes, etc., that
can increase fans and brand awareness of your business.
Latest Facebook Trends
The nature of social media marketing is ever-changing, so it is impotent to constantly stay
updated with what the current market trends are. The latest Facebook trends that a business
should be aware of are: using the cover photo for marketing, different types of Facebook posts,
more pictures, etc. Facebook looks completely different from how it was a year ago, so it should
not be surprising that marketing on the social network has also changed a great deal.
How to Create a Campaign
With targeted ads, stories, and wall posts, a successful campaign can be a powerful tool in our
advertising arsenal. When running a Facebook campaign, we can draw on several Facebook
components such as wall posts, Facebook ads, sponsored marketing, unique page tabs, etc. We
can break down reports by campaign and also easily start/stop all ad sets within that campaign.
Campaigns correspond to each of our advertising objectives, like building brand awareness or
driving web traffic. They are designed to help optimize and measure our results for each
objective across multiple ad sites and ads. Each campaign can feature multiple ad sets, each of
which has its own budget and schedule. We can also organize each ad set to represent a particular
audience segment, for example, we can have an ad set for people who live near our store. This
will help us control the amount we spend on each audience, decide when they will see our ads,
and measure their response. Within each ad set, we can have multiple ads, each of which can
feature a different set of images, links, videos, or text.
Facebook Do's and Don'ts
Use Facebook to stay in touch with your friends and make new ones.
Use Facebook to advertise your organizations events.
Use Facebook to get involved with the campus community and learn what is happening around.

Use Facebook customer support page since it contains valuable information about privacy
controls and other important safety information.
Do check each friend request carefully after visiting their profile.
Do use "privacy settings" while building up your photo albums.
Don't use your wall to announce your schedules, journey and planning.
Don't use public walls as your own. Try to maintain the decorum of groups and fan pages.
Don't accept friend requests from strangers.
Don't use Facebook for ragging and bullying anyone.

Increase Facebook Likes for a Fan Page

Create a Facebook fan page with an instantly appealing image, as it will help in attracting

more attention.
Keep the Facebook fan page up to date by writing suitable description and posting
interesting and friendly page titles. Always try to provide your readers with something

fresh to read.
If you are running a contest on your page, then ask your visitors to like your fan page.
Facebook contests are the easiest way to get people excited, as the lure of a big prize

compels your target customers to 'like' your page and become your fan.
If you are running a business, then you should promote your fan page by using ads in the
Facebook, as it is the easiest way to increase the visibility of your brand and reach out to

a highly targeted audience.

Promote your page on your official website because it helps you to get likes from new
visitors on your site. Having a 'like' button on your website is an easy way to drive new
likes over time.

What are Facebook Apps

Facebook apps are basically software programs that can be added to users' Facebook profiles.
These interactive software applications are developed to utilize the core technologies of the
Facebook platform. Applications for Facebook have gained massive popularity in the last few
years due to its uniqueness and the ease of creating them.


Do the social media campaigns really help in increasing the sales (Orders, New customer,
and Sales revenue)

The purpose of this study is to prove that how the organizations should go for social
marketing to compete with their competitors and to position the organization in todays

crowded marketplace.
What is the effect of social media marketing on purchase of Cadbury dairy milk.
What is the difficulties they find on the social media marketing.
Which type of tools Cadbury use for social marketing .
How social media is effective consumer behaviour of baying Cadbury dairy milk.
How marketing communication is being implemented through social media.
What is the major difference of using tequniques by various other similar companies

1. Mr. Aditya Pisharody etal (2013) evidenced that the emergence of online streaming rise
through the rise of the internet and other technological innovations have dramatically
revolutionized the way people live their lives. This research paper is based on showing us that

how we consume media. Internet users received online video platforms to be better than
television in many technology and content related attribute. The results also suggest that the
video content quality, interactivity and storage capability of online video platforms contribute to
improving the overall perception of the relative advantage. As here the example taken is you tube
as a leading tool of visual based media.
The problems arises for visual based media are the sales, local leads, better advertising,
outsourcing the video creation, video marketing communities to be joined not to feel alone.

The solution is better planning and forecasting what to do, how to do and where to do. Now a
days it is necessary to have a website with video content which can become a highest clicked on
elements on the web pages. Videos need to be well planned and have a clear purpose to make an
impact. We can now add vi The rise of the internet and other technological innovations have
dramatically revolutionized the way people live their lives. Internet users perceived online video
platforms to be better than television in many technology and contentrelated attributes. Videos
need to be well planned and have a clear purpose to make an impact. Internet video traffic
worldwide will be 80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2019 The results also suggest
that video content quality, interactivity, and storage capability of online video platforms
contribute to improving the overall perception of the relative advantage.
As data and analytic technology continues to develop, well equipped innovation to meet
audiences needs at specific stage. For this Blog, Videos, Social media, e-books and graphics for
better visuals.
In conclusion I want to say that era of modern technology it is necessary to be tech savvy an
innovative as per the recent trends and market challenges .It is necessary to introduce new
innovative idea in the visualised form which can be done through the adoption of new
opportunities till future

2. Mr. Thales S. Teixeira etal (2014) evidenced that the Rising Cost of Customer Attention is a
major issue going on now a days. Customer is the king of the market without his/her presence
market cannot be imagined.

Attention is a necessary ingredient for effective advertising. So it is very much necessary for the
competitors to provide products as per the customer taste and preferences Effective advertising
reaches potential customers and informs them of your products or services. For making the
advertisement attractive it is important to create some story for the ads so that people can start
relating that ads with the real and as per the customers demand from the market. As the
combination of mouth publicity and visualised video form makes easy for each and every person
to understand. The types of problems arises at the time of making the online advertisements as
per the customer are- Costly Process, Lack of innovative ideas in the form of technology up
gradation Impact of Print media, Market competition and TV commercials grabbing. Some
possible solutions are -Ads must be strategy based with the business positions, Communicate a
simple, single message ,Be credible, Ask for the sale, Make sure the ad is competitive, the ad is
professional, be truthful.
50% of mobile searches are conducted in hope of finding local results and 61% of those
searches is result in purchase.
If a post is greater than 1,500 words , on average it receives 68.19% more tweets .
In conclusion as I want to say that customer is the king of the market without their awareness
market advertising is of no use so its better to have
Ads to be made as of pictorial and statistical situation based.
Reduction in the prices of the products .
Create awareness amongst the customers by the help of documentary.
Innovative imaginary thinking.
Some tips for the advertising :

Idea Conception and Nurture New Ideas

Explore the market
Use of pictorial presentation in the online ads

As a part of investigation, samples are drawn from the population and results are derived to help
in taking the decisions. But such decisions involve an element of uncertainty causing wrong
decisions. Hypothesis is an assumption which may or may not be true about a population
parameter. For example, if we toss a coin 200 times, we may get 110 heads and 90 tails. 73 At

this instance, we are interested in testing whether the coin is unbiased or not. Therefore, we may
conduct a test to judge the significance of the difference of sampling or otherwise. To carry out a
test of significance, the following procedure has to be followed:
1. Framing the Hypothesis: To verify the assumption, which is based on sample study, we
collect data and find out the difference between the sample value and the population value. If
there is no difference found or the difference is very small then the hypothetical value is correct.
Generally two hypotheses complementary to each offer are constructed, and if one is found
correct, the other is rejected.
(a) Null Hypothesis:
The random selection of the samples from the given population makes the tests of significance
valid for us. For applying any test of significance we first set up a hypothesis- a definite
statement about the population parameter/s. Such a statistical hypothesis, which is under test, is
usually a hypothesis of no difference and hence is called null hypothesis. It is usually denoted by
Ho. In the words of Prof. R.A.Fisher Null Hypothesis is the hypothesis which is tested for
possible rejection under the assumption that it is true.

(b) Alternative Hypothesis:

. Any hypothesis which is complementary to the null hypothesis is called an alternative
hypothesis. It is usually denoted by H1 . It is very important to explicitly state the alternative
hypothesis in respect of any null hypothesis H0 because the acceptance or rejection of Ho is
meaningful only if it is being tested against an opposite hypothesis. For example, if we want to
test the null hypothesis that the population has a specified mean 0 (

The alternative hypothesis (i) is known as a two-tailed alternative and the alternatives in (ii) and
(iii) are known as right-tailed and left tailed alternatives. Accordingly, the corresponding tests of
significance are called two-tailed, right-tailed and left-tailed tests respectively. The null
hypothesis consists of only a single parameter value and is usually simple while alternative
hypothesis is usually composite.

The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific

The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been
discovered as yet. Though each research study has its own specific purpose, we mention some
general objectives of research below:

To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights in to it(studies with

this object in view are termed as exploratory or forum/ oiiveresearch studies);

ii To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a

group(studies with this object in view are known as descriptive research studies);
iii To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else (studies with this object in view are known as
diagnostic research studies);
iv To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables (such studies are known as
Hypothesis-testing research studies).

The research methodology section of the research work directs to acquire information
about the impact of Facebook visual marketing strategies of Cadburrys in improving
impact on customer in 2013-2015. In a research process, the main focus is to find the
answer to the research questions by making use of scientific and valid research methods.
The major focus of research methodology is to find about the facts reaction to research
from the data that have been collected. The focus is to elucidate the major research tools,
which will be used for collecting data to derive final conclusions. The theme of the
research methodology revolves around the research question to investigate the impact of
Facebook strategies on customer of Cadburry. The following elaborated research
methodology designs a blue print for ascertaining the impact of Facebook and its
marketing related strategies for advertising of cadbury.
Research Design
In this research, the descriptive research design has been implemented that proved to be
helpful in examining events and descriptive justifications related to the topic. The basic
purpose of choosing this method is that it helps me in finding out the description of the state
of affairs as it exists in present in finding out the actual present position of the business of the
companies and as per my project title I will need to find out what has happened or what is
happening in finding out the actual reasons and criteria of those problems which is predefined by me in the Rationale.

The Methods I have chosen in Descriptive Research are:

Observation method

Case-study methods
Survey method
1. Observation method:
With the observational method (sometimes referred to as field observation) animal and human
behavior is closely observed. There are two main categories of the observational method
naturalistic observation and laboratory observation.
2. Case study research
Case study research involves an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals. Case
studies often lead to testable hypotheses and allow us to study rare phenomena.
3. Survey Method

In survey method research, participants answer questions administered through interviews or

questionnaires. After participants answer the questions, researchers describe the responses
given. In order for the survey to be both reliable and valid it is important that the questions are
constructed properly. Questions should be written so they are clear and easy to comprehend.
Another consideration when designing questions is whether to include open-ended, closedended, partially open-ended, or rating-scale questions
The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and
predicting phenomena are called methodology. Methods comprise the procedures used for
generating, collecting and evaluating data useful for accessing explanations.

Data Collection Methods

In order to collect some effective and accurate data for the purpose of accomplishing the research
objectives, two different types of data collection methods have been taken into account. This
section plays an important role in the research methodology as it provides a medium for
achieving the desired research objectives. The selection of two types of methods for collecting
data is with an objective to serve a definite purpose. The methods and its justification for
selecting them are mentioned below:

Primary Data Collection Method

Primary data is the information collected for the first time: there are several methods in which
the data research is complied. In this project it was obtained by means of questionnaires,
Observation method. In order to gain a large amount of information related to the role and
contribution of FACEBOOK strategies in promoting Cadburrys, survey through questionnaire
method is suitable for gathering data, as a large number of people will be easily targeted at one
time. With the help of this method, the valuable responses of respondents will be easily collected.
For this research work, the survey will be conducted with target audience i.e. male, female, youth
customers who are using cadburry. This population proved suitable in this research. It is due to
reason that only this population was capable of providing related and effective information
related to the Facebook strategies in order to aware the customers who are accessing online

Secondary Data Collection Method

The secondary method proved to be helpful in considering views of other scholars and
researchers who have already conducted research on similar topics in the past. Therefore, the
secondary method was highly valuable and supportive for accomplishing objectives of a
research. There are numerous sources of secondary data, which were used including journals,
online articles, reports, magazines, books, periodicals, etc.

Access to Primary and Secondary Data

Research work consists of both primary as well as secondary data sources. For the collection of
secondary data, journals, online articles and historical data related to the current subject were
accessed. There were multiple secondary data sources, which were referred for research as
reliance on a single source of data, can raise the question on authenticity of information. Hence,
for collecting the secondary data interconnected to topic, chronological records were researched,
which contained benefits of small and medium enterprise for growing countries.
Further, for collecting primary data, the survey method was used and a questionnaire was
designed in order to maintain the flow of information. Questionnaire was designed in order to
collect responses from customers so as to collect data.

Sampling and sample size

Sample Area: This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to
constitute a sample.
Area covered: In this project all the customers who uses the products of Cadburrys is the
Sampling Method: Sampling design is to clearly define set of objective, technically called
the universe to be studied. Sampling technique is a Simple random sampling method.

By using random sampling, 100 customers were sent the designed questionnaires. Information
given by them proved to be helpful in analyzing the impact of FACEBOOK strategies of Nokia for
knowing the level of customer satisfaction in 2013-2015.

Research Limitations
The above research methodology has facilitated and revealed some most crucial and effective
information by making use of several methods and tools. The selected methods have contributed
in completion of the research in an effective manner, but there are some limitations of these
The limitations of my project are:
The information collection part involve many legal issues and time consuming and formalities
which I will have to face in near future for necessary information collection for. For this study,
there are less chances of having direct interaction with the targeted focused people as audience.
Under the literature review method, the major issue is to use authentic and reliable source for the
completion of the research work in an effective manner. Along with this, there are chances of
lack of practical information among the selected literary source. All these limitations need to take
care of at the time of doing research so that they do not raise issues on the reliability and validity
of the research.

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