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CAEA1214_GroupProject_Sem I_2015/2016


Semester I 2014/2015
Each group is required to analyse annual reports of companies relating to
revenues, intangible assets and impairment of assets to identify whether:

Companies comply with the requirements of the relevant standards; and

There are any unethical issues in relating to the above aspects.

Each group need to choose the latest annual reports available for companies
listed on the main market of the Bursa Malaysia. Each group has to analyse and
compare the annual reports of three different industries and select two
companies for each industry. Team work, communication, organization skills and
proper allocation of responsibilities among the 3 team members are crucial to
ensure successful completion of this assignment. The selection of companies will
be allocated to each group on a first-come-first-serve basis. Meaning: if the
companies that you have selected have been chosen by another group who has
informed/emailed me earlier, then you will have to select others.

Additional instructions:
1. You must prepare oral presentation and a written report.
2. The report must be type-written and presented in good form (double spaced
and standard type size e.g. 12 pt. Times New Roman). Length of the report
should not exceed 10 pages excluding appendices. Any supporting
documents should be attached as Appendix. The report should contain
Executive Summary 1 or 2 paragraphs summarizing the entire report.
Background of the Companies 2 or 3 paragraphs summarizing
companies products, services, length of time in business, size, major
competitors, industry trends, etc. Compliance with the given
standards/ethical issues identify and discuss whether selected
companies comply with the relevant standards in the accounting treatments
and disclosure of information and whether any ethical issues involved.
Conclusion provide 2 or 3 paragraphs of your own conclusions on the
overall findings.

The length of the presentation should be approximately 25 minutes. Each of

the group members should do an equal part during the presentation. Visual
aids such as a power point presentation should be considered to improve
communication. Marks will be awarded for good grammar, clarity, logical
presentation, your own original recommendations/ideas and conclusion.
Dr Rusnah Muhamad
Department of Accounting
Faculty of Business & Accountancy

CAEA1214_GroupProject_Sem I_2015/2016

1. Project Grade for each group: 1. Oral presentation (40%)

2. Written report (60%)
Allocation of marks:

Tools/computer aided presentation
Others (fluency/teamwork/flow of
presentation etc.)

Oral presentation
Marks allocated

Written report
Marks allocated





Dr Rusnah Muhamad
Department of Accounting
Faculty of Business & Accountancy

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