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Exam Review

Exam Name: 028 - 30 Apr 2011


Which of the following is not secreted in pancreatic tumor

a) VIP
b) Insulin
c) Serotonin


A 12yr boy presented with right eye vision 6/36 and left eye vision of 6/6 after maximum
correction retinoscopy shows fundus and anterior chamber is normal. Right eye =+4.5 D
IN both axis Left eye=+1.5D in both axis. Cause of decreased vision in right eye is
a) Refrctive error
b) Amblyopia
c) Optic neuritis
d) Occipital lobe infraction


Which of the following is true for natural killer cells?

a) They may phagocytose tumor cells.
b) Killing of cells in enhanced by interleukin-2
c) They recognize and kill some virus-infected cells.
d) Killing of cells is stimulated by prostaglandin E2.
Review:General Pathology-Immunopathology-Natural killer (NK) cells recognize and kill
some tumour cells and virus-infected cells but do not phagocytose them. Interleukin-2
promotes and prostaglandin E2 suppresses the activity of NK cells. NK cells do not require Bcell cooperation, and they act without previous sensitization


USG can be used to diagnose correctly all the following EXCEPT

a) Neural tube defect
b) Anencephaly
c) Placenta previa
d) Down's syndrome


The least common complication of colostomy is

a) Hemorrhage
b) Stenosis
c) Prolapsed
d) Diarrhoea


The following is most sesitive to radio therapy

a) Serous cystadenoma

b) Dysgerminoma
c) Mucinous cystadenoma
d) Teratoma

Features of Balint's syndrome include which of the following

a) Prosopagnosia
b) Simultanagnosia
c) Visual object agnosia
d) Construction apraxia


All are oncegenic except

a) EB virus
b) Papilloma virus
c) Herpes simplex virus
d) Varcella zoster virus


All of the following are true about spread of infection except

a) Leptospirosis-rat urine
b) Tentanus dust/droplets
c) Listeria-refrigerated food
d) Legionella-water aerosol

10. Carcinoma cervix with involvement of upper 2/3 of vagina is stage

a) II
b) II B
c) III A
d) III B
Review:Obs-Dyplasias and Carcinoma of Cervix11. Zollinger Ellison syndrome is characterized by all of the following except
a) Post bulbar ulcer
b) Recurrent duodenal ulcer
c) Severe diarrhea
d) Massive HCL in response to histamine injection
Review:Medi-Hepatology12. Treatment of choice in otosclerosis:
a) Stapes mobilization
b) Stapedectomy

c) Fenerstration operation
d) Steroids
Review:ENT-13. Drug of Choice for Cerebral malaria is
a) Mefloquine
b) Quinine
c) Chloroquine
d) Primaquine
Review:Medicine-14. Census in India is done
a) Every year
b) Every 5 years
c) Every 10 years
d) As and when noted
Review:SPM-Demo, FP, MCH15. The type of necrosis in brain is
a) Liquefaction
b) Coagulation
c) Caseous
d) Fat
Review:PATHOLOGY-16. Delayed wound healing in diabetes mellitus is due to
a) Impaired collagen synthesis
b) Decreased tensile strength
c) Impaired fibroblastic reaction
d) All of the above
Review:Surgery-Healing & Mana of wound & Accident17. False regarding cryptococcus neoframans
a) Grow at 25 degree C and 37 degree C
b) Urease negative
c) 4 serotypes
d) All
Review:Microbiology-Gram- bact-Cryptococcus neoformans is a capsulated yeast. It is a
spherical budding cell having a prominent polysaccharide capsule -Antigenically C.
neoformans are of 4 types -It is urease +ive
18. In case of subarachnoid haemorrahage investigation of choice is
a) CT scan

b) MRI
c) MRI angio with MRI imaging
d) Carotid Angiograme
Review:Radiology Diagnosis-Diagnosis19. Coombs-positive anemia is seen in
a) SLE
b) TTP
c) PAN
d) Progressive systemic sclerosis
Review:Medicine-20. Part of the GI tract most often affected in scleroderma?
a) Esophagus
b) Stomach
c) Ileum
d) Colon
Review:Surger-Esophagus & Stomach21. Most important investigation for diagnosis of Zollinger Ellison-syndrome is
a) Ca infusion test
b) Secretin injection test
c) ACTH stimulation test
d) Steroid assay
Review:Medi-Hepatology22. Which of the type of senile cataract is notorious for glaucoma formation
a) Incipient cataract
b) Hypermature Morgagni
c) Intumescent cataract
d) Nuclear cataract
23. Hyperacute renal transplant rejection is mediated by
a) T-helper lymphocytes
b) T-suppressor lymphocytes.
c) NK cells
d) complement
Review:General Pathology-Immunopathology-Hyperacute renal graft rejection is mediated by
preexisting circulating antibodie to the graft in the recipient. These antibodies activate
complement and the coagulation system.
24. One of the following types of accidents is relatively easy to prevent

a) Industrial
b) Domestic
c) Road traffic
d) Raiway
Review:SPM-Non Communicable disease25. Which inhibits adenyl cyclase enzyme
a) Somatostatin
b) Calcitonin
c) Epinephrine
d) Thyroxine
Review:Biochem-ENZYMES26. At birth, following structures are of adult size, EXCEPT
a) Tympanic cavity
b) Mastoid antrum
c) Malleus
d) Tympanic ring
Review:ENT-Ear-Structures of ear fully formed by birth: 1.Middle ear 2.Tympanic membrane
3.Ossicles 4.Labyrinth 5.Cochlea
27. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Post-Anesthetic Discharge Scoring
System (PADSS) used to evaluvate the suitability of a patient to be discharged from an
ambulatory surgical facility?
a) Drinking
b) Ambulation
c) Nausea and vomiting
d) Pain
Review:Anesthesia-General-Guidelines for safe discharge of patients from ambulatory surical
centers include stable vital signs, ability to walk without dizziness, controlled pain, absence of
nausea and vomiting, and minimal surgical bleeding. The Post-Anesthetic Discharge Scoring
System (PADSS) is a tool for objectively assessing a patient's readiness for discharge from the
surgical center and includes the five criteria mentioned. Requirement to drink fluids and to
avoid before home discharge are controverisal and are not parameters included in the PADSS
28. Commonest sit for acute ostemyelitis in infant is
a) Hip joint
b) Tibia
c) Femur
d) Radius
Review:Ortho-Infections29. All of the followings are true about hormone replacement therapy except
a) It does not reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

b) It is contraindicated in DM
c) Dermal patch estrogen decreases the probability of thromboembolism than oral estrogen
d) Premenopausal women can be given upto 50 years of age
Review:OBG-30. Vaginal adenocarcinomas in children is caused by
a) Virus
b) Administration of DES to pregnant mothers
c) Hormonal changes
d) All of the above
Review:Pathology-Female Genital Tract-There is an increased frequency of clear cell
adenocarcinomas in young women whose mothers had been treated with diethylstilberstrol
(DES) during pregnancy (for a threatened abortion). -Less than0.14 % of such DES exposed
young women develop adenocarcinoma. A probable precursor of this tumor is vaginal adenosis.
31. Severe MS is associated with
a) Left ventricular dilatation
b) Right vetricular hypertrophy
c) Septal deviation
d) Right atrial thrombus
Review:Pathology-Heart32. Theirsch graft is
a) Split skin graft
b) Thin skin graft
c) Partial thickness skin graft
d) Adominal flap
Review:SURGERY-33. Commonest type of lesion causing recurrent shoulder dislocation is
a) Shallow glenoid labrum
b) Bankarts lesion
c) Weakness of subscapularis muscle
d) Injury to humeral head
Review:Orthopaedics-Fractures and Dislocations34. To differentiate, Proximal from Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis, what is the test used
a) Urine pH
b) Urine aminoacids
c) Urine glucose
d) Urinary osmolarity

35. Trichophyton species can infect

a) Skin, hair and nail
b) Skin and nail
c) Hair and nail
d) Skin and hair
Review:Microbiology-Mycology36. Time taken for any project is estimated by
a) Work sampling
b) Input/output analysis
c) Network analysis
d) System analysis
Review:P & SM-37. The antitubercular drug not to be used in children is
a) Rifampicin
b) INH
c) Ethambutol
d) Streptomycin
Review:Dermatology-38. Adduction of hand at wrist is done by
a) Flexor carpi radialis
b) Flexor carpi longus
c) Flexor digitorum profundus
d) Extensor carpi ulnaris
Review:Anatomy-UP39. Mesangial deposition of electron dense substances occur in
a) IgA nephropathy
b) Membranous glomerulonephritis
c) Minimal change disease
d) Focal segmental glomerulonephritis
Review:p-40. All the following are advantages of case control studeis EXCEPT
a) Useful in rare diseases
b) Relative risk can be calculated
c) Odds ratio can be calculated
d) Cost-effective and inexpensive
Review:SPM-Epidemiology41. Which vaccine is not useful in a patient with AIDS

a) OPV
b) DPT
c) BCG
d) Measles
Review:Medicine-Infections42. The most common presentation of congenital CMV infection is
a) Hepatosplenomegaly
b) Microcephaly
c) Cerebral calcification
d) Chorioretinitis
Review:Microbiology-Virology43. Carotenoids are normal in all excepts
a) Malabsorption
b) Gall stones
c) Hypothyroidism
d) TPE
Review:Medicine-44. Side effects of fluoxetine are the following EXCEPT
a) Weight gain
b) Sweating
c) Urinary retention
d) Diarrhoea
Review:Psychiatry-General45. 'Bamboo-spine' is feature of
a) Ankylosing spondylitis
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Paget's disease
d) All
Review:Medicine-Rheumatology46. All are true regarding oral hypoglycemic agent, EXCEPT
a) Effective only after total pancreatectomy
b) Metformin causes lactic acidosis
c) Causes release of insulin from beta-cells
d) Useful in obese maturity onset diabetics
Review:PHARMACOLOGY-47. Out of the following the true statement regarding sterilization is

a) Dry heat is the best method of sterilization of liquid paraffin

b) All glass wares are best sterilized by boiling at 100 degree celcius
c) Bacterial vaccines are best sterilized by ethylene oxide
d) Pateurization of milk by flash method is done by heating at 63 degree Celcius for 30 minutes
Review:Gen. Microbiology-Morph & Physiolo of Bacteria48. Detection of one of the following antigens is important for diagnosing carrier state in
a) O
b) H
c) VI
d) None of the above
Review:SPM-Communicable disease49. Contact dermatitis is a type _______ Hypersensitivity:
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) Type IV
Review:Dermatology-50. Niacin Toxicity is manifested as
a) Skin irritation
b) Dilatation of blood vessels and flushing
c) Liver damage
d) All of the above
Review:Biochemistry-Vitamins51. Insulin stimulates the activity of the following enzymes except
a) Acetyl CoA carboxylase
b) Pyruvate kinase
c) Hormone sensitive lipase
d) Glycerol kinase
Review:Biochemistry-General52. Which one of the following causes of hyponatraemia is least associated with a uninary
sodium > 20 mmol/L?
a) Diurectics
b) Addison's
c) Psychogenic polydipsia
d) Syndrome of inappropriate ADH
Review:Medicine-Nurti, Meta disorder-

53. Misoprostol is a
a) Prostaglandin E1 analogue
b) Prostaglandin E2 analogue
c) Prostaglandin antagonist
d) Antiprogestin
Review:OBG-54. Mechanism of action of Tolbutamide is
a) Production of insulin from pancreas
b) Glucose absorption form intestine
c) Glycogenesis
d) None of above
Review:Pharmacology-55. Which of the following statements regarding human milk is incorrect?
a) Human milk considered the highest quality protein source for human infants in casein
b) Human milk contains relatively little methionine,phenyl alanine and tyrosine
c) The cysteine content of human milk is relatively high
d) Human milk is an unusually rich source of taurine
Review:Paediatrics-Nutrition56. In 18 year old man with unilateral testicular swelling and unilateral gynaecomastia,
diagnosis is
a) Sertoli cell tumor
b) Leydig cell tumor
c) Lepromatous epidydimo orchitis
d) Seminoma
Review:p-57. Residence of three village with three different types of water supply were asked to
participate in a study to identify cholera carries. Becauses several cholera deaths had
occurred in the recent past virtually everyone present at the time submitted to
examination. The proportion of residents in each village who were carriers was computed
and compared. This study is a:
a) Cross-sectional study
b) Case-control study.
c) Concurrent cohort study
d) Non-concurrent.
Review:SPM-Epidemiology58. Earliest and often the only presentation of TB kidneys is
a) Increased frequency
b) Pain

c) Hematuria
d) Renal calculi
Review:Medicine-Kidney59. JG cells are
a) Macula densa
b) Smooth muscular cells of afferent arteriole
c) Smooth muscular cells of efferent arteriole
d) Islets of epithelial cells
Review:Anatomy-Histology60. Whch of the following is not used in the treatment of acute pulmonary edema?
a) Morphine
b) Furosemide
c) Subcutaneous adrenaline
d) Aminophyline
Review:medicine-61. The fact that high atmospheric pressure partially antagonizes volatile anesthetics
supports which theory of anesthesia?
a) Inhibition of y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) breakdown hypothesis
b) Increased endorphin production hypothesis
c) Inhibition of neural transmission via dorsal root ganglia
d) Critical volume hypothesis
Review:Anesthesia-General-The Meyer-overton theory (critical volume hypothesis) suggestes
that membrane expansion is the mechanism by which Volatile anesthetics produce their effect.
The fact that high pressures (40 to 100 atmospheres) antagonize these anesthetic effect suggests
that the disrupted membranes can be compressed back to their normal configuration
62. Commonest cause of female pseudohermaphroditism is
a) Testicular trophy
b) Turner syndrome
c) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
d) Mullerian duct failure
Review:Paediatrics-Endocrinology63. Ramu an eight year old boy presented with pain in the arm. On Xray his upper end of
humerus demonstrates an expansile lesion in the metaphysis with breech of the over line
cortex. Most likely diagnosis is
a) Aneurysmal bonecyst
b) unicameral bonecyst
c) chondroblastoma
d) osteoclastoma

64. Psedomyxoma peritonei is seen with
a) Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma ovary
b) Carcinoid appendix
c) Endometrical carcinoma
d) Ileal carcinoid
Review:Pathology-Female Genital Tract--Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a condition, which is
associated with mucinous ovarian neoplasms. -This disorder consists of an ovarian tumor with
extensive mucinous ascites, cystic epithelial implants on the peritoneal surface and adhesions.
-Pseudomyxoma eritonei, if extensive, may result in intestinal obstruction and death.
65. Salivary gland calculi are
a) Most common in the parotid gland
b) Diagnosed by probing and palpating with a lacrimal duct probe
c) Easily palpable with the fingers
d) Associated with renal calculi
Review:Sugery-Head & Neck66. All are true about testicular tumors except
a) A 90-95% are primary tesicular tumours
b) Most common in cryptorchid child is seminoma
c) AFP raised in all
d) Treatment of choice is high orchidectomy
Review:SURGERY-67. Whorled keratopathy is seen with the use of
a) Digoxin
b) Amiodarone
c) Ehthambutol
d) Eptoin
Review:Opthal-Cornea-Whorled pattern shows the direction of migration of corneal epithelial
cells Other drugs causing keratopathy- Chloroquine, Phenothiazine, Indomethacin
-Asymptomatic corneal microdepostits are present in virtually all patients treated with
Amiodarone -Halos develop in the peripheral visual fields of some patients.
68. Frontonasal duct opens into:
a) Inferior meatus
b) Middle meatus
c) Superior meatus
d) Supreme meatus
Review:ENT-Nose,PNS,Nasopharynx & Tonsils69. Haversian system is seen in

a) Cortical bone
b) Cancellous bone
c) Teeth
d) Nail
Review:Anatomy-Histology70. The first scientist to observe bacteria and other microscopic organism was:
a) Sydenham
b) Virchow
c) Harvey
d) Van Leeuwenhoek
Review:Health-71. SLE may be precipitated by
a) Hydralazine
b) Lignocaine
c) Penicillin
d) Chloramphenicol
Review:Dermatology-72. Puppe's rule is related to
a) Sequence of bullets
b) Enzyme essay in blisters
c) Related to age estimation
d) Sex Determination
Review:FM-Injuries & Wounds73. Drug effective best against pseudomonas is
a) Penicillin
b) Gentamicin
c) Tetracycline
d) Chloromphenicol
Review:PHAR-74. The rate adjusted to allow for the age distribution of the population is
a) Perinatal mortality rate
b) Crude mortality rate
c) Fertility rate
d) Age-standardized mortality rate
Review:SPM-Epidemiology75. Excessive eating of non-nutritive substances is known as

b) Anorexia nervosa
c) Bulimia
d) Trichotillomania
Review:Paediatrics-Growth & Development76. Cyclops is intermediate host for
a) Kala azar
b) Schistosomiasis
c) Dracunculus medinensis
d) Teniasis
Review:Microbiology-Parasitology77. Extrapyramidal symptoms is best treated with
a) Procyclidine
b) Metochlopramide
c) Haloperidot
d) Trihexyphenidyl
Review:Medicine-78. The level of prevention practiced by wearing of spectacles is
a) Specific protection
b) Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
c) Disability limitation
d) Rehabilition
Review:SPM-Concepts of Health & Disease--Protection against occupational hazards is
specific protection. -Rehabilitation has been defined as the combined and coordinated use of
medical, social, educational and vocational measures for training and retraining the individual
to the highest possible level of functional ability.
79. Which of the following is true regarding cretinism
a) Short limbs compared to trunk
b) Proportionate shortening
c) Short limb and short stature
d) Short limb and long stature
Review:Paediatrics-Endocrinology80. Constrictions normally present in esophagus are all EXCEPT
a) 10 cm from the incisor teeth
b) 15 cm from the incisor teeth
c) 25 cm from the incisor teeth
d) 40 cm from the incisor teeth

81. All the following statements about vasoactive mediators of inflammation are true except
a) they may be derived from inflammatory cells.
b) they may be derived from plasma.
c) they may be derived from vascular smooth muscle cells.
d) in plasma they are usually inactive unless activated at the site of inflammation.
Review:General Pathology-Inflammation-Vasoactive mediators are derived either from plasma
or from inflammatory and endthelial cells but not from smooth muscle cells.
82. Which one of the following is least associated with aortic regurgitation?
a) Rheumatic fever
b) William's syndrome
c) Syphilis
d) Bicuspid aortic valve
Review:Medicine-CVS83. In which hernia the part of intestine takes part
a) Maydl's hernia
b) Richter's hernia
c) Pantaloon's hernia
d) Zittre's hernia
Review:SURGERY-84. Most common bone to fracture in body is
a) Radius
b) Clavicle
c) Femur
d) Vertebra
Review:Orthopaedics-Fractures and Dislocations85. A patient presenting with cervical lymphadenopathy gives a history of having sex 3 weeks
back. He thinks that he has got AIDS. Which of the following tests will clincth the
b) p 24 antigen
c) Western blot
d) Lymph node biopsy
Review:Medicine-nfections86. Cranial accessory nerve supplies
a) Sternomastoid
b) Trapezius
c) Splenius capitis
d) Soft palate

Review:-87. The following statement is wrong regarding case control study

a) It is useful for rare disease
b) Early to do the study
c) Incidence can be calculated
d) It is a retrospective study
Review:SPM-88. Standard error of mean indicates
a) Dispersion
b) Distribution
c) Variation
d) Deviation
Review:SPM-Statistics89. Following are the causes of death in a patient with burns except
a) Shock
b) Suffocation
c) Sepsis
d) Air embolism
Review:FM-Injuries & Wounds90. A 60-year old hypertensive patient on Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (losartan) is
posed for hernia repair surgery. They antihypertensive drug should bea) Continued till the day of operation
b) Disontinued 24 hrs preoperatively
c) Discontinued one week preoperatively
d) Administered in an increased dosage on the day of operation
Review:PHARMACOLOGY-91. Most malignant form of NHL is:
a) Diffuse large cell
b) Small cell lymphocytic lymphoma
c) Follicular lymphoma
d) Large cell follicular
Review:Medicine-Hematological Malignancies92. Beta-glucosidase is defective in which disease?
a) Gaucher's disease
b) Tay-Sachs disease
c) Galactosaemia
d) DM

Review:Paediatrics-Metabolic Disorders & Genetics93. The following is true of Giardiasis except

a) Complement fixation test is diagnostic
b) Stools contains cysts
c) Habitat is colon
d) All
Review:Microbiology-Parasitology94. Hyper ammonemia - type 2 occurs due to
a) Carbomoyl phosphte synthase - I defects
b) Ornithine transcarbamoylase defect
c) Arginase defect
d) Carbomoyl phosphate synthase - II defect
Review:Biochemistry-Proteins95. Most common cause of empyema is:
a) Bronchopleural fistula
b) Tubercular pneumonia
c) Bacterial pneumonia
d) Pleuristy
Review:Respiratory-Pulmonology-Empyema thoracic is collection o pus in pleural space and is
synonymous with grossly purulent exudative parapneumonic effusions. In the pre antibiotic era
aerobic bacteria (pneumococci and streptococci) were the most frequent causes but anaerobic
bacteria are the most common causes now.
96. Ectopic ureter may be frequently associated with
a) Oliguria
b) Dysuria
c) Bilateral hydroureter
d) Paradoxical incontinence
Review:Paediatrics-97. Test for tight iliotibial band is
a) Ober's test
b) Osber's test
c) Simmand's test
d) Charnley's
98. The development of which structure will be inhibited by the mullerian inhibiting
a) Uterus
b) Ovary

c) Testis
d) Vulva
Review:Pathology-Gynecologic-Mullerian inhibiting substance is produced by Sertoli cells in
the testis of the male fetus. It causes involution of the Mullerian ducts, the precursors of the
fallopian duct, uterus, and upper third of the vagina. The formation of the ovary, testis, vulva,
and Bartholin glands is not affected.
99. During light sleep, the sleep spindles that appear have the frequency of
a) 1-2/Sec
b) 6-12/Sec
c) 14-16/Sec
d) 21-26/Sec
Review:Physiology-CNS100. Bottle neck abscess is
a) Pyogenic abscess
b) Amoebic abscess
c) Tuberculous abscess
d) Mycotic abscess
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