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[ 20 marks ]
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.
1. It rained ____________ last night.
A. heavy
B. heavier
C. heavily
D. heaviest
2. My uncle is a football __________. He trains a group of students at the community field.
A. composer
B. conductor
C. coach
D. caddie
3. The girls __________ playing with their dolls in the living room just now.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
4. Do not lean ____________the wall because the paint is still wet.
A. on
B. over
C. against
D. through
5. You have done well in your exams. __________ you?
A. didnt
B. doesnt
C. havent
D. hasnt
Choose the most suitable proverb.
6. Treat others as you would expect them to treat you. As the saying goes _______________
A. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
B. Better late than never
C. Dont cross the bridge till you come to it
D. Do as you would be done by

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

The river in Kampung Aman was clogged with rubbish. The community there organised a cleanup activities
_____7____ save the river. A few of the villagers _____8_____ a sampan to the middle of the river. They used long
poles to push ____9___ rubbish to the bank.
7. A. to
B. for
C. if
D. so
8. A. row
B. rowed
C. rowing
D. rows
9. A. B. a
C. an
D. the
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.
10. My father was disappointed with my attitude.
A. happy
B. angry
C. upset
D. surprised
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
11. A. Ahmad, Hassan, Wahiz, and Yassin, went to the Auditorium at 11 am.
B. Ahmad, hassan, wahiz, and yassin went to the auditorium at 11 am!
C. Ahmad, Hassan, Wahiz, and Yassin, went to the Auditorium at 11 a.m.?
D. Ahmad, Hassan, Wahiz, and Yassin went to the auditorium at 11 a.m.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Several workers are busy repairing the road. There ______12_____ several pot holes in the road. A truck is
______13______ some tar on the road. A man is filling the pot holes with some tar using a ____14_____. Two men,
who are wearing _____15_____, are levelling the tar using rakes.
12. A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
13. A. dump
B. dumps
C. dumped
D. dumping
14. A. hoe
B. spade
C. woven basket
D. wheelbarrow

15. A. hats
B. gloves
C. belts
D. jackets
Question 16 to 20
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.
Many years ago, Jeremy worked in a restaurant. At first, he cleared the tables after the customers finished
their meals. He was very proud that he did not break a single plate or glass. He was eager to help out his friends so
he washed the plates, pots and cutlery. At other times, he swept the floor after the restaurant was closed.
The owner of the restaurant liked Jeremy because he was very hard working. Even the other workers began
to work hard just like him. One day, the owner offered Jeremy another job. He wanted him to manage the restaurant.
Jeremy had watched how the owner managed the restaurant so he did the same. He even suggested some
new ideas so more people would visit the restaurant. With Jeremys help the restaurant was always full with
16. What was Jeremys first job in the restaurant?
A. To cook the food.
B. To clean the tables.
C. To sweep the floor.
D. To put away the cutlery.
17. Why was Jeremy pleased with himself?
A. He did not break a plate or glass.
B. The owner gave him another job.
C. His friends liked to help him.
D. He came up with good ideas.
18. Jeremy is a good role model because ______________.
A. his friends worked hard like him.
B. his friends needed his help at the restaurant.
C. the owner made him a business partner.
D. the customers liked eating at the restaurant.
19. How did Jeremys ideas help the restaurant?
A. the food tasted better
B. The workers worked harder.
C. The number of customers increased.
D. The owner opened more restaurants.

20. The following words describe Jeremy except ____________

A. lazy
B. helpful
C. creative
D hard working

[30 marks]
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answer in the spaces provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh.
Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan.

[2 marks]


[2 marks]


[2 marks]

Read the poster below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca poster di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.


Kiwi: Tiny but mighty
This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fibre. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.
Apple: Eat the skin too!
Although an apple has low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants which help to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart
attack and stroke.
Orange: Sweetest medicine
Taking two to four oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol and dissolve kidney stones.
Watermelon: Coolest thirst quencher
The watermelon consists of 92% water and is packed with nutrients which help to boost our immune system.
Guava and papaya: Top awards for vitamin C!
They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fibre which helps prevents
constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene that is good for the eyes.

Tick () the correct answer.


Fruits are good source of

Vitamins and fibre.
Omega 3 and magnesium.
Carotene and potassium
[1 mark]


The most suitable proverb for the tips is

First come, first served.
Where theres a will, theres a way.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
[1 mark]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.


Which fruit is rich in vitamin E?

[2 marks]


Which fruit contains the most vitamin C?

[2 marks]


What do you eat to quench our thirst? Why?

[2 marks]

Question 23
Tick () the correct answer.

If Jenny had RM50.00, what would she buy?

Coco Leather Handbag
Kitty Handbag
Anyam Hand-woven Handbag
[1 mark]


How many handbags can she purchased with RM160.00?

One handbag
Two handbag
Three handbag
[1 mark]

Match the phrase in List A to the suitable phrase in List B.

List A
Black, brown and red
Free leather purse with
Hand-woven Handbag is

List B
made of soft screw-pine leaves
a purchase of Kitty Handbag
is available for Coco Leather Handbag
[2 marks]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.


Which handbag would you buy? Why?

[2 marks]


What do you understand by the phrase Made of synthetic leather?

[2 marks]

Malik : Mum, did you see the flyer about the holiday activities?
Mum : Yes. Why? Are you interested in joining the camp?
Malik : Yes, mom. I do. Theyre giving great discount. Shall we register this evening?
Mum : What activity do you want to do?
Malik : Well, I like outdoor activities. I think I want to join camping pack.
Mum : Oh, I almost forgot about it. Would your sister like to join to? She likes drawing.
Malik : Sure. Shell be interested.
Mum : Ok. Lets talk to her.
Question 24 and 25
Tick ( ) the correct answer.
24 (a) These outdoor activities would be perfect for Malik, except
[1 mark]
(b) How much would Maliks mother pay for the fee if both of them are going?

[1 mark]

Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B

List A
You need a tent, a compass and a rope
To register, you need to
For enquires, we need to

List B
go to Elite Camp, Kota Tinggi.
for the camping activities.
call Cikgu Syafiq.
[2 marks]

Write your answer in the spaces provided


Which activity pack would you choose? Why?

[2 marks]


First 50 persons
What is the phrase above mean?
[2 marks]


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