Effects of Smoking On Family Life

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Effects of smoking on family life- the possible health hazards

By smoking, you are not only making your cardio- respiratory system more vulnerable, but
also exposing that of your spouses and childrens to similar risks.

Inhaling of smoke exhaled by smokers is as risky as that inhaled on account of tobacco


When your kith and kin's are exposed to passive smoking, they come under doses of toxicity
caused by the burning cigar and its harmful contents.

Passive smokers as well as the growing children of smokers are more susceptible to have
respiratory diseases including infections affecting its constituting organs.

Adults exposed to passive smoking are more likely to develop cardiac ailments and those
affecting the circulatory system.

Chances of lung cancer, asthma, common cough and cold are likely to influence smoker's
family more than that of his/hers non- smoking counterparts.

It has also been observed that children of smokers are more likely to follow the parental
footsteps in respect of this addictive habit.

To go by a study, children of smokers are thrice more likely to embark upon the injurious
habit of smoking.

Besides following the exemplary guidance, involuntary & prolonged exposure to highly
addictive nicotine also has its role to offer.

There is yet another study to show the nexus between smoking mothers and their unborn
children. Besides triggering weight and growth related malformations, unborn children carried
by smoking mothers are more likely to adopt this uncalled for habit in later years.

To provide a vital insight into 'SIDS'-or sudden infant death syndrome- as a smoking parent
it will be important for you to know that infants involuntarily exposed to passive smoking are twice
more likely to collapse under the confounding prospect of SIDS.

Psychological effect of smoking on family members

You may be tempted to inhale cigarette's addictive fervor with an eye on mood elevation, but
in the long run there are studies to vouch for its depressive effect, with nicotine leaving
depressant impression on neurons.

Similar effects are bound to affect your family members and those exposed to prolonged
bouts of passive smoking.

Family members in general and growing children in particular have come under the
baneful effects of smoking, with kids of smokers being more vulnerable to emotional
disturbance than their non-smoking healthier counterparts.

In fact, there are studies to confirm the glaring fact that children of smoking parents are likely
to embark upon smoking as a necessary panacea from stress, strain and boredom.

In fact, children of smokers growing up with smoking as one of their passive companions
become surprisingly tolerant towards this injurious habit- and its long term malefic.

With smokers wasting precious time on gleeful bouts of smoking, they tend to care little for
children and spouse- time which could have been spent profitably in company of spouse or
children are spent in intoxicating seclusion.

There are times when smokers seclude themselves from friends, spouse and children to
inhale the pseudo refreshing intoxicant.

This perhaps explains the emotional angle of the story- why kids of smoking parents are
more vulnerable emotionally.

This same nexus was seen between smokers and kids oriented towards behavioral

Irritating stench of cigarette can come in the way of healthy interaction between your family
members and you.

There are people unable to take in the irritating stench and if one of them happens to be your
spouse, you are likely to be in for an ugly mess up.

Keeping in mind the health as well as the emotional hazards of smoking and its long term
repercussion on health of near and dear ones, the deathly habit of smoking is ultimately leading
you away from prosperity.

By investing your hard earned money in the injurious habit of smoking you are ultimately
exposing your children and spouse to greater financial and psychological hazards.

Perhaps, judicious investment in a productive passion such as curio collection or that of oil
painting would have strengthened familial bonds.

With smoking having its direct repercussion on your longevity, you are cheating both your
spouse and children of life and longevity.

Effects of smoking on people around

In a public place, you may be free to hold on to your burning cigar, but the carelessly thrown
butt may give rise to a disastrous fire.

With world gearing itself to an eco-friendly standpoint, do remember the so called bio
degradability of the remaining butt- it takes more than a year for that little piece to decompose:
another ill effect of smoking.

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