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These are what I wrote when I was still with Author Solutions.

articles are not mine, but the companys. I just copied these to use as
sample articles in my applications.
Home Page
THE MISSING HEART: Chronicles of an Educator
by Teri Pinney
Witness the shocking practices and gaming strategies that take place behind the closed
doors of a high-risk public school and a disillusioned womans struggle to fight for her
About the Book
The Missing Heart: Chronicles of an Educator is a controversial story based on
actual events experienced by the author, Teri Pinney, while she was an assistant
principal in a public high school.
Pinney, an Asian American, went through a difficult childhood in Honolulu to eventually
beat the odds and capture her lifelong dream of becoming an educator. After serving as
a teacher for nineteen years, she successfully went on to achieve an administrative
position within the confines of a closed-knit school district in Florida. As the years
passed, however, she makes a stunning discovery which changes her life ambitions.
Following the wake of the federal governments No Child Left Behind legislation, school
districts have pressured school administrators to implement dogmatic practices in an
effort to raise statewide standardized test scores. In many cases, personnel changes have
been made to bring iron-fisted leadership into the high-risk schools. Caring teachers are
pushed out, low-performing students unjustly categorized, and schools stigmatized with
letter grades.
Narrating a mix of funny and insightful anecdotes, The Missing Heart: Chronicles
of an Educator gives readers a glimpse of the inner workings of a public school
system and one administrators growing skepticism, which made her take a wellpublicized stand against it.
About the Author
Teri Pinney has a bachelors and masters degree in business. She is also state certified
in English, business education, and education leadership. After twenty-two years as an
educator, she now writes grants for non-profit organizations and is active with volunteer
work for various groups. She is affiliated with education associations and uses her spare
time to write articles and work on her next book. As of this writing, Pinney is running
for the local school board. She continues to work towards bringing back the joy of
learning and the passion for teaching. When she is not traveling around the world with
her husband, she plays golf.
Buy the Book
Discover what goes on behind closed school doors of a public high school with author
Teri Pinneys book, The Missing Heart: Chronicles of an Educator.
ISBN13 (TP) 978-1-4363-7913-7
ISBN13 (HB) 978-1-4363-7914-4
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Embark on a journey of discovery to the land of

secrets with Atlantis Artifactus...

About the Book
Atlantis Artifactus
By Myron Morris

From Myron Morris comes a dynamic tale of discovery that unravels the untold secrets
of the history of humankind, Atlantis Artifactus.

Within the depths of the oceans, archaeologists and modern underwater explorers
uncover evidences of unexpectedly advanced civilizations unbeknownst to humankind.
Pilgrims who innocently travel to the Myan and Aztec ruins seeking for answers are
faced into the allegedly existing past world buried into the oceans. Could these stories be
mere products of their imagination? Or could this be a hidden truth that would change
humanitys destiny?

A mixture of fact and fiction, this gripping novel unlocks the complexity of these
mysteries as Dr. Ken Taylor, a university professor, makes a sweeping archeological
journey back in time in his hopeful quest for the truth.

Meet Sima and Miriam, the twins who were separated at birth, not aware of each others
existence. When and how will their paths cross? With the clandestine involvement of
manlion, will one unnamed spirit be brave enough to reveal the secret to the world, or
will it choose to destroy it forever?

Accompany them in their action-packed adventures that will surely keep you immersed
in this enriching odyssey of the mind. Compelling at every level, Myron Morris book
will keep readers up in the wee hours of the night!

About the author

Myron Morris

Dr. Morris Rosner, a chiropractic physician of forty years and his wife Myra, his
office manager, are the authors of Atlantis Artifactus under the pen name Myron
These devoted parents were gifted with five children and ten grandchildren and are
living in Tamarac, Florida. They have worked together on several articles and are at the
moment working on a manuscript.


Home page

The Search for the Meaning of Space, Time, and Matter

by Kai Woehler

Celebrate the amazing capacity of the human mind as one German theorist enters the
halls of science.
Journey into the unfathomable depths of physics as author Kai Woehler presents his
remarkable scientific research,
The Search for the Meaning of Space, Time, and Matter.
About the book
The bewildering landscape of the mind drives people to unearth remarkably
enlightening ideas and theories that contribute to the vast knowledge of science. Though
these theories are yet to be confirmed, they claim truths that explain the nature and
existence of things. Author Kai Woehlers book, The Search for the Meaning of
Space, Time, and Matter sets itself apart from others of its genre in that it offers a
variety of controversial scientific topics that will quench your thirst for a truly
informative read.
The Search for the Meaning of Space, Time, and Matter is a comprehensive
introduction to the history and development of the theories of the building blocks of
matter, cosmic space and the nature of time, as well as the evolutionary process of some
complex organisms. It provides the background for the most recent developments in the
search for the origin of space and matter using Einsteins theory of the cosmos and the
recent discovery of dark energy and the accelerated expansion of cosmic space.
The author Woehler introduces the String-theory revolution, which claims that
innumerable universes may exist, and that worlds may be emerging and disappearing
like biological species. This concept of emergence suggests that our existence is
extraordinarily rare and therefore precious. Delve into these astonishing discoveries
under Woehlers guidance with this practical read!
About the author

About the Author

Kai Woehler received his undergraduate degree in physics from Bonn University in
Germany and his graduate degree from Technical Hochschule, Aachen Germany. After
years of working in the electronic industry, he worked in the Max Planck Institute for
Physics under the direction of Werner Heisenberg, leading discoverer of quantum
In 1962, he migrated to the United States, where for the next forty-five years he taught
graduate level physics at the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,

California. He has given general and technical lectures on quantum mechanics, particle
physics, general relativity, cosmology and string theory. He is an avid traveler who has
visited some of the remotest places on earth.
Buy the book
Get new insights, learn more principles and study scientific laws as you
journey into the unfathomable depths and complexities of physics!

New Book Encourages Parents to Nurture the Youth for a Better Society

Parents are not the only ones responsible for the rearing of the youth. Teachers, leaders,
preachers and those in authority over children can also aid in their upbringing by being good
examples to the young ones. Witness a childs touching call for love and guidance in Cynthia
Gadsons Show Me! Teach Me! Guide Me!, a picture poetry book published by Tate Publishing,

Told through a childs perspective, this book highlights the basic needs of every child love,
attention, and guidance. Author Gadson shows that since children see adults as role models, the
latter may have an impact on the formers beliefs and behavior. This book serves as an eyeopener for adults as it shows why it is always important to display the good and the positive to

Gadson also emphasizes that a childs development can have an effect on the society he belongs
to. If we care about our communities and our society, we can make changes. One way we can
make a change is through the way we nurture, lead, and guide our children. We must show them,
teach them, and guide them. This is how our children become positive, productive, and
influential citizens in our society, she writes.

Composed of around twenty stanzas, the poem shows that a childs key to living a good life is
learning what is right. It seeks to elicit a positive response from adults everywhere to lead the
young ones to the right path in order to build a better and brighter society.

Brimming with colorful and lesson-filled illustrations, Show Me! Teach Me! Guide Me! is a
picture book that truly moves and inspires. For more information on this book, please visit

About the Author

Cynthia Gadson was born in Tampa, Florida. She is a missionary and formerly a member of the
Baptist Church where she learned spiritual teaching. Ms. Gadson served in the United States
Army in 1983 to 1988, earning an honorable discharge. She is currently teaching in Hillsborough

Tate Publishing Releases Gripping Paranormal Mystery

Budding author Chelsea Ramsey is a lover of art and stories. She took courses at the Art Institute
for Game Art and Design but felt that it was not the right career for her. When asked by her
mother what she really loved to do, Ramsey said, What I would really, absolutely love to do, is
write my stories. I would absolutely love to be an author. Her book, Brink: The Awakening,
marks her debut into the literary scene.

Brink: The Awakening tells the story of Luke, an ordinary young man who discovers he is not
ordinary at all. He unconsciously undergoes mental and physical changes which enables him to
expend energy something that a normal person cannot do. He starts to sense things with his
mind and feels that somewhere, someone is watching his every move.

Lukes condition starts to trouble him when he almost kills a friends father when the latter
threatened Lukes father at gunpoint. Still, he keeps his secret to himself until one day a man
shows up, giving him the answers he has long been searching for. The man then invites him to
join an organization which gives him an opportunity to control and harness his newfound power
for a good purpose.

Should Luke join the organization and be helped by people like him or will he choose to deal
with his power on his own, which may lead to his destruction?

Ramsey masterfully pieces together interesting characters and events into this impressive book of
mystery. Readers will be attached to the story of Luke and his friends, as they strive to find out
what is driving Luke to the brink of his sanity. A story of self-discovery, familial love,
reunification, friendship and mystery, this book is a good addition to every bookworms fiction

For more information on this book, please visit

LastNote Releases New Album through Tate Music Group

Victor, New York LastNote, an original refined rock-groove band, introduces HighWays, a
new album which features artist Nick LeDucs vocal prowess. The band was founded in 2007 by
LeDuc. Since then, it has become an unstoppable force, conquering not only Rochester but far
beyond it.

In HighWays, the band performs eight impressive hits, giving its listeners a delightful mix of
classic guitar styles and refreshing rhythms. People will come to appreciate Nick DeLucs
signature style as he renders one of the freshest sounds in the history of the music industry.

LeDuc himself pens the bands tunes, including covers ranging from The Grateful Dead to The
Pixies.With its one-of-a-kind rhythmic beats, LastNote confirms that it is indeed one of the best
in the music scene.

For more information on LastNote, please visit and Purchase

your album today!
(These write-ups are the property of Tate Publishing and Xlibris Publishing.)

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