Configuration Guide - IP Service (V100R006C00 - 01)

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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches


Configuration Guide - IP Service






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Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

About This Document

About This Document

Intended Audience
This document describes the configurations of the IP services of the S2700, including the basic
knowledge and configurations of secondary IP addresses, DNS, IP performance, basic IPv6
functions. By reading this document, you can learn the concepts and configuration procedures
of IP services.
This document is intended for:

Policy planning engineers

Installation and commissioning engineers

NM configuration engineers

Technical support engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.





Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which
if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not
avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.


Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save



Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

About This Document

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.



The keywords of a command line are in boldface.


Command arguments are in italics.


Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... }

Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }*

Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]*

Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.


The parameter before the & sign can be repeated 1 to n times.

A line starting with the # sign is comments.

Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all changes made in previous issues.

Changes in Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Initial commercial release.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii
1 IP Addresses Configuration........................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction to IP Addresses..............................................................................................................................2
1.2 Features of IP Addresses Supported by the S2700.............................................................................................2
1.3 Configuring IP Addresses for Interfaces............................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.........................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Configuring a Primary IP Address for an Interface...................................................................................3
1.3.3 (Optional) Configuring a Secondary IP Address for an Interface.............................................................4
1.3.4 Checking the Configuration.......................................................................................................................4
1.4 Configuration Examples.....................................................................................................................................5
1.4.1 Example for Setting Primary and Secondary IP Addresses......................................................................5

2 ARP Configuration........................................................................................................................8
2.1 Overview of ARP...............................................................................................................................................9
2.2 ARP Features Supported by the S2700..............................................................................................................9
2.3 Configuring Static ARP....................................................................................................................................10
2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................10
2.3.2 Configuring Common Static ARP Entries...............................................................................................11
2.3.3 Configuring Static ARP Entries in a VLAN...........................................................................................11
2.3.4 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................12
2.4 Optimizing Dynamic ARP................................................................................................................................12
2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................13
2.4.2 Modify the aging parameters of dynamic ARP.......................................................................................13
2.4.3 Enabling ARP Suppression Function......................................................................................................14
2.4.4 Enabling Layer 2 Topology Detection Function.....................................................................................14
2.4.5 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................14
2.5 Configuring Routed Proxy ARP.......................................................................................................................15
2.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................15
2.5.2 Configure an IP Addresses for the Interface............................................................................................16
2.5.3 Enabling the Routed Proxy ARP Function..............................................................................................16
2.5.4 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................16
2.6 Configuring Proxy ARP Within a VLAN........................................................................................................17
2.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................17
Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service


2.6.2 Configure an IP Addresses for the Interface............................................................................................18

2.6.3 Enabling Proxy ARP Within a VLAN....................................................................................................18
2.6.4 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................18
2.7 Configuring Proxy ARP Between VLANs.......................................................................................................19
2.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................19
2.7.2 Configuring an IP Addresses for the Interface........................................................................................20
2.7.3 Enabling Proxy ARP Between VLANs...................................................................................................20
2.7.4 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................20
2.8 Maintaining ARP..............................................................................................................................................21
2.8.1 Clearing ARP Entries..............................................................................................................................21
2.8.2 Monitoring Network Operation Status of ARP.......................................................................................21
2.8.3 Debugging ARP.......................................................................................................................................22
2.9 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................22
2.9.1 Example for Configuring ARP................................................................................................................22
2.9.2 Example for Configuring Routed Proxy ARP.........................................................................................25
2.9.3 Example for Configuring Intra-VLAN Proxy ARP................................................................................27
2.9.4 Example for Configuring Inter-VLAN Proxy ARP................................................................................29
2.9.5 Example for Configuring Layer 2 Topology Detection..........................................................................32

3 IP Performance Configuration..................................................................................................35
3.1 Introduction to IP Performance........................................................................................................................36
3.2 IP Performance Supported by the S2700..........................................................................................................36
3.3 Optimizing IP Performance..............................................................................................................................36
3.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................36
3.3.2 Enabling an Interface to Check the Source IP Addresses of Packets......................................................37
3.3.3 Configuring ICMP Attributes..................................................................................................................38
3.3.4 Setting TCP Parameters...........................................................................................................................38
3.3.5 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................39
3.4 Maintaining IP Performance.............................................................................................................................40
3.4.1 Clearing IP Performance Statistics..........................................................................................................40
3.4.2 Monitoring the Running Status of IP Performance.................................................................................41
3.4.3 Debugging IP Performance.....................................................................................................................41
3.5 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................42
3.5.1 Example for Disabling the Sending of ICMP Host Unreachable Packets...............................................42

4 DNS Configuration.....................................................................................................................46
4.1 Introduction to DNS.........................................................................................................................................47
4.2 DNS Supported by the S2700...........................................................................................................................47
4.3 Configuring DNS..............................................................................................................................................47
4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................47
4.3.2 Configuring Static DNS Entries..............................................................................................................48
4.3.3 Configuring Dynamic DNS.....................................................................................................................48
4.3.4 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................49
4.4 Maintaining DNS..............................................................................................................................................50
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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service


4.4.1 Clearing DNS Entries..............................................................................................................................50

4.4.2 Monitoring Network Operation Status of DNS.......................................................................................51
4.4.3 Debugging DNS......................................................................................................................................51
4.5 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................52
4.5.1 Example for Configuring DNS................................................................................................................52

5 Basic Configurations of IPv6.....................................................................................................56

5.1 Introduction to IPv6..........................................................................................................................................57
5.2 IPv6 Features Supported by the S2700.............................................................................................................57
5.3 Configuring an IPv6 Address for an Interface..................................................................................................59
5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................59
5.3.2 Enabling IPv6 Packet Forwarding Capability.........................................................................................60
5.3.3 Configuring an IPv6 Link-Local Address for an Interface......................................................................60
5.3.4 Configuring an IPv6 Global Unicast Address for an Interface................................................................61
5.3.5 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................62
5.4 Configuring IPv6 Neighbor Discovery.............................................................................................................62
5.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................62
5.4.2 Configuring Static Neighbors..................................................................................................................63
5.4.3 Enabling RA Message Advertising.........................................................................................................63
5.4.4 Setting the Interval for Advertising RA Messages..................................................................................64
5.4.5 Enabling Stateful Auto Configuration.....................................................................................................65
5.4.6 Configuring the Address Prefixes to Be Advertised...............................................................................65
5.4.7 Configuring Other Information to Be Advertised...................................................................................66
5.4.8 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................67
5.5 Maintaining IPv6..............................................................................................................................................68
5.5.1 Clearing IPv6 Statistics...........................................................................................................................68
5.5.2 Monitoring the Running Status of IPv6...................................................................................................69
5.5.3 Debugging IPv6.......................................................................................................................................69
5.6 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................70
5.6.1 Example for Setting an IPv6 Address for an Interface............................................................................70

6 IPv6 DNS Configuration............................................................................................................74

6.1 Introduction to IPv6 DNS.................................................................................................................................75
6.2 IPv6 DNS Supported by the S2700..................................................................................................................75
6.3 Configuring IPv6 DNS.....................................................................................................................................75
6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................75
6.3.2 Configuring a Static IPv6 DNS Entry.....................................................................................................76
6.3.3 Configuring the Dynamic IPv6 DNS Services........................................................................................76
6.3.4 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................77
6.4 Maintaining IPv6 DNS.....................................................................................................................................78
6.4.1 Clearing IPv6 DNS Entries......................................................................................................................78
6.4.2 Monitoring Network Operation Status of IPv6 DNS..............................................................................79
6.5 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................79

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service


6.5.1 Example for Configuring IPv6 DNS.......................................................................................................79

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration

IP Addresses Configuration

About This Chapter

By assigning IP addresses to network devices, you can enable data communications between
the network devices.
1.1 Introduction to IP Addresses
IP is the core of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The packets of the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and Internet
Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) are all transmitted in the format of IP datagrams. Devices
on different networks communicate with each other using their network layer addresses, namely
IP addresses.
1.2 Features of IP Addresses Supported by the S2700
IP addresses can be obtained through static manual configuration or DHCP.
1.3 Configuring IP Addresses for Interfaces
Assigning an IP address to a device on a network enables the device to communicate with the
other devices on the network.
1.4 Configuration Examples
This section provides several examples of IP address configuration.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration

1.1 Introduction to IP Addresses

IP is the core of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The packets of the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and Internet
Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) are all transmitted in the format of IP datagrams. Devices
on different networks communicate with each other using their network layer addresses, namely
IP addresses.
To communicate with each other on Internet Protocol (IP) networks, each host must be assigned
an IP address.
An IP address is a 32-bit number that is composed of two parts, namely, the network ID and
host ID.
The network ID identifies a network and the host ID identifies a host on the network. If the
network IDs of hosts are the same, it indicates that the hosts are on the same network regardless
of their physical locations.

1.2 Features of IP Addresses Supported by the S2700

IP addresses can be obtained through static manual configuration or DHCP.
The S2700 supports IP address configuration through the following methods:

Manually configuring an IP address for an interface

Obtaining an IP address by DHCP

The S2700 supports the space overlapping of network segment addresses to save the address

Different IP addresses in the overlapped network segments but not same can be configured
on different interfaces of the same device. For example, after an interface on a device is
configured with the IP address, if another interface is configured with the IP
address, the system prompts a message. However, the configuration is still
successful; if another interface is configured with the IP address, the system
prompts an IP address conflict. The configuration fails.

The primary IP address and the secondary IP address in the overlapped network segments
but not same can be configured on the same interface. For example, after the interface is
configured with a primary IP address, if the secondary IP address is
sub, the system prompts a message. However, the configuration is still successful.

The primary IP address and the secondary IP address in the overlapped network segments
but not same can be configured on different interfaces of the same device. However, the
primary IP address and the secondary IP address cannot be the same. For example, after an
interface on a device is configured with the IP address, if another interface is
configured with the IP address sub, the system prompts a message. However,
the configuration is still successful.

The S2700 supports 31-bit IP address masks. Therefore, there are only two IP addresses in a
network segment, that is, the network address and broadcast address. The two IP addresses can
be used as host addresses.
Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration

1.3 Configuring IP Addresses for Interfaces

Assigning an IP address to a device on a network enables the device to communicate with the
other devices on the network.

1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for assigning an IP address to an interface.

Applicable Environment
To start IP services on an interface, configure the IP address for the interface. You can assign
several IP addresses to each interface. Among them, one is the primary IP address and the others
are secondary IP addresses.
Generally, you need to configure only a primary IP address for an interface. Secondary IP
addresses, however, are required in some cases. For instance, when a device connects to a
physical network through an interface, and computers on this network belong to two Class C
networks, you need to configure a primary IP address and a secondary IP address for this interface
to ensure that the device can communication with all computers on this network.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring an IP addresses for an interface, complete the following tasks:

Configuring the physical parameters for the interface and ensuring that the physical layer
status of the interface is Up

Configuring the link layer parameters for the interface and ensuring that the status of the
link layer protocol on the interface is Up

Data Preparation
To configure IP addresses for an interface, you need the following data.


Interface number

Primary IP address and subnet mask of the interface

(Optional) Secondary IP address and subnet mask of the interface

1.3.2 Configuring a Primary IP Address for an Interface

An interface can have only one primary IP address.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length }

A primary IP address is configured.

An interface has only one primary IP address. If the interface already has a primary IP address,
the newly configured primary IP address replaces the original one.

1.3.3 (Optional) Configuring a Secondary IP Address for an

To enable an interface to communicate with several networks with different network IDs, you
need to assign a secondary IP address to this interface.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length } sub

A secondary IP address is configured.

You can configure a maximum of 8 secondary IP addresses on an interface.

1.3.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of the IP address for an interface.

The configurations of the IP addresses for the interface are complete.
Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration


Run the display ip interface [ brief ] [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ] command to

check the IP configuration on the interface.

Run the display interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ] command to check

interface information.


1.4 Configuration Examples

This section provides several examples of IP address configuration.

1.4.1 Example for Setting Primary and Secondary IP Addresses

This section provides a configuration example of setting primary and secondary IP addresses.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 1-1, Ethernet 0/0/1 of the Switch is connected to a LAN, in which hosts
belong to two different network segments, that is and It is required
that the Switch can access the two network segments but the host in cannot
interconnect with the host in
Figure 1-1 Networking diagram for setting IP addresses


Ethernet 0/0/1
VLANIF 100 sub

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Analyze the address of the network segment to which each interface is connected.


Set the secondary IP addresses for an interface.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.

Primary IP address and subnet mask of the VLANIF interface

Secondary IP address and subnet mask of the VLANIF interface

Step 1 Set the IP address for VLANIF 100 where Ethernet 0/0/1 of the Switch belongs.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 100
[Quidway-Vlan100] quit
[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 100
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 100
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[Quidway] interface vlanif 100
[Quidway-Vlanif100] ip address 24
[Quidway-Vlanif100] ip address 24 sub

Step 2 Verify the configuration.

# Ping a host on network segment from Switch. The ping succeeds.
<Quidway> ping
PING 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=128
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=128
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=128
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=128
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=128
--- ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 25/26/27 ms



Ping a host on network segment from the Switch. The ping succeeds.
<Quidway> ping
PING 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=128 time=25
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=128 time=26
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=128 time=26
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=128 time=26
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=128 time=26
--- ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 25/25/26 ms



Configuration Files
Configuration file of the Switch
sysname Quidway
vlan 100
interface Vlanif100

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

1 IP Addresses Configuration

ip address

ip address sub
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

2 ARP Configuration

ARP Configuration

About This Chapter

ARP can map an IP address to a MAC address and implements transmission of Ethernet frames.
2.1 Overview of ARP
An Ethernet device must support ARP. ARP implements dynamic mapping between Layer 3 IP
addresses and Layer 2 MAC addresses.
2.2 ARP Features Supported by the S2700
This section describes the ARP features supported by the S2700.
2.3 Configuring Static ARP
Static ARP indicates that there is a fixed mapping between an IP address and a MAC address.
Static ARP needs to be configured by an administrator.
2.4 Optimizing Dynamic ARP
If dynamic ARP is configured, the system automatically resolutes an IP address into an Ethernet
MAC address.
2.5 Configuring Routed Proxy ARP
Proxy ARP enables devices whose IP addresses belong to the same network segment but
different physical networks to communicate with each other.
2.6 Configuring Proxy ARP Within a VLAN
By configuring proxy ARP on a VLAN, you can interconnect isolated hosts on a VLAN.
2.7 Configuring Proxy ARP Between VLANs
By configuring inter-VLAN proxy ARP, you can interconnect hosts on different VLANs.
2.8 Maintaining ARP
The operations of ARP maintenance include clearing ARP statistics and monitoring ARP
operating status.
2.9 Configuration Examples
This section provides several configuration examples of ARP.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

2 ARP Configuration

2.1 Overview of ARP

An Ethernet device must support ARP. ARP implements dynamic mapping between Layer 3 IP
addresses and Layer 2 MAC addresses.
Each host or device on the Local Area Network (LAN) can be configured a 32-bit IP address to
communicate with others. The assigned IP address is independent of the hardware address.
On the Ethernet, a host or a device transmits and receives Ethernet frames according to a 48-bit
Medium Access Control (MAC) address. The MAC address is also called the physical address
or the hardware address, which is assigned to an Ethernet interface when equipment is produced.
Therefore, on an interconnected network, an address resolution mechanism is required to provide
the mapping between MAC addresses and IP addresses.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps an IP address to the corresponding MAC address.

2.2 ARP Features Supported by the S2700

This section describes the ARP features supported by the S2700.
The S2700 supports dynamic ARP, static ARP, proxy ARP, and Layer 2 topology detection.

ARP is classified into the following types: dynamic ARP and static ARP.

Static ARP means the mapping between manually configured IP addresses and MAC

Dynamic ARP means that the ARP mapping table is dynamically maintained by the ARP

proxy ARP
The S2700 supports the following types of proxy ARP:

The S2700SI does not support Intra-VLAN proxy ARP and Inter-VLAN proxy ARP.

Routed proxy ARP

Proxy ARP lets the PCs or switchs on the same network segment but in different physical
networks communicate.
In actual applications, if the current host connected with a switch is not configured with a
default gateway address (that is, the host does not know how to reach the intermediate
system of the network), the host cannot forward data packets.
Routed proxy ARP is introduced to solve this problem. The host sends an ARP Request
message, requesting the MAC address of the destination host. After receiving such a
request, the switch enabled with proxy ARP answers with its own MAC address. By
"faking" its identity, the switch accepts responsibility for routing messages to the "real"

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

2 ARP Configuration

The switch enabled with proxy ARP can also hide the details of the physical networks and
implement the communication between hosts that are in different physical networks but on
the same network segment.

Intra-VLAN proxy ARP

In the scenario where two users belong to the same VLAN but user isolation is configured
in the VLAN, to implement communication between the two users, you need to enable
proxy ARP with a VLAN on the member interface of the VLAN.
The interface enabled with proxy ARP within a VLAN does not directly discard the ARP
Request messages that are not for themselves. Instead, it searches the ARP mappings table
for the corresponding ARP entries. In this case, if the switch is qualified to serve as a proxy,
the interface sends the MAC address of the switch to the sender of the ARP Request
Proxy ARP within a VLAN implements the interworking between isolated users in the
same VLAN.

Inter-VLAN proxy ARP

In the scenario where two users belong to different VLANs, to implement communication
between the two users, you need to enable proxy ARP between VLANs on the member
interfaces of the VLANs.
The interfaces enabled with proxy ARP between VLANs do not directly discard the ARP
Request messages that are not for themselves. Instead, they search the ARP mappings tables
on themselves for the corresponding ARP entries. If the conditions for being a proxy are
met, the interface sends the MAC address of the switch to the sender of the ARP Request
Proxy ARP between VLANs is mainly applied to the following situations:
Implementing Layer 3 interworking between users in different VLANs
Implementing interworking between sub-VLANs by enabling proxy ARP between
VLANs on the VLANIF interface of the super VLAN

2.3 Configuring Static ARP

Static ARP indicates that there is a fixed mapping between an IP address and a MAC address.
Static ARP needs to be configured by an administrator.

2.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring static ARP.

Applicable Environment
Static ARP is used in the following situations:

For the packets whose destination IP address is on another network segment, static ARP
can help these packets traverse a gateway of the local network segment so that the gateway
can forward the packets to their destination.

When you need to filter out some packets with illegitimate destination IP addresses, static
ARP can bind these illegitimate addresses to a nonexistent MAC address.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

2 ARP Configuration

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring ARP, complete the following tasks:

Configuring physical parameters for the interface and ensuring that the status of the physical
layer of the interface is Up

Configuring link layer protocol parameters for the interface and ensuring that the status of
the link layer protocol on the interface is Up

Configuring the network layer protocol for the interface

Data Preparation
To configure ARP, you need the following data.


IP address and MAC address of the static ARP entry

VPN instance name and VLAN ID to which the static ARP entry belongs

2.3.2 Configuring Common Static ARP Entries

Static ARP entries are required for the communication between common interfaces.

If static ARP and the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) are enabled on a device
simultaneously, the virtual IP address of the VRRP backup group configured on the VLANIF
interface cannot be the IP address contained in the static ARP entries; otherwise, incorrect host
routes are generated and thus packets cannot be normally forwarded.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
arp static ip-address mac-address

Configure common static ARP entries.


Static ARP entries keep valid when a device works normally.


2.3.3 Configuring Static ARP Entries in a VLAN

In the scenario where two users belong to the same VLAN but user isolation is configured in
the VLAN, to implement communications between the two users, you need to enable static ARP
within the VLAN on the member interface of the VLAN.
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2 ARP Configuration

If static ARP and the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) are enabled on a device
simultaneously, the virtual IP address of the VRRP backup group configured on the VLAN
interface cannot be the IP address contained in the static ARP entries; otherwise, incorrect host
routes are generated and thus packets cannot be normally forwarded.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Configure static ARP entries in a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).
To configure static ARP entries in a VLAN, do as follows:
l Run the arp static ip-address mac-address [ vid vlan-id interface interface-type interfacenumber ] command.
To configure static ARP entries for VLANIF interfaces, if an ARP entry contains only the
IP address and MAC address, and the VLAN ID and outbound interface of the ARP packet
are not specified, the system selects the outbound interface automatically. If the VLAN ID
and outbound interface are specified, the system forwards the packet from the specified
outbound interface.
If the interface corresponding to the VLAN is bound to a Virtual Private Network (VPN),
the device can automatically associate the configured static ARP entry with the VPN. This
command is applicable to port-based VLANs.

Static ARP entries keep valid when a device works normally.


2.3.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of static ARP.

The configurations of the ARP function are complete.


Run the display arp statistics { all } command to check the statistics for ARP entries.


2.4 Optimizing Dynamic ARP

If dynamic ARP is configured, the system automatically resolutes an IP address into an Ethernet
MAC address.

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2 ARP Configuration

2.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for optimizing dynamic ARP.

Applicable Environment
Dynamic ARP is one of functions owned by a device or host. You do not need to run a command
to enable dynamic ARP but you can modify some parameters of dynamic ARP.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Data Preparation
Optimizing dynamic ARP, you need the following data.


Aging detection times of the dynamic ARP entry

Aging time of the dynamic ARP entry

2.4.2 Modify the aging parameters of dynamic ARP

If the device needs to update ARP entries frequently, you can reduce the aging timeout period
of ARP entries, increase the number of aging detections for ARP entries, and reduce the aging
detection intervals of ARP entries.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
arp detect-times detect-times

The number of aging detection times of the dynamic ARP entries is configured.
Step 4 Run:
arp expire-time expire-times

The timeout period for aging dynamic ARP entries is configured.

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2 ARP Configuration

By default, the aging detection times of the dynamic ARP entries is three, and the aging timeout
period is 1200 seconds.
Step 5 Run:
arp detect-mode unicast

The interface is configured to send ARP Aging Detection packets in unicast mode.
By default, an interface sends ARP Aging Detection packets in broadcast mode.

2.4.3 Enabling ARP Suppression Function

If the system receives a great number of ARP packets from the same source at a time, the system
needs to update ARP entries repeatedly. To ensure the performance of the system, you can enable
ARP suppression. In this manner, the system only responds to the ARP packets but does not
update ARP entries.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
arp-suppress enable

ARP suppression is enabled on the current device.


2.4.4 Enabling Layer 2 Topology Detection Function

After Layer 2 topology detection is enabled, the system updates all the ARP entries
corresponding to the VLANs to which a Layer 2 interface belongs, if this Layer 2 interface goes

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
l2-topology detect enable

The Layer 2 topology detection function is enabled.

By default, this function is not enabled.

2.4.5 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of dynamic ARP.
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2 ARP Configuration

The configurations of the ARP function are complete.


Run the display arp interface interface-type interface-number command to check

information about ARP mapping tables based on interfaces.

Run the display arp statistics { all } command to check the statistics for ARP entries.


2.5 Configuring Routed Proxy ARP

Proxy ARP enables devices whose IP addresses belong to the same network segment but
different physical networks to communicate with each other.

2.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring routed proxy ARP.

Applicable Environment
The two physical networks of an enterprise are in different subnets of the same IP network, and
are separated by a device. You need to enable the proxy ARP on the device interface connected
to the physical networks. This enables communication between the two networks.
Network IDs of subnet hosts must be the same. You need not configure default gateways for

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring routed proxy ARP, complete the following tasks:

Configuring the physical parameters for the interface and ensuring that the status of the
physical layer of the interface is Up

Configuring the link layer parameters for the interface and ensuring that the status of the
link layer protocol on the interface is Up

Data Preparation
To configure routed proxy ARP, you need the following data.

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Number of the interface to be enabled with routed proxy ARP

IP address of the interface to be enabled with routed proxy ARP

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2 ARP Configuration

2.5.2 Configure an IP Addresses for the Interface

The IP address assigned to a routed proxy ARP-enabled interface must be on the same network
segment with the IP address of the host on the LAN to which this interface connects.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Routed proxy ARP can be enabled only on the VLANIF interface of the S2700.
Step 3 Run:
ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length }

The interface is configured with an IP address.

The IP address configured for the interface must be in the same network segment with that of
hosts in the LAN connected with this interface.

2.5.3 Enabling the Routed Proxy ARP Function

To interconnect the subnets in the same IP network, you need to enable routed proxy ARP.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
arp-proxy enable

By default, the routed proxy ARP function is disabled on the interface.

After routed proxy ARP is enabled, you must reduce the aging time of ARP entries in the deviece
so that the number of packets received but cannot be forwarded by the device is decreased. To
configure the aging time of ARP entries.

2.5.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of routed proxy ARP.
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2 ARP Configuration

The configurations of the routed proxy ARP function are complete.


Run the display arp interface interface-type interface-number command to check

information about ARP mapping tables based on interfaces.

Run the display arp statistics command to check statistics about ARP entries.


2.6 Configuring Proxy ARP Within a VLAN

By configuring proxy ARP on a VLAN, you can interconnect isolated hosts on a VLAN.

2.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring proxy ARP on a VLAN.

Applicable Environment
If two users are in the same VLAN but they are isolated from each other, to ensure the two users
can communicate, you need to enable proxy ARP within the VLAN on the interface associated
with the VLAN.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring proxy ARP within a VLAN, complete the following tasks:

Configuring physical attributes for the interface and ensuring that the status of the physical
layer of the interface is Up

Configuring the VLAN

Configuring user isolation in the VLAN

Data Preparation
To configure proxy ARP within a VLAN, you need the following data.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)



Number of the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP in a VLAN

IP address of the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP in a VLAN

VLAN ID associated with the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP in a VLAN

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2 ARP Configuration

2.6.2 Configure an IP Addresses for the Interface

The IP address assigned to an interface needs to be in the same network segment with the IP
addresses of the users of the VLANs associated to this interface.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Intra-VLAN proxy ARP can be enabled on only the VLANIF interface of the S2700.
Step 3 Run:
ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length }

The interface is configured with an IP address.

The IP address configured for the interface must be in the same network segment with that of
hosts in the VLAN associated with this interface.

2.6.3 Enabling Proxy ARP Within a VLAN

To interconnect isolated users on a VLAN, you need to enable intra-VLAN proxy ARP on the
interface associated to the VLAN.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
arp-proxy inner-sub-vlan-proxy enable

Proxy ARP within a VLAN is enabled.


2.6.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of intra-VLAN proxy ARP.
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2 ARP Configuration

The configurations of the proxy ARP within a VLAN function are complete.


Run the display arp interface interface-type interface-number command to check

information about ARP mapping tables based on interfaces.

Run the display arp statistics command to check statistics about ARP entries.


2.7 Configuring Proxy ARP Between VLANs

By configuring inter-VLAN proxy ARP, you can interconnect hosts on different VLANs.

2.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring inter-VLAN proxy ARP.

Applicable Environment
If two users belong to different VLANs and they need to communicate, you need to enable proxy
ARP between VLANs on the sub-interface associated with the VLAN.
IP addresses of hosts in a VLAN must be in the same network segment.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring proxy ARP between VLANs, complete the following tasks:

Configuring physical attributes for the interface and ensuring that the status of the physical
layer of the interface is Up

Configuring VLAN aggregation

Data Preparation
To configure proxy ARP between VLANs, you need the following data.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)



Number of the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP between VLANs

IP address of the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP between VLANs

VLAN ID associated with the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP between

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2 ARP Configuration

2.7.2 Configuring an IP Addresses for the Interface

The IP address assigned to an interface needs to be in the same network segment with the IP
addresses of the users of all the VLANs associated to this interface.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Inter-VLAN proxy ARP can be enabled only on the VLANIF interface of the S2700.
Step 3 Run:
ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length }

The interface is configured with an IP address.

The IP address configured for the interface must be in the same network segment with that of
hosts in the VLAN associated with this interface.

2.7.3 Enabling Proxy ARP Between VLANs

To interconnect users on different VLANs, you need to enable inter-VLAN proxy ARP on the
VLANIF interfaces.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable

Proxy ARP between VLANs is enabled.


2.7.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of inter-VLAN proxy ARP.
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2 ARP Configuration

The configurations of Proxy ARP Between VLANs are complete.


Run the display arp interface interface-type interface-number command to check

information about ARP mapping tables based on interfaces.

Run the display arp statistics command to check statistics about ARP entries.


2.8 Maintaining ARP

The operations of ARP maintenance include clearing ARP statistics and monitoring ARP
operating status.

2.8.1 Clearing ARP Entries

This section describes ARP entries clearance through the reset command.


l The mapping between the IP and MAC addresses is deleted after you clear ARP entries. So,
confirm the action before you use the command.
l The static ARP entries cannot restore after you clear it. So, confirm the action before you
use the command.

Step 1 Run the reset arp { all | dynamic | interface interface-type interface-number | static } command
in the user view to clear the ARP entries in the ARP mapping table.

2.8.2 Monitoring Network Operation Status of ARP

This section describes ARP operation monitoring through the display command.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following command in any view to check the operation
of ARP.

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2 ARP Configuration


Run the display arp interface interface-type interface-number command in any view to
check the information about the ARP mapping table based on interfaces.


2.8.3 Debugging ARP

This section describes ARP debugging through the debugging command.


Debugging affects the performance of the system. Thus, after debugging, run the undo
debugging all command to disable debugging immediately. When the CPU usage is close to
100%, debugging ARP may cause the board resetting. So, confirm the action before you use the
When faults occur during ARP operation, run the following debugging command in the user
view to debug ARP and locate the fault.
For more information, see chapter "Information Center Configuration" in the Quidway S2700
Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide-System Management. For descriptions about the
debugging commands, see the Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Debugging


Run the debugging arp packet [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command in

the user view to debug ARP.

Run the debugging arp-proxy [ inner-sub-vlan-proxy | inter-sub-vlan-proxy ]

[ interface interface-type interface-number ] command in the user view to debug proxy

Run the debugging arp process [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command

in the user view to debug the processing of ARP packets.


2.9 Configuration Examples

This section provides several configuration examples of ARP.

2.9.1 Example for Configuring ARP

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-1, GE 0/0/1 of the Switch is connected to the host through the LAN switch
(LSW); GE 0/0/2 is connected to the server through the router. It is required that:
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2 ARP Configuration

GE 0/0/1 should be added to VLAN 2, and GE 0/0/2 should be added to VLAN 3.

To adapt to fast changes of the network and ensure correct forwarding of packets, dynamic
ARP parameters should be set on VLANIF 2 of the Switch.

To ensure the security of the server and prevent invalid ARP packets, a static ARP entry
should be created on GE 0/0/2 of the Switch, with the IP address of the router being
and the MAC address being 00e0-fc01-0000.

Figure 2-1 Networking diagram for configuring ARP



Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Create a VLAN and add an interface to the VLAN.


Set dynamic ARP parameters on a VLANIF interface at the user side.


Create a static ARP entry.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

GE 0/0/1 added to VLAN 2 and GE 0/0/2 added to VLAN 3

VLANIF 2 with the IP address being and subnet mask being, aging
time of ARP entries being 60s, and number of detection times being 2

VLANIF 3 with the IP address being and subnet mask being

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2 ARP Configuration

Interface connecting the router and the Switch, with the IP address being, subnet
mask being, and MAC address being 00e0-fc01-0000

Step 1 Create a VLAN and add an interface to the VLAN.
# Create VLAN 2 and VLAN 3.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan batch 2 3

# Add GE 0/0/1 to VLAN 2 and add GE 0/0/2 to VLAN 3.

[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

hybrid tagged vlan 2
hybrid tagged vlan 3

Step 2 Set dynamic ARP parameters on a VLANIF interface.

# Create VLANIF2.
[Quidway] interface vlanif 2

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 2.

[Quidway-Vlanif2] ip address

# Set the aging time of ARP entries to 60s.

[Quidway-Vlanif2] arp expire-time 60

# Set the number of detection times before deleting ARP entries to 2.

[Quidway-Vlanif2] arp detect-times 2
[Quidway-Vlanif2] quit

# Create VLANIF 3.
[Quidway] interface vlanif 3

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 3.

[Quidway-Vlanif3] ip address
[Quidway-Vlanif3] quit

Step 3 Create a static ARP entry.

# Create a static ARP entry with IP address, MAC address 00e0-fc01-0000, VLAN ID
3, and outgoing interface GE 0/0/2.
[Quidway] arp static 00e0-fc01-0000 vid 3 interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Quidway] quit

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display current-configuration command. You can view the aging time of ARP
entries, the number of detection times before deleting ARP entries, and the ARP mapping table.
<Quidway> display current-configuration | include arp
arp expire-time 60
arp detect-times 2
arp static 00e0-fc01-0000 vid 3 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2

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2 ARP Configuration

Configuration Files
The following is the configuration file of the Switch.
sysname Quidway
vlan batch 2 to 3
interface Vlanif2
ip address
arp expire-time 60
arp detect-times 2
interface Vlanif3
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port hybrid tagged vlan 2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port hybrid tagged vlan 3
arp static 00e0-fc01-0000 vid 3 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2

2.9.2 Example for Configuring Routed Proxy ARP

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-2, GE 0/0/1 and GE 0/0/2 of the Switch are connected to a LAN
respectively, and the network IDs of the two LANs are Host A and Host B are
not configured with the default gateway. It is required that routed proxy ARP should be enabled
on the Switch so that hosts in the two LANs can communicate.
Figure 2-2 Networking diagram for configuring routed proxy ARP

Host A

Host B





Ethernet A

Ethernet B

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
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Assign an IP Address to an interface.

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2 ARP Configuration

Enable routed proxy ARP on the interface.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

IP addresses of the interfaces

IP addresses of the hosts

Step 1 Create VLAN 2 and add GE 0/0/1 to VLAN 2.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 2
[Quidway-vlan2] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type access
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port default vlan 2
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

Step 2 Create and configure VLANIF 2.

[Quidway] interface vlanif 2
[Quidway-Vlanif2] ip address

Step 3 Enable routed proxy ARP on VLANIF 2.

[Quidway-Vlanif2] arp-proxy enable
[Quidway-Vlanif2] quit

Step 4 Create VLAN 3 and add GE 0/0/2 to VLAN 3.

[Quidway] vlan 3
[Quidway-vlan3] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type access
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port default vlan 3
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

Step 5 Create and configure VLANIF 3.

[Quidway] interface vlanif 3
[Quidway-Vlanif3] ip address

Step 6 Enable routed proxy ARP on VLANIF 3.

[Quidway-Vlanif3] arp-proxy enable
[Quidway-Vlanif3] quit

Step 7 Configure the hosts.

# Assign IP address to Host A.
# Assign IP address to Host B.
Step 8 Verify the configuration.
# Ping Host B from Host A. The ping operation is successful.

Configuration Files
Configuration file of the Switch
sysname Quidway

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2 ARP Configuration

vlan batch 2 to 3
interface Vlanif2
ip address
arp-proxy enable
interface Vlanif3
ip address
arp-proxy enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type access
port default vlan 2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type access
port default vlan 3

2.9.3 Example for Configuring Intra-VLAN Proxy ARP

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-3, GE 0/0/2 and GE 0/0/1 of the Switch belong to Sub-VLAN 2. SubVLAN 2 belong to Super-VLAN 3. It is required that:

Host A and host B in VLAN 2 should be isolated at Layer 2.

Host A should communicate with host B at Layer 3 through intra-VLAN proxy ARP.

The IP address and subnet mask of the VLANIF interface in Super-VLAN 3 should be
Figure 2-3 Networking diagram for configuring intra-VLAN proxy ARP






Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
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2 ARP Configuration


Create and configure a Super-VLAN and a Sub-VLAN.


Add an interface to the Sub-VLAN.


Create a VLANIF interface of the Super-VLAN and assign an IP address to the VLANIF


Enable intra-VLAN proxy ARP on the VLANIF interface of the Super-VLAN.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

VLAN IDs of the Super-VLAN and Sub-VLAN

GE 0/0/2 and GE 0/0/1 belonging to Sub-VLAN 2

IP address and subnet mask of VLANIF 3 of Super-VLAN 3 being and

Step 1 Configure the Super-VLAN and Sub-VLAN.
# Configure Sub-VLAN 2.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 2
[Quidway-vlan2] quit

# Enable port isolation on GE 0/0/1 and GE 0/0/2.

[Quidway] port-isolate mode l2
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port-isolate enable
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port-isolate enable
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

# Add GE 0/0/1 and GE 0/0/2 to Sub-VLAN 2.

[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

link-type access
default vlan 2
link-type access
default vlan 2

# Configure Super-VLAN 3 and add Sub-VLAN 2 to Super-VLAN 3.

[Quidway] vlan 3
[Quidway-vlan3] aggregate-vlan
[Quidway-vlan3] access-vlan 2
[Quidway-vlan3] quit

Step 2 Create and configure VLANIF 3.

# Create VLANIF 3.
[Quidway] interface vlanif 3

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 3.

[Quidway-Vlanif3] ip address 24

Step 3 Enable intra-VLAN proxy ARP on VLANIF 3.

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2 ARP Configuration

[Quidway-Vlanif3] arp-proxy inner-sub-vlan-proxy enable

[Quidway-Vlanif3] quit

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display current-configuration command. You can view the configurations of the
Super-VLAN, Sub-VLAN, and VLANIF interface. For query results, see the following
configuration file.
# Run the display arp command to view all the ARP entries.
<Quidway> display arp

I Vlanif3
00e0-fc00-0002 19
00e0-fc00-0003 19


Configuration Files
The following lists the configuration file of the Switch.
sysname Quidway
vlan batch 2 to 3
vlan 3
access-vlan 2
interface Vlanif3
ip address
arp-proxy inner-sub-vlan-proxy enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type access
port default vlan 2
port-isolate enable group 1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type access
port default vlan 2
port-isolate enable group 1

2.9.4 Example for Configuring Inter-VLAN Proxy ARP

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-4, VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 constitute Super-VLAN 4. It is required that:

Hosts in the Sub-VLANs 2 and 3 should not be pinged mutually.

Hosts in VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 should be pinged mutually after inter-VLAN proxy ARP
is enabled.

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2 ARP Configuration

Figure 2-4 Networking diagram for configuring inter-VLAN proxy ARP







Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure a Super-VLAN and a Sub-VLAN.


Add an interface to the sub-VLAN.


Create an VLANIF interface of the Super-VLAN and assign an IP address to the VLANIF


Enable inter-VLAN proxy ARP.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

VLAN IDs of the Super-VLAN and Sub-VLAN

Eth 0/0/2 and Eth 0/0/1 belonging to Sub-VLAN 2

Eth 0/0/3 and Eth 0/0/4 belonging to Sub-VLAN 3

IP address and subnet mask of VLANIF 4 in Super-VLAN 4 being and

Step 1 Configure the Super-VLAN and Sub-VLAN.
# Configure Sub-VLAN 2.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 2
[Quidway-vlan2] quit

# Add Eth 0/0/1 and Eth 0/0/2 to Sub-VLAN 2.

[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port link-type access
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port default vlan 2

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2 ARP Configuration

[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/2
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/2] port link-type access
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/2] port default vlan 2
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/2] quit

# Configure Sub-VLAN 3.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 3
[Quidway-vlan3] quit

# Add Eth0/0/3 and Eth0/0/4 to Sub-VLAN 3.

[Quidway] interface ethernet
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/3] port
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/3] port
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/3] quit
[Quidway] interface ethernet
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/4] port
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/4] port
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/4] quit

link-type access
default vlan 3
link-type access
default vlan 3

# Configure Super-VLAN 4 and add Sub-VLAN 2 to Super-VLAN 4.

[Quidway] vlan 4
[Quidway-vlan4] aggregate-vlan
[Quidway-vlan4] access-vlan 2
[Quidway-vlan4] access-vlan 3
[Quidway-vlan4] quit

Step 2 Create and configure VLANIF 4.

# Create VLANIF 4.
[Quidway] interface vlanif 4

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 4.

[Quidway-Vlanif4] ip address 24

Step 3 Enable inter-VLAN proxy ARP on VLANIF 4.

[Quidway-Vlanif4] arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable
[Quidway-Vlanif4] quit

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display current-configuration command. You can view the configurations of the
Super-VLAN, Sub-VLAN, and VLANIF interface. For query results, see the following
configuration file.
# Run the display arp command to view all the ARP entries.
<Quidway> display arp

I Vlanif4
00e0-fc00-0002 19
00e0-fc00-0003 19
00e0-fc00-0004 19
00e0-fc00-0005 19

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2 ARP Configuration

Configuration Files
The following lists the configuration file of the Switch.
sysname Quidway
vlan batch 2 to 4
vlan 4
access-vlan 2 to 3
interface Vlanif4
ip address
arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port link-type access
port default vlan 2
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port link-type access
port default vlan 2
interface Ethernet0/0/3
port link-type access
port default vlan 3
interface Ethernet0/0/4
port link-type access
port default vlan 3

2.9.5 Example for Configuring Layer 2 Topology Detection

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-5, two GE interfaces are added to VLAN 100 in default mode and the IP
addresses of the two GE interfaces are shown in the figure.
Figure 2-5 Networking diagram for configuring Layer 2 topology detection




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2 ARP Configuration

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Add two GE interfaces to VLAN 100 in default mode.


Enable Layer 2 topology detection and view changes of ARP entries.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Types and numbers of the interfaces to be added to a VLAN

IP addresses of the VLANIF interface and the PCs

Step 1 Create VLAN 100 and add the two GE interfaces of the Switch to VLAN 100 in default mode.
# Create VLANIF 100 and assign an IP addresses to VLANIF 100.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan 100
[Quidway-vlan100] quit
[Quidway] interface vlanif 100
[Quidway-vlanif100] ip address 24
[Quidway-vlanif100] quit

# Add the two GE interfaces to VLAN 100 in default mode.

[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

link-type access
default vlan 100
link-type access
default vlan 100

Step 2 # Enable Layer 2 topology detection.

[Quidway] l2-topology detect enable

Step 3 Restart GE 0/0/1 and view changes of the ARP entries and aging time.
# View ARP entries on the Switch. You can find that the Switch has learnt the MAC address of
the PC.
[Quidway] display arp all





I Vlanif100
00e0-c01a-4901 20
00e0-de24-bf04 20

# Run the shutdown command and then the undoshutdown command on GE 0/0/1 to view the
aging time of ARP entries.
[Quidway] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] shutdown
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] undo shutdown
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] display arp all

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2 ARP Configuration


I Vlanif100
00e0-de24-bf04 0

According to the displayed information, the ARP entry learned from GE 0/0/1 is deleted after GE 0/0/1 is
shut down. The aging time of ARP entries learned from GE 0/0/2 becomes 0 after GE0/0/1 is restored and
becomes Up again. When the aging time is 0, the Switch sends an ARP probe packet for updating ARP
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] display arp all
I Vlanif100
00e0-de24-bf04 20

After the ARP entry is updated, the aging time is restored to the default value, 20 minutes.


Configuration Files
Configuration file of the Switch
sysname Quidway
L2-topolgy detect enable
vlan 100
interface Vlanif100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type access
port default vlan 100
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type access
port default vlan 100

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3 IP Performance Configuration

IP Performance Configuration

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the basic concepts of IP performance, and provides configuration
procedures and examples of IP performance.
3.1 Introduction to IP Performance
On certain networks, you need to change IP parameters to optimize the performance of networks.
Here, IP performance parameters supported by the S2700 are described.
3.2 IP Performance Supported by the S2700
3.3 Optimizing IP Performance
This section describes how to optimize IP performance of a certain network by setting IP
performance parameters.
3.4 Maintaining IP Performance
This section describes how to maintain IP performance.
3.5 Configuration Examples
This section provides several configuration examples of IP performance.

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3 IP Performance Configuration

3.1 Introduction to IP Performance

On certain networks, you need to change IP parameters to optimize the performance of networks.
Here, IP performance parameters supported by the S2700 are described.

3.2 IP Performance Supported by the S2700


ICMP Host Unreachable Messages

When forwarding packets, the device discards the packets and returns an ICMP host
unreachable message to the source to notify that the source must stop sending packets to
this destination if the device encounters the following situations:
There is no route to the destination.
The packet is not for itself.

ICMP Packet Sending Switches

In normal circumstance, ICMP host unreachable messages can ensure normal packet
transmission. However, when devices encounter the preceding conditions frequently,
network traffic becomes heavy because devices send a large number of ICMP messages.
This increases the traffic burden. In the case of malicious attacks, network congestion
becomes worse.
To solve this problem, a control switch is added on the outgoing interface of ICMP
messages. This switch is used to respectively enable or disable the sending of ICMP host
unreachable messages. If the switch is disabled, the device does not send out the ICMP
host unreachable packets. This can reduce the traffic burden and protect the network from
malicious attacks.

3.3 Optimizing IP Performance

This section describes how to optimize IP performance of a certain network by setting IP
performance parameters.

3.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

Applicable Environment
On certain networks, you need to change IP performance parameters to optimize the
performance. To optimize the performance, you need to set parameters.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before optimizing IP performance, complete the following tasks:

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Connecting interfaces and setting physical parameters of the interfaces to ensure that the
physical layer of the interfaces is in the Up state
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3 IP Performance Configuration

Setting parameters of the link layer protocol for the interfaces to ensure that the status of
the link layer protocol on the interfaces is Up

Assigning IP addresses to interfaces

Configuring access control lists (ACLs)

Data Preparation
To optimize IP performance, you need the following data.


Number of the interface

Number of the interface which needs source address verification

Number of the interface which needs to forward broadcast packets and ACL number
which is used to specify the broadcast packets

Number of the interface which needs to configure ICMP host-unreachable

SYN-WAIT timer, FIN-WAIT timer, receiving and sending buffer size of the socket

3.3.2 Enabling an Interface to Check the Source IP Addresses of

Do as follows on the S2700.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
vlan vlan-id

A VLAN is created.
Step 3 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 4 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 5 Run:
ip verify source-address

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3 IP Performance Configuration

The interface is enabled to check the source IP addresses.

By default, the function is disabled on all interfaces.

3.3.3 Configuring ICMP Attributes

By default, sending ICMP redirection packets and unreachable packets is enabled.

l If the transmission of ICMP host unreachable messages is disabled, the device no longer
sends the ICMP host unreachable message.
Do as follows on the S2700:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
icmp host-unreachable send

Sending ICMP host unreachable packets is enabled.


3.3.4 Setting TCP Parameters

You can set the following TCP parameters:

SYN-Wait timer: When sending packets with the SYN flag, TCP starts the SYN-Wait timer.
If no response is received before the SYN-Wait timer expires, the TCP connection ends.
The timeout interval of the TCP SYN-Wait timer is an integer that ranges from 2 to 600,
in seconds. By default, the value is 75s.

FIN-Wait timer: When the TCP connection status changes from FIN_WAIT_1 to
FIN_WAIT_2, the FIN-Wait timer is enabled. If no packet with the FIN flag is received
before the FIN-Wait timer expires, the TCP connection ends. The timeout interval of the

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3 IP Performance Configuration

TCP FIN-Wait timer is an integer that ranges from 76 to 3600, in seconds. By default, the
value is 675s.

Size of the packet receive or transmit buffer: The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to
32, in Kbytes. By default, the value is 8 Kbytes.

If you run the tcp window command repeatedly in the same system view, the latest configuration
overrides the previous configuration.
Do as follows on the S2700.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
tcp timer syn-timeout interval

The timeout interval of the TCP SYN-Wait timer is set.

Step 3 Run:
tcp timer fin-timeout interval

The timeout interval of the TCP FIN-Wait timer (FIN_WAIT_2) is set.

Step 4 Run:
tcp window window-size

The size of the packet receive or transmit buffer is set.


3.3.5 Checking the Configuration

The configurations of optimizing IP performance are complete.


Run the display tcp status [ [ task-id task-id ] [ socket-id socket-id ] | [ local-ip ipaddress ] [ local-port local-port-number ] [ remote-ip ip-address ] [ remote-port remoteport-number ] ] command to check the TCP connection status.

Run the display tcp statistics command to check the statistics on TCP traffic.

Run the display udp statistics command to check the statistics on UDP traffic.

Run the display ip statistics command to check the statistics on IP traffic.

Run the display ip socket [ monitor ] [ task-id task-id socket-id socket-id | sock-type
socket-type ] command to check information about the created IPv4 socket.

Run the display icmp statistics command to check the statistics on ICMP traffic.

Run the display rawlink statistics command to check the Rawlink statistics.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] command to check the Forwarding Information Base (FIB)
table on the Line Processing Unit (LPU).

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3 IP Performance Configuration

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] [ verbose ] command to check information about the FIB

Run the display fib acl acl-number [ verbose ] command to check information about the
FIB entries that match ACL rules in a certain format.

Run the display fib interface interface-type interface-number command to check

information about the FIB entries with the outgoing interface as a specified interface.

Run the display fib ip-prefix prefix-name [ verbose ] command to check information about
the FIB entries that match a specified IP prefix list.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] destination-address1 [ destination-mask1 ] [ longer ]

[ verbose ] command to check information about the FIB entries that match destination IP
addresses in a specified range.

Run the display fib next-hop ip-address command to check information about the FIB
entries that match the specified next hop address.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] statistics command to check the total number of FIB entries.


3.4 Maintaining IP Performance

This section describes how to maintain IP performance.

3.4.1 Clearing IP Performance Statistics


The statistics on IP, TCP, or UDP traffic cannot be restored after you clear them. So, confirm
the action before you use the command.


Run the reset ip statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ] command in the

user view to clear the statistics on IP traffic.

Run the reset ip socket monitor [ task-id task-id socket-id socket-id ] command in the
user view to clear the information about the socket monitor.

Run the reset tcp statistics command in the user view to clear the statistics on TCP traffic.

Run the reset udp statistics command in the user view to clear the statistics on UDP traffic.

Run the reset rawlink statistics command in the user view to clear the Rawlink statistics.


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3 IP Performance Configuration

3.4.2 Monitoring the Running Status of IP Performance

In routine maintenance, you can run the following command in any view to view the running
status of IP performance.


Run the display tcp status [ [ task-id task-id ] [ socket-id socket-id ] | [ local-ip ipaddress ] [ local-port local-port-number ] [ remote-ip ip-address ] [ remote-port remoteport-number ] ] command to check the TCP connection status.

Run the display tcp statistics command to check the statistics on TCP traffic.

Run the display udp statistics command to check the statistics on UDP traffic.

Run the display ip statistics command to check the statistics on IP traffic.

Run the display ip socket [ monitor ] [ task-id task-id socket-id socket-id | sock-type
socket-type ] command to check information about the created IPv4 socket.

Run the display icmp statistics command to check the statistics on ICMP traffic.

Run the display rawlink statistics command to check the Rawlink statistics.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] command to check the FIB table on the LPU.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] [ verbose ] command to check information about the FIB

Run the display fib acl acl-number [ verbose ] command to check information about the
FIB entries that match ACL rules in a certain format.

Run the display fib interface interface-type interface-number command to check

information about the FIB entries with the outgoing interface as a specified interface.

Run the display fib ip-prefix prefix-name [ verbose ] command to check information about
the FIB entries that match a specified IP prefix list.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] destination-address1 [ destination-mask1 ] [ longer ]

[ verbose ] command to check information about the FIB entries that match destination IP
addresses in a specified range.

Run the display fib next-hop ip-address command to check information about the FIB
entries that match the specified next hop address.

Run the display fib [ slot-id ] statistics command to check the total number of FIB entries.


3.4.3 Debugging IP Performance


Debugging affects the performance of the system. So, after debugging, run the undo debugging
all command to disable it immediately.

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3 IP Performance Configuration

When an IP, TCP, UDP, RAWIP, or RAWLINK fault occurs, run the following debugging
commands in the user view to locate the fault.
For details on debugging commands, see the Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches
Debugging Reference.


Run the debugging ip packet [ error ] [ acl acl-number ] [ verbose ] command in the user
view to debug IP packets.

Run the debugging ip icmp [ verbose ] command in the user view to debug ICMP packets.

Run the debugging udp packet [ src-ip src-address ] [ src-port src-port ] [ dest-ip destaddress ] [ dest-port dest-port ] or debugging udp packet [ task-id task-id ] [ socket-id
socket-id ] command in the user view to debug UDP packets.

Run the debugging tcp packet [ src-ip src-address ] [ src-port src-port ] [ dest-ip destaddress ] [ dest-port dest-port ] [ flag flag-number ] or debugging tcp packet [ task-id
task-id ] [ socket-id socket-id ] [ flag flag-number ] command in the user view to debug
UDP packets.

Run the debugging tcp event [ local-ip local-address ] [ local-port local-port ] [ remoteip remote-address ] [ remote-port remote-port ] or debugging tcp event [ task-id taskid ] [ socket-id socket-id ] command in the user view to debug TCP events.

Run the debugging tcp md5 [ src-ip src-address ] [ src-port src-port ] [ dest-ip destaddress ] [ dest-port dest-port ] or debugging tcp md5 [ task-id task-id ] [ socket-id
socket-id ] command in the user view to debug TCP Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5)

Run the debugging rawip packet [ src-ip src-address ] [ dest-ip dest-address ]

[ protocol protocol-number ] [ verbose verbose-number ] or debugging rawip packet
[ task-id task-id ] [ socket-id socket-id ] [ verbose verbose-number ] command in the user
view to debug RAWIP packets.

Run the debugging rawlink packet [ src-mac src-mac ] [ dest-mac dest-mac ]

[ verbose verbose-number ] or debugging rawlink packet [ task-id task-id ] [ socket-id
socket-id ] [ verbose verbose-number ] command in the user view to debug RAWLINK


3.5 Configuration Examples

This section provides several configuration examples of IP performance.

3.5.1 Example for Disabling the Sending of ICMP Host Unreachable

This section provides a configuration example of disabling the sending of ICMP host
unreachable packets.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 3-1, to limit the sending of ICMP redirection packets, Switch A, Switch B,
and Switch C are required and these devices are connected through their Ethernet interfaces.
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3 IP Performance Configuration

Figure 3-1 Networking diagram for disabling the sending of ICMP host unreachable packets










Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Assign IP addresses to interfaces on Switches.


Configure static routes to indirectly connected devices.


Enable the sending of ICMP host unreachable packets in the interface view.

By default, the sending of ICMP host unreachable packets is enabled on the interface view. If the
configuration is not changed, you can skip this configuration.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Static routes to indirectly connected devices

IP address of the interface

Step 1 Configure Switch A.
# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchA
[SwitchA] vlan 10
[SwitchA-Vlan10] quit
[SwitchA] interface ethernet0/0/1
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid tagged vlan 10
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchA] interface vlanif 10
[SwitchA-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[SwitchA-Vlanif10] quit

# Configure a static route on Switch A.

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3 IP Performance Configuration

[SwitchA] ip route-static 24

Step 2 Configure Switch B.

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 10 on Switch B and disable the sending of ICMP host
unreachable packets.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchB
[SwitchB] vlan 10
[SwitchB-Vlan10] quit
[SwitchB] interface ethernet0/0/1
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid tagged vlan 10
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchB] interface vlanif 10
[SwitchB-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[SwitchB-Vlanif10] quit
[SwitchB] vlan 11
[SwitchB-Vlan11] quit
[SwitchB] interface ethernet0/0/2
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/2] port hybrid tagged vlan 11
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/2] quit
[SwitchB] interface vlanif 11
[SwitchB-Vlanif11] ip address 24
[SwitchB-Vlanif11] icmp host-unreachable send
[SwitchB-Vlanif11] quit

Step 3 Configure Switch C.

# Assign an IP address to VLANIF 11 on Switch C.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchC
[SwitchC] vlan 11
[SwitchC-Vlan11] quit
[SwitchC] interface ethernet0/0/2
[SwitchC-Ethernet0/0/2] port hybrid tagged vlan 11
[SwitchC-Ethernet0/0/2] quit
[SwitchC] interface vlanif 11
[SwitchC-Vlanif11] ip address 24
[SwitchC-Vlanif11] quit

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Debug ICMP packets on Switch A.
<SwitchA> debugging ip icmp
<SwitchA> terminal monitor
<SwitchA> terminal debugging

# Run the ping command on Switch A. According to the received packet captured by
the tester on Switch A, Switch B sends host unreachable packets.
[SwitchA] ping


Configuration Files

Configuration file of Switch A

sysname SwitchA
vlan 10
interface vlanif 10
ip address

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3 IP Performance Configuration

interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid tagged vlan 10
ip route-static

Configuration file of Switch B

sysname SwitchB
vlan batch 10 to 11
interface vlanif 10
ip address
interface vlanif 11
ip address
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid tagged vlan 10
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port hybrid tagged vlan 11

Configuration file of Switch C

sysname SwitchC
vlan 11
interface vlanif 11
ip address
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port hybrid tagged vlan 11

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4 DNS Configuration

DNS Configuration

About This Chapter

By configuring the Domain Name System (DNS), you can enable network devices to
communicate with other through their domain names.
4.1 Introduction to DNS
After each host on the Internet is assigned a domain name, you can set up a mapping between
the domain name and IP address of a host through. In this manner, you can use domain names,
which are easy to memorize and are of significance, instead of complicated IP addresses.
4.2 DNS Supported by the S2700
Domain name resolution can be performed in either dynamic mode or static mode.
4.3 Configuring DNS
By configuring the DNS, you can set up a mapping between a domain name and an IP address.
In this manner, you can enable the device to communicate with other devices.
4.4 Maintaining DNS
The operations of DNS maintenance include clearing DNS statistics and monitoring the DNS
operating status.
4.5 Configuration Examples
This section provides a configuration example of DNS.

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4 DNS Configuration

4.1 Introduction to DNS

After each host on the Internet is assigned a domain name, you can set up a mapping between
the domain name and IP address of a host through. In this manner, you can use domain names,
which are easy to memorize and are of significance, instead of complicated IP addresses.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a host naming mechanism provided by TCP/IP, with which
hosts can be named in the form of character string. This system assumes a hierarchical naming
structure. It designates a meaningful name for the device in the Internet and associates the name
with the IP address through a domain name resolution server. In this manner, you can use domain
names that are easy to remember instead of memorizing complex IP addresses.

4.2 DNS Supported by the S2700

Domain name resolution can be performed in either dynamic mode or static mode.
DNS has two resolution modes: dynamic DNS resolution and static DNS resolution. To resolve
a domain name, the system first uses static DNS resolution. If this mode fails, the system uses
dynamic DNS resolution. To improve resolution efficiency, you can put common domain names
in a static domain name resolution table.
The S2700 supports static resolution and dynamic resolution.

4.3 Configuring DNS

By configuring the DNS, you can set up a mapping between a domain name and an IP address.
In this manner, you can enable the device to communicate with other devices.

4.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring the DNS.

Applicable Environment
If local users accessing devices need to communicate with other devices by using domain names,
you can configure DNS on the device. An DNS entry is an mapping between a domain name
and an IP address.
If local users communicate with other devices hardly through the domain name or if the DNS
server is unavailable, configure static DNS. Prior to configuring static DNS, you must know the
mapping between the domain name and the IP address. In case of a change in the mapping, you
must modify the DNS entry manually.
You can configure dynamic DNS on the device if local users frequently use domain names for
communicating with other devices and the DNS server is available.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring DNS, complete the following tasks:
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Configuration Guide - IP Service

4 DNS Configuration

Configuring physical attributes of the interface and ensuring that the physical layer status
of the interface is Up

Configuring parameters of the link layer protocol of the interface and ensuring that the link
layer protocol status of the interface is Up

Configuring routes between the local device and the DNS server

Configuring the DNS server

Data Preparation
To configure DNS, you need the following data.


Domain name and the corresponding IP address in a static DNS entry

IP address of a DNS server

Domain name or the domain name list of a dynamic DNS entry

4.3.2 Configuring Static DNS Entries

You can create a table of mappings between domain names and IP addresses and add commonlyused domain names to this table. When a client needs to use the IP address corresponding to a
domain name, the client can search the table for the required IP address. This improves the
efficiency of domain name resolution.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ip host host-name ip-address

The IP address corresponding to the host name is configured.

A host name corresponds to only one IP address. When you configure an IP address for a host
for several times, only the IP address configured at the latest is valid. To resolve several host
names, repeat Step 2.
You can configure a maximum of 50 static DNS entries.

4.3.3 Configuring Dynamic DNS

To perform dynamic domain name resolution, you need a special domain name resolution server,
which runs a server program. This server provides mappings between domain names and IP
addresses and receives resolution requests from the client.
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4 DNS Configuration

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
dns resolve

Dynamic domain name resolution is enabled.

Step 3 Run:
dns server ip-address

A DNS server is specified.

Step 4 (Optional) Run:
dns server source-ip source-ip-address

The IP address of the local device is specified.

The local device uses the specified IP address to communicate with the DNS server, which
ensures communication security.
Step 5 Run:
dns domain domain-name

The suffix of the domain name is added.


Follow-up Procedure
The system supports the configuration of a maximum of 6 domain name servers, 1 source
address, and 10 domain name suffixes.
To configure more than one domain name server, repeat Step 3.
To configure more than one domain name suffix, repeat Step 5.

4.3.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of the DNS.

The configurations of the DNS function are complete.


Run the display ip host command to check the information about the static DNS entry

Run the display dns server command to check the configurations about DNS servers.

Run the display dns domain command to check the configurations about domain name

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4 DNS Configuration

Run the display dns dynamic-host command to check the information about dynamic DNS
entries in the domain name cache.


Run the display ip host command. If static DNS entries including the mappings between host
names and IP addresses, are displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display ip host


Run the display dns server command. If IP addresses of all domain servers are displayed, it
means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display dns server
IPv4 Dns Servers :
IPv6 Dns Servers :
No configured servers.

Run the display dns domain command. If the list of suffixes of domain names is displayed, it
means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display dns domain

Run the display dns dynamic-host command. If information about the dynamic domain name
cache is displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display dns dynamic-host
No Domain-name



4.4 Maintaining DNS

The operations of DNS maintenance include clearing DNS statistics and monitoring the DNS
operating status.

4.4.1 Clearing DNS Entries

This section describes DNS entry clearance through the reset command.


DNS entries cannot be restored after being cleared. So, confirm the action before you use this

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4 DNS Configuration

Step 1 Run the reset dns dynamic-host command in the user view to clear dynamic DNS entries
statistics in the domain name cache.

4.4.2 Monitoring Network Operation Status of DNS

This section describes DNS operation monitoring through the display command.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following command in any view to check the operation
of DNS.


Run the display ip host command to check the information about the static DNS entry

Run the display dns server command to check configurations about DNS servers.

Run the display dns domain command to check configurations about domain name

Run the display dns dynamic-host command to check the information about dynamic DNS
entries in the domain name cache.


4.4.3 Debugging DNS

This section describes DNS debugging through the debugging command.


Debugging affects the performance of the system. So after debugging, run the undo debugging
all command to disable it immediately.
Run the following debugging command in the user view to debug DNS and locate the fault.
For more information, refer to the chapter "Information Center Configuration" in the Quidway
S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - System Management. For descriptions
about the debugging commands, refer to the Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches
Debugging Reference.

Step 1 Run the debugging dns command in the user view to debug dynamic DNS.
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4 DNS Configuration

4.5 Configuration Examples

This section provides a configuration example of DNS.

4.5.1 Example for Configuring DNS

This section provides a configuration example of DNS.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 4-1, Switch A acts as a DNS client, being required to access the host by using the domain name You need to configure domain name suffixes
"com" and "net".
On Switch A, configure static DNS entries of Switch B and Switch C so that Switch A can
communicate with them by using domain names.
Figure 4-1 Networking diagram of DNS

VLANIF 100 SwitchB

DNS Client Ethernet0/0/2




VLANIF 100 DNS Server

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure static DNS entries.


Enable DNS resolution.


Configure an IP address for the DNS server.


Configure suffixes of domain names.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Domain names of Switch B and Switch C

IP address of the DNS server

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4 DNS Configuration

Suffixes of domain names

Step 1 Configure Switch A.
# Configure static DNS entries.
<SwitchA> system-view
[SwitchA] ip host SwitchB
[SwitchA] ip host SwitchC

# Enable DNS resolution.

[SwitchA] dns resolve

# Configure an IP address for the DNS server.

[SwitchA] dns server

# Configure a domain name suffix "net".

[SwitchA] dns domain net

# Configure a domain name suffix "com".

[SwitchA] dns domain com
[SwitchA] quit

To complete DNS resolution, configuring routes from Switch A to the DNS server is mandatory. For
procedures for configuring routes, refer to the Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration
Guide - IP Routing.

Step 2 Verify the configuration.

# Run the ping command on Switch A to ping the IP address The ping
<SwitchA> ping
Trying DNS server (
PING ( 56
Reply from bytes=56
Reply from bytes=56
Reply from bytes=56
Reply from bytes=56
Reply from bytes=56

data bytes, press CTRL_C to break

Sequence=1 ttl=126 time=6 ms
Sequence=2 ttl=126 time=4 ms
Sequence=3 ttl=126 time=4 ms
Sequence=4 ttl=126 time=4 ms
Sequence=5 ttl=126 time=4 ms

--- ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted

5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/6 ms

# Run the display ip host command on Switch A to view static DNS entries, including mappings
between host names and IP addresses.
<SwitchA> display ip host

Flags Address

# Run the display dns dynamic-host command on Switch A to view dynamic DNS entries in
the domain name cache.
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<SwitchA> display dns dynamic-host
No Domain-name

4 DNS Configuration




TTL value in the above display indicates the lifetime of an entry. It is in seconds.


Configuration Files

Configuration file of Switch A

sysname SwitchA
vlan batch 100
ip host SwitchB
ip host SwitchC
dns resolve
dns server
dns domain net
dns domain com
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100
interface vlanif100
ip address
rip 1

Configuration file of Switch B

sysname SwitchB
vlan batch 100 101
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port hybrid pvid vlan 101
port hybrid untagged vlan 101
interface LoopBack0
ip address
interface vlanif100
ip address
interface vlanif101
ip address
rip 1

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4 DNS Configuration

Configuration file of Switch C

sysname SwitchC
vlan batch 100 101
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port hybrid pvid vlan 101
port hybrid untagged vlan 101
interface LoopBack0
ip address
interface vlanif100
ip address
interface vlanif101
ip address
rip 1

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

Basic Configurations of IPv6

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the basic concept and configurations of IPv6.
5.1 Introduction to IPv6
This section describes the basic principle of IPv6.
5.2 IPv6 Features Supported by the S2700
The S2700 supports the IPv6 protocol suite and TCP6 protocol suite.
5.3 Configuring an IPv6 Address for an Interface
Assigning an IPv6 address to a device on a network enables the device to communicate with the
other devices on the network.
5.4 Configuring IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
IPv6 neighbor discovery (ND) is a packet transmission process to identify the relationship
between neighboring nodes. The Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) replaces the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP), ICMP Device Discovery messages, and ICMP Redirect messages,
and introduces neighbor reachability detection.
5.5 Maintaining IPv6
This section describes how to maintain IPv6. Detailed operations include deleting information
about IPv6 operation and monitoring IPv6 operation.
5.6 Configuration Examples
This section provides a configuration example of IPv6 addresses.

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

5.1 Introduction to IPv6

This section describes the basic principle of IPv6.

Basic Concepts
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), also called IP Next Generation (IPng), is the standard network
protocol of 2nd generation. It is designed by Internet Engineering Task Force as an upgraded
version of IPv4. The major feature of IPv6 is the larger address space: addresses in IPv6 are 128
bits long versus 32 bits in IPv4.

Overview of IPv6 Addresses

A 128-bit IPv6 address has two formats:

In this format, a 128-bit IP address is divided into eight groups. The 16 bits of each group
are represented by four hexadecimal characters, that is, 0 to 9, and A to F. The groups are
separated by ":". Every "X" represents four hexadecimal characters.

Addresses in this format are classified into two types:
IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses
IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses are used to configure the IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel.
Each "X" stands for 16 bits that are represented by four hexadecimal characters. Each "d"
stands for 8 bits that are represented by decimal numbers. "d.d.d.d" is a standard IPv4

An IPv6 address can be divided into two parts:


Network prefix: n bits, equivalent to the network ID in the IPv4 address.

Interface identifier: 128-n bits, equivalent to the host ID in the IPv4 address.

5.2 IPv6 Features Supported by the S2700

The S2700 supports the IPv6 protocol suite and TCP6 protocol suite.

IPv6 Features Supported by the S2700

The S2700 supports the setting of IPv6 addresses on a VLANIF, Loopback interface.
Each interface supports a maximum of 20 IPv6 addresses, including link-local addresses and
the global unicast addresses.
The link-local address is used in the neighbor discovery protocol and used in the communication
between the nodes on the local link in the stateless address auto-configuration. The packets
whose source or destination address is the link-local address are forwarded on only the local
A link-local address can be set automatically or manually. After the command to enable the
system to automatically set link-local addresses is run, the system automatically sets a link-local
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

address for an interface. The link-local address manually set must be a valid link-local address
Automatically generated link-local addresses are recommended because link-local addresses are
used only for communications between link-local nodes usually to satisfy the communication
request of protocols and irrelevant to communications between users.
A global unicast address is equal to an IP address on the IPv4 public network, which is used to
forward data on the public network and mandatory for communications between users.
An EUI-64 address is equivalent to a global unicast address in view of functions. For an EUI-64
address, however, only the network bits need to be specified. Its host bits are transformed from
the MAC address of the interface. For a global unicast address, complete 128 bits of the address
have to be specified.

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

IPv6 neighbor discovery (ND) is a packet transmission process to identify relationships between
neighboring nodes. The ND protocol replaces the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), ICMP
Redirect message, and ICMP Router Discovery message on an IPv4 network and provides other

Connecting network topologies of different types needs the configuration of different routing
protocols. This brings about Routing Information Base (RIB). The RIB is a base of the FIB.
Guided by route management policies, the S2700 obtains minimum necessary forwarding
information from the RIB and adds the information to the FIB. Through the route management
module, you can also add static routes into the FIB.
Forwarding Information Base (FIB) contains minimum necessary information needed by an
S2700 to forward packets. An FIB entry usually contains the destination address, prefix length,
transport port, next-hop address, route flag, time stamp. An S2700 forwards packets according
to FIB entries.
The FIB mechanism consists of two parts: FIB agent (used on the control plane) and FIB
container (used on the forwarding plane). The control plane (FibAgent) is responsible for
interacting with the RM module and downloading the FIB to the forwarding engine. For a
distributed system, the FIB needs to be downloaded to the I/O board.
A FIB contains the following information:

Destination address: indicates the network or host a packet is destined for.

Prefix length: indicates the length of the destination address prefix. From the prefix length,
you can infer that the destination address is a network address or a host address.

Nexthop: indicates the address of the next hop through which the packet reaches the

Flag(s): identifies route characteristics.

Interface: indicates the outgoing interface of the packet.

Timestamp: time when an FIB entry is generated.

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

5.3 Configuring an IPv6 Address for an Interface

Assigning an IPv6 address to a device on a network enables the device to communicate with the
other devices on the network.

5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for assigning an IPv6 address to an interface.

Applicable Environment
When a device communicates with an IPv6 device, you need to configure IPv6 address for the
An EUI-64 address has the same function as an global unicast address. The difference is that
only the network bits need to be specified for the EUI-64 address and the host bits are transformed
from the MAC addresses of the interface while a complete 128-bit address need to be specified
for the global unicast address. Note that the prefix length of the network bits in an EUI-64 address
must not be longer than 64 bits.
The EUI-64 address and the global unicast address can be configured simultaneously or
alternatively. However, the IP addresses configured for one interface cannot be in the same
network segment.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring IPv6 addresses, complete the following tasks:

Configuring the physical features of the interface and ensuring that the status of the physical
layer of the interface is Up

Configuring the link layer parameters for the interface and ensuring that the status of the
link layer protocol on the interface is Up

Data Preparation
To configure IPv6 addresses for an interface, you need the following data.

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Number of the interface

Link-local address configured manually

Global unicast address and prefix length

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

5.3.2 Enabling IPv6 Packet Forwarding Capability

You can perform other IPv6 configurations on an interface only when IPv6 is enabled in the
interface view. To enable IPv6 packet forwarding on an interface, you must configure IPv6 in
the system view.

To enable a device to forward IPv6 packets, you must enable the IPv6 capability in both the
system view and the interface view. This is because:

If you run the ipv6 command only in the system view, only the IPv6 packet forwarding
capability is enabled on a device. The IPv6 function, however, is not enabled on the interface
and hence you cannot perform any IPv6 configurations.

If you run the ipv6 enable command only in the interface view, the IPv6 capability is
enabled only on an interface but the IPv6 protocol status on the interface is Down.
Therefore, the device cannot forward IPv6 data.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

The IPv6 packet forwarding capability is enabled.

By default, the IPv6 packet forwarding capability is disabled.
To enable a device to forward IPv6 packets, you must run this command in the system view;
otherwise, the IPv6 protocol status of the interface is Down and the device cannot forward IPv6
packets although you enable IPv6 on the interface.
Step 3 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The view of the VLANIF interface to be enabled with the IPv6 capability is displayed.
Step 4 Run:
ipv6 enable

The IPv6 capability is enabled on the interface.

Before performing IPv6 configurations in the interface view, you must enable the IPv6 capability
in the interface view.
By default, the IPv6 capability is disabled on the interface.

5.3.3 Configuring an IPv6 Link-Local Address for an Interface

The local address of a link is used in the neighbor discovery protocol, and in the communications
between nodes on the local end of the link in stateless address auto-configuration. The local
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

address of a link is valid only for the link. A packet with a link-local address as the source or
destination address is forwarded only along the local link.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface interface-type interface-number

The interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Perform the following as required.
ipv6 address auto link-local

Auto generation of the IPv6 link-local address is enabled.

ipv6 address ipv6-address link-local

The IPv6 link-local address is manually configured.

Besides configuring a link-local address through the preceding two commands, you can also
configure a global unicast IPv6 address for auto generating a link-local address. For details, see
Configuring an IPv6 Global Unicast Address for an Interface.

5.3.4 Configuring an IPv6 Global Unicast Address for an Interface

A global unicast IP address is equal to an Internet IPv4 address and can be used for links whose
route prefixes can be aggregated. In this manner, routing entries can be reduced.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 enable

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 4 Run:
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

ipv6 address { ipv6-address prefix-length | ipv6-address/prefix-length } or ipv6

address { ipv6-address prefix-length | ipv6-address/prefix-length } eui-64

The global unicast address is configured on the interface.


5.3.5 Checking the Configuration

All configurations of the IPv6 address are complete.


Run the display ipv6 interface [ interface-type interface-number | brief ] command to

check IPv6 information about the interface.

Run the display ipv6 statistics command to view statistics on IPv6 packets.


5.4 Configuring IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

IPv6 neighbor discovery (ND) is a packet transmission process to identify the relationship
between neighboring nodes. The Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) replaces the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP), ICMP Device Discovery messages, and ICMP Redirect messages,
and introduces neighbor reachability detection.

5.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for IPv6 neighbor discovery.

Applicable Environment
Most of the ND configurations are implemented based on the interfaces.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring IPv6 neighbor discovery, complete the following tasks:

Configuring the physical features for the interface and ensuring that the status of the
physical layer of the interface is Up

Configuring link layer parameters for the interface

Configuring the IPv6 address for the interface

Data Preparation
To configure IPv6 neighbor discovery, you need the following data.
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6



Number of interface which needs to be configured with IPv6 ND

IPv6 address and MAC address of the static neighbor

Intervals, prefix, and life duration of RA messages

Flag bit of automatic configuration

Hop limit of ND

Sending times of DAD

Intervals for re-transmitting NS messages

NUD reachable time

Interface MTU

5.4.2 Configuring Static Neighbors

By configuring a static neighbor, you can obtain the mapping of the IPv6 address and MAC
address of the neighbor.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 enable

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 4 Run one of the following commands as required:
l To configure a static neighbor entry on a VLANIF interface, run the ipv6 neighbor ipv6address mac-address vid vlan-id interface-type interface-number command.

5.4.3 Enabling RA Message Advertising

After being enabled with switch advertisement, the device can send router advertisement
messages, providing prefixes for hosts.

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 enable

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 4 Run:
undo ipv6 nd ra halt

The function of advertising RA messages is enabled.


5.4.4 Setting the Interval for Advertising RA Messages

The device periodically sends router advertisement messages containing information such as
prefixes and flag bits.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 enable

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 4 Run:
ipv6 nd ra { max-interval maximum-interval | min-interval minimum-interval }

The interval for advertising RA messages is configured.

By default, the maximum interval is 600 seconds and the minimum interval is 200 seconds.
The maximum interval can not be shorter than the minimum interval.
When the maximum interval is less than 9 seconds, the minimum interval is set to the same value
as the maximum interval.
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

5.4.5 Enabling Stateful Auto Configuration

After being enabled with stateful auto-configuration, the host can obtain an IPv6 address through
stateful auto-configuration, for example, the DHCP server.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 enable

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 4 Run:
ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag

The flag bit for stateful auto configuration addresses is set.

If this flag is set, hosts use the stateful protocol for address auto-configuration in addition to any
addresses auto-configured using stateless address auto-configuration.
Step 5 Run:
ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag

The flag bit for other stateful configurations is set.

When this flag is set, hosts use the stateful protocol for auto-configuration of other (non-address)

5.4.6 Configuring the Address Prefixes to Be Advertised

Nodes of the local links can perform address auto-configuration by using prefixes of these

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 enable

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 4 Run:
ipv6 nd ra prefix { ipv6-address ipv6-prefix-length | ipv6-prefix/ipv6-prefixlength } valid-lifetime preferred-lifetime [ no-autoconfig ] [ off-link ]

The prefix of RA messages is configured.


5.4.7 Configuring Other Information to Be Advertised

A router advertisement message carries information such as the maximum number of hops,
prefix option, neighbor hold time, and keepalive time.

Duplicate Address Detect (DAD) is a process of IPv6 automatic address configuration. You can
configure the number of DAD messages which are sent continuously.
Set the interval of sending Neighbor Solicitation (NS) messages on the device. By default, NS
re-transmitting time interval is 1000ms.
Neighbor Unreachability Detection (NUD) checks the reachability of neighbors. By default,
NUD value is 30000ms.
The MTU of the interface determines whether to fragment IP packets on the interface. Default
MTUs vary with interface types. The MTU on an GigabitEthernet interface defaults to be 1500

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
ipv6 nd hop-limit limit

ND hop limit is configured.

The value of limit ranges from 1 to 255. By default, it is 64.
Step 3 Run:
interface vlanif vlan-id

The VLANIF interface view is displayed.

Step 4 Run:
ipv6 enable

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 5 Run:
ipv6 nd ra router-lifetime ra-lifetime

The life duration of RA messages is configured.

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6


l When the ipv6 nd ra command is run to set the interval for advertising RA messages, the interval must
be less than or equal to the life duration.
l By default, the maximum interval is 600 seconds, and the minimum interval is 200 seconds.
l By default, the life duration of RA messages is 1800 seconds. If the prefix is configured, the duration
is still 1800 seconds.

Step 6 Run:
ipv6 nd dad attempts value

Times to send DAD messages are configured.

Step 7 Run:
ipv6 nd ns retrans-timer interval

The interval for re-sending NS messages is set.

Step 8 Run:
ipv6 nd nud reachable-time value

The NUD reachable time is set.

Step 9 Run:
ipv6 mtu mtu

MTU of the interface is configured.


Follow-up Procedure
If the IPv6 MTU value is changed, run the shutdown command and the undo shudown
command orderly in the interface view to validate the configuration.

5.4.8 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of IPv6 neighbor discovery.

The configurations of the IPv6 neighbor discovery function are complete.


Run the display ipv6 neighbors [ [ vid vlan-id ] interface-type interface-number ]

command to check the neighbor information in the cache.

Run the display ipv6 interface [ interface-type interface-number | brief ] command to

check the IPv6 information of an interface.


Run the display ipv6 neighbors command. If the cache of the neighbor information contains
neighbors' IPv6 addresses and the specified interfaces, it means that the configuration succeeds.
<Quidway> display ipv6 neighbors VLANIF10

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

-------------------------------------------------------IPv6 Address : 3003::2

: 00e0-fc89-fe6e
State : STALE
: 7
VLAN : IPv6 Address : FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE89:FE6E
: 00e0-fc89-fe6e
State : STALE
: 7
VLAN : --------------------------------------------------------Total: 2
Dynamic: 2
Static: 0

Run the display ipv6 interface brief command. If information about the IPv6 address on the
interface and interface status are displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds.
<Quidway> display ipv6 interface brief
*down: administratively down
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
[IPv6 Address] 2030::101:101
[IPv6 Address] 2001::1
[IPv6 Address] Unassigned



5.5 Maintaining IPv6

This section describes how to maintain IPv6. Detailed operations include deleting information
about IPv6 operation and monitoring IPv6 operation.

5.5.1 Clearing IPv6 Statistics


Statistics cannot be restored after being cleared. So, confirm the action before you run the


To clear statistics about processing IPv6 packets, run the reset ipv6 statistics command in
the user view.

To clear the IPv6 neighbor cache entry, run the reset ipv6 neighbors { all | dynamic |
static | vid vlan-id [ interface-type interface-number] | interface-type interface-number }
command in the user view.

To clear statistics about TCP6, run the reset tcp ipv6 statistics command in the user view.

To clear statistics about UDP6, run the reset udp ipv6 statistics command in the user view.

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

5.5.2 Monitoring the Running Status of IPv6

In routine maintenance, you can run the following commands in any view to display the running
of IPv6.


Run the display ipv6 interface [ interface-type interface-number | brief ] command in any
view to view information about IPv6 on an interface.

Run the display ipv6 statistics command in any view to view statistics on IPv6 packets.

Run the display ipv6 neighbors [ [ vid vlan-id ] interface-type interface-number ]

command in any view to view the cache content of neighbors.

Run the display tcp ipv6 statistics command in any view to view statistics on TCP6

Run the display tcp ipv6 status command in any view to view the status of a TCP6

Run the display udp ipv6 statistics command in any view to view statistics on UDP6

Run the display ipv6 socket [ socktype socket-type ] [ task-id socket-id ] command in any
view to view information about the specified socket.

Run the display ipv6 fib [ existing-slot-id ] command in any view to view information
about FIB.


5.5.3 Debugging IPv6

This section describes IPv6 debugging through the debugging command.


Debugging affects the performance of the system. So, after debugging, execute the undo
debugging all command to disable it immediately.
Run the following debugging commands in the user view to debug IPv6 and locate the fault.
For the procedures of displaying the debugging information, refer to the chapter "Information
Center Configuration" in the S2700 Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - System
Management. For descriptions about the debugging commands, refer to the S2700 Ethernet
Switches Debugging Reference.

Issue 01 (2011-07-15)

Run the debugging ipv6 icmpv6 command in the user view to debug ICMPv6.
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

Run the debugging ipv6 nd command in the user view to debug IPv6 neighbors status and
ND messages.

Run the debugging ipv6 packet [ error ] [ acl acl-number ] command in the user view to
debug IPv6 packet.

Run the debugging ipv6 pathmtu command in the user view to debug PMTU.

Run the debugging tcp ipv6 { event | packet } [ task-id task id | socket-id socket id ]
command in the user view to debug TCP6.

Run the debugging udp ipv6 packet [ task-id task id | socket-id socket id ] command in
the user view to debug UDP6.


5.6 Configuration Examples

This section provides a configuration example of IPv6 addresses.

5.6.1 Example for Setting an IPv6 Address for an Interface

This section provides a configuration example of IPv6 address for an interface.

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 5-1, two Switches are connected through Eth 0/0/1. The Eth 0/0/1 interfaces
of Switch A and Switch B correspond to their VLANIF 100 interfaces. You need to set IPv6
global unicast addresses for the VLANIF 100 interfaces and check the Layer 3 interconnection
between them.
The IPv6 global unicast addresses for the interfaces are 3001::1/64 and 3001::2/64.
Figure 5-1 Networking diagram for setting IPv6 addresses


Ethernet 0/0/1

Ethernet 0/0/1

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Enable the IPv6 forwarding capability on the Switch.


Set IPv6 global unicast addresses for the interfaces.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data.
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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

Global unicast address of an interface

Step 1 Enable the IPv6 forwarding capability on the Switch.
# Configure Switch A.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchA
[SwitchA] ipv6

# Configure Switch B.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] sysname SwitchB
[SwitchB] ipv6

Step 2 Configure the IPv6 global unicast address for the interfaces.
# Configure Switch A.
[SwitchA] vlan 100
[SwitchA-Vlan100] quit
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 100
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 100
[SwitchA-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchA] interface vlanif 100
[SwitchA-Vlanif100] ipv6 enable
[SwitchA-Vlanif100] ipv6 address 3001::1/64
[SwitchA-Vlanif100] quit

# Configure Switch B.
[SwitchB] vlan 100
[SwitchB-Vlan100] quit
[SwitchB] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 100
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 100
[SwitchB-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchB] interface vlanif 100
[SwitchB-Vlanif100] ipv6 enable
[SwitchB-Vlanif100] ipv6 address 3001::2/64
[SwitchB-Vlanif100] quit

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

If the configuration succeeds, you can view the configured global unicast addresses. The status
of the interface and the IPv6 protocol are Up.
# Display information about the interface on Switch A.
[SwitchA] display ipv6 interface vlanif 100
Vlanif100 current state : UP
IPv6 protocol current state : UP
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::218:20FF:FE00:83 [TENTATIVE]
Global unicast address(es):
3001::1, subnet is 3001::/64 [TENTATIVE]
Joined group address(es):
MTU is 1500 bytes
ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds

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5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

ND retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds

Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses

# Display information about the interface on Switch B.

[SwitchB] display ipv6 interface vlanif 100
Vlanif100 current state : UP
IPv6 protocol current state : UP
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11 [TENTATIVE]
Global unicast address(es):
3001::2, subnet is 3001::/64 [TENTATIVE]
Joined group address(es):
MTU is 1500 bytes
ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds
ND retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses

# On Switch A, ping the link-local address of Switch B. Note that you need to use the parameter
-i to specify the interface of the link-local address.
[SwitchA] ping ipv6 FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11 -i vlanif 100
PING FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11 : 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11
bytes=56 Sequence=1 hop limit=64 time = 7 ms
Reply from FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11
bytes=56 Sequence=2 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
Reply from FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11
bytes=56 Sequence=3 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
Reply from FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11
bytes=56 Sequence=4 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
Reply from FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11
bytes=56 Sequence=5 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
--- FE80::2E0:FCFF:FE33:11 ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 3/3/7 ms

# On Switch A, ping the IPv6 global unicast address of Switch B.

[SwitchA] ping ipv6 3001::2
PING 3001::2 : 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from 3001::2
bytes=56 Sequence=1 hop limit=64 time = 12 ms
Reply from 3001::2
bytes=56 Sequence=2 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
Reply from 3001::2
bytes=56 Sequence=3 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
Reply from 3001::2
bytes=56 Sequence=4 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
Reply from 3001::2
bytes=56 Sequence=5 hop limit=64 time = 3 ms
--- 3001::2 ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 3/4/12 ms


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Configuration Guide - IP Service

5 Basic Configurations of IPv6

Configuration Files

Configuration file of Switch A

sysname SwitchA
vlan 100
interface Vlanif100
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 3001::1/64
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100

Configuration file of Switch B

sysname SwitchB
vlan 100
interface Vlanif100
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 3001::2/64
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100

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6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

IPv6 DNS Configuration

About This Chapter

By configuring the IPv6 Domain Name System (DNS), you can enable network devices to
communicate with other through their domain names.
6.1 Introduction to IPv6 DNS
After each host on the Internet is assigned a domain name, you can set up mapping between the
domain name and IP address of a host. In this manner, you can use domain names, which are
easy to memorize and are of significance, instead of complicated IP addresses.
6.2 IPv6 DNS Supported by the S2700
IPv6 domain name resolution can be performed in either dynamic mode or static mode.
6.3 Configuring IPv6 DNS
By configuring the IPv6 DNS, you can set up a mapping between a domain name and an IPv6
address. In this manner, you can enable the device to communicate with other devices.
6.4 Maintaining IPv6 DNS
This section describes how to maintain the IPv6 DNS. Detailed operations include deleting IPv6
DNS entries and monitoring IPv6 DNS operation.
6.5 Configuration Examples
This section provides several configuration examples of IPv6 DNS.

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Configuration Guide - IP Service

6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

6.1 Introduction to IPv6 DNS

After each host on the Internet is assigned a domain name, you can set up mapping between the
domain name and IP address of a host. In this manner, you can use domain names, which are
easy to memorize and are of significance, instead of complicated IP addresses.
IPv6 DNS has two resolution modes: dynamic IPv6 DNS resolution and static IPv6 DNS
resolution. To resolve a domain name, the system first uses static IPv6 DNS resolution. If this
mode fails, the system uses dynamic IPv6 DNS resolution. To improve resolution efficiency,
you can put common domain names in a static domain name resolution table.

6.2 IPv6 DNS Supported by the S2700

IPv6 domain name resolution can be performed in either dynamic mode or static mode.
IPv6 domain name system (DNS) is similar to IPv4 DNS. For configurations of IPv4 DNS, refer
to "DNS Configuration."

6.3 Configuring IPv6 DNS

By configuring the IPv6 DNS, you can set up a mapping between a domain name and an IPv6
address. In this manner, you can enable the device to communicate with other devices.

6.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task

This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring the IPv6 DNS.

Applicable Environment
DNS needs to be configured if the local users log on to a device using domain names to
communicate with other devices. The IPv6 DNS entries show the mapping between domain
names and IPv6 addresses.
If users seldom use the domain name to access other devices, or if the DNS server is unavailable,
a static DNS needs to be configured. To configure a static IPv6 DNS, the network administrator
needs to know the relation between domain names and IPv6 addresses, and manually modify
the IPv6 DNS entry when the relation changes.
If the users need to use the domain name to access many devices, and the DNS server is available,
a dynamic DNS can be configured. The dynamic DNS needs to be supported by a DNS server.

Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring IPv6 DNS, configure the route between a local device and a DNS server.

Data Preparation
To configure IPv6 DNS, you need the following data.
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6 IPv6 DNS Configuration



Domain name of the static IPv6 DNS entry and the corresponding IPv6 address

IPv6 address of the IPv6 DNS server

Domain name of the dynamic IPv6 DNS or the domain name list

6.3.2 Configuring a Static IPv6 DNS Entry

You can create a table of mappings between domain names and IPv6 addresses and add common
domain names to this table. When a client needs to use the IPv6 address corresponding to a
domain name, the client can search the table for the required IPv6 address. This improves the
efficiency of domain name resolution.

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:

You can enable the IPv6 capability.

Step 3 Run:
ipv6 host host-name ipv6-address

The host name and the corresponding IPv6 address are configured.
If the same host is configured with IPv6 addresses for several times (the maximum times is 8
IPv6 addresses), the IPv6 address configured earliest is used when needing to find the host with
the IPv6 address, such as ping this host.

6.3.3 Configuring the Dynamic IPv6 DNS Services

To perform dynamic domain name resolution, you need a special domain name resolution server,
which runs a server program. This server provides mappings between domain names and IPv6
addresses and receives resolution requests from the client.

If the IPv6 DNS server is configured with a link-local address, the interface name should also
be configured with the IPv6 address.
Figure 6-1 DNS server connecting IPv4 and IPv6 networks

DNS IPv4 client

DNS server

IPv4 link
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DNS IPv6 client

IPv6 link

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6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

If multiple DNS servers are configured, the servers are queried in the order of configuration till
proper response is received. If both IPv4 and IPv6 servers are configured, the A query is first
sent to the IPv4 server, while AAAA query packets are first sent to the IPv6 server.
The DNS domains are configured on a device and the domain names can be searched. If the
DNS fails in searching for a host name, it appends a domain name to the host name following a
"." and continues the DNS search. You can configure some commonly used domain names like
"com", and "net". For example, if the search for the host name "huawei" fails, the system then
searches for "" or "".
Do as follows on the switch:

Step 1 Run:

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run:
dns resolve

The dynamic domain name resolution is enabled.

Step 3 Run:
dns server ipv6 ipv6-address [ interface-type interface-number ]

The IPv6 DNS server is configured.

Step 4 Run:
dns server ipv6 source-ip ipv6-address

The IPv6 address of the local device is specified.

After the source IPv6 address is specified for the local device, the local device uses the specified
source IPv6 address to communicate with the IPv6 DNS server to ensure the security of check.
Step 5 Run:
dns domain domain-name

The suffix of domain names is added.


6.3.4 Checking the Configuration

You can view the configuration of the IPv6 DNS.

The configurations of the IPv6 DNS function are complete.
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Configuration Guide - IP Service

6 IPv6 DNS Configuration


Run the display ipv6 host command to check the static IPv6 DNS table.

Run the display dns server command to check the configuration of the DNS server.

Run the display dns domain command to check the configuration of the suffix list of the
domain name.

Run the display dns ipv6 dynamic-host command to check the cache of the dynamic
domain name.


Run the display ipv6 host command. If the static IPv6 DNS entries, including the host name
and the IPv6 address, are displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display ipv6 host


IPv6Address (es)

Run the display dns server command. If the IPv6 addresses of all DNS servers are displayed,
it means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display dns server
IPv4 Dns Servers :
IPv6 Dns Servers:
Domain-server Ipv6Address

(Interface Name)

Run the display dns domain command. If the suffixes of the domain names are displayed, it
means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display dns domain

Run the display dns ipv6 dynamic-host command. If information about the cache of the
dynamic domain name is displayed, it means that the configuration succeeds. For example:
<Quidway> display dns ipv6 dynamic-host
No Domain-name

6.4 Maintaining IPv6 DNS

This section describes how to maintain the IPv6 DNS. Detailed operations include deleting IPv6
DNS entries and monitoring IPv6 DNS operation.

6.4.1 Clearing IPv6 DNS Entries

This section describes IPv6 DNS entry clearance through the reset command.
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6 IPv6 DNS Configuration


IPv6 DNS entries cannot be restored after being cleared. So, confirm the action before you use
this command.

Step 1 Run the reset dns ipv6 dynamic-host command in the user view to clear dynamic IPv6 DNS
entries statistics in the domain name cache.

6.4.2 Monitoring Network Operation Status of IPv6 DNS

This section describes IPv6 DNS operation monitoring through the display command.

In routine maintenance, you can run the following commands in any view to check the operation
of IPv6 DNS.


display dns domain

Domain names are checked.


display dns server

Configurations of the DNS server are checked.


display dns ipv6 dynamic-host

Contents about the cache of the IPv6 dynamic domain names are checked.

display ipv6 host

The static DNS table is checked.


6.5 Configuration Examples

This section provides several configuration examples of IPv6 DNS.

6.5.1 Example for Configuring IPv6 DNS

This section provides a configuration example of IPv6 DNS.
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6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 6-2, Switch A, functioning as the IPv6 DNS client and working jointly
whose IPv6 DNS server, can access the host with the IP address as 2002::1/64 based on the
domain name
On Switch A, the static IPv6 DNS entries of Switch B and Switch C are configured. This ensures
that Switch A can manage both the routers based on the domain names Switch B and Switch C.
Figure 6-2 Networking diagram of IPv6 DNS configurations

VLANIF100 SwitchB

DNS client




VLANIF100 DNS server

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

Configure static IPv6 DNS entries.


Enable the DNS resolution function.


Configure IPv6 address of the IPv6 DNS server.


Set the domain name suffix.

Data Preparation
To complete the configuration, you need the following data:

Domain names of Switch B and Switch C

IPv6 address of the IPv6 DNS server

Domain name suffix

Step 1 Configure Switch A.
# Configure static IPv6 DNS entries.
<SwitchA> system-view

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6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

[SwitchA] ipv6 host RouterB 2001::2

[SwitchA] ipv6 host RouterC 2002::3

# Enable the DNS resolution function.

[SwitchA] dns resolve

# Configure the IPv6 address of the IPv6 DNS server.

[SwitchA] dns server ipv6 2003::2

# Set the domain name suffix to ".net".

[SwitchA] dns domain net

# Set the domain name suffix to ".com".

[SwitchA] dns domain com
[SwitchA] quit

To resolve the domain name, you also need to configure the route from Switch A to the IPv6 DNS server.
For details of how to configure the route, see Configuration example of IP static route in the Quidway
S2700 Series Ethernet Switches Configuration Guide - IP Routing.

Step 2 Verify the configuration.

# Run the ping ipv6 command on Switch A. You can find that the Ping operation
succeeds, and the destination IP address is 2002::1.
<SwitchA> ping ipv6
Resolved Host ( -> 2002::1)
PING : 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to
Reply from 2002::1: bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=126
Reply from 2002::1: bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=126
Reply from 2002::1: bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=126
Reply from 2002::1: bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=126
Reply from 2002::1: bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=126



--- ping statistics --5 packet(s) transmitted

5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/6 ms

# Run the display ipv6 host command on SwitchA. You can view the mapping relationships
between the host names in static IPv6 DNS entries and the IPv6 addresses.
<SwitchA> display ipv6 host


IPv6Address (es)

Run the display dns ipv6 dynamic-host command on SwitchA. You can view information about
dynamic IPv6 DNS entries in the dynamic cache.
<SwitchA> display dns ipv6 dynamic-host
No Domain-name



TTL in the command output indicates the life time of the entry, in seconds.

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Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches

Configuration Guide - IP Service

6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

Configuration Files

Configuration file of Switch A

sysname SwitchA
vlan batch 100
ipv6 host SwitchB 2001::2
ipv6 host SwitchC 2002::3
dns resolve
dns server ipv6 2003::2
dns domain net
dns domain com
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100
interface vlanif100
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 2001::1/64

Configuration file of Switch B

sysname SwitchB
vlan batch 100 101
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 101
port hybrid untagged vlan 101
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100
interface vlanif100
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 2002::2/64
interface vlanif101
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 2001::2/64

Configuration file of Switch C

sysname SwitchC
vlan batch 100 101
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 101
port hybrid untagged vlan 101
interface Ethernet0/0/2
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100

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Configuration Guide - IP Service

6 IPv6 DNS Configuration

interface vlanif100
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 2002::3/64
interface vlanif101
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 2003::1/64

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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