An Experimental Study On The Application of Politeness Strategies Among Teachers and Students in College English Classroom

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US-China Education Review A, ISSN 2161-623X

November 2014, Vol. 4, No. 11, 814-818



An Experimental Study on the Application of Politeness

Strategies Among Teachers and Students in
College English Classroom*
Cai Cui-yun
Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China

In college English classroom, teacher-student interaction has greatly influenced the acquisition of language learning.
This study explores the application of Brown and Levinsons face theory in college English classroom by analyzing
the politeness strategies adopted by college English teachers and students in English as a second language (ESL)
teaching based on classroom observation and MP3-recording of 10 teachers and 60 English majors for two weeks
from Zhejiang Gongshang University. The findings indicate that positive and negative politeness strategies are most
frequently applied in classroom teaching with the strategy of balding on-record being the least frequently strategy
used in the classroom. Moreover, students are unwilling to cooperate with their teachers when they applied balding
on-record strategy and are more willing to participate in the classroom activities if their teachers applied politeness
strategies properly. Therefore, it is crucial that teachers apply a variety of politeness strategies in classroom to
stimulate students learning enthusiasm and motivation.
Keywords: face theory, college English classroom, politeness strategies

Language is a basic tool in daily communication. In China, English is regarded as a foreign language for
college students. Students language acquisition is closely related to the outcome of classroom teaching.
Lacking natural environment for English learning, English classroom teaching and activities become main
resources for language learners. In college English classroom teaching, successful communication requires
cooperation between teachers and students. That means teachers need to make full use of classroom time and
create a harmonious surrounding for their students. Then, students can be encouraged to learn English better.
Teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroom, but also for the processes
of second language acquisition. Without knowledge and awareness of the effectiveness of teacher talk, most
teachers lack in competence to adjust their speech consciously. Many teachers focus on their English
proficiency, but pay less attention to words that they use in the classroom teaching. Thus, they neglect students
face want. Teachers improper words may disappoint their students. Thus, the application of politeness
strategies and face theory in classroom teaching has drawn increasing attention both domestically and abroad in
recent decades.
Acknowledgement: This research was funded by a grant from the Provincial Education Department of Zhejiang (Grant No.
Cai Cui-yun, M.A., associate professor, School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Gongshang Univeristy.



Literature Review
Politeness is a common social phenomenon and is regarded as a moral code in human communication and
social activities (Peng, 2012). Brown and Levinson (1987) defined face as the public image that every
member wants to claim for himself (p. 61). They put forward five face-saving strategies: (a) do not do the face
threatening acting; (b) off-record politeness strategy; (c) positive politeness strategy; (d) negative politeness
strategy; and (e) balding on-record strategy.
Over the decades, numerous researches have been conducted in this area, mostly in terms of the
application of politeness theory in classroom teaching from different angles. Johnson (2007) mentioned that
in order to promote an effective communication between teachers and students, teachers can lower their
positive face properly. Gao (2012) explained in her paper that teachers can combine positive politeness
strategies with negative politeness strategies to create a relaxed and active atmosphere for students. Yang
(2013) analyzed the correlation between teachers concern on students face needs and students grades.
She found that teachers concern on students face needs is beneficial for students English grades (Yang,
However, few researches can make a detailed and comprehensive analysis. This research attempts to study
the application of face theory in college English classroom by analyzing adopted politeness strategies among
teachers and students.

Data Collection
The participants of this thesis are 60 English majors including 13 boys and 47 girls (aging from 22 to 24)
from Zhejiang Gongshang University. With two instruments, classroom observation and MP3-recording, the
researcher made class observations of 10 teachers for two weeks by recording MP3-recordings and transcribing
the materials in terms of teachers politeness strategies in classroom teaching as well as students reaction
toward teachers different strategies.

Data Analysis
Application of Positive Politeness Strategies
Positive politeness strategies mean that the speaker meets the listeners positive face needs and makes the
hearer feel good. The speaker makes the hearer feel good by attempting to avoid conflicts.
Exaggerating interests in students. This strategy means to increase students interests in the contents. It
is a direct way to meet students positive face. Additionally, seeking a common topic can attract both the
teachers and students interests, as shown in Example (1).
Example (1):
T: What is your favorite TV talent show?
S: The voice of China.
T: I like that TV show. Today we are going to hear a news interviews about Chinas Got Talents. I think most of you
are quite familiar with it.

The above example displayed the teachers consideration of the students positive face needs, which
makes them comfortable and willing to join in classroom activities actively.
Using plural pronouns. Plural pronouns are frequently used by teachers. The most common words that



they use are we, you, us, and so on. Some plural pronouns are used to minimize threatening students
positive face, as shown in Example (2).
Example (2):
T: Now, let us look at the second paragraph. We can find some metaphor sentences in this paragraph.

The forms we, lets, and our are frequently used in the classroom teaching. It seems that teachers
and students are regarded as a whole group. Besides, teachers show their desire to shorten distance between
their students and themselves by using such words. Those words enhance polite degree of the teachers
language, which also meets students positive face needs.
Avoiding disagreement. Teachers disagreement can hurt students confidence and destroy their learning
passion. So, avoiding disagreement strategy is often applied to save students positive face when they give a
wrong answer. Besides, teachers indirect response actually encourages students to continue their conversation,
as shown in Example (3).
Example (3):
T: Your answer is worth considering. Could you explain it in details?
S: Ok.

The above example shows the teachers patience and his attempts to encourage his students to enrich their
answers. From classroom observation, it turns out that students are willing to cooperate with their teacher if
their teacher does not express their disagreement directly. Students are more likely to attend classroom
activities and show great passion in English learning when their teacher inspires them to replenish their answer.
Showing agreement and encouragement. Showing agreement is a simple way to confirm students
answers. Teachers usually apply two methods to meet students positive face needs when they show their
agreement and encouragement. The first one is praising and the second one is repeating.
Praising. Praising students indicates that teachers have taken students face needs into consideration. For
those who are trying hard to get a correct answer, teachers may apply a lot laudatory words to praise them, as
shown in Example (4).
Example (4):
T: Ok. I think all of you have read those passages. Who would like to tell us which one is better? Please add your
S: I think the second one is better. The author uses many rhetorical devices in his passage. That makes his passage
more vivid than the first one.
T: Great! How smart you are! Sit down please. Well done.

In this example, the teacher shows his agreement on students answer by direct praise. The teachers
reaction usually leads an essential role in students heart. So, some agreeable words can really promote their
conversation. They strengthen students confidence in language learning, and those praising words well saved
students positive face.
Repetition. Teachers sometimes show their agreement by repetition. On one hand, it is a sign to affirm that
students answer; on the other hand, a teachers repetition also attracts other students attention. So, repetition is
an effective method to protect students face, as shown in Example (5).



Example (5):
T: Do you know the leader of American Civil War?
S: Their president.
T: Yes. It is their president. Do you ever remember his name?
S: Abraham Lincoln.
T: Great. He is Abraham Lincoln. He is a great person.

Here, the teacher repeats students answers twice. Sentences, like It is their president and He is
Abraham Lincoln indicate that this teacher wants the whole class to hear clearly about the answer. It is a sign
to encourage them to maintain their passion in classroom interaction.
Application of Negative Politeness Strategies
Negative politeness strategies are related to a listeners negative face and underline avoidance of
imposition on the listener. For example, a speaker apologizes vaguely or leaves room for the hearer. People
who use negative politeness strategies always express their ideas in a more courteous way. In the classroom,
teachers usually leave enough options for students.
Ambiguity. Ambiguity is usually applied to decrease the forcing on students negative face. Teachers
meet students negative face needs by using complex sentences, and some teachers would like to response
indirectly by using phrases, such as I think, I am afraid, and it seems, as shown in Example (6).
Example (6):
S: Mrs. Wang, when should we hand in this composition?
T: I wonder whether you can finish it before next Monday.
S: There is little time for we to write it. Can we delay it to next Thursday?
T: Well, it seems that this composition is a little difficult for you. Then, you can postpone it to next Thursday.

Here, the teacher applies phrases I wonder and it seems to show his consideration of students
negative face needs. By saying so, it reduces the possibility to make students lose face. Those words can soften
the teachers face-threatening acts and create an effective classroom communication. It promotes the
development of that conversation and also saves students face.
Apologies. Teachers usually use apologetic words to reduce the possibility of threatening students
negative face. Sometimes they beg students forgiveness to meet students negative face needs. Those apologies
reduce social distance between teachers and students. So, students are willing to accept it, as shown in
Example (7).
Example (7):
T: I am sorry to interrupt you. But we have to continue our class now.
S: Well. That is all right.

In the above example, the teacher uses phrases like I am sorry to reduce the possibility to threaten
students negative face. Those sentences give students enough room to response. Students will not feel
offended if their teacher uses proper words to explain their interruption.
Minimizing the imposition. Minimizing the imposition is usually applied to show a teachers unwilling to
compel students. It has a wide range of expressive forms. A teacher usually applied many words, such as
would, maybe, and might, to let students react freely. So, it protects students desire to remain
autonomous, as shown in Example (8).



Example (8):
T: Who would like to answer this question? Is there any volunteer?
S: (Silence)
T: Ok. it might be a little difficult for you. We will discuss it together.

Here, when the teacher wants someone to answer his question, he uses words would like. When his
students do not cooperate with him, he applies words it might be. Those phrases reveal the teachers less
desire to compel the students to answer the question.

In current society, most teachers are aware of students face needs. Therefore, they can employ a variety of
strategies in their classroom teaching. The above discussion and data analysis turn out that positive and
negative politeness strategies are most frequently applied in classroom teaching. It helps create a relaxing
environment and leave enough room for students. Students are willing to participate in the classroom activities.
The strategy of balding on-record is the least frequently strategy that teachers use in the classroom. Students are
unwilling to cooperate with their teacher when their teacher applied balding on-record strategy. It also shows
that if a teacher applies a variety of politeness strategies in classroom teaching, it will stimulate students
learning enthusiasm. Students are more willing to participate in the classroom activities if their teacher applied
politeness strategies properly. Therefore, it is crucial that teachers apply a variety of politeness strategies in
classroom teaching to stimulate students learning enthusiasm and motivation.

Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1987). Politeness: Some universals in language usage. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Gao, Z. (2012). Politeness strategy and college English classroom teaching. Overview of Science and Education, 4, 45-46.
Johnson, D. I. (2007). Politeness theory and conversational refusals: Associations between various types of face threat and
perceived competence. Western Journal of Communication, 71(3), 196-215.
Peng, L. (2012). A study on the politeness strategies among college English teachers (Doctorial thesis, University of Electronic
Science and Technologyof China).
Yang, X. Y. (2013). On the correlation between teachers concern on students face need and students grade (Doctorial thesis,
Anhui University).

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