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wicked is jealous,shortcomings,so hes jealous

he stays wicked even old

cannot be changed from wickedness
we should either crush them or stay away from them
no harm in acting foul with foul ppl
worse than a snake
good company rears humans
nectar of life
generates noble elements in the wicked but not vice versa
give boys education,marry girls into noble family
woman have impious,greed,clever,courageous
those who do not donate,listen to intelligent discourse, eyes do not behold a sa
do not touch a sacred place or are unable to achieve
even one of the 4 goals of life(moksha,kaam,dharma,artha) are dead weight and th
ier life is wasted
we should hide these things from the public-efficacous medicine,sexual contact
fools are biped animals to be ignored,becuase they sting us with their nonsense
speech-by diff of common intelligence
a meat eater,wine drinker and a fool is an animal,they dont apply thier intellge
nce to discern good nd bad
power of discretion to distinguish btw good and evil makes man diff than beast
everyone has the needs but discretion
saguna nirguna
no didactic didactic
eavesdropping direct exhortation
btw sub and god of his maverick convictions
not rude
rude crude raw powerful eloquent
death is elysian seen differently
cycles of birth and death
sensous exploaration of union with god
more transcedental union with god,inn
er ,formless beyond conceptions
gender,hierarchy, caste brhamins markers,muslim markers,wher
e?girls half formed man?critic
love is sexual but more than
togetherness,left hand holding,kshatriya
also eternal,every time
hes born ,she would marry him
surrenders of her own accord
her choice feminist
body is one with him
divine shield protection
hes the only one
hes mysterious,not known where born
word used lord /krishna
uses ram,inquisitive,inhabits the zone
of questioning
strong questions,challenges that minor
itites have no rights
or are powerless
she doesnt need mantra
his realtionship with male god?not ho
moseuxal but not hetere either
to be with him,or any logic
devotee,formless god,holy relation,cmp

lete subordiantion
or reason,or ways,shes one with him

Sister I had a dream that I wed

In Caturvedi 27, Mirabai s (ca. 1498 ca. 1546) unshakable belief in her marriage to Kris
hna (the Lord of Braj) is highlighted. Perhaps the most famous female bhakta, Mi
rabai s description of the wedding, though in dream, is highly sensual and palpable;
her devotion to her divine spouse has replaced her actual relationship with her e
arthly husband. We are given a description of the number of wedding guests, the
wedding ritual (Hindu wedding ceremonies are solemnized by walking around the sa
cred fire), and her sense of well-being as the bride of Krishna.
Mira was fearless, joyful, amiable, graceful and elegant. She never cared about
public criticism or scriptural injunctions. She did not perform ritualistic wors
hip, she danced in the streets. Krishna was her husband, father, mother, friend,
relative and guru.
The fragrance of Mira s devotion wafted far and wide. All who came into contact wi
th her were affected by her strong current of love. Her heart was a temple of de
votion, and her face, the lotus flower of divine love. There was kindness in her
expression, love in her speech, joy in her demeanour, power in her words, and f
ervour in her songs.
Mira s mystic songs are a soothing balm to the wounded hearts and tired nerves. Th
e sweet music of her songs exerts a benign influence on listeners, removes disco
rd and disharmony and lulls them to sleep. So great is the power of love express
ed through her songs that even the irreligious and absolute atheists are profoun
dly moved.
The name of Giridhari Gopal was always on Mira s lips, and even in dreams she live
d and had her being in Lord Krishna. Such an exalted state cannot be adequately
described in words. Mira was sunk in the ocean of love.
She experienced the supreme cosmic vision. She saw Krishna in the tree, in the s
tone, in the creeper, in the flower, in the bird, and in all beings. As long as
the name of Krishna exists, so too will her name exist.
It is extremely difficult to find a parallel to the wonderful personality of Mir
a a saint, philosopher, poet and sage. Her life has a singular charm with extrao
rdinary beauty and marvel. She was a princess, but she abandoned the pleasures a
nd luxuries incident to her high station and instead chose a life of poverty, au
sterity and dispassion. Though she was a delicate young woman, she entered the p
erilous journey of the spiritual path and underwent many ordeals with undaunted
courage. Mira had a gigantic will.
Mira s songs infuse faith, courage, devotion and love of God in the minds of liste
ners. They inspire aspirants on the path of devotion, producing in them a marvel
lous thrill and melting of heart.
Ulat bamsi- speaking in contradictions
No creed,no flavour,every existene you knw is not god,you cant relate to god
Body is like fruit,men fighting for melon and potato
Taking care of the body is useless,mortal perishable
Breath goes out,you are just like a plank of wood useless
Faith h as got nothing ti di with religion why weren t you marked in the womb wit
h your caste?
With 3l ines on the ffore head or the circumcision
Gender caste hierarchies attacks
Why dnt brhamin have scholarly marks

They don t come out cleaner than the others

For kabir ,no lowly born,no caste,only lowly those who don t take name of ram
Ram the nirguna formless god and not hindu god
Critic biased islam and biased hindu Brahmin pundits
Critic of half formed man concept

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