Issue 8-WJHS Press

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Always FREE

Issue No. 8

WJHS Press
Wells Junior High School Spring 2016

Featured Word of the ISSUE!

Philanthropic- (fil-an-thra-pik) - adjective- 1. Seeking to promote the welfare of
others, especially by donating money to good causes; generous and benevolent.

A Mad Fundraiser
by Covy Dufort and Tyler Carpenter

The newspaper club had a different

idea for a fundraiser. We wanted to
utilize the March Madness Basketball
Tournament run by the NCAA (National
Collegiate Athletic Association) to raise
money for St. Marys food pantry on
Route 1 right here in Wells.
Have you ever done a March Madness
bracket? If not, it is a lot of fun, and
we raised one hundred dollars. This
converts to roughly three hundred
meals for people in need. Our
philanthropic journey was not as easy
as it appears. First, we had to get
permission from Mr. Chessie, which was
difficult because we had to convince
him that this was not a gambling event.
In the end, he graciously agreed to let
us do it, as long as we didnt offer a
prize. to the winner of the bracket. We

Always FREE

went to every grade level lunch to sell a

bracket. We sold the brackets for a
dollar, and made a hundred for St.
Marys! This certainly helped to make
the long month of March more exciting,
and made us feel good too!

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 8
Tainted by Andrew Mott

WJHS Press Staff List

I am tainted.
Unfit to walk the streets of man


Unfit to follow the footsteps of great people

Andrew Mott - Chief of Layout & Design

for I feel cursed.

Covy Dufort - Co-Editor & Photographer

Brought down in an ocean of sorrow,

frowning upon myself, eternally doomed to
feel not-good

Tyler Carpenter - Co-Editor

Julie Mott - Feature Writer & Photographer

not good enough, rather.

Zoe Clark - Feature Writer & Photographer

For there is no island in this ocean of sorrow.

Negl Martell - Feature Writer

No helping hand to save me this time.

Logan Bedell - Feature Writer

I would fade into the depths of oblivion,

unless I spoke up.

Olivia Michaud - Feature Writer

Table of Contents
Amasian ConleyFeature Writer
Andrew Wuerthner - Sports Editor
Jordan Belanger - Sports Editor

:Page 1: Newspaper Club Fundraiser for Soups On! by Covy

Dufort and Tyler Carpenter
Page 2: Tainted by Andrew Mott

Nathan Chandler - Photographer

Page 3: Winterguard: The Often Overlooked Sport by Julie

Mott and Zoe Clark

Ashlynn Dolan-Feature Writer

Page 4: Wrestle Mania by Andrew Wuerthner

Julie Esch - Advisor

Page 5: Running by Ashlyn Dolan and Stars by Logan

Page 6: Hand Dryers! Which Do You Choose? by Negel Martell
Page 7: Flamingos by Zoe Clark and Julie Mott
Page 8: Shooting Star by Andrew Mott ,and Persephone by

Covy Dufort

Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 8

WinterGuard: The Often Overlooked Sport

BY: Julie Mott and Zoe Clark
When most people hear the word sports they think of hockey, basketball, football, etc. In this
article we explain the overlooked sport called: Winter Guard.
Winter guard is an official sport which many people around the world participate in. Winter guard
consists of dance, rifles, sabres and flags. Our school district has three teams. The high school A
team has high schoolers. There is another high school team called the B team, which includes
high schoolers and 7th graders. The coaches of the A and B team are Diana Shelley and Bailey
Johnson. Seventh graders are on the B team because there was a huge gap in experience between
the now 6th graders and 7th graders. Finally, the third team is the Jr. team which has 4th, 5th, and
6th graders. The coaches of that team are Emily Mott, Anna Libby, and Brendel Johnson.
The B team had 4 competitions, one in Dover on March6, Old Orchard Beach on March 13, ,
Greely March 20, and Marshwood on April 3rd. All three teams also performed at The Festival Of
The Arts on March 9th, 2016.

Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

To d a y I w e n t t o
interview Joshua
Burgess who is a very
well known wrestler in
Wells Junior High
School who likes to
wrestle all around
sometime even in
Massachusetts. Josh is
a wrestler who has
been wrestling almost
all of his life. He
practices with the
High School wrestling
team and is a very
skilled wrestler that
loves to play the sport.
Wrestling is one of the
more unknown sports
in Wells.In Wells some
of our more popular
sports are basketball
and football but the
sports people dont
recognizes as much
can make a difference
to some individuals.

Always FREE

Issue No. 8

Wrestle Mania
By: Andrew Wuerthner
Question 1. What caused you to first start wrestling?
Josh: It runs in the family, my dad and uncle always
wrestled I was always around a wrestling mat when I was
Devin: My dad forced me
Question 2: Are there people or a person that made you
really stick to wrestling?
Josh: Coach al Kinderson and David Taylor
Devin: Never really had anyone to encourage me but I just
loved the sport.
Question 3:Have you ever been through a problem that
caused you to stop wrestling temporarily?
Josh: Ive had a few concussions, a neck injury with a
broken collarbone, dislocated elbow and a broken leg,
broken arm, bruised, cauliflower ear.
Devin: Two concussions (one caused by wrestling, one by a
Question 4:What age did you start wrestling?
Josh: I was four years old when I started wrestling.
Devin: I was six.
Question 5: Have you ever dreamed of wrestling in college
or maybe going professional?
Josh: I have dreamed of going to college, and hopefully go
pro after that.
Devin: I have never dreamed of going pro,- but to be fair, I
have never really wanted to either.

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 8



by Covy Dufort

by Ashlyn Dolan

Persephone lives in a house


Where the walls watch her with their

beady eyes.

Hear the pounding of your sneakers

against the pavement.

Where the floors growl at her with

moans and groans

The blood rushing through your body.

The burning of your leg muscles.

Where the lights blink at her with

constant annoyance

The wind rushing through your hair,

But there is nothing she can do

rushing across your face.

She cannot run, hide, or scream

Your feet running through leaves.

Persephone is a clock

Running through snow.

She battles the house with her own

ticks and rocks

Running through water.

Running, its a beautiful thing,

She fights the walls, floors, and lights

with her rings and dings

but only if your hearts in it.

Never quiet.

Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Hand Dryers! What Do You Choose?!

Issue No.8

By: Negl Martell

Every day, students use the hand dryers, and we spend what seems like an eternity standing
there waiting for the hand dryers faint blow to dry off our wet hands. Most of the time
students do not even dry them completely.
However, not completely drying your hands is
a problem. Drying your hands is almost as important
as washing them. because if your hands are wet they
pick up more germs than if they are dry. Also, the
spreading of germs can result in sickness, sickness
which then leads to missing out on school and
possibly getting behind. For those who choose to dry
their hands completely they must deal with another
problem: Time. It takes about thirty seconds to dry
your hands completely, time you could be spending
studying for a test, or finishing some important class
Thankfully, for every problem there is a solution.
One of the solutions would be to get paper towels,
but paper towels have their own problems. One
problem is that you always have to buy more paper
towels. In the past we used to have them, but they
were taken away because they were used
The solution that I believe would solve the
problem would be to get a better hand drying system., and I believe that the Accelerator could
solve the problem. The Accelerator is a hand drying system that costs $430.00. It uses more
amps than the one that we currently have, but using the Accelerator will take less time so it
won't use as much electricity as the hand dryers we have.
To get better hand drying system you need money, I have received support from Green
Team. If that is not enough we can do a fund raiser.
Getting better hand hand drying systems will impact your daily school life. So the
question is Will you help to get a better hand dryer? Let your school officials know .

Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No.8

By: Julie Mott and Zoe Clark.
Flamingos live in areas of South America, Africa, The Middle East, India, and
Southern Florida. They live in and around lakes and lagoons. Wild flamingos eat
algae, crustaceans, brine shrimp, diatoms, and aquatic plants.

Here are some FUN facts about flamingos:

They are born with grey feathers, but because of all
the shrimp they eat they become pink.
Adult flamingos can grow up to five feet tall, however
they only weigh between 4 and 8 pounds.
Though they may seem all pink, when they fly you
can see the black feathers under their wings. At the
zoos, to preserve their
rosy color, they are fed a
commercially prepared
diet high in carotenoids.
Their most common
predators are human
hunters, wild dogs,
crocodiles, in addition
eagles could possibly
steal their eggs and baby
Flamingos are very social birds therefore
they live in colonies.
Their name comes from the Spanish and
Latin word "flamenco" which means fire in
English. This name refers to the rosy color of
their feathers.
Flamingos are not endangered and won't be
for a long time, their population is 1.5-2.5
million. Even though they are high in
population we should still help keep them
alive. In a nutshell flamingos are wonderful
creatures and should be kept alive.

Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Shooting Star by Andrew Mott

Issue No. 8

The Night by Andrew Mott

A shooting star.

We are blessed with this frozen, cold


Arcing across our dark skies, as if it were

painted with pitch.

Moonlight trickles through the

treetops and floods the eerily lit

These celestial beings,

doomed to hang in the sky, stationary,
They wink at you with their scorching white

Wolves howling alongside a

melancholy chorus of leaves rustling,
water rushing, and creatures running.
Birds leap on the precarious, swaying
branches above,

A stronghold of pure heat

from our Earth, they appear to be just but a
small entity

indiscernible if not for the moonlight

peppering their dimly lit figures.

It spectates the universes progression and

momentary stagnation
the ups and downs
are followed by our very own
shooting star.

Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No.8

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Always FREE

WJHS Press

Issue No. 8

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