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Responsible Travel Agency in Ecuador

Sustainable Educational Tourism

The Advantages of a Land-Based Tour

You get to sleep in a bed that is not moving! For
many people being below deck with a slight constant
motion is unsettling and makes sleeping well more
difficult, if not leading to sea-sickness or dizziness.
There is greater freedom and flexibility with the
land-based tours, so you can include or exclude
activities that might not suit you.
The land-based tours are more economically priced
than the boat cruises, and upgrades are available for
those wanting to stay in luxury accommodation.

Land-based tours of the

Galapagos Islands offer
several distinct adavantages
to visitors. While many are
happy to spend up to a
week living on the cruise
boats which vary in size
from about 10 passengers
up to a hundred, others
prefer to take advantage of
the opportunities offered by
returning to shore each day
after your activities.

The Andes mountains of Ecuador rise to over 6,000 meters and include many snow-capped
volcanic peaks to scale, as well as offering some great hiking, trekking, mountain biking, and
horse-back riding activities. If you can do it on a mountain, you can do it in Ecuador!

A trip to the Amazon rainforest and cloud forests of Ecuador is an unforgettable experience,.
overwhelming the visitor with the immense biodiversity and cultural history of the peoples who
have called the Amazon home for thousands of years.

Study Abroad and Service Learning

Global Citizenship and Academic Study

Educational tours and learning programs in Ecuador. Responsible travel, custom

packages, Spanish, academic programs and cultural journeys for the inquiring mind!

Create your own program combining all the

elements that True Ecuador Travel can offer into
your personalized and memorable sojourn in
Ecuador. Learn a little Spanish, travel through
the Andes, explore the Amazon rainforest and
the cloud forests, visit the Galapagos Islands,
relax in the fishing villages of the Pacific coast . .
. There are so many options. Send us your ideas,
preferences and time available and we will be
happy to suggest a suitable itinerary for you.

Splitting the country of Ecuador into distinct regions, the

Andes Mountains divide the Amazon rainforest to the
east from the Pacific coast on the west. The altitude
tempers the climate, and although Ecuador lies across
the equator line, the climate of the Andes tends to be
spring-like all the year around. At higher elevations it can
be warm while the sun is out, but deadly cold once the
sun goes away!
The Andes Mountains stretch over 7,000 kilometers from north to south through South America.
The highest volcanic peaks are nearly 7,000 meters above sea level, and in Ecuador the summit
of the Chimborazo volcano is the furthest point from the center of the earth due to its bulge
around the equator line.

Ultimate River adventures in Ecuador - kayaking, whitewater rafting, tubing - Educational and cultural travel in
Ecuador - Study Spanish, volunteer, adventure

The cities of Quito and Cuenca represent the very best of urban Ecuador - two historic cities
nestled in the Andes Mountains. Quito was the very first UNESCO-declared World Heritage
Site for its beautiful and well-preserved historic colonial center. Cuenca was also
subsequently designated as a World Heritage Site in 1999 for its equally well-preserved
colonial center.

Cosmopolitan Capital Quito

Explore the best-preserved and largest
colonial city in the Americas, enjoy the beat
of the new town with its bars and
restaurants, experience whole-day
excursions into the surrounding Andes

Tranquil Colonial Cuenca

Enjoy walking around this beautiful and
well-preserved colonial city set between
rivers, visit its museums and churches and
hang out to watch daily life in the central
Parque Caldern . . .

True Ecuador Travel is registered in Ecuador as a limited company, functioning as a travel agency
and tour operator. The three directors are also founder members of Fundacin Yanapuma, an
Ecuadorian non-profit NGO, and Yanapuma Spanish School
True Ecuador Travel acts as the travel arm of these entities, organizing all travel and
accommodation details related to receiving individual students and volunteers as well as
volunteer and other groups. As a travel agency that is a limited company we offer the legal
standing and trustworthiness that our clients expect and require for their programs in Ecuador.

Phone: +593 2228 7084 |

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