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Exam International Management

Dr. Elisabeth Gtze

May 18, 2015
First Name & Last Name (in capitals)

Student Identification Number

Be sure to give full, comprehensive answers with enough detail to

convince the reader that you understand the concepts. Your
answers should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the text, also by using suitable terminology.
You may use subheadings and bulleted lists if appropriate.
Please make sure that your handwriting is legible!
Duration of this exam is 40 minutes.
In this exam, you can reach a maximum of 40 points; a minimum
of 50%, i.e. 20 points, is required to pass.


Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


1. MNCs claim to be beneficial to host countries, however they may also create
costs. Pls. discuss and also recommend how companies should operate in
developing countries. (10 points)
MNCs benefits to host countries

MNCs costs to host countries

Recommendations how to operate in developing countries

Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


2. Please explain the concept of the global area division and display it graphically.
Moreover: What type of companies would typically adopt this organisational
structure and which ones should rather not do so? If possible pls. also provide a
company example each. (10 points)


Which type of company would typically adopt this organisational structure and which
ones should rather not do so?

Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


3. Which characteristics and attitudes help leaders to succeed on a global scale?

And which attributes are culturally contingent? (5 points)
Universal facilitators of leadership effectiveness

Culturally contingent leadership attributes

Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


4. Pls. shortly explain the following terms and provide a practical example, if
possible (5 points):

Self-reference criterion



Power distance

Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


5. In their HBR article The Big Idea: Creating Shared value Michael E. Porter
and Mark R. Kramer contract their concept of shared value with CSR. Moreover,
they describe three basic ways (strategies) to create shared value. (10 points)
Shared value versus CSR?

Strategy 1

Strategy 2

Strategy 3

Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


Peer Rating
Every team member is required to submit a peer evaluation!
Evaluate all team members other than yourself by assigning
her/him a percentage according to her/his contribution to group
efforts, e.g.

Willingness to carry out assigned tasks and meet deadlines.

Cooperation with other team members.
Quality of the individuals contribution to the team effort.
Individuals overall contribution.

The sum of all evaluations must equal 100%.

Team member







Thank you!

Exam International Management May 18, 2015, EG


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