Phillips Alva Janice 1964 Germany

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were to hold

Ed Fausz and Alvs Phillips of ivest German Christian Mission //// an evangelistic

meeting Fan. 26 - Feb. 2 in a denominational German church in Cologne^A young^

German-speaking^Italian BkEistian has been preaching for them and they are anxious
to pattern their practice after tbie New Testament and have infited these missionaries

to lead them# Prej'^er is requested for these seekers after ifer'fcuth, and also for
many Christians suffering behi' d the Iron Curtain, The missionaries report that

"special food parcels sent out to them have been acknowledged by small gifts and a
letter of true thanksgiving,"



Mr, & Mrs. Alva Phillips

Hedvdg-Dransfeldstr. 14

Mr. Sc Mrs. Victor Slutz

6 Frankfurt am/main

Ccldwater, Mich. 49036

127 S. Hudson St.

West Germany

February, 1964
Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings to you in Christ Jesus our Lord, from Frankfurt am/main,

West Germany. Truly the Lord's work has been biassed here through you
all. For we have received so many wonderful, uplifting, spiritual

blessings, many nice encouraging letters, and packages ?rhich contained

physical blessings in food and clothing.

For each and everyone of you

who have had a part in this, we want to thank you from the bottoms of

our hearts.

Truly the Lord'has richly blessed us through His children


Time is rapidly flying by.


But the work doesn't seem to progress as

At the present 8 lessons are near completion, along ?dth the

workbooks and hand work. But it is progressing slower now, as we are

in Language School two nights a week. 4 hours a week. This means l6
hours of study outside of class. So this will slow up the progress of
the Bible School lessons. Although we're still going to try to put out
2 lessons a week with the Lord's help. We realize the importance of
knowing the German language more and more each day. For many doors of
opportunity are being opened through your prayers and ours. But these
can only be entered with a knowledge of the native language.

So we ask

that you remember this in your prayers daily.

In closing, I'd like to include a poon

I came across.

This so very

well expresses the great need here, there, and the' vrorld over.
take it to. heart, then do something about it.
Harki The voice of Jesus calling,
"V/ho will go and work today?
Fields are white, the harvest waiting;
"Jho will bear the sheaves away?"
Loud and long the Master calleth,

Rich reward ^"^e offers free;

Who will answer, gladly saying,

"Hera am I, 0 Lord, send me?"

If you cannot cross the ocean,

And the heathen lands explore,

You can find the heathen nearer,
You can help them at your door.
If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all,

V/hile souls of men are'dying,

And the Master calls for you,
Let none hear you idly saying,
"There is nothing I can do."
Gladly take the task He gives you,
Let His w^rk your pleasure be;
A.nsvfer quickly ^"hen He calleth,
"Here am I, 0 Lord, send me."
Daniel March, author


Friends in Christ, please pray for th.e vfcvk here in Germany. For
doors are ripening to us, but there are too few workers tc answer all
the pleas to bring the message of Christ. Pray that the Lord vail send
us more vrorkers.

Then you be prepared to do God's bidding.

May God richly bless you as ycu faithfully labor for Him.

Co-workers in Christ,
J.anice and Alva Phillips



Mission Expenses

Living Expenses






Slides of the work



" "36.48"

"Fers onal
Real estate










Display materials ^



Total expenditures for Nov., Dec., Jan. (on the field)...$1134.44

We receive $400.00 a month, $75.00 goes in mission account.

We have approx. $200.00 in living link fund, and $202 in Mission Fund.
Lord, vrilling, we'd like to get a German typewriter soon.. It would be
of great help in the D. V. B. S. material.


119 Hoyt St.

Ovrosso, Mich. 48867

Non-profit Org.
U. S. Postage

Ov/c-sso, Mich.
Permit #20

M/M W.E. UcGilvrey

509 Jefferson Ave,
Form 3547 Requested



Mr. & Mrs. Alva Phillips

Hedwig-Dransfeldstr. 14
6 Frankfurt am/main

7/est Germany

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Slutz

127 S. Hudson St.
Coldwater, Mich. 29036


Dear Friends in Christ:

As we hear the March winds out side, it only draws to our memory

more vividly how time does fly. This means that we too must hurry to
fulfill the Lord's work"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, bapt
izing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit: teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have command
ed you. And, lo., I am with you al^^ays, even unto the end of the world."
Truly the work is plenteous here in Germany.

But we desperately

need more workers--more laborers for Christ in this field of service

for Him. Brother Ed spoke to a German congregation several weeks ago

in Cologne, which call themselves "Brethren,"serve the Lord's Supper
each Lord's Day, and practice immersion. But they have no regualr min

The elders have been taking turn in leading the Church services.

The attendance is around 200 peopleGermans, This congregation has

asked Brother Ei'Fausz for help in the line of preaching. The first
sermon he preached for them was entitled "The Power of the Gospel."

They asked him for more spiritual food. If it is the Lord's will, _
Brother Ed and Alva hope to hold a revival or an evangelistic meeting
for them in the very near future.

before the throne of Grace,

Please keep this great concern ever

for through praver great things are ac

complished for our Lord.

We are very happy to say that we have a correction to make in regard

to our present support. We now have $441.00 per month pledged support.
If we could hit the $500.00 per month mark soon, the work here, on the
field could progress much more rapidly. We have nov; purchased a German
typevzriter which vras greatly needed. It has already put out a number
of German lessons (typed) for us. It does a very excellent job. Lord
willing, within the next few weeks we hope and pray to have a tape re
corder. This too vrill be mission property, V/e will use it for "Mission

It seems as though each day grows shorter, as we are now getting

into the "full swing" of Language School.

We are half way through the

Primary lessons in translating and writing them, as well as helping

Brother Ed with typing articles and office help. So our time seems
extra full.

Of course, teaching a class each Sunday morning and even

ing also helps our time to seem lessened.

Ve love our work here in the

Lord. It's a real challenge to us. We only wish days were longer so
we could accomplish more for our Lord. But I guess this would create
a greater problemin the line of physical health. And so goes lifell

During February, we were visited by the John Pemberton family. They

were touring Europe on their way back to the States. They stayed with
the Fausz' for 4 days.

V/e had a nice visit vrith them in o\ir home.

For those of you who have some old teaching quarterlies for Juniors,
and would like to dispose of them, we would like them. V/e will be
ready to start the Junior lessons in aboui two v/eeks, and would like
one quarterly from each or any quarter,
to the length and depth of the lessons.

G?his will be a guide to us as

As we close for now we truly pray that our wonderful Savior will '
richly bless you all as you labor for Him. For only in His labors can

we.truly be happy Christians.

May your prayers ever go with us as we

continue to labor for Him..

Your co-workers in Christ,

Janice and Alva Phillips

Those desiring slides, on the work here in Germany, to be shown in

your home churches, please notify our forwarding agent; Victor- Slutz,

127 S, Hudson St., Coldwater, Mich. 4-9036, as he has them ready for

Please give him advance notice to time desired, as time is

needed to make such arrangements I i

Thank you.

(49036 is the correct 2IP number.)

P .A L E E Z E j COOT^INUE to notify the "Vest Owosso Church Qf'_Chris_t_

immediately as to any change of address.

ZIP too!

< J






119 Hoyt St.

Owosso, Michigan 48867

Non-Profif Org.
U. S.. Postage

Owosso, Mich.
Permit #20

MAI W.E. McGilvrey

509 Jefferson Ave.

JoXiet, 111. 6O434

Form 3547 Requested



Mr. & Mrs. Victor Slutz

Mr. & Mrs. Alva Phillips

Hedwig-Dransfeldstr. 14
6 Frankfurt am/main
West Germany

127 S. Hudson St.

Coldwater, Mich. 49036

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

To you we send belated, heart-felt Resurrection Day greetings from

the Christians in Germany.

V/e enjoyed a very joyous holiday, even

though the weather on the outside was very wet and did rain most of the
day. On.the inside we enjoyed much spiritual foods first-from the
morning sermon on "The Living, Loving, Lifting Lord," by Brother Edward
Fausz', secondly-through the Christian fellowship with which we were
able to have a part in during the afternoon; and thirdly-the evening
was made complete, spiritually, by the presentation of "The Resurrec
tion Story" in flannel-o-graph by Miss Ila Kelle Henning. It is such a
joy to labor for our wonderful Lord, with such dedicated Christians.
V/e pray that your holiday was a day, spiritually filled full, too.
Our Lord has richly blessed us through this past month. Through His
help and guidance, we were able to get the Primary lessons i^rcltten and
translated into the rough draft-German. Also, through the Lord's help,
the workbook for the Primaries is in a rough, drawn-up form. As Brother
Ed goes over these with us, there will probably be considerable changes
made, for the better. We want to present the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ, in the best form possible, whether it be in Daily Vacation Bible
School materials, sermons, or through door to door invitation. Every
thing we do for Christ, should be our very best. Through your faithful
prayers, we feel that we can more adequately serve the Lord to our
fullest and best.

We have had a real challenge presented to us. The Senior Youth, The
Timotheans, of the River Park Church of Christ, would like for us to
take movies of the work for the Lord, v/hich is being done here in Ger
many, its way of life, and the spiritual needs that are open doors for
the cause of Christ. This project means they will need to purchase a
movie camera or raise the money for this camera. The young people have
decided to take this challenge upon themselves, in hope that this will
help their home congregation, and young people realize the real need in
Europe and Germany for workers to take the message of Jesus Christ. If
you 7ould like to help these young people out with this project, and
later use this or these movies and tape in your home congregations,

send your designated contribution to Mr. &Mrs, Victor Slutz, 127 South

Hudson St., Coldwater, Mich., 49036, as the young people have decided
to send us the money and have us pick up one here, due to the postage.

V/ithin the very near future, we hope to purchase, for Mission use, a
tape-recorder. This will be usedfor German work as well as tapes to
accompany slides on the Lord's work here, in the future. At present,

our forwarding agent, Victor Slutz, has a set of slides of our arrival
in.Germany and such, which he would be willing to show to churchs, after
adequate notice and set plans. There are no tapes available at the
present to go vdth this set of slides

A few weeks ago, Brother Ed Fausz, and I went calling on an elderly

Radio Listener.


She expressed great interest in the Lord's work in

She lives on a very small income, and is the only one in her

family who is or seems to be concerned about their souls.

Even though

her Income is small, she still gives of her means to help with the
Radio Broadcast, in hope that her son will come to know Christ and to
take his personal Saviour. Please remember this family, and
many others like t.h m, here in Germany who are hungering after the
Gospel Truth. The need is so great, and yet, there are so few workers
to take the Message of a Risen Saviour to so many souls who need Him
and His saving powerthe way to eternal Life with Christ forever.

In closing, we pray that the Lord can use you to more fully accomp
lish His ends and biddings in leading souls to Him where you are. May
your prayers go with us each day as we strive to more fully labor for
our Lord and Saviour here in Deutschland. May the Lord's guiding hand
go with you as you serve the Lord there as we serve Him here.

Your Fellow-servants in Christ.,

Alva and Janice Phillips

"P U R T T Y

PALEEZE !" Continue to notify theV/est Owosso

Church of Christ immediately as to any change of address.
Remember your ZIP number too. With a mailing greater
than.700 there are several changes each month.

It costs

the church 8^ for each returned letter when your old

address is used. So, please co-operate in 'this matter.



Hoyt St. .


Owosso, Michigan 48867

Non-Profit Org
U. S. Postage

Owosso, Mich.
Permit #20

W.E. McC-ilvrey
509 Jefferson Ave.

Joliet, 111. 60434

Form 3547 Requested

Mr. &Mrs. Alva Phillips

'; '



c&Mrs. Victor Sluta/'^

Hedwig-Dransfeldstr, 14

127 S. Hudson St.

6 Frankfurt am/main

Coldwater, Mich. 49036

V/est Germany

May, 1964
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,
As April has rapidly fled by, many things have been happening, espec
ially in the Lord's work here in Germany.. Through the Lord's help and
guidance, 30 lessons for Daily Vacation Bible School have been trans

lated in the "rough draft" German. Also, 2 workbooks and part of a

third one, are now ready for correction, typing, and then mimeograph
ing. V'/ith the Lord's help,we hope that the third workbook will be com
pleted by the end of this ?/eek, or next week, at the latest. Through
the help of you Christians, who have been sending us Bible pictures and
crayons, scissors, paste, and pencils, we are now about sufficiently
supplied v.dth the needed articles. Also, we want to deeply thank those
who sent to us teacher's quarterlies for the Primary and Junior Depart
ments when we were in need of them. They were a real help, and so were
the workbooks, Thank you so very much for your great concern and pro
motion in the Lord's work for His Kingdom here in Germany.
Prayer is very important to a Christianl

It is essential to a worker

for the Lord. In fact, PRAYER is the lifeline for the missionarynot
only those abroad, but also those v^ho' faithfully serve the Lord in their

home congregations. Thus we are asking for your continued^.prayers on

the Lord's 7/ork here in Germany. Then, too, we would_lLik'6 ro ask of

you a couple special prayer requests, Thte first ^^"is for Brother

Edward Fausz and his family. Brother Ed jiias ^^fcalled back to the
States as his mother is very near death,.;du^-^ cancer. This is a dif
ficult time of emotional, physical, and Mnancial strain on the whole
family. Thus, your prayers on their behalf are appreciated beyond

During this time of emotional strain for the Fausz, and during Broth
er Ed's absence, Alva has been filling the vacancy, through the Lord's
help and guidance, in the best possible way. It is wonderful to see
the Lord work through your prayers and- ours. Because of faithful pray-'
ers, we have no7 a meeting place for our Daily Vacation Bible school.
It will be held the first two weeks in August, as this is the German
vacation from their school year. So please keep this in your daily
prayers too.

A short time ago. Brother Ed received a letter from an elderly man,

who listens faithfully to his radio broadcasts, asking if Brother Ed
felt he should be baptized, as he had been "christened" or "sprinkled"
when he was very young. You see, he was not sure of his salvation. And
as he listened to the Gospel preached to him over the radio, the Gospel
began to work on his heart and soul.

He is in his 80's and he knows

that he has no lifetime to think about it anymore.

So Brother Ed went

to^his home, way down in the Black Forest. He opened God's V/ord unto
this elderly man as it had never been presented unto him before. But
since the man had been raised in the "trap" of Denominationalism all of
his life, this one required step is a very difficult one for him to
make. For four hours they studied the 'Vord of God together and the
Holy Spirit went to work on his soul.

This man is still studying the

Bible and we truly feel that with your prayers and ours behind him, that
very soon, this man v/ill take his stand for Christ Jesus. V/hen he does,

this will open the door to two more families next door to him, his
children's families. Please pray for this man daily. For there is a
soul at stake!

V/e want to thank each and every one of you for your faithful prayers
and help in our behalf. May our glorious Savior richly bless each and
everyone of you in your faithful service to Him. Our prayers go with
each of you too as you labor for our Lord right where you are.

Your co-workers in Christ Jesus,

Alva and Janice Phillips
If you have any questions concerning ourselves or the Lord's vrork

here in Germany, please feel free to drop us a line and ask it


or them.

Paid Out




Rent for apartment


Groceries (thank you for the food parcels) 37-19

Personal expense (books for translating)
Tithe (unlisted)
Listed total






Personal expense (Included a sewing Machine)67.71

Tithe (unlisted)
Listed total




Personal expense
Tithe (unlisted)

April 30th balance

$ 92.77

MISSION EXPENDITURESReceived monthly $100.00

Feb. March April

$ 11.15 $10.30 $ 63o






Schooling in German22,95



Office supplies



Display material (slides etc.)

Total monthly


Non-Profit Org
U. S. Postage

Owosso, Mich.


$158.72 $89.74 $85.66

Permit #20




April 30th balance

V/e hope to soon be able to purchase

a tape recorder, the Lord vdlling.

W,E. McGilvrey
509 Jefferson Ave

Joliet, 111. 60434






119 Hoyt St,

Owosso, Michigan 48867

Form 354-7 Requested



Mr, & Mrs, Alva Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Slutz:

Hedwig-Dransfeldstr, 14
6 Frankfurt am/main

127 3. Hudson St.

Coldwater, Mich. 49036

West Germany

June, 1964
Dear Friends in Christ,

Through statements made in letters that have been received lately,

we feel there have been a few misunderstandings. Thus, we would like
to take this opportunity to help straighten them out for you and us.
First of all, as we were raising our support to come to Germany to help
in the Lord's work, we tried to make it very plain that we planned to
spend one whole year in Language School, that we could do a much more
adequate and acceptable job for our Lord.

And since Janice had never

had any type of German study and I have only had one year in America,
which does not compare to "on the field" language, we feel this 1 year
is more than needed. Thus, we have now been studying in Language
School, since February (the latter part of the month, as that is when
a new class started).

The D. V. B. S. lessons which we have been work

ing on, in writing and translating them, have been an aid in helping us
to learn the language more rapidly. Of course, this work was not in

It is the material which we v/ill use in D. V. B. S. this coming


Therefore, you can easily see, that this material served two.

purposes at the same time.

Secondly, there seems to be a mix-up on our funds, and mission title.

Y/e are NOT under the "Vest German Christian Mission," and we do NOT have
the same Forwarding Agent as Brother Edward Fausz and family. At the
present time, all our funds go under the heading of "German Evangelism,"
and all receipts are stamped in this way. All of our funds go to Mr.

&Mrs. Victor Slutz, 12? S. Hudson St., Coldwater, Mich.49036, as they

are our Forwarding Agents.

The Fausz Family and Miss Henning go under

the name of ""/est German Christian Mission," with Coleman T. Sparrow

as Forwarding Agent. None of our funds come through the "V/est German
Christian Mission," but we do help each other in different projects and
both are striving for the same goal--that of VANNING SOULS to Jesus
Christ. If you have any further questions on this matter, please ask
As of April, our support raised to $485.00.
welcoming sight.

This is certainly a

But we must also realize that some of the churches

have pledged their monthly support on a per-centage basis, thus, this

will change from time to time.

But this matters not.

We still thank

the Lord from the bottom of our hearts for each of you who have sup
ported the Lord's work in Germany so faithfully. This helps to make
progress in the winning of souls for our Lord. Also, the great encour
agement which many of you have been in helping us meet our needs in D,
V, B, S, supplies, has lifted a great load from our shoulders. We
daily pray that our wonderful Lord will richly shower His blessings up
on you.

For these materials will help to take Christ and His Gospel

into many homes for the very first timewhich means more doors will be
opening up for the cause of Christ. So keep up your wonderful labors
for Christ and He will reward you beyond measure.

In closing, we ask for your continued, faithful prayers on "behalf of

the Lord's' v^rork and its progress in Germany5

ahd for the Daily Vaca

tion Bible School we plan to help in August.

Only through faithful

prayers of the Christians, can souls be stirred, enthused, taught and

won to Christ Jesusand this is our goal--for PRAYER is the' KEY to

greater things in the Lord.

Through this door of D. Y. B, 3, many more

doors can be 'opened, and many hearts .brought to Christ and the whole

Gospel Truth.



' \,

May the Heavenly Rather, who sustains all life, and grants all bless
ings, shower upon you His richest 'blessings as you continue to faith-

.fully serve Him where- you are, through helping others to know our wond
erful Savior too.
with us.

Our prayers go with you as yours continue to. go

Your Co-workers in Jesus Christ,

Alva and Janice Phillips-



V/hen you move, would you be so kind to notify the West Owosso
Church of Christ as others are doing? This will save the church much
m.oney in return postage.. Thank you.







Non-profit Org.
U. S. Postage



Owosso,^ Michigan 48867


Owosso, Mich.,Permit #20 "


MAI W.E. McGilvrey

509 Jefferson Ave.

Joliet, 111, 60434

Form 3547 Requested



:4::' y. .1

-i I



Mr. & Mrs. Alva Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Slutz

Hedwig-Dransfeldstr. 14

127 S, Hudson St.

6 Frankfurt am/main
West Germany

Coldwater, Mich. 49036

July Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ,

Our hearts have been overjoyed; at the progress the Gospel of Jesus

Christ is making in Germany.

Through the Gospel Radio Broadcast over

L-uxemburg, many souls are being stirred for our Saviour, as well as
many Christians being strengthened.

Forest area, asked for help.

One of these areas, the Black

They wanted someone to come and help to

teach them the way of the Lord more perfectly.

fore we arrived on the field.

This call came long be

Thus, we had always been very concerned

and interested in this area of labor for our Lord.

After arriving on the field, we started the language study. We had

not been here too long, when Brother Edward Eb.usz received a letter ask
ing him to bring us to this needed area for workers. It was sometime
before we vrere able to make that trip. The trip has been made several
times since. Following much prayer, consideration, and consulting our
major supporting churches, the Lord has laid it upon our hearts to ac
cept this great challenge.

The Lord willing, we will make this move in September. But this re
quires two things of each of us and of'luu, (il FnAiERT We need your

daily earnest prayers, as we step into this new area of service on faith.
There will be many problems, some of which we have already begun to en
counter, Greater ones are yet to come! So please take this before the
Lord in your prayers each day.

(2) A carl! \In making this move, we v/ill be in a small rural town.
^ / Our language study must continuethis means traveling to Stuttgart,

f which is appro imately 30 to 3? miles away. Then too, those interested

\.JUs..the Gospel Message are scattered throughout a wide area. Thus, the
car is a MUST in taking the complete Gospel Truths to them.

Realizing the expense involved in purchasing a new car, plus the

German license and insurance, we have decided to obtain a good used car.
This will cost us between
dollars. Before purchasing an
automobile, we will have it officially inspected and valued by the Ger
man authorities. (The German car license and ins-urance costs approxi


In this way, we will knov^ the car is worth its

statea'-'Value.rf^anyone desires to help with this great need, please

send all funds, designated "car fund", to: Mr. & Mrs. Victor Slutz

Forwarding Agents, 127 S. Hudson St., Coldwater, Michigan, 49036

Also, in moving to the Black Forest, we have been asked to serve as
guardians of a H^ear old girl, Ruth, the daughter of a blind, Christ

ian preacher. "Ruth"iV ah immersed believer in Christ, and is an

American citizen.

Thus she would "be free to travel with us and assist

us in the Lord's work, wherever He may lead. By doing this, we will be

granted free living quarters, plus a place in which to worship. This,
too, please keep in your prayers.

As each of us do oxir part in the furtherance of Christ,'s Kingdom,

may each be blessed beyond measure from God's bountiful hand.
Your co-laborers in Christ,
Alva and Janice Phillips


If each one who receives this news-letter would send at

least one dollar for the "car f^xnd", Alva and Janice could
-purchase the car right, away... >|c >(s

"P TJ R T T y


PALEEZE !" Continue to notify the West Owosso

Church of Christ immediately of any change of address











Owosso, Michigan 48867

I"..' :


Non-profit Org
U. S. Postage

Owosso, Mich.
Permit #20

JUL 2* 196^
UM W.E. McGilvrey
^09 Jefferson Ave.

Joliet, 111* 60434

Form 3547 Requested


July 25, 1964



Alva and Mrs. Janice Phillips are making plans to move from Frankfurt,
West Germany to the Black Forest area in September.
They plan to live in a small rural tovm 55 miles from Stuttgart, where they
will continue their language study.

In addition, they will become guardians of a l4-year-old Christian girl,

'xh ^ V
and will receive free living quarters.
be near a place of worship already





They have assisted Edward Fausz



family and co-workerS in the work


since going to the fields a&d- this new area has been opened up as a result

the Gospel ^adio broadcast from Radio Luxembourg,

As they prepare to settle in this new field, they have sent an urgent

request for prayer support and additional finances. In entering their own field,

they will need

car which they estimate


can^urchase*^sed for



)^plus the I25O cost of a German car license and insurance,

Forward^dress is Victor Slutz, 127 S. Hudson Street, Coldwater,

Mich, 49056, Field address for the present is stll: Hedwig-Dransfeldstr, l4,
6 Frankfurt am/main. West Germany,




Mr. & Mrs. Alva Phillips

Hedwig-Dransfeldstr. 14

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Sluta

127 S. Hudson St.

6 Frankfurt am/main

Coldwater, Mich. 49036

West Germany
August Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

As July rapidly sped by, many things have been happening.

work is progressingregardless of the devil's snares!

The Lord's

So we would

like to share these progresses and changes with you.

The first great blessing we want to share with you, is the car fund.
V/hen we received word of the way YOUthe Lord's peoplewere sending
in funds to help purchase a car for the progress of the Gospel in the

Black Forest area, our hearts vrere overcome with tears of joy.
have no idea how encouraging this is to us.


We truly pray that the Lord

will shower upon you a portion of blessings as you have so richly

showered us.

Secondly, the Lord willing, we will be moving to the Black Forest on

the Slst. of August. As already stated, things have been progressing
very rapidly. Now, this is a very challeneging step for us to make as
the devil, as usual, has been working over time to prepare us a discour
aging welcome.

But with the Lord and His dedicated people behind us,

backing us up with prayer daily, we are assured that the Lord and His
work will be_vi;G:torxous"ii Please .do remember this in your prayers as

this is a very 'trying time on both of us, and especially on Janice as

she is expecting in the middle of November, and cannot do all the things
she ao-'^da^Jres to do-i Thus, we ask that you will keep her too in your

daily prayeFsj^tTiaT"Slre'Tiiay- have the heeded physical strength.

Due to the determination of the Senior Youth of the River Park'""

Church of Christ, v/ho started a project of purchasing for us a movie

camera, for taking pictures of the Lord's work and the great needs in

Germany, v;e have been able to purchase a Bell and Howell movie camera.
It is a real beauty. But it will take a few months for us to become
adjusted to it, in order to produce films for you to see. Thus, be
patient with us in this project and we will get them to you as soon as

As of September 1st., our new address v/ill be as follows: Mr. & Mrs.
Alva A. Phillips, 7261 Stammheim. Hauppstrasse 13, PLEASE!! DO NOT
send any mail to our Frankfurt address after August 20th.

For this will

only make it difficult for our landlord. Please remember this^ After
the 20th. of August, send all mail to 726l Stammheim.

(Always underline

We will draw this letter to a close so that there will be needed

space for our financial report, V/e truly thank the Lord daily for each
and every one of you who make the Gospel go forward in Germany. If it
were not for you and your faithful prayers and support in our behalf,
we could do nothing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please,
alvrays rememberYOU make the Gospel progress or stalll V/e pray that
you will always help it go forth for CHRISTll May God richly bless
each and every one of you daily.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Alva and Janice Phillips
^^^ V*


May 1

Sjc 5^ 5jC >|i 3^


brought forward

Rent and utilities

Personal expenses
Household furnishings







Tithe (unlisted) Total ^359-55


, 3-14

Monthly salary






Balance on hand July 31st.



Balance on hand May Ist.

Monthly salary$100.00.

Total for May, June & July





$ 23.87

$ 39.14

$ 35.23







Display material
Office supplies




Total for each month



$ 65.54

Balance on hand July 31st.

$4.16due to change over in moneydollars to Ger. marks








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Owosso, Michigan 48867


Owosso,- Mich.


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509 Jefferson Ave.

Joliet, 111, 60434

Form 3547 Requested

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Slutz

Mr. & Mrs. Alva Phillips
7261 Sinnnih.3im. Krs. Calw.
Hauptstrasse 13
West Qerriany

127 S. Hudson St.

Coldwater, Mich. 49036

September Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ,

During the past month so very many things have happened, some, of
wh:lch were not too pleasant, while others were uplifting, spiritually.
But throngh all these trials and experiences, our faith has been great].y strengthened, and blessed through Christ Jesus.
The first thing we would like to ask of each and everyone of you, is
P K A Y E R in our behalf.

V/e are being greatly tried at the present,

y/e have just moved onto a new field, have an 88 year old, blind,
Christian man to care for, v/ho is quite ill at the present, due to a
bad rupture.

This is very strenuous on us, as he must be lifted and

cared for continually. Thus, we are asking that you pray for Brother
V'altke's health, for our strength to be renewed, and that in all things,
the lord*s will may be done.

Yes, we are now living in the Black Forest area, in the town of
Stammheim. It is a small, country village, with all the quaint German
architecture. The people seem very pleased to have us here, as we tell
tbem that we are missionaries, desiring to share with them the Gospel
Ci Jesus Christ, and show them Christian love. Therefore, we feel that
tbe opportunities here are very great and that through patient V7ork,
study, and teaching, many victories will be won for Christ Jesus.
Please remember this alv/ays in your prayers, for your prayers open
doors for the advancement of Christ and the Gospel in Germany.

Ve moved to Stammheim on August 28th. due to the busy schedule of

Brother Ed Fausz. He and his family graciously let their work go for
the day, and helped us make the long move to Stammheim. For this we
t?:' thank them and the Lord. V/e had only been here 5 days, vrhen

Brother Waltke became very ill, due to a rupture.

He had to be rushed

to the hospital for immediate treatment. The Doctors "said that he

v:ould not have lived two more hours without treatment. So, once again
cur prayers of thanksgiving go up before our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ for the wonderful way in which He cares for His own.

VJell, German study is now progressing much more rapidly, since

Alva takes the study in Stuttgart. He covered 3 lessons in one even
ing. Since he is ever speaking the language with the people, his vo-_^-

cabulary too is growing. In all things we have been able to see the^'

Lord's hand at work. This truly is a strengthening power in our lives. J

\ .

In closing, we would like to express our thanks, and appreciation for

all of you, who have faithfully backed us v^ith your prayers. One never

knows hov/ rewarding this until he experiences it. May your prayers
ever go with us in the Lord's labors here, and may our wonderful
heavenly Father shov/er His abundance of blessings upon you always.
Your CO-laborers in Christ


Alva & Janice Phillips

jj!* *al:

*J|! 8s

Editor's note; REMEMBER? | tHE



AND , will you PLEASE remember to give us your change of address.

Many thanks to those who have done so.




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Michigan 48867

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Owosso, Mich,
Permit #20

SEP 2 'fea

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^09 Jefferson Ave,

Joliet, 111* 60434

Form 3547 Requested

:- r



Mr. & Mrs, Alva Phillips

7261 Stammheim. Krs. Calw.
Hauptstrasse 13
West Germany

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Sluts

127 S. Hudson St.

Goldwater, Mich. 49036

October Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

In the month that has rapidly past, the Lord has truly permitted us
to be tested and tried by the devil*s hosts. As we made our move into

the Black Forest area, to the town of Stammheim, we were under the im^

pression that we would have an tinfurnished apartment to ourselves, and

that we would fix the meals and care for Mr. ?i?altke, (88 years old,
blind, & badly ruptured) in payment for our rent. But when we arrived,
we found out that we were to live in^Ms* apartment, and take care of

him. This we accepted, as a real challenge, but this was only the very
beginning. Also, we were to care for his 14 year old daughter. Only

after moving in ^th him for a week did we begin to realize and told
-the -whole- truth.- Mr. Waltke* s -mind is- not-r-ight, due-to-a-stroke,- and it is rapidly getting worse. At times, we believe that it is nearly,
gone, as he talks and argues with himself. Also, he is forgetful, and
gets lost often.. Then too, his daughter, Ruth, is in a home for young
ladies, where she.will get proper trainingas the court felt that her
father was. physically linable to raise :her, and her mother has been dead
for :over two years.

week or more.

All of this we learned after having lived here a

Not knowing all of these things to begin with, made it

very trying and difficult for us--for his outlook on life is very bit

ter, This we were not used to at all. But after talking to a doctor,
a nurse, and three or four friends who have helped to care for him,
Janice (especially) and I Came to take what he said with a grain of
salt. But, for one instant, putting yourself in my wife*s situation,
and receiving only criticism, and complaining for all your hard efforts,
without knowing why, will help you to quickly realize why September was
so trying. Through it all, our Lord has greatly blessed us with streng

th and grace, increased our faith and patience, and brought us humbly
to the realization that", without .Christ to lead, strengthen, guide,
^ess, and keep us^, we are nothing. Only through our letting Christ
use our lives as vessels for IM.S Kingdom can we be used to carry and
proclaim the message of Christ. Yes, September has been very trying fcr
us--but through it all our Lord has helped us to realize exactly what

He means in His Word when he says, "Come unto Me, all ye that labour
and ar.e- heavy^ ladrcn^and I will-^^ve
. Take My"yoke upon"you,
and learn of Mes For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light" (Matt.
While the Lord patiently taught us His will for our lives during the
past month, He richly blessed His labors here in Germany, As the Lord
used my feeble efforts and lack of knowiedge in the language to call on
the people of Stammheim, the message of Chfist stirred and intefested 8

or 10 .different souls. For this, we truly thank the Lord.

Whom I spoke to concerning the Bible, said he would love to
Word with me, and in so doing, he would better come to know
for his and his family's lives, and through it all he would

One man,
study God*s
God's wiil
help me tO'

more rapidly learn the Bible language in Gefman. Two .or three oth^r

people, who were or are ''so-called": members of the State Church, want to

study God's Word with us, as well as 4 or 6 immersed believers in Christ

Jesus.: Most of this was learned from house to house calling, and from
speaking to people on the street. V/e were told that we: coula use the

chapel here, which is connected onto the house. But the Christians
refuse to come here for services, as they know Mr. V/altke, his unscript-

ural beliefs, and his bitter way of dealing with people, since his

stroke. Thus, ;^e feeX-,that it ?/ould be most profitable in the Lord's

ywork here, for u's'^'t'o obtain a room or meeting place elsewhere. V/e
f have considered moving into a 5 room apartment, after the baby is born,
which will mean that we could use the living room for weekly Bible

studyj but we are not sure just where the Lord would have us meet for
worship services. As the time arrives, we know the Lord will work it
out. At the present my German study is not quite advanced enough for
direct Bible teaching, as you know it in the States, but I am not hind-

ered in talking to others concerning Christ. In this small^way, the

Lord is shov.dng us where the "fish" arefrom hence forth, it is our

responsibility to teach them and shovr them the love of Christ Jesus for
lost souls. I have been kept very busy in the German study, since I'm
in a very rapidly moving class, and must travel to and from Stuttgart
- forclai3s- --hifo-nights a week,-two- heu-r-seachr.- d).1ytgavel -isdone-by
train, due to the price of gasoline,
a gallon). The Lord willing,
I hope to be able to start regular Bible study groups in November, to
wards the latter part of the month as our child is due to arrive in
the middle of November. Please pray that through the Lord's guidance
and help, I will be able to more rapidly learn the German language,
and be ready for this great challenge vjhich lies before me.

In the

mean time, the Lord and I will continue to make contact with more
people, calling on them and setting forth a Christ-like example in all
things. Also, I hope to be able to meet with one young man this month
to share God's Word with him and perhaps others. Yes, the field of
Stammheim is very plenteous, but the laborers are so few. Do pray that
the Lord v/ill send forth more workers for His vineyard of Europe.

Praise be to God who maketh all things possiblel

Our hearts are

over-joyed, beyond words, at the marvelous way in which our great

Savior has taken care of our every need through His childrenyou
dedicated Christians. Through vou we were able to^purchase a car, pay

the insurance op it, and obtain fhs license plates, all for approxi-^.'
mately $60f.00. Altogether, approximately 4^300.00 has thus far come
in for the car fund. :' A tape recordei, ' too, has been obtained, which
will help in the sen^^.g^bht of His Message. Many other gifts have
been sent to us, which have certainly helped to lessen our load. May
our- bountiful Lord richly bless each'of-your lives from HTs stbrehbuse
of blessings.
Your co-laborers in Christ,
Janice & Alva Phillips








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