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Forwarding Agent:
Mrs, Wilbur Saph


Dearborn, Michigan 48126

Field Address:
Black Forest Christian Mission

Mr. & Mrs. Alva A. Phillips



PoBtfach 15


West Germany

February 7. 1969
Dear Christian Friends,

Greetings to all in the Savior's Namel

God has certainly been

showering ns with numerous blessings. For these gifts of mercy and

kindness, we are grateful to the Lord and you. We thank each of you
for your prayers. God has been hearing your prayers and is touching
the hearts of the German people. More and more, doors are opening up
to us through which we can present the Gospel Message. One family has
now offered to let us use their livingroon as a meeting place every
other Lord's Day for worship services. Others are asking us to study
God's Word with than on a regular basis. The young people, too, are
beginning to take an interest in learning more about God's Word. In
the weekly services ^ich we have for the German children, the attend
ance usually runsfrom 25-40 and in the youth meeting frcm 13-20.
Our needsl

More laborers to help reap the harvest of souls are

presently needed. Especially do we need a young married couple to help

us tAio are dedicated to serving Christ. The doors of service for Christ
are open wide! We pray to God that scaneone will respond, as did Isaiah,
and say, "Here am I, Lord, send me."

Other needs: more handwork.suppliessuch as paper, wood and/or

leather articles to make teaching materials, and flannelgraph, but no
Lookouts or Christian Standards because they are written in English.
Also, your prayers that His work will continue to grow are greatly

Plans for the present and future: Presently, we are calling on

the German people in the area with the view in mind of starting regular
Bible study groups. Plans are being made for starting a New Testament
congregation from these Bible study groups. This summer, Lord willing
we do plan to have D.V.B.S, for the German children once again. Ity
j^fe is pesently writing the D.V.B.S. lessons, along with the help of

^eprl Shaffer. Mrs. Charles Jones fron Berlin will probably be trans
lating them into German for our use and theirs.

We want to thank each of you who have had a part in helping spread
Christ 6 Word here in Germany. May God continue to bless and keep each

OTe of you. We are happy to announce that Miss Lela McCauley arrived
Tuesday, the fourth of this month, to help us in the work here.
Your friends in Christ,

Alva, Janice & Debbie Phillips

Cheryl Shaffer and Lela McCauley


Forwarding Agent;
Mrs. Wilbur Saph


Dearborn, Michigan 48126

Field Address:
Black Forest Christian Mission

Mr. & Mrs. Alva A. Phillips



Postfach 15


West Germany

MarchAprll Nevsletter

Staimaheim, April 8, 1969

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Onr Savior is certainly wonderful, isn't He! We are thankful to Him for
answering your prayers and ours on behalf of His work here. The Lord's work is

progressing, both with the adults and with the young people. Just recently, we

have been asked to have regular Tuesday evening Bible study. We are hoping to
be able to have Lord's Day services as well. The young people presently are
learning how to pray. Many of then have never prayed before in their lives. It
has always been something that the priest or minister has done for them. Marico

Trunper, one of the teenagers, has led in prayer several times and we would like
to share one of her prayers with yout
"Gelobt sei Jesus Christus der fttr uns gestorben ist und fur uns
gelitten hat. Ep sorgt fUr uns und schaut auf uns herab. Er hat

die Welf ftir uns erschaffen, er hat die Welt fur uns erbaut, da^
wlr auf ihr leben kBnnen. Er hat uns erschaffen, well er uns liebt.

Den Baura laRt er fiir uns die Friichte tragen und alles andere auoh,
darum soli er hoch gelobt sein bis in alle Zeit. Lobet den Herm,
den er hat Hinanel und Erde gemacht.

Und alle Menschen 6b arm oder

reich, alle sind bei Gott dem Herm gleich. Lobet ihn, den er
liebt uns alle.


Translation in English:

"Praises be to Jesus Christ who suffered and died for us. He watches
over and takes care of us. He created the world for us to live upon
it. He created us because He loved us. The trees he caused to bare

fruits for us; therefore, we should truly praise Him throughout all
ages. Praise Him because He made the sky and the earth. All men,
whether rich or poor, are alike before God. Praise Him, for He
loves us all.


Together, wo are all learning about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The plans wo made for D.V.B.S. this summer are now nearing ccrapleticn. We
hope to have it in Stammheim the 28th of July through the 8th of August. The
really looking forward to it. Much to our sorrow, we shall not be

able to hold a D.V.B.S. for a church which asked us in Tubingen. The people
^ere have not as yet been convinced of the value of having a D.V.B.S. Too many
of the parents think only of themselves and their pleasure. The month of August
is vacation time in Germany.

The work among the servicemen which has been started through the efforts of

Brother Bill Shelton, TSgt U.S. Air Force,| ^dio lives near Ludwigsburg, is doing
fine. We have the privilege of helping id^th this work as well. It is truly
a source of strength to the service men in the area, as well as to us. We certainly do praise Brother Bill for his Christian stand. If you do have scmeone
stationed in Germany, or anyone in the Armed Forces, stationed any^diere in the
world, send us their addresses. We shall do our best to contact them. Also,

Church of Christ/Christian Church services have been started and are held every
Sunday evening from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Pattonville Chapel. (Military

Chapel) The attendance runs from ten to thirty. Quite often, I am given the
privilege of preaching for these services. Do remember this work of our Lord
in your prayers.

Also, along with your prayers for His work here, we do appreciate receiving
Bible School materials from different ones and your financial support of Christ's
work. May God bless all of you for the sacrifices you have made on our behalf in
the Lord's work here.

CHiristian love.

Alva, Janice & Debbie Phillips

Miss Cheryl Shaffer and Miss Lela McCauley















Mission Supplies



Car Repair
Office Supplies






lfi.88i(m Rent





Salary Secretary




















Car Insurance


















Total &spnse











Total gifts
Jtily 1, 1968, Balance on Hand
Phillips' Salary kOO.OO

Balance on Hand Jan, 1, 1969




^ 400.00

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U.S. Postage

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Dearborn, Michigan 48126


Dearborn, Mich,
Permit #6l6

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-vi> ..
Forwarding Agent:

Mrs. Wilbur Saph



Dearborn, Michigan 48126

Field Address:
Black Forest Christian Mission

Mr. & Mrs. Alva A, Phillips



Postfach 15


West Germany

Mayc^Jtme Newsletter

Stannhelmp Jiuie 3o 19^9

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Time has fled by so rapidly that it seems impossible for Jnne to be here

alreadye 1 guess the reason we feel thi^way is because we are kept so busy in

the Lord's work For a month now^^^^S^^been meeting each Lord's Day afternoon
with Brother and Sister (toistiaii?uubler An ReinersaUo This is north of

Preudenstadt in the Black Forest,

These two wonderful Christian

^ple have opened their home to regular

worship services, and are continue^

inviting the neighbors in. In many things,

they are babes in Christ, But ai 't we all? To help you better understand the
situati<ai, I would like to shai seme of their background with you. They were
were christened as babies. Then, after being
reared in the Luthem Church
married a few years they jo^ed the Pentecostal group. In many respects, this
But they found it too lacking in some spiritual
drew them closer to the

teachings. They have bei^ immersed into Christ aixi are striving to follow the

New Testament pattern ^r Christ's Chiirch, As we shared the news from our broth
ers and sisters in C}mst in America, they came to realize that they were not a-

loie in their stand /or Christ. This couple is in their 50's, but they are eager
to see other souls won to Christ, There are a few things which seem so important
to them at their present stage in spiritual growth. But the guiding of the
Holy Spirit, your faithful prayers, and faithful teaching in God's Wordwe are
sure that they will soon out-grow these minor details.

On Hay 26 the angels in Heaven rejoiced along with the Christians here as
Bruckner were buried with their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
in Christiaju bapQsm,Thie^^uple has been listening to Bro, Bd Fausz's radio
broadcast for several years 5 they receive his sermons regularly and study them,
and they have been studying God's Word with the Phillip's and the Fausz's at each

What a spiritually rewarding time all of these efforts have been,

Bro, Ed Fausz came down for the baptism, and was

the honor of immersing th^
into Christ, As they came up out of the water tears of jqy streamed down th^ir

flmiyjPffiwawir wag; "Hog.^ are trul^M^hildran nf

The service

was concluded by singing What a Friend^~Have in Jesus^, and the joining of hands
for a prayer circle. There wasn't a dry eye amcaig us. It is, at times like these
that we ccme to know the closeness of Brothers and Sisters in Christ, With the

Lort's help and guidance, a ^ble Study ig

awnwyyoH rfsy thegBfMCkg^^
This will be sot up cn a weekly basis. Please keep these babes in Chriflt
daily prayers.

y^^ \

As you may remember, a few months ago we were meeting regularly with the
Italian Christians, Due to a crowded schedule on Sundays, we had to drop our regu
lar services ^dth them. But through the Lord's guidance, we have now been able to
make arrangements with them to meet regularly each Saturday afternoon for Bible
Study and prayer. As you can well see, at least two young couples are desperately
needed to help carry on the work that is started here.

During the past month we have had the privilege of ha^Fing^ two wonderful Bible

studies with a-feithfuiseryant of the .Lord's,^Dr. Paul Schmid,"~^'^n Schorndorf,

This doctor cis:;82_^ars 6y,^d'administers medica^tc(n_to_Anywhere from 60 to 90

patients a day, with"~the-aid of his daughter who is also a doctor. Our brother
in the Lord is very learned in the Scriptures and enjoys so very much to share
this knowledge with others around him. He has been reared in the Luthem Church
and then later became a Seventh Day Adven1{.ist. He is an immersed believer in

Christ and strives to live each day to the Lord's honor and glory. Schorndorf
is about an hour and a half drive frcn our house.

On June 3 the William Shelton Family left the Stuttgart area on their journey
back to the States,

This was very hard for all of the Christians idio meet at the

Pattonville ChapeT^to accept. This family will be greatly missed as they were a
great"spiritual backbone to the congregation there. It i^our prayer that we will
soon be provided with more diligent Christians, such as the Shelton family, vho
will be willing to help carry the load of spreading the message of Christ, If it

is the Lord's will, this family may, seme jday, ccme back to Germany and be an

answer to many faithful prayers.

We havi^ plea^^'iich we would like tp lay on each of your hearts. That is a

plea f
Ws need two vcung
Immedl ately t.n help assist in
the Lord's work here and to help broaden the horizon of the Lord's Kingdom in
Germany. At the present time regular services are being help in Freudenstadt

(li hr. drive from our house), Stammheim (ten minutes), Stuttgart (one hour),
Weilemdorf (about an hour drive), and Pattonville near Stuttgart (one hour). As
you can see, time isa very important instrument in the lord's work. Also, we have

Childrens Bible Hour twice a week, Youth Group one a week, and Adult Prayer Mtg,
once a week for the Germans in Stammheim. On Thursday evenings we conduct Bible

study for the American Service families in the Pattonville area. I'm sure you
will agree that we have a need for more assistance. Please pray along with us
that God will lead some young couples to help meet this immediate need. May God
guide and bless each of you as you strive to do His will in each of your lives,

P.S. We are urgently in need-

Master's Service,

of nermnn Bibles. AnySr~~

Mis^Ila. MoCau^j^and ffissOieryl
to this cause may do so by sending [their money directly to Mrs. Betty Saph
and designate it for Bibles

Non-profit Org,

c/o ^4-760 Curtis

Dearborn, Michigan 48126

U.S. Postage

Dearborn, Mich,
Permit #6l6



j-uly 2h, 1969



Hva Riillips of the Black Forest Christian Mssion, West Germany, reports:

"On May 26, the an^l^s in Heaven rejoiced along with the Christians here as
the BrtJ.ckners irere buried icLth their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Christian

He said that they had been listening to Ed Fausz's radio broadcast for

several years. They had also received the printed sermons and studied them. Ed
and Alva had also visited with them in their home and studied with tiiem.


said; "IiZhat a spiritually rexiiarding tiie all of these efforts ha-ve been. Bro.
Fausz carae down for the baptism, and was given tte honor of imriiersing t hem into

Christ. As they came up out of the vjater, tears of joy streamed down their faces.
Their only remark was: 'Now we are truly Children of God.'"


Fhhilips - 2 - July Zkj 1969

Bro. Bhillips added; '"The service was concluded by singing 'Itot a Friend
e Have in Jesus," and the joining of hands for a prayer circle.

Biere wasn't

a dry eye among us. It is^^at tiraes like these tliat we come to know the closeness

of pothers and ^sters in Christ. With the Lord's iielp and gu,idance, a Bible
study is being arranged for the Bruckner family on a weekly basis. Please keep
these babes in Christ in your daily prayers."

Address is Alva A. Hiillips, 7261 Staramheim Krs. CALM, HUUt l5, Ifest Germany,


Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Wilbur Saph


Dearborn, Michigan 48126

Field Addresg*.,

JjadT^drest Chrtstian"TflgBt(ftr

' ilr. & Mrs. Alva A. Phillips




July-August Newsletter

Sear Christian friends,

I don't Icnow whether your summer has been moving as rapidly as
ours or not, but it seems as though the first of May just arrived last
week. As I look at the calendar, I am reminded that summer is not ar

riving, but it is already past.


our activities during the past months.

Let me fill you in on a few of

The month of June faced us with

preparation for D, V. B, S, for Lugano, Switzerland, and the camping

program, and the finishing up of the needed workbooks for our vacation

Since we do not have an Ordering House from which we can

obtain our Craft Pace, we (Cheryl Shaffer, Lela McCauley and Janice
Phillips) set to work planning activities from scratbh that would coin
cide with our Bible theme and Bible stories.

machet zu Jlingernl"

Our theme is "Gehet hin.,,

(Go forth,,.make disciples.)

Themks be to the

Lord's guidance through this whole project, for this seems to be the
best series yet. The German young people really seem to enjoy it. Lord
willing, this project wil], also be used by other groups all over Germany,
After much preparation and many "tossed aside" ideas, the activities
were made ready for one hundred children. All together, there were
seventy-nine different German children present for D, V, B,

town of Stammheim,

children,per day.

The average attendance was right aroundrfTSrty-five ^

The Lord was able to do great things durijig~4ii&'ten-

f day period. But one of the greatest things we saw the Lord accomplish
through the German missionaries, was the completing of the needed work


Through oun

efforts, that of the Jones family of Berlin,

the Duhon family H-Uffl-#raiikTuTt7 the Sid Allsbury family from Frankfurt,

and the Black Forest Christian Mission crew, the books were completed
and ready for use on Saturday evening. The first session began the fol

lowing Monday morning,at 9 a, m,- in the town of Stammheim, Another

great blessing which God showered upon us was the assistance of the
Allsbury family, Brother Milton Duhon, and Miss Dorothy Nichols from

McKinley Indian Mission (Washington), during the first five days. Then,
His wonderful guidance continued to be felt by each of us through the
assistance of the six interns from Ozark Bible College, who came as
interns under Harold Fowler of Belgium,
during their seven-day stay with us.

Much work was accomplished

It thrills us to see God's Hand

at work among His people in such a great way.

We only hope and pray.

i,Jhat this Christian fellowship of pulling together can continue, not

j^y in Germany, but all over Europe and all over the world.
After completing ten days of camp in Lugano, Switzerland, coming
home to the task of assembling 2,500 workbooks, holding two weeks of

D. V, B, S, in Stammheim, followed by two weeks of D, V, B, S, in Berlin

with the Charles Jones family, one can easily see why our summer never
seemed to arrive.

Your urgent prayers are needed on behalf of the lost souls in Ger
many, but particularly in the Berlin area and also in the Stammheim and

Stuttgart areas.

The things which we have seen and witnessed here in

Berlin with our own eyes seem unbelievable. The people seem to have no
understanding or feelings concerning God and they seem to be such a
"cold" people, I certainly was shocked as I walked into a bakery and

said "Good morning" to another customer present there.

To my surprise,

she replied: "Do I know you?" As I replied "no," she immediately're

sponded with a question: "Then why did you say 'Good morning' "? To

me, this was heartbreaking. The people seem to have no concern for
others, because they seem to have no conceni for God, Charles Jones
and his family need your daily prayers on their behalf. The fifeld in
which they are working seems almost impossible to "crack" with the

Gospel of Christ.

We truly thank God that the Jones family has not be

come discouraged to the point of leaving this needy field.

Although we
have only had a taste of the work which is being done in Berlin, we can
truthfully say that
Gospel must be shared.

mi-ssion..field in which the
The need for co-workers" aiid"Ifo^'^'edrcated ser

vants of God to assist in this area is the number one need, I only wish

we were closer to Berlin so that they could encoiirage us in our times of

discouragement and that we might return the favor in their times of

discouragement. As one witnesses the lack of spiritual concern, one
can not help but feel a lonliness and an emptiness of heart for these
lost souls,

I find myself thinking the way that they must think

that being: "Each man for himself." With Berlin being 110 miles
behind the Iron Curtain, one would have a tendency to think that this
in itself would draw the people closer to God, But this does not seem

to be the story in West Berlin,

The people seem to find less time for

God and others even though they are 'completely surrounded by the Iron

If the people in East Germany looked at life as those here

in West Berlin, they would never try to leave East Germany,

Just this

week, fifteen people have escaped the East German regime and fled to

the West and freedom. This really brings me face to face with myself
as I ask the question what is mankind living for. What am I doing to
give mankind a reason to live? What are we as Christians doing to help
mankind find a purpose in life?

Do we really desire to share the Mes-

sage of Christ with those who are Ic st in darkness and sin?

What cost

are we willing to pay to see that th e Message of Christ is taken to the


While holding D, V, B, S, with the Jones family in Berlin, we had

the opportunity to deliver Bible trs cts and personal invitations from
door to door to approximately four a r five thousand homes. Many of the
people at first seemed very cold, but as some of them read the tracts

and the invitations, their attitudes completely changed. Please pray

thit each contact which has been made will continue to grow and bring
forth fruitfit-for a-spiritual harvest.

- -

Lela McCauley, Cheryl Shaffer and the Phillips family arrived in

Berlin ^unday fsrenoon at the Tempelhof Airport, Brother Charles Jones

was there to meet them and to welcome them to Berlin,

It was a thrill

ing experience for each person involived. As Brother Charles started to

take us to his home, the subject of the Iron Curtain was brought up.
After discussing it for a few moments. Brother Charles suggested that
we go to one point of the "Wall" ririht then and see for ourselves what

it was really like. As v/e stood there facing the wall of barbed wire,
buried mines, and a mesh barrier, a'strange feeling of lonliness came
over me. We stood there for perhaps fifteen minutes. During those few
moments, a man and his wife, in their late fifties, along with their
son, came walking up to the wall.

The mother suddenly made this com

ment: "Remember how we fled from the East through this very exit eight
ears ago today?" As I heard her make this comment, and see the joy in
her face for being in the West, I cduld only thank God that I live in a

free country where I can daily serv^ my Lord and King, This opportunity
of being able to help Brother Jones ihere in the Berlin area has been a

spiritual feast for each of us. We |hate to tlik that we must soon
return to the Black Forest area to leave Brother Charles alone with only
the Lord as his co-worker. He has i^een working diligently with the Ger
man people in order to establish a loyal congregation for our Lord in

Berlin. He has certainly been doing a tremendous job, even though the
odds are against him.

He has been able to obtain a storefront in which

he holds a weekly church service. Please pray that many hearts will
overlook the gains of this world and thirst for the Living V/ater which
only Christ alone can give.

Please keep each of these needs before our

Heavenly Father's throne as you daily bring your petitions to Him, May
God bless each of your lives as you continue to witness for our Maker.
In His service.

Alvin, Janice and Debbie Phillips


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4760 Curtis

Dearborn, Michigan 48126


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H/M ff* t:.


V&?Oct 23, 1969,

News of Hxs.

..Mrs. Janice Phillips was operate*^ Se^,.29 in Germary for bleeding

ulcers, acri by raid-October was reported walking around and eating more.
Her husband, Alva, has also been "urder the weather." Prayer is requested

in behalf of both of th^^ by Lela McCauley who works with them in

Black Forest Christian ffission, Nbst Germany..

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