Installation Bulletin 006: Connecting Fieldpower Box

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Installation Bulletin

CSi industries B.V.

Lissenveld 41
4941 VL Raamsdonksveer
the Netherlands



Connecting FieldPower Box

How to connect the Weidmuller FieldPower Box.

July 10th, 2013

This document provides a quick explanation how to connect the Weidmuller FieldPower Box.

Fig. 1
Cable entry The Weidmuller FieldPower

Fig. 2

Fig. 2a
Cable entry

Additional Cable Entry

In Installations of CSi the standard Maintenance Switch is the Weidmuller FieldPower Box. The switch can be
connected is several ways. The box has one cable entry in the top part (fig.1) and 4 cable entries in the bottom
part of the switch (Fig.2). The Inserts can be used to close the entries (fig.2a).

Fig.3 Bend slightly to the outside to remove demountable part.

Fig. 4 Demountable Part
In the bottom part of the switch is a demountable part that first must be removed before installing the cable.
Bend the small plastic levers on the sides of the demountable part (fig.3). The demountable part can now be
lifted out (fig.4).

Strip the isolation of the cable (110 mm) and place the individual wires as shown in fig.5. Hold the cable in
position by fixing the orange strain reliefs on each side of the box. Place the demountable part back in the
bottom part on top of the wires. Make sure that the part is clicked properly in position. Insert a small
screwdriver in the orange slot (fig.6) and move the screwdriver all the way in the opposite direction (fig.7).
Now insert the connector from the maintenance switch into position (fig.8).

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this bulletin is intended for use by trained CSi employees only. Do not assume that this information applies to
your equipment. If you have any questions regarding this information or your equipment please contact CSi Lifecycle Services (

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Installation Bulletin

CSi industries B.V.

Lissenveld 41
4941 VL Raamsdonksveer
the Netherlands


Connecting FieldPower Box


How to connect the Weidmuller FieldPower Box.

July 10th, 2013


Second connection


Now the FieldPowerBox can be closed. Make sure that all six screws are tighten properly.
When working in a straight line of conveyors and with average cable lengths this is the preferred way to connect
the FieldPower Box. In practice there are many situations where the cable has to go through a lot of twists and
turns and then its not easy to work with long cable lengths. In this case its preferable to work with short lengths
installed separately from FieldPower Box to FieldPower Box. Therefore there is a second connection option in
the FieldPower Box (fig.8). Connect the outgoing cable in the terminals on top of the block (fig.9). Cut the wires
short in the bottom of the switch to prevent short-circuit (fig.10).




The FieldPower Box can also be used to split up the cables for parallel routing. To explain this the connection in
the bottom of the box is called A (fig.11) and the connection on top of the block is called B (Fig.12) in this
document. See the diagram below for the different connection and layout wherefore the FieldPower Box can be
used. Next to the diagram theres a picture that explains how to connect the motor cable.
Connection Motor cable

1-2-3 to the switch.

Fig. 13 PE to the connector

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this bulletin is intended for use by trained CSi employees only. Do not assume that this information applies to
your equipment. If you have any questions regarding this information or your equipment please contact CSi Lifecycle Services (

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