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Servant’s Heart Ministry

December, 2009

Inside Servant’s
Volume 3 Issue 4

Editor: B. Miller

Heart Ministry

Hope to a Thing– The Miracle of the Word

Words are not just words. at its quantum level. Every caused the woman to eat the
Inside this issue: They are spirit and will pro- thing we see came from that forbidden fruit. As a result,
duce either life or death, good which is not seen. (1 Cor.1: man lost his authority in the
Word for the Season 1 or bad in our lives. Prov. 18: 28; Rom. 1: 20) God said earth. Jesus ,the Living Word
20-21. What you say is what ‗Let there be and there was came into this world as hu-
you get. What you confess is (words spoken), He saw- man being through the spoken
Youth & BOSS Minis- 2 what you possess. Your con- (observation); it was good word .The Angel said to Mary
try fession of God‘s Word pre- (endorsement) and He blessed in Luke 1: 28-38 that ‗the
Ministry Outreach 2 cedes your possession of it (empowerment) Holy Spirit will come upon
God‘s promises. God created man in Gen1: 26- you and the holy thing born of
Salvation came to us through 27 and He blessed man and you shall be called the Son of
Missionaries Visit, Fam- 3
ily Week, Women’s Min the Words that God spoke in gave him authority over the God. Jesus restored man to
Genesis 1, when He said works of His hand. Man was their rightful position by dy-
Pastors’ Appreciation 4 ing on the cross so that today
Service ―Light be and there was first spirit being before he
light.‖ That Light is Jesus, the became human being. We we can have hope.
Pastor’ shares testimony 5 light of the world. God in His have been lied to by the en- What you say might not be
on PBC infinite wisdom demonstrated emy and he would have you instantly manifested but it is
Commendation, Pastor’s 6 His divine principle to us. to believe that your words are instantly processed. You are
Itinerary That principle is –Words are not important. By cunningly justified or condemned by the
energy and they affect matter twisting God‘s word, he words you speak.

What you say

might not be in-
stantly manifested Pastor’s USA visit
but it is instantly Pastor Sherman visited the Virginia where he taught at their lives. Even though his
processed. states of Virginia and West Mike Bonassa‘s Home Group visit was a short one, the Lord
Virginia from the end of Sep- Bible study. He also minis- allowed him to impact some-
The BOSS pro- tember to the end of October. tered at Bible Fellowship one‘s life. Thank you all for
He taught at a Home Group Church and spent time fellow- the warm hospitality you have
gram has greatly
Bible Study founded by Pas- shipping with members of the shown him. We appreciate it!
impacted our tor Janice Myers in Virginia. board. He also had the oppor-
young people. The group has been going on tunity to meet and share with
Read more on Page for over a year. some professional athletes the
love of God and His plan for
2 He then journeyed to West
Page 2 I nsid e S er v ant ’s Hear t M inistr y V olum e 3 I ssue 4

Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry has gram could impact their com- October saw five of the stu-
greatly improved with the munities as well. They were dents attending another Verti-
addition of the BOSS The beamed live on the Web. cal Leap Seminar. This time
Movement Program. Our Their poise and leadership they were there for two days
young people have enjoyed a qualities were evident and we and twenty five hours of
lot of exposure since the pro- the trainers were justifiably teaching. They presented their
gram started in May. proud. dreams or vision for their
In July after only ten weeks In August they took part in future. One young person
into the program, they were the Independence Day Cere- Cezar saw his dream mani-
invited to their first Vertical mony held at Kings House, fested as he showed off jewels
Leap Seminar. Coach Al the Governor-General of Ja- designed and made by he and
Caption describing picture or Hollingsworth had them dem- maica‘s residence. They were his mom. Mr. and Mrs.
graphic. onstrating the concepts they featured on the Jamaica Infor- Hollingsworth, Founders of
were being taught in their mation Service television BOSS pledged $100US to
BOSS class and to show the program doing the Entrepre- each student to invest in their
adults present how this pro- neur‘s Credo. business.

BOSS Graduation
The graduation ceremony for training. The youngest partici- birth their dreams, visions and
the class of 2009 was held on pant was 6 year old Tianna ideas.
November 8th, here at SHM. Brown who led the class in Two of the students, Monique
They were the first batch of reciting the Entrepreneur‘s Brown and Shari Walters
students to graduate from the Credo. Samuel led the stu- were baptized on the morning
BOSS The Movement pro- dents in speaking about their of their graduation.
gram here in Jamaica. Birthrights. One of the key
component of the program is The ceremony was attended
During the program the stu- by our Regional Directors,
dents were mostly in charge teaching our young people
how to walk in their birth- parents and well wishers. The
as they shared what they had Trainers hard work and sacri-
learnt in the twenty weeks of rights and as a consequence,
they would then be able to fices certainly paid off.

Ministry Outreach
Ministry Outreach encompasses soul time by the Ministry. In September we journeyed to Mears, Claren-
winning ministry as well as minister- In July, Pastor and the team ministered don for two nights of soul-winning and de-
ing to the physical and financial as- at a Tent Crusade in Christiana and a liverance ministry.
pects of individuals or families. The Convention in St, Elizabeth. Several Food Distribution
Ministry reached out to a youngster persons gave their lives to the Lord at
from St Tooles District in Manchester. The Ministry‘s food distribution program is
the Tent Crusade.
She is Davia Thompson and she is a ongoing. We have gone even further afield,
first form student at the Villa Road The Elijah Tabernacle Church in Old taking foodstuff into the Coleyville and
Primary & Junior High. The Ministry England, Manchester was the venue for Maidstone areas of Manchester. We continue
purchased her books and other neces- our next Evangelistic meeting in Au- to serve the communities of Hanbury, Royal
sities for school. Many needy students gust. Lives were saved and people were Flat and Comfort. Regardless of the high cost
are given lunch money from time to delivered and set free. Praise the Lord!! of food, this ministry will continue.
I nsid e S er v ant ’s Hear t M inistr y V olum e 3 I ssue 4 Page 3

Family Week 2009

Family Week 2009 was held wants to bless our families, this time that God will com- Speaker was Minister Yvonne
from November 8th–14th. both natural and spiritual. In mand the commanded bless- Vernon. She spoke about the
The theme for this year was order for this to happen we ing upon us. Men‘s night was importance of operating as a
―United Families –the Key to must rid the family of schism. awesome as Pastor Steve united front for the stability of
a Better Jamaica. All the He listed five things that are Waugh of Fellowship Taber- our family life. She started off
speakers dealt with some as- killing both families. These nacle challenged the men. He by having the couples partici-
pect of unity. are : lust, idolatry, fornication, gave the definition for MAN. pate in an exercise where they
Pastor Sherman launched the temptation and murmuring M– man must know how to had to say/ do something nice
week‘s activities with a dy- and complaining, Manage life and its chal- to each other. She then spoke
namic sermon taken from Women‘s night speaker was lenges. A –he must manage about how important it is to
Rom. 6. He said when you Rev. Evon Blair from Port- with the right Attitude and N- give 100 percent in every area
begin a new life walking in more. She said unity was es- he must be able to Navigate of your marriage. 100 percent
the new man, sin can‘t stick sential if the fabric of our life. respect, love, honor and sex.
to you, you have to hold on to families are to be maintained. Wednesday was Couples She was very down to earth and
it. Later in the evening, Pastor Unity sanctifies and solidifies night, even though it was in- practical and left the audience
Jerry Fiscus told us that God us as a family and it is during filtrated by many singles. Our wanting more. (cont‘d on pg 4)

Missionaries Visit
Members of the Living Water ministered at the Good Hope was when Bill, a team member
Church visited with us from Children‘s Home operated by was delivered from nicotine
the 2nd –12th of November. Lincoln and Amanda Wil- addiction. We witnessed a
This was their second stay liams. Here at the Ministry, brother being transformed and
with us and we thoroughly they purchased two doors for set free by the power of the
enjoyed having them. the office and bought, pack- Holy Spirit right before our
While here, they conducted aged and distributed foodstuff eyes. Pastor Jerry was the Pastor Jerry Fiscus, Pastor of
devotions at a number of to the communities of Royal guest speaker on the opening Living Water Church, West
schools, including New Green Flat, Comfort and their envi- night of Family Week 2009. Virginia, delivering the opening
Primary & Junior High and rons. Thank you all!! Message at our Family Week
May Day High School. They The highlight of their visit

Women’s Ministry Retreat

The Women‘s Missionary bonding. It was not without not to walk in offence. She said
Group under the leadership of its challenges but by the grace oftentimes it is not about what is
Co-Pastor Marcia Sherman of God we overcame. said but how it is said. Ninety-
went on their first ever retreat Co-Pastor and President of three(93%) percent of communi-
from the 28th to the 29th of the group brought the Word. cation is non-verbal. This opened
November. She spoke on the topic of love the door for persons to say who
Fourteen women journeyed from 1 Corinthians 13, that had offended them and for those
down to the all-inclusive Star- love is not easily puffed up issues to be straightened out and
fish Hotel in Trelawny. It was and that as women we need to laid to rest. We left the retreat
a time of fellowship and learn to let go of our hurts and determined to change and walk in
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Pastors’ Appreciation Service

On the 13th of December, a and appreciation to these two longed for a settee and when
long overdue appreciation ser- wonderful servants of God. she realized what it was, she
vice was held for Pastors Oneil Surprise followed surprise as just kept saying ―a settee.‖
and Marcia. The Church body they were then escorted For the first time, Pastor was
came together and put on this downstairs where a sumptu- left speechless.
surprise service. They were led ous meal of traditional foods Top left -Church service,
blindfolded from the vehicle, in complete with sorrel cake and bottom left– dinner and be-
which they had just arrived from wine (non-alcoholic) awaited low Pastor giving thanks and
a concert at Mrs. Sherman‘s them. enjoying their gift.
school, to the church. When the One more surprise gift
blindfolds were removed they awaited them inside and they
were utterly stunned. There were again led blindfolded to
were visitors from other the house. Inside they were
churches and a well planned told to flop. Sis Marcia sat
program ensued. Tributes fol- down cautiously. When she
lowed tributes as even the felt what was under her, she
youngest child in the congrega- tore those blindfolds off and
tion wanted to express their love just started crying. She had so

Family Week 2009 cont’d

Singles night saw a return of presence of God was so alter worshipping God. One
last year‘s speaker, Miss Vin- strong, we simply broke out young person, Shontay Smith
nette Williams. She spoke in worship. testified of God‘s protection
about the purpose of the fam- Youth night—this was wor- when she and her friends were
ily and directed our attention ship at its best. The stage was held up on their way from
Shontay testified of God’s to the different families in the set as we had a repeat of the school. They were robbed but
protection when she and Bible. BOSS graduation so that it their lives were spared.
her friends were held up
on their way from school.
Abraham taught his family to could be recorded. The devil Saturday night-Jamaica Night
They were robbed of serve God. Joseph lost his worked overtime to stop the brought the curtain down on a
their cell phones but mother at an early age and proceedings, jamming all the fantastic week. Awesome
their lives were spared lived in a family that had a lot video cameras. However, by worship continued and the
of issues such as envy, jeal- the grace of God we prevailed MC, Mrs. Reid was wonder-
ousy, strife and anger. These and an awesome time of wor- ful. The final item was a skit
things were not allowed to kill ship ensued. by the Boyd‘s family. It was a
his dreams. She said we are Our guest speaker was Minis- portrayal of the Judgment
the church-the family of God ter Regna McClurkin who Day and showed how we can
and God has called us to one- encouraged and challenged be in church all our lives and
ness. We are the key to a bet- our young people to seek God still lose our way. This really
ter Jamaica or a better USA in worship. Her sister, Dr. ministered to everyone and
and the onus is on us to effect Suzette Clements shared her when the alter call was given,
change in our families, com- testimony with these young 9 young people responded.
munities and country at large. minds. Later, they knelt at the This made it a very successful
Like last year at the end the week. To God be the glory!
I nsid e S er v ant ’s Hear t M inistr y V olum e 3 I ssue 4 Page 5

Pastor Sherman tells his story on PBC

On the invitation of BOSS While they waited for the Sherman would have been
The Movement's Regional interview to start, he started locked up. Pastor Sherman
Directors, Fred and Regna sharing his testimony with said the man broke down in
McClurkin, Pastor Sherman those who were there. As he tears as he saw the miraculous
attended an interview at Pub- spoke, the Manager got up power of God at work. It was
lic Broadcasting Company and left the room, because he through divine appointment
(PBC‘s) offices in Kingston just could not believe what he that he met the McClurkins a
on the 18th of November. The was hearing. The Manager, a few days before and they led
purpose was to talk about the former CIA agent had respon- him back to the Lord. He was
impact of the program on his sibility in the Caribbean to so touched that he wants to do
ministry and the community apprehend all drug dealers a documentary on Pastor‘s Pastor Sherman– God took him
at large and to highlight how who were sending narcotics in life. Since then persons have off of death row to proclaim His
it can affect the youths of this to the USA. He said if he had called to say they saw him on Word to a dying world.
country. not recommitted his life to television. God be praised for
Christ just a week ago, Pastor his wonderful works!

Infirmary Dinner
The annual Christmas Dinner and serve this family. Bro shaved and trimmed. They
and body treatment for the Lincoln Williams brought were then served a sumptu-
members of the Manchester some young men who took ous meal of traditional Jamai-
Infirmary was held on De- pleasure in serving these indi- can foods while listening to
cember 25th. This treat was viduals. Christmas carols.
put on by Pastor and Mrs. This year between twenty
Sherman. four to twenty six members
Members of the body gave up were treated. The women had
their time with their families their hairs shampooed and Members of the Manchester
on Christmas Day to come styled and the men were Infirmary enjoying their Christ-
mas treat.

Men’s Fellowship
The Men‘s Fellowship group they decided they needed time Sis Marie, who was in bed
was formed in the early part to fellowship also, so they when they arrived, got out of
of 2009. Their President is went down to Little Ochie on bed and started worshipping
Bro Conrad (Neil) Samuels Sunday, 20th December. as the power of God touched
and the group has been very After spending some time her body and ministered im-
active. Every third Sunday is socializing, they went to visit mediate healing. All praises
Men‘s Sunday and they are Pastor‘s Mom, who wasn‘t be to our Lord and Savior
Part of the Men’s Fellowship enjoy-
very enthusiastic and organ- feeling well. Prayer meeting Jesus Christ
ing their bonding time.
ized. broke out as the sixteen men
After the Women‘s Retreat, began worshipping the Lord.
Servant’s Heart Ministry Planned Activities for 2010
January 5-12 - Missions Team led by Gary & Cathy Pratt.
Lot 10 North Race Course Road
P.O box 654 January 23rd –Phase 2 BOSS class begins
Mandeville, Manchester
Jamaica, W.I. February 13th –2nd Annual Prayer Breakfast.
Phone: 876-962-6683 February 20th –Orientation for Parents and students (BOSS)
Email: or February 21st –March 14th—Street Meetings (Sundays)
February 27th –Youth Fellowship Walkaton
April 4th –Easter Egg Hunt

Changing Lives Through the May 24th—Family / Work Day

Power of the Word of God. July 25th –28th Annual Conference

November 7th –12th –Family Week
November 26th- 28th –Women‘s Retreat
December 25th –Infirmary Dinner

Commendation Pastors Itinerary 2010

We take this opportunity to of cooperation during this January 17th –Elijah Tabernacle Church, Manchester
wish for all our donors and year.
February 10th –Portmore, St. Catherine
partners a prosperous 2010. We want to know how we can
We applaud you for your con- June –West Virginia, U.S.A
better serve and inform you,
tinuous support of this Minis- our partners. We would ap- July 25th –28th– F.F.T.C Conference
try even in these tough eco- preciate it if you could give
nomic times. Sept. –Oct. –West Virginia, U.S.A
us a feedback on the quality
Our prayer for you is 2 Corin- and information in the Nov –Family Week F.F.T.C
thians 9 :6 ―that God who is newsletter. Also let us know
able to make all grace abound what you want to see in these
toward you, will do so now, newsletters.
that you always having all Feel free to contact us at the
sufficiency in all things, may emails listed above or call us
abound to every good work.‖ at 1-876-962-6683.
and 3 John 2 ―that you may
prosper in be health, even as Also send us your prayer re-
your soul prospers.‖ quest. We would love to pray
for you.
We are grateful and thankful
for your support and we an- You are so loved and appre-
ticipate an even greater level ciated!!!

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