The Role of The Family in 2

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It has been said that the family is the bedrock of society and can be proven by the
fact that all over the world every society is structured by the same pattern. A man
and woman marry and form a family. This process is repeated multiple times
making multiple families which form villages, regions, and eventually countries.
When several countries come together they form a continent and all of the
continents make up the world. The foundation of this entire process is the family. I
propose in this essay that the family has a crucial role in society by being a model
of love in three different aspects; love for the children, love between husband and
wife, and finally love in promoting moral values.
As people we are created to be visual with a need to see illustrated models of
things that are important to our lives, especially the love relationship between
children and their parents. As children we learn everything by watching the
examples or models of others such as eating and walking. The family functions the
same way. For example, sons who have seen their parents abuse alcohol or show
extreme violence towards one another, practice these same activities. The role of
the family is to give a good model so that others within the society can imitate
resulting in the edification of the society. Gods Word the Bible, teaches us that
an earthly father is an earthly example of God, the heavenly Father. The heavenly
Father is patient, kind, loving, and always willing to spend time in an intimate,
personal relationship with His children. The earthly father is to be a living model of
patience and kindness, showing love through his intimate relationship with his

From a biological standpoint, reproductive function serves the same purpose in
people in other living things: generate new organisms to maintain the species.
The sexual characteristics are as follows:
. In girls puberty begins between onces and fourteen, and these changes occur:
the sexual organs increase in size (ovaries, uterus, vagina and labia), breasts
develop, hips widen, grows pubic hair and armpits.
. In children at puberty begins between onces fourteen, and these changes occur:
the sexual organs increase in size (penis, testicles and the appended glands),
voice changes, musculature develops and grows hair on pubis and armpits.
. All these changes result in differences between the sexes, called sexual
characteristics, and are primary and secondary.
. Primary sexual characteristics are reproductive organs.
. The secondary sexual characteristics are those traits that auque not directly
related to reproduction, also it differentiates men from women.
sexual maturity
From a physiological point of view, a person reaches sexual maturity at puberty,
which marks the beginning of the reproductive stage women men.
FSH and LH are described as gonadotropins, by stimulating the activities of


Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality,
place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any
other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination.
These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the forms of
treaties, customary international law , general principles and other sources of
international law. International human rights law lays down obligations of
Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to
promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or
Universal and inalienable
The principle of universality of human rights is the cornerstone of international
human rights law. This principle, as first emphasized in the Universal Declaration
on Human Rights in 1948, has been reiterated in numerous international human
rights conventions, declarations, and resolutions. The 1993 Vienna World
Conference on Human Rights, for example, noted that it is the duty of States to
promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of
their political, economic and cultural systems.


Food gives our bodies the energy we need to function. Food is also a part of
traditions and culture. This can mean that eating has an emotional component as
well. For many people, changing eating habits is very hard.
You may have had certain eating habits for so long that you do not realize they are
unhealthy. Or, your habits have become part of your daily life, so you do not think
much about them.

Keep a Journal
A food journal is a good tool to help you learn about your eating habits. Keep a
food journal for 1 week.
Write down what you eat, how much, and what times of the day you are
Include notes about what else you were doing and how you were feeling,
such as being hungry, stressed, tired, or bored. For example, maybe you were at
work and were bored. So you got a snack from a vending machine down the hall
from your desk.
At the end of the week, review your journal and look at your eating patterns.
Decide which habits you want to change.
Remember, small steps toward change lead to more success in making long-term
changes. Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many goals. It is a good idea to
limit your focus to no more than 2 to 3 goals at one time.
Also, take a look at the healthy habits you have and be proud of yourself about
them. Try not to judge your behaviors too harshly. It is easy to focus only on your
poor habits. This can make you feel stressed and give up trying to change.
Taking on new, healthier habits may mean that you:
Drink skim or low-fat (1%) milk instead of 2% or whole milk.
Drink more water throughout the day.
Eat fruit for dessert instead of cookies (or skip dessert all together most
Schedule times to eat your meals and snacks.
Plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks to increase your chance of
Keep healthy snacks at work. Pack healthy lunches that you make at home.
Pay attention to your feelings of hunger. Learn the difference between
physical hunger and habitual eating.

FLORA: Cherry, macano , madrone , laurel , medlar , mahogany , rosewood , cocobolo , oak,
manzanillo , Jicarillo and carob higuern : in Panamanian territory timber trees abound, uvilla ,
tannery , dividivi , dragon's blood , tuna , yuquilla , achiote , lignum vitae , indigo and muqueva :
Among the dyewoods are the following . Other useful trees include: Madern , tangiro , saponario ,
calabash , majagua stick wool , bongo, balsa , yaya , mangle , bamboo , Jobo, paunchy , maguey ,
rosewood , copal , rubber, cabima and chiriqu .
In the country there are also numerous medicinal plants : cassia , tamarind , sarsaparilla, lemon
verbena , palmacristi , ipecac , calaguala , Contrayerba , grouse and stick blood. There are plenty of
fruit trees : orange , banana or banana, avocado , cocoa , coconut , mango , mamey , breadfruit ,
cashew, soursop , sugar apple , cherimoya , guava , sapodilla, guabo , icaco , jagua , Uvito , star
apple , papaya and granadillo.

FAUNA: In the forest the ocelot or ocelot are , tiger , puma, wild boar, peccary , peccary, anteater,
gatosolo , tapir , armadillo and various monkeys : colorado, capuchin , howler and marmoset .
Among the birds we must mention eagles , buzzards and hawks , owls , redfish, shoveler , crow
duck, flamenco, alcatraz, earwig , the handsome , the garrapatero , the hummingbird and
mangance .
There are golden frogs located on the island of Barro Colorado. Also we can be found in the reserve
Bell Park . Among the abundant fish halibut, catfish, mackerel , shad , croaker , sharks, mantas and
sharks . turtles ( hawksbill ) , pearl oysters , oysters , shrimp, etc. aquatic animals are also Among
the reptiles and snakes is the boa, warty , the Xs , the vine , the loggerhead and snakes of various
kinds, as well as crocodile and lizard and . In the plains and meadows seem numerous herds of
domestic animals of European import : cattle and horses , chickens , donkeys , mules , goats and
pigs. It should also mention the Harpy Eagle as the national bird, which inhabits the thick
mountainous region of Darien.


Protect the planet for future generations does not mean giving up our lives or
abandon daily activities. By adopting simple habits and common sense, each of us
can save energy, reduce pollution that affects the temperature of the Earth and
conserve our limited natural resources. Since 1970, people around the world have
joined forces on Earth Day to protect the environment and build a healthier
environment for themselves and their families tomorrow. Our participation is very
important and we must take action. Illuminate our homes and drive our cars emit
gases into the air that make the Earth will become a large greenhouse and
temperatures rise. This heating causes profound and disturbing changes in the
planet. If we do not take action to bring him down, our children and the next
generations will have to live in a very different place than we know. The challenge
is very large and can seem overwhelming. But when many people make small
efforts, these are summed to generate a positive change on a large scale. The
main thing is to s tart by choosing sustainable products and services.

Gnesis 1.29: Dijo tambin Dios: Os doy toda planta que da semilla, que est
sobre la tierra y todo rbol que lleva fruto y da semilla, eso ser vuestro alimento.
Gnesis 2; as quedaron acabados los cielos y la tierra y todas sus criaturas
Genesis 2:23
HOMBRE: Entonces adn exclam: Esto es ahora huesos y carne de mi carne!
Ser llamada mujer, porque del varn fue tomada.
Exodo 6:6 Por tanto di a los israelitas: yo el eterno os sacar de debajo de las
pesadas cargad de Egipto, os librar de su servidumbre con brazo extendido con
grandes juicios.
MUJER: Cantares 2:3 Como el manzano entre los rboles, as es mi amado entre
los jvenes.

Cantares 4:1
Qu hermosa eres, amiga ma!
Que hermosa eres!
Tus ojos son dos palomas que miran por encima del velo.


Y los bendijo Dios; Les dijo: fructificad y multiplicaos llenad la tierra y gobernarla
dominad los peces del mar, las aves del cielo y todas las bestias que se muevan
sobre la tierra.

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