Ilris3d Software Applications PDF

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Survey scene


Point cloud

CAD image

Wireframe image

Bring your scan data

alive with ILRIS-3Ds
powerful and sophisticated
software suite
Polygonal model

ILRIS-3D Typical Applications

Mine Planning
Unleash the complete range of mine planning tools in
third-party application software on the most feature-rich
point cloud data imaginable. Applications include:
complete blast analysis; volumetrics; dilution control;
grade stability; blast hole location for open pit
operations; and various additional applications
for mine and mill.

Structural Survey Bridge Deflection

Images courtesy of
Florida Department
of Transportation.


Perform complete point cloud analysis of bridge

Lidar point cloud scan data form the cornerstone for

deflection loading with ILRIS-3D. Millimetric

plant physical documentation. ILRIS-3D data is

differential analysis on different scans is performed in

utilized directly within a number of dedicated

seconds across many millions of points and across the

plant-as-built software applications, to facilitate critical

entire width of structure. More accurate and complete

clash detection between pipe and steel, to ensure

than conventional tape gauge methods, and no shutdown

accurate nozzle placement for vessel retrofits, and

of traffic below the span is required. Other DOT

for a host of other applications.

applications cross all

phases of development
from initial right-of-way
planning to surface and
structure rehab.

Point cloud visualization

and data analysis of
bridge using Polyworks
software from InnovMetric.

Open pit mine survey: A table/face is scanned, point cloud

data is generated, and a wireframe model is generated
both pre- and post-blast, to show the area of volume
calculation isolation. Images courtesy
of Gemcom, South Africa.

Urban Planning

Plant-as-built: Process unit plant,

showing direct scanner data and
a solid model. Solid model images
generated using INOVx,
3D Plant LINx software.

Structural Sur vey Industrial

Historical Preser vation

ILRIS-3D offers quick conversion of scan data to CAD

Continuously monitor hundreds of control points

A wealth of information on historical edifices can now

plan/elevation take-offs, facilitating rapid planning.

on any engineered structure. ILRIS-3D has proven

be directly digitized, where range and accuracy

All features such as utility location, road centreline

to be faster than, and as accurate as, traditional

limitations previously made this impossible or

and curb extents are accurately and completely located.

survey methods. Reports automatically export to

impractical. Millimetrically accurate polygonal models

Collateral data is also utilized, in determining vegetation

Microsoft Word or Excel.

are rendered and exported in a variety of formats.

type, tree caliper size (and in some cases species),

canopy volume, and more.

Right: The survey scene,

point cloud data and
AutoCAD drawing of an
intersection. Point cloud
data and AutoCAD
images courtesy of
Northway-Photomap Inc.

Photo of survey scene,

Petrie Building at
York University.

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, Taipei.

Data visualization modelled and
analysis using Polyworks software
from InnovMetric.

Point cloud visualization and solid

model generated using Polyworks
software from InnovMetric.

Wireframe model
visualized using
AutoCAD 2000.

ILRIS-3D Software Flow

Core Applications
Core applications involve the field collection of data, as

out in a controlled environment elsewhere. The standard

well as initial processing and analysis. Aside from

PolyWorks software bundle from InnovMetric provides

Scanner Control (via Palm PDA), data processing at the

best-of-class software tools required for virtually all point

time of field collection is not required and can be carried

cloud operations, and allows data to be complete.

Extended Applications
In virtually all instances the initial processing and

Optech develops customized formats to ensure maximum

analysis tools bundled with the system provide for

functionality with specific best-of-class software.

best-of-class data handling whose output is carried

through to the end-deliverable. In other cases, point
cloud data is imported to a multitude of third-party
application software. These offer specific tools and
workflow outputs/deliverables not readily obtained from
the point cloud tools included with the ILRIS-3D. This
tends to be specific and distinct within markets,
applications and customers.
There are multitudes of process-specific applications to
which ILRIS-3D-generated data can be applied.

ILRIS-3D point cloud data is easily imported into many

third-party application packages, including:
Polyworks software


from InnovMetric
3D Plant LINx

3D Studio Max

GEOPAK suite

ILRIS-3D Specifications

Eye Safety


350 m (4% target)

Laser class

Class I laser product

800 m (20% target)

IEC 60825-1,

see table below

US FDA 21 CFR1040,
modes of operation

Target Reflectivity (%)


*1 Sigma, for further details on specifications and test conditions,

consult Optech.


Recommended Software


Point cloud alignment inspection visualization


software; PolyWorks software from InnovMetric


PC Specifications




Range (m)
Atmospheric Visibility 8 km


Workstation based on an Intel or compatible processor

Operating system

Windows NT 4.0 or higher

Windows 2000 SP1 or higher


Windows XP

Target registration accuracy

4 mm


Modeling accuracy

3 mm

OpenGL graphics adapter

3 button mouse

Depth resolution

3 mm

Minimum 256 MB RAM

500 MB free disk and swap space

Laser Spot Size


D = 0.17R+12 - where:
D = Diameter of spot (mm)
R = Range to target (m)
Spot size

@100 m

29 mm

Two processors
Minimum of 512 MB RAM
Certified compliance with professional
OpenGL 1.3, 32 MB DDR memory


24 VDC battery or

All information is subject to change without notice.

AC converter

24 V rechargeable

Power consumption

75 W (typ)

Physical Size
Scanner size

(L x W x H)

Scanner weight

312 x 312 x 205 mm

12 kg

Operating temp.

0 C to +40 C
(For extended
range consult Optech)

Storage temp.

-20 C to +50 C


NEMA 4X rated, water

and dust-proof, IP65

10 0 W i l d c a t R o a d To r o n t o , O N C a n a d a M 3 J 2 Z 9
Te l : [ 4 1 6 ] 6 6 1 - 5 9 0 4 F a x : [ 4 1 6 ] 6 6 1 - 4 1 6 8
We b : w w w. o p t e c h . o n . c a We b : w w w. i l r i s - 3 d . c o m E m a i l : i n q u i r i e s @ o p t e c h . o n . c a
Copyright 2003, Optech Incorporated. All rights reserved. 160503

On front: Data images of Grand Hotel, Taipei showing the survey scene, point cloud,
CAD, wireframe and polygonal model, scanned by ILRIS-3D. Processed
using Polyworks software from InnovMetric.

Eyesafe in all
ILRIS-3D Range vs. Target Reflectivity

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