Ventana Wilderness Watch Newsletter, Spring 2007 Ventana Wilderness Alliance

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Ventana Wilderness Watch Volume 8 Number 1, Spring 2007X

President’s Message Cone Peak Trail Project Underway

This past December the Ventana Wilderness
Alliance Board of Directors met at San Antonio Mis-
sion for an all-day retreat and formulated an Action
Plan for 2007. The Action Plan focuses on immediate
steps to further develop our organization and to
expand our program in ways that will build on our
success in protecting the wilderness and biodiversity
of the northern Santa Lucia Mountains.
Key among several steps underway to make
our “back office” function more efficiently was the
installation late last year of new software to track our
finances, membership and volunteer data. A major
re-build of our popular web site is also in progress
and, when completed later this spring, will feature
revamped and fully interactive on-line Trail Reports
and a truly interactive on line Forum. Adding to these
steps is Bob Dawson’s leadership in revitalizing our
outreach effort to spread the word about our program

Photo: Richard Popchak

and activities and Julie Anne Hopkins’ field trip and
outings program, both of which are featured else-
where in this issue.
Our field program for this year includes ongoing
campaigns and new initiatives. The VWA Trail Crew
kicked off the 2007 season with the first of many trips
to clear miles of needy trails in the Cone Peak area
under the leadership of Trail Crew Team Leader Mike Happy VWA trail crew volunteers on the Carrizo Trail in February.
Heard and Trail Crew Chief David Knapp. Also
Cone Peak is a spectacular mountain. Lying or greatly damaged tread, four miles overgrown
continuing is the litigation we brought against the
Forest Service last year challenging the new Kozy only three miles from the Pacific shore, yet rising by thick brush, and 188 deadfall trees and logs
Kove grazing allotment that violates the Wilderness to a 5,155-foot summit, this ridge represents the blocking the trails.
Act. With the forest plan revision process complete, steepest coastal slope in the continental United The Ventana Wilderness Alliance Trail Crew
we also re-initiated our Ventana Wild and Scenic River States. Wrapping around this marvelous moun- has made the reopening of these trails its primary
Campaign to secure protective statutory designation tainscape and hewn into its steep flanks is a focus for 2007. Regular VWA Trail Crew work
for the Arroyo Seco River and other local streams in network of hiking trails that many of us hold dear: trips are now scheduled for this Cone Peak Trail
partnership with Friends of the River. Also planned Vicente Flat, Stone Ridge, and Gamboa, to name Network Project. Assisting David and Mike in this
for this year is the next phase of the Willow Creek a few. But the ravages of time, wildfire and re- major trail project are trail crew stalwarts Robert
Restoration Project, which will remove several
duced Forest Service trail budgets have taken Parks and Betsy MacGowan and dozens of trail
abandoned vehicles from the Willow Creek drainage.
Our stewardship projects typically require a year their toll and now many of these trails are diffi- crew volunteers. Please see the Calendar of Events
or more to raise the necessary money and to secure cult, if not dangerous, to travel. elsewhere in this newsletter for specific trip dates
To remedy this unacceptable situation, the and contact information. New volunteers are al-
ways welcome. d1
Forest Service approval before the project can begin
in the field. With that in mind, the board has initiated VWA Trail Crew began a multi-year effort to
several new projects, including a program to clean up renovate, repair and reopen the entire Cone Peak
marijuana grow sites, a project to remove fencing and trail network to the hiking public. Work started
water troughs from terminated grazing allotments, and The Forest Service recently reported
on the east side of the peak last year with Trail that the VWA Trail Crew, under the able
a campaign to secure long-term funding for back
Crew Chief David Knapp leading several trips leadership of Trail Crew Chief David Knapp,
country trail maintenance. More details on these new
initiatives will be reported as the projects are developed.
that opened the Arroyo Seco Trail. Additional contributed over 2,500 volunteer hours in
We look forward to an exciting and rewarding work was done on the Carrizo Trail and the North 2006 repairing and maintaining backcoun-
2007 with much activity and opportunity for our Coast Ridge Trail. try trails in the Ventana and Silver Peak
membership to both enjoy and help protect the spec- Late last November Trail Crew Team Wilderness Areas. As part of their annual
tacular wilderness areas of the northern Santa Lucia Leader Mike Heard led a survey of the Cone budget process, the Forest Service valued
and Big Sur Coast. As an all-volunteer organization, Peak, Vicente Flat, Stone Ridge, Ojito, and the VWA Trail Crew’s 2006 work effort as
we always welcome your active participation in our Gamboa Trails and the southern four miles of the a $45,000 contribution. To learn about the
programs. Please join us. North Coast Ridge Trail. That survey, covering Trail Crew or just join up, contact Dave at
­— Tom Hopkins over 25 miles of trail, identified five miles of lost
April 14 - 15 Trail Work – Carrizo Trail David Knapp I 805-226-7479
April 20 Outreach – Kennan Ward Film Hannah Schoenthal-Muse I 831-535-8304
Premiere at Rio Theater, Santa Cruz
April 21 Outreach Earth Day– TBD Bob Dawson
April 21 River Hike Dennis Palm I 805-238-3725
N. Fork San Antonio River
April 22 Outreach - Earth Day - TBA Hannah Schoenthal-Muse I 831-535-8304
April 26 - 29 Trail Work – Vicente Flat Trail Mike Heard I 626-795-5311
April 27 Board Meeting – Indians Tom Hopkins I 831-429-9010
April 28 OutinG – Indians to Tin Can Camp Kate Cunningham I 831-566-6012
April 29 River Hike – San Carpoforo Creek Rich Popchak
Hannah Schoenthal-Muse I 831-535-8304
May 5 Natural History Outing Julie Anne Hopkins I 831-566-6012
Big Creek Reserve
May 6 River Hike – Arroyo Seco River Dennis Palm and Stan Mellin I 831-375-7430
May 5 - 7 Trail Work - TBA David Knapp I 805-226-7479
May 12 Outing – Willow Creek Tom and
Return to Wilderness Julie Anne Hopkins 831-566-6012
May 19 Annual Gathering – Jack’s Peak Jon Libby I 831-459-6780
May 26 - 27 Natural History Outing Dave Nelson
Hanging Valley Julie Anne Hopkins I 831-566-6012
May 26 - 28 Trail Work – Little Sur Trail Mike Heard and Jim Preston I 626-795-5311
June 2 National Trails Day Tom Hopkins I 831-429-9010
Trail Crew Event
June 17 River Hike Esperanza Hernandez I 831-678-1968
Church Creek to Tassajara Creek
June 23 Outreach Jon Libby
CHCF Picnic – Toro County Park Hannah Schoenthal-Muse I 831-535-8304

Visit VWA Calendar of Events on-line for more details:

VWA Spring 2007 I Field Trips, Outings and River Hikes

We welcome you to join in on some or all of nate car pooling; however, it is highly encour- with 2,500 feet of elevation gain and well worth
the VWA Spring field trips, outings and river aged. Additional outings may be scheduled so every step.
hikes. The river hikes will explore segments of visit our on-line Calendar of Events for updates April 29 I San Carpoforo Creek
potential Wild & Scenic River designations. The and more details: We will explore the ridge above the San
outings and field trips present unique opportuni- April 21 I North Fork of San Antonio River Carpoforo watershed with a strenuous day hike.
ties to visit the wilderness with experienced and This will be a moderate hike touring the rich Be prepared for steep climbs and spectacular
enthusiastic hike leaders. Be sure to bring plenty archeology along the north fork with side trips to views while visiting this beautiful, historically
of water, food and layered clothing and wear the Wagon Caves and, if time permits, the lower significant and seldom visited area. If time per-
sturdy foot wear. Don’t forget sun block and a Carrizo Trail. The wild flowers could be spec- mits, we will hike the beach near the river mouth
hat. Remember, there are ticks and poison oak tacular. Bring your swimsuit for a dip in the river. as well.
out there! All trips are day hikes except the April 28 I Indians to Tin Can Camp MAY 5 I Big Creek Reserve
Hanging Valley overnight backpack. Rain can- Enjoy a lively hike from the Indians along the Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experi-
cels. All trips are limited to 15 individuals. It is Arroyo Seco River to Tin Can Camp on the sum- ence the UC Big Creek Preserve. To learn more
important to contact the trip leaders listed in the mit of the Coast Ridge. Expect to see great vistas, about the trip contact the trip leaders listed in the
Calendar of Events on page 2 of this newsletter a diversity of flowering plants and birds, the calendar.
to sign up for the trips and to get the meeting headwaters of the Arroyo Seco River, and fascinat-
times and locations. The VWA does not coordi- ing geology. This trip is a strenuous 12-mile hike CONTINUED on PAGE 3

MAY 6 I Arroyo Seco River

This moderate to strenuous hike will follow
the old dirt road three miles to the Horse Bridge
with spectacular views of the river and canyon

Photo: Tom Hopkins

on the way. After a visit down to the river we will
continue up the road to the top of the ridge for
great views of the gorge and mountains to the
east. Total distance for this moderate to strenuous

Photo: Hannah Schoenthal-Muse

hike is about 9 miles.
MAY 12 I Willow Creek – Return Boon cleaning up his act near Willow Creek in
May 2004.
to Wilderness
This moderate hike to the site of the 2004
Willow Creek clean-up project is not only beau-
tiful, but also rewarding. Whether this is your
Thank You, Boon
first visit or a revisit, come along to observe the Recently, founding board member Boon
former mining claim sites two years after the Hughey announced his resignation from the
VWA clean-up. We will also learn about the This could be you exploring the mighty VWA’s Board of Directors. This is not to say
plants and birds that inhabit this part of the Silver Arroyo Seco. Boon is going anywhere. He is still deeply
Peak Wilderness. involved in the organization. But this change
MAY 26 - 27 I Hanging Valley Overnight Hickman’s Sidalcea, Sidalcea hickmanii. This gives us an opportunity to express our pro-
Back Pack will be an easy to moderate backpack. found gratitude for all he has done to protect
Hike from Escondido Camp 4.5 miles to JUNE 17 I Pine Ridge Trail to Church Creek the Ventana and Silver Peak Wilderness areas.
Hanging Valley, looking at plants on the way, to Tassajara Road From its inception in 1998, Boon has uti-
arriving at the valley in time for more exploration. This is a moderate to strenuous 12-mile loop lized a variety of skills and tools to develop and
We expect to see rare plants, sweeping vistas, a hike with about 1,500 feet of elevation gain. We maintain a viable grass roots wilderness advo-
tiny cold spring and pool, and rock shelters. Pos- will benefit from recent work on the Pine Ridge cacy organization. Boon realized early on that
sible sightings could include the rare Arroyo Seco Trail by the VWA Trail Crew and view unique the internet was a great way to bring like-mind-
Bush Mallow, Malacothamnus palmeri ssp. lu- caves created by wind and water erosion. d1 ed people together. He “cobbled” together the
cianus, and undocumented populations of organization’s original web site with the tech-
nical equivalent of chicken wire and chewing
gum. He used his boots, maps and raw energy to
VWA Needs You to join our growing team of volunteers explore the hinterlands of the Monterey Rang-
er District. Also, Boon scoured and devoured
helping to develop our organization and expand our programs. Please email if
public records and books on local history and
you can help out with any of the following:
fiction to better understand how to appreciate
Graphic artists to lay out newsletter and other media materials I Santa Cruz area folks to help
and protect this land. But really, the best skill
with mailings and data entry I Fund-raisers and grant writers I Web techs to join our web team
Youth in Wilderness leaders I Trail crew and outing leaders d1
at Boon’s disposal was his ability to share his
love for and knowledge of that blessed chunk of
wilderness we all fight to protect today.
Many of us have seen this quote by Edward
Ventana Wilderness Alliance Post Office Box 506 I Santa Cruz, California 95061 Abbey: “The idea of wilderness needs no de-
Phone 831.423.3191 I Email fense, it only needs defenders.” This thought
B o a r d O f D i r e c t o r s certainly applies to Boon. But another Abbey
President Tom Hopkins I quote comes to mind when thinking of Boon:
Vice President Jon Libby I “… love of the wilderness is more than a hun-
Secretary Dennis Palm I ger for what is always beyond reach; it is also
Treasurer David Jacobs I
Director Julie Anne Hopkins I
an expression of loyalty to the earth which bore
Director Richard Popchak I us and sustains us, the only home we shall ever

E x t e n d e d L e a d e r s h i p G r o u p
know, the only paradise we ever need – if only
Outreach Coordinator Bob Dawson I we had eyes to see.”
Trail Crew Chief David Knapp I Boon has a vision that enlightens us. And
Trail Crew Team Leader Mike Heard I for that we are truly thankful. See you on the
Trail Crew Team Leader Robert Parks I
trail, Boon! d1
Trail Crew Team Leader Mark Maslow I
Membership Coordinator Mike Splain I
Web Master Phil Williamson I

Newsletter Production Editor I Richard Popchak Assistant Editor I Peggy Dilfer

Design I Lynn Piquett Printing I Mission Printers
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VWA Annual Gathering is May 19

The VWA Annual Gathering will take
place at Jacks Peak County Park on Sat-
urday, May 19, 2007. Once again this fun
event will feature BBQ, a potluck, a guest
speaker, hiking and more. So mark your
calendar now for May 19. Details will be
forthcoming via the VWA Listserv.
See for details.

The mission of the

Ventana Wilderness Alliance
is to protect, preserve, and restore the
wilderness qualities and biodiversity of
the public lands within California’s northern
Santa Lucia Mountains and Big Sur coast.

Annual Meeting I A Big Success

Over 50 members of the Ventana Wilderness Alliance gathered at the UC MBEST Center in
Marina on January 20 for our Annual Meeting. Attendees participated in presentations covering every-
Photo: Anders Hagberg

thing from the organization’s financials to the Wild Rivers Campaign to our ongoing lawsuit to prevent
a grazing allotment from being created in the Kozy Kove area of the Silver Peak Wilderness. The
lobby of the MBEST Center was a perfect location to set up project displays, trail work tools and a
hearty spread of sandwiches, fresh fruits, cookies and other snacks (thanks, Jon and Kate)!
The goals of the meeting were to share information, gain membership feedback and increase
membership involvement in the many projects under way. We were successful on all three fronts and
we look forward to bigger and better membership meetings in the future. d1
VWA members Meade Fischer and Mary Cunov
chat at the Annual Meeting in Marina.

VWA Board Elects New President

After serving as VWA president since January Trail in the heart of the Ventana Wilderness.
2001, Jon Libby passed the gavel to Tom Hopkins n Removed over 10,000 pounds of trash from
at the January 20th Board of Directors meeting. the newly designated Willow Creek Addition to
Under Jon’s able 6-year leadership, the VWA has the Silver Peak Wilderness.
Photo: Richard Popchak

established itself as the primary organization ad- Tom and Jon were both founding board
vocating for protection of the public lands of the members of the VWA. Tom served as founding
northern Santa Lucia Mountains and Big Sur coast. treasurer until January 2005 when he was elected
During Jon’s tenure the VWA successfully: Vice President. For 2007, Jon will serve as Vice
n Advocated for passage of the Big Sur Wilder- President to provide a smooth transition for Tom.
ness and Conservation Act of 2002, which added Dennis Palm and David Jacobs will continue to
52,000 acres of public land to the Ventana and serve as Secretary and Treasurer respectively; and New VWA President Tom Hopkins (left) with
Silver Peak Wilderness Areas. Rich Popchak and Julie Anne Hopkins will con-
tinue to serve as Directors at Large. d1
former President Jon Libby.
n Re-established the 9-mile long Black Cone

Look for news of upcoming VWA gatherings and other events on the VWA website,

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