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Ventana Wilderness Watch Volume 7 Number 2, Fall 2006X

VWA Sues Forest Service I Over Wilderness Act Violations

For six years the VWA has made an VWA Members
(from left to right)
earnest effort to work within the administrative Corky Matthews,
system toward convincing the US Forest Tom Hopkins,
Service to respect and follow the letter and Rich Popchak and
intent of the Wilderness Act and other laws as Julie Anne Delgado
explore the Kozy
they pertain to commercial livestock grazing on Kove area of the
the eight Big Sur coastal allotments. Countless Silver Peak Wilder-
volunteer hours have been spent analyzing ness in August,
proposals and documentation, surveying the 2006.
landscape, submitting public comments, and Photo: Boon Hughey
preparing no fewer than three appeals of the
decisions to renew these marginal public lands But the issue isn’t over just yet. One planned, constitutes an assault on the integrity
grazing permits. proposed allotment, the Kozy Kove in the Silver of Wilderness and the spirit of the Wilderness
Last year the Forest Service finalized their Peak Wilderness, is still in dispute. Earlier this Act. The Forest Service chose to ignore these
plans by denying our third appeal of their year the VWA joined forces with Los Padres facts even though they were fully explained to
proposals (the first two appeals were success- Forest Watch, Wilderness Watch, and the Sierra them in our appeals, so the only remaining
ful), and the bag is mixed. First the good news: Club in filing a lawsuit against the Los Padres remedy to protect Wilderness is the courts. Our
the Buckeye allotment in the Silver Peak National Forest for violations of the Wilderness complaint was filed in September in Federal
Wilderness and the Twitchell allotment in the Act and National Environmental Policy Act by Court in San Francisco, and we are currently
Ventana Wilderness have been officially creating a new allotment within designated awaiting a response from the USFS attorneys.
dropped from the grazing system as a result Wilderness where one did not exist at the time While we are hopeful that our disagreement
of our concerns and vociferous input. This is of designation. Existing allotments are grand- can be settled, we are ready and willing to go
an agency action we applaud and support. fathered under the Wilderness Act and grazing the distance in defense of Wilderness.
Similarly, the Torre allotment will not be is allowed to continue where permits are in We are being represented in this case by
stocked at this time and must undergo further place at the time of designation, a provision of attorney Peter Frost of the Western Environ-
environmental review prior to any grazing use. the law which the VWA respects. But on the mental Law Center in Eugene, Oregon (www.
On the other hand, on the Gorda, San Carpo- Kozy Kove no permits had ever existed and and would like to thank him
foro, Alder and Salmon Creek allotments grazing hadn’t taken place for well over a and his organization for all their help and
livestock grazing will continue, albeit under decade and never under federal ownership. To concern. d1
new guidelines. initiate grazing there now, within Wilderness as

Ventana Wild Rivers Campaign Update

The Ventana Wild Rivers Campaign
(VWRC) has been making headway. For the
past several months, the VWA has been
working with Friends of the River (FOR) to
protect outstanding rivers and streams flowing
through public lands in the northern Santa
Lucias. To ensure that these pristine waterways
remain in their free-flowing state, the goal of
the VWRC is to legislatively protect these
rivers through federal Wild and Scenic desig-
nation. Federal designation would prohibit any
new dams or developments, protect water
quality, and require that a management plan be
developed to protect the free-flowing character
and outstanding values of each particular river.
Thanks to the help of local conservation-
ists, VWA members and VWRC Organizer
VWA Member Dennis Palm visits the San Antonio River. Photo: Hannah Schoenthal-Muse CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE
What is your approach to food
VWA Volunteer Profile I Robert Parks and drink when you are on trail
crew trips in the Ventana and
Silver Peak Wilderness?
The items I bring for the traditional potluck
appetizers often weigh more than the actual
dinners I bring. So does the beer. I figure it is
worth it to pack in some extra weight so that
there can be full enjoyment in camp after a
long day’s work. On shorter hikes in, I’ve been
known to bring cold watermelon for lunch.

Who are some of the
people that have inspired
you to become involved in
conservation causes?
My family, I guess. I’ve always had an aware-
ness of and a dedication to conservation ethics
and causes.

What are some of the
indispensable books you
have in your library?
VWA Volunteer Robert Parks. Besides the vintage saw manuals, I have a

variety of crosscut training manuals as well as
The VWA is blessed with tremendous Please tell us about your general trailwork manuals/books that are
diversity in its membership. Our volunteers collection of crosscut saws. useful. Indispensable? I don’t know. Books are
come from near and far to protect the wil- good for training but the reality is out on the

derness. Today we profile VWA Trail Crew trail, practicing and reinforcing your skills,
member Robert Parks. Robert is a self- Right now, I have two saws in working order
and learning from more experienced trail
described “cranky electric-bus driver” for and about a dozen that are variously not
workers. Outside the realm of trailwork, I
the San Francisco Municipal Railway. This serviceable...ranging from complete junkers
am very fond of the SciFi and Fantasy of
profession supports his love for sushi and the to some rather nice saws that merely need to
Lois McMaster Bujold, as well as the works
crosscut saws he finds on eBay. When not in be cleaned up, sharpened and set. All are from
of several other SciFi authors like Terry
the City, Robert enjoys the great outdoors and eBay. I buy relatively inexpensive saws that
Pratchett and Kristine Smith.
spends considerable time hiking, backpacking show potential to be good saws, clean them

and performing trailwork with the VWA Trail up, and sell off the ones that aren’t suitable
What are some of your
Crew. His talents as a certified sawyer are for use. It’s a crap shoot...sometimes you get
a decent saw, sometimes you get garbage. My favorite trails and camps in
indispensable to the organization.
working saws are a 3.5´ Atkins 390 one-person the northern Santa Lucia?

Why do you volunteer saw, and a 4.5´ felling style saw. My favorite area is the Cone Peak Gradient...

for the VWA? from the crest of the Coast Ridge down to the
What has been your greatest Pacific Ocean. I enjoy the trails in the area, as
challenge as a sawyer in the well as some of the established cross country
Originally it was because the Ventana was my
wilderness? routes (Stone Ridge and Cone Peak North
winter playground and I noticed the lack of
Ridge, in particular). Vicente Flat Camp is a
maintenance on the trails. So I started doing a Figuring out how to complete the job safely.
favorite, although I’ll always have a soft spot
little bit of work on my own. Later I went on a The physical work of sawing can be strenuous,
for Buckeye Camp since that is where my first
work trip in the Silver Peak Wilderness and I but planning your work so that you can clear a
trailwork trip was based.
was hooked. Now I do trailwork occasionally challenging log completely and know that you

elsewhere, but the Ventana needs more work will be going back to camp for R&R is critical.
What other parts of the planet
than any other place I’ve hiked. What better
way to do work where it is most needed than
do you aspire to explore?
with the congenial folks on VWA trail crew?
If I had time and money, there are interesting
places everywhere...but so far, I haven’t run
out of stuff to explore in California. d1
VWA Trail Crew I Receives Grant
To Secure More Tools How to Become
Recently, the VWA Trail Crew applied for
and received a grant of $600 from the Los
can now experiment with a wider variety of
tools to see which works best in any given A Trail Crew
Padres Forest Association (LPFA). The LPFA
Trip Leader
is the official non-profit cooperating associa- Some of the funds will also be used to
tion for the Los Padres National Forest. The secure replacement parts and sharpening tools.
funds will be used to purchase a selection of Special note: It has been determined that The VWA Trail Crew is always in need
tools that will be added to the VWA tool cache. the best way to permanently remove ceanothus of Trip Leaders. If you are interested in
Planned for purchase are: from the trail tread is to cut it below the ground becoming a Trip Leader, the VWA will help
surface. This goes against the conventional you to gain the skills and tools you need to
Felco 20 – 17 inches long lead our trail crew into the wilderness.
thinking that such a pruning technique would
Felco 21 – 25 inches long Please see the list of requirements below
dull or even ruin the tool’s blade. Now that we
Felco 23 – 21 inches long and contact Dave Knapp (email and phone
have the funds to purchase new loppers and
Felco Lopper Sheath number below) when you are ready to begin
repair or replace blades, we have the resources
2 Fiskars – 21.5 inch bypass loppers the process to become a Trip Leader.
to make brush removal much more permanent.
1 Fiskars – 31 inch bypass lopper
3 Fiskars – 18 inch bypass loppers
This method has been used with great success Trip Leader Requirements:
on the Black Cone Trail, Arroyo Seco Trail and n Safety/medical training –
This will provide us with three new the Carrizo Trail. So now, when you’re out (Required) Current Red Cross Adult CPR and
aluminum loppers and six plastic handled (and there working – try to cut ceanothus below the
ground! d1
Basic First Aid (Suggested) Wilderness First
significantly lighter) loppers. Crew members Aid training or better from the Wilderness
Medicine Institute -
n Leadership – (Required) Trail crew
Willow Creek Marijuana leaders are required to be assistant trip leaders
on at least two trips prior to leading a trip or

Wrecks Gardens in have equivalent experience. Leaders need to

follow the USFS requirements for Personal

the Ventana
Protection Equipment as an example to others.
n Protocols – Leaders must be familiar
with the USFS radio usage protocols, Job
Many of you have read about the environ-
Hazard Analysis protocols, Hazard Trees
mental toll commercial marijuana cultivation
Awareness, proper tool usage, and be able to
operations are taking on our wild public lands.
communicate that information to others.
Law enforcement authorities in the Ventana
region have raided a surprising number of such Please contact Trail Crew Coordinator
gardens in recent years. More often than not Dave Knapp at or 805-
the local gardens are elaborate undertakings 226-7479 for more details. d1
that are clearly the work of well-financed and
sophisticated criminal enterprises. Unfor-
The VWA is working with the Forest Service to Ventana Wilderness Alliance
get ancient wrecks like this 50’s era Hudson (or is tunately, the law enforcement mission is to Post Office Box 506
it a Lincoln?) out of the Wilderness. eradicate the marijuana quickly and move on Santa Cruz, California 95061
Photo: Tom Hopkins Phone 831.423.3191
to the next known garden before the growers Email
can bring their harvest to market. That means
In 2004 Ventana Wilderness Alliance volun- OFFICERS
that the busted sites are often left littered with P r e s i d e n t
teers backpacked over 10,000 pounds of trash chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, Jon Libby I
from the Willow Creek Addition to the Silver irrigation piping, food, camping gear, and lots V i c e P r e s i d e n t
Tom Hopkins I
Peak Wilderness. Plans are under way for a of trash. The Ventana Wilderness Alliance is S e c r e t a r y
new phase of the overall effort to restore the working with the local Forest Service leader- Dennis Palm I
Willow Creek Wilderness Addition to pristine ship to develop a program that will allow T r e a s u r e r
wilderness qualities. Several abandoned David Jacobs I
VWA volunteers to clean up these sites after
automobiles, some dating back 50 years, have they have been harvested by law enforcement BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE
personnel. d1
been located along the Sycamore Flat access Julie Anne Delgado I
road to Happy Landing. The VWA is work- Boon Hughey I
ing with the Forest Service to develop a plan Rich Popchak I

to remove these wrecks from the public land. The Ventana Wilderness Alliance is an IRS
501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Dues and
This effort will be primarily raising money to donations are tax deductible.
remove the vehicles and to fund archeological NEWSLETTER PRODUCTION
and rare plant surveys of the areas that will be
disturbed by the vehicle removal. d1
Design I Lynn Piquett
Printing I Mission Printers
Assistant I Peggy Dilfer
Post Office Box 506 U.S. Postage
Santa Cruz, CA 95061 PA I D
Santa Cruz, CA
Permit No. 575
Address Service Requested

R eminder

The VWA Annual Membership

Business Meeting is back by popular
demand. The meeting will take place
on January 20, 2007. This event will
be an interactive meeting with VWA
volunteer reports and membership
feedback and involvement. Details to
follow via the listserv.

See for details.


The VWA Presents Hannah Schoenthal-Muse, the campaign

has recently drafted a proposal that identifies
Wilderness through Landels-Hill Big Creek
State Reserve to the coast.
each river targeted for designation. The Recently, representatives of the VWRC
The Sierra Club California/Nevada
proposal specifies the outstanding values and met with Rep. Sam Farr’s office to present the
Wilderness Committee convened at the French
proposed classification of each segment of each draft proposal and ask him to lead the fight to
Ranch, near Paso Robles, on October 21, 2006.
river, and a detailed map accompanies each protect our waterways. Rep. Farr expressed
The weekend event featured discussion of hot
river description. We plan to post the full interest in introducing federal Wild and Scenic
topic wilderness issues and agency presentations
proposal on the VWA website very soon. designation for the Arroyo Seco River and
by the California Coastal National Monument
The VWRC proposal includes the follow- possibly others after the 110th Congress
staff and Los Padres National Forest staff. The
ing rivers and streams: the Arroyo Seco River convenes next year.
day’s events also included local field trips.
and its tributaries, Tassajara Creek and Church In upcoming months the VWRC will
The Ventana Wilderness Alliance was
Creek, Big Creek, Carmel River and Miller continue to work with Rep. Farr’s office and
invited to address central coast land issues.
Fork, Little Sur River, Nacimiento River, San will actively work with volunteers to educate
Dennis Palm, VWA Board Member, gave an
Antonio River and its tributaries, San Carpo- the public and mobilize support for the
overview of the VWA mission, trail crew
foro Creek and Willow Creek. Big Creek, campaign. If you are interested in joining the
activities, and local grazing issues in the
which was most recently added to the proposed VWRC’s efforts, please contact Hannah
wilderness. Of particular interest to the commit-
list, provides a unique opportunity for Schoenthal-Muse at (831) 5353-8304 or d1
tee was the PowerPoint presentation on the
protection. If designated, Big Creek would be
Ventana Wild and Scenic Rivers Campaign.
protected from its source in the Ventana
If you are a member of a community group

Reuse I Rather Than Recycle This Newsletter

that may be interested in a presentation on
wilderness, or the Ventana Wild and Scenic
Rivers Campaign, please contact Dennis Palm,
at d1
Do you ever feel guilty recycling your old copies of Ventana Wilderness Watch because they
have only been read once? Why not reuse them rather than recycle them? Next time you visit your
doctor, dentist or other professional with a magazine-laden waiting room, take your old VWWs along
and leave them behind for others to read. d1

Look for news of upcoming VWA gatherings and other events on the VWA website,

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