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Ventana Wilderness Watch Volume 5 Number 2 Summer 2004X

Draft Forest Plan Published

Little Sur River needs your help!

T he Forest Service has published their Draft Land Manage-

ment Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for
the Los Padres National Forest and three other southern Califor-
draft forest plan recommends Wild & Scenic River status for the
Arroyo Seco River, and against Wild and Scenic designation for
the North Fork of the Little Sur and San Antonio Rivers. The
nia forests. The final forest plan, when it is issued, will guide upper Carmel River and the South Fork Little Sur, which had
management of the four forests for the next previously been considered eligible, were
decade and beyond. The complete text of the not considered for suitability at this time. It
draft documents is available for public com- also proposes a 9,948 acre Milpitas Special
ment at the USDA Forest Service forest plan Interest Area (including the Indians) and two
revision website ( Research Natural Areas, Ventana Cones and
The forest plan is a broad document that Valley Oaks (near the Indians adjacent to Fort
provides a framework for future project-level Hunter Liggett). These would join the exist-
management. It makes recommendations for ing Cone Peak Gradient Research Natural
land use designations, special management Area and Alder Creek, Lion Den Spring and
areas, and Wild and Scenic River designation. Southern Redwoods Special Interest Areas.
Some of these recommendations, including there are no new recommendations for wil-
new Wilderness and Wild and Scenic River derness designation in the Monterey Ranger
designations, would require an act of Con- District, though a number of Wilderness ad-
gress to implement. ditions are recommended in other districts of
The forest service’s preferred action is the Los Padres National Forest.
to implement Alternative 4, which emphasizes The failure of the forest service to
recreation. The strongest conservation option recommend the Little Sur River for Wild and
considered was Alternative 6, based on a Con- Scenic status is particularly disappointing.
servation Alternative submitted by a coalition The North Fork of the Little Sur River The Little Sur has unique scenic, wildlife,
of advocacy groups including the Ventana Wilderness Alliance. geological and botanical values that qualify it for designation.
Alternative 6 would set biological diversity and the health of The Draft Environmental Impact Statement issued with the draft
the ecosystem as primary goals, and manage other uses of the forest plan documents find only the Dudley’s Lousewort as an
forests to minimize negative impact on the environment.
On issues specific to the Monterey Ranger District, the Continued 

One Giant Step Closer

Strategic Planning Effort Moves Forward
Over the June 12-13, 2004 weekend, the VWA Board of tion, but that we may need some help as we move into
Directors met with consultant Amy O’Connor for a Stra- “adolescence”. The Board recognized that to continue
tegic Planning retreat in downtown Monterey. Amy is a the VWA’s success in safeguarding public Wilderness
nationally recognized consultant who works with non- resources in the northern Santa Lucia Range, we need
profit groups throughout the country to increase their to upgrade our outreach, membership development and
organizational strength and effectiveness. The Strategic fund raising programs. There is a lot of Wilderness
Planning program was initiated with help from a grant work still to do, both in our local ranger district AND in
received in Fall 2003. nearby areas where wilderness values are being compro-
Amy facilitated two days of intensive discussion mised! The VWA Board identified many opportunities
about the growth of our organization and helped us for building the organization into a self-sustaining public
identify our strengths, weaknesses and needs. It was lands advocacy group and we hope to share this vision
pretty clear after the weekend sessions that the VWA has with you in the coming months. 
been incredibly effective as a young, start-up organiza- Stay tuned.
Willow Creek Cleanup Makes Progress
Volunteers Still Needed
Through mid-June, 24 individual VWA members have contrib- derness on back packs. On follow up outings, VWA members
uted over 360 hours working in the new Willow Creek addition have moved these loads to a staging area, filled over 100 bags
to the Silver Peak Wilderness of loose trash and tested a Ty-
Area cleaning up trash and rolean traverse that will bring
machinery from abandoned min- much of the trash and machin-
ing claims. Over 150 back pack ery across Willow Creek for
loads are now stockpiled for the final removal from the new
removal from the wilderness at Wilderness Area.
the end of July. Volunteers are still
Following a two year For- needed for outings scheduled
est Service permit process, the for June 26-27, July 10-11 and
project got underway in April for the final outing to pack
with VWA members clearing the material out of the wilder-
existing use trails to access ness July 30- August 1. If
the project area. Then, fifteen you would like to volunteer
compressed gas cylinders were and be part of this remark-
packed into the project area and able and important project,
used by two volunteer welders please contact Tom Hopkins at
to cut old machinery to sizes that or 831-
could be removed from the wil- Kenny at the torch 429-9010. 

VWA Annual Gathering Ventana Wilderness Alliance

Post Office Box 506
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in special guest speaker, Sara Barth, Santa Cruz, CA 95061
early May a large group of VWA mem- Western Regional Director of the Phone/fax 831.423.3191
bers and supporters Wilderness Society Email:
convened at the and formerly aide
Garland Ranch Re- to Senator Barbara
gional Park for the Boxer. Sara shared
VWA annual gath- with us her experi- President, Jon Libby
ering. Thanks to ences with Senator
the generosity and Boxer, particularly Vice President, Gordon Johnson
wonderful cook- the passage of the
ing skills of Nikki Big Sur Wilderness
Nedeff’s husband, Act of 2002. Other Secretary, Nikki Nedeff,
Kevin, everyone activities included
was well fed and hiking, silent auc- Treasurer, Tom Hopkins,
ready for a wonder- Chef Kevin at the grill tion and wilderness
ful afternoon with slide show.
Board members at large:
Call for Volunteers, Donations Boon Hughey
The VWA can always use more help. Currently we are in need of:
 People who can table at events like Farmer’s Markets and at trailheads. Kelsey Jordahl,
 Someone on the Monterey Peninsula who has some space to store the VWA
 Donation of a canopy to cover the display and volunteers at events. The Ventana Wilderness Alli-
Contact: ance is an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-
exempt organization. Dues and
Adventure Pass No Longer Required on Monterey Ranger District donations are tax deductible.

In response to public pressure the USFS no longer requires that users of the Monterey Newsletter Production
Ranger District, which includes the Ventana and Silver Peak wilderness areas, display
Design, Chad Jordahl
an “Adventure Pass” when parked at trailheads.
Printing, Pilot Printing,
More info:
Santa Cruz, CA
Mark Your Calendar 
VWA Trail Crew
Since January 1, 2004, 28 members of the lots of work to do, and will be for years to Brazil Ranch Gathering
all-volunteer VWA Trail Crew have contrib- come. But for all the ardent members of
uted 625 hours of pleasantly exhausting the VWA Trail Crew, this means volunteer Thanks to the generosity of the Forest
and delightfully rewarding work toward job security! Service the VWA is planning a special
keeping the trails of the Ventana and Silver We’re up to the task, although we fall gathering at the Brazil Ranch (aka
Peak Wilderness Areas safe and clear. could always use (and would certainly Funt Ranch or Bixby Ocean Ranch) on
People who have lately traveled the welcome) more help. We hope you’ll come the Big Sur coast on Saturday, October
upper Pine Ridge Trail, the Gamboa Trail, join us on a trailwork trip this fall when the 30. This will be a special opportunity for
the Black Cone Trail or the Buckeye Trail weather cools a little, and experience for VWA members to visit and hike on this
have enjoyed the results of the crew’s re- yourself just how much fun we have (and beautiful ranch. The details are still being
cent efforts. But brush never sleeps, and how well we eat!) while doing our part for ironed out but every indication is that this
in the wake of the 1999 fires dead trees the Wilderness trail system. event will be very special.
are coming down across Wilderness trails For more information - ________________________
faster than they can be counted. There’s still  Chuck Haugen Conservation
Committee Picnic
The VWA will have our display set up at
the Chuck Haugen picnic on Sunday July
18 somewhere on Fort Ord. No details are
available at press time but will be forth-
coming on the website calendar and via
the VWA Listserv.
VWA Speakers Now Available
Several VWA board members have devel-
oped a Power Point slide show and talk
about the VWA program for the continu-
ing preservation of the northern Santa Lu-
cia Mountains. If you are active in other
groups that would like to have the slide
Trail crew members Dave Knapp, Mike Heard and Art Simon clearing deadfalls
show and talk presented at a membership
on the upper Gamboa Trail. Photo by Robert Parks. meeting, please contact Kelsey Jordahl at or 831-646-3157.
 Forest Plan graphic and geologic features on the Big - Action Items -
Outstandingly Remarkable Value of the Sur coast.
North Fork of the Little Sur. Dudley’s The 90-day public comment period ►Thank the USFS for their recommendation for
Lousewort is an uncommon riparian on the draft land management plan began Wild & Scenic status for the Arroyo Seco River.
species of which the largest known May 14 and runs through August 11. Urge them to recommend Wild designation for
population, consisting of over half of the Comments may be made online at the segment between Escondido Camp and the
estimated number of individual plants of or by mail to: Horse Bridge.
the species in existence, occurs on the ►Urge the USFS to complete suitability studies
Southern California Forest Plan Revisions
Little Sur River. The Little Sur River is Los Padres National Forest and make recommendations for all other eligible
also the premier habitat for the threat- USDA Forest Service streams in the final forest plans, as required by
ened Central Coast steelhead. Content Analysis Center law, agency guidelines, and initial SoCal Forests
The headwaters of the Little Sur P.O. Box 22777 planning direction. These include the upper Car-
Salt Lake City, UT 84122
originate in the very heart of the Ventana mel River and Tassajara Creek.
Wilderness, and drain the north slope Sending a copy of your com- ►Ask the USFS to study the eligibility of the other
of the Window, the famous notch in the ments to the VWA helps us keep rivers that have been nominated by the public and
ridge near Ventana Double Cone from track of the support from our mem- supported by the VWA, including Willow Creek,
which the entire wilderness derives its bership. Send a copy by email to the Nacimiento River, and San Carpoforo Creek.
name (“Ventana” is Spanish for “win- or by mail to ►Support eligibility findings and designation rec-
dow”, and legend has it that the Window PO Box 506, Santa Cruz, CA 95061. ommendations for the Little Sur River (both forks)
was once topped by a rock arch). The More information on the VWA’s and San Antonio River.
two forks of the Little Sur River straddle positions and comments on the forest
►Support Alternative 6, which provides the stron-
the massive limestone mountain Pico plan revision process may be found at
gest protection for rivers and land designations.
Blanco, one of the most distinctive topo- 
VWA Listserv
A “must do” to get all VWA announcements
Members in good standing of the Ventana Wilderness Alliance are invited
to join a private, yet unmoderated, environment where issues, questions,
Date Event comments, ideas, and procedures pertaining to the expansion, management
July 10 Willow Creek Cleanup and protection of the Ventana and Silver Peak Wilderness Areas, as well as
July 18 Chuck Haugen Picnic concerns of the northern Santa Lucia Range, are discussed in a forum set-
July 31 Willow Creek Cleanup
ting via email. It is oriented towards those who are actively involved with
these issues. Additionally, it serves to inform members of Ventana Wilder-
Aug. 7 VWA Board Meeting
ness Alliance activities. And, it is spam free! 
Sept. 18 National Public Lands Day
Oct. 30 Brazil Ranch Fall Gathering More details:
See for details.
To get on the list email:

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