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Renaissance architecture in Slovakia

The ideas of Humanism and Renaissance started to spread to todays region of Slovakia,
mostly to the eastern parts, during the late Renaissance period in the first half of the 16th century. The
significant person was in these days king Mathias Corvinus and his wife Beatrix of Naples, who
introduced Renaissance to the Hungarian Kingdom. The motion rapidly differed from the west motions
because it was spreaded by the aristocracy first. Seat of aristocracy was Vyehrad in Budn. The first
Renaissance impulse in the 15th century was reflected more in epitaphs, paintings or sculptures than
in architecture. But still we can find quite big number of monuments from Renaissance in Slovakia.
The big form of Gothic space was changed to horizontal orientation. Statical and tectonical link
of Gothic architecture style was released and new Renaissance details were added. Later, from the
half of the 16th century, buildings in more integrated Renaissance style were built. The town hall in
Bardejov was the very first significant and the most valuable Renaissance building. Slovak towns
where the architecture was influenced by architecture of southern Poland were the most important
areas of Renaissance architecture in Slovakia.
The Slavs were not familiar with new principles of architecture. Therefore the king Mathias
Corvinus invited craftsmen, artist and builders from Italy to supervise their new buildings. Most
fortresses and fortifications as a protection against Turkish invasions were built. The defensive system
was completed by watchtowers called vartovky and fortresses had often typical shape of starfish. Its
main features were brick bastions for placing cannons. Good examples are fortress in Komrno
designed by the architect Pietro Ferrabosco or in abra designed by the architect Guilio Ferarri..
Other important fortresses are in Leopoldov, Levice and Nov Zmky.
The aristocracy modified castles and municipal houses from gothic ones into renaissance
ones. They were building new mansions manor houses in countrysides. These manor houses were
modeled on Italian city palaces. Spacious courtyards were surrounded by open arcade stairs and
there were shooting toweres on the corners of manor houses. Manor houses for low aristocracy and
thanes were more simple in its shape and there is a lot of them located in whole Slovakia. Famous
manor-houses are in Byta and Friovce.
Other specific buildings were free standing belfries(campanillas) with characteristic attic in
Poprad, Kemarok, Spisk Sobota, Spisk Bel or mining municipal houses with decorated
tympanons. Shield attic was the most characteristic architectonic motive completed with figural and
floral sgrafito. We can find sgrafito on almost every Renaissance building. Typical municipal houses
had stone portals with vaulted wooden gateway into courtyard and open arcade galleries, which was
the new feature. Thanks to open arcade galleries houses got more light,ease and elegance. Each
Renaissance building is characteristic for its simplicity, smooth look and geometric harmony of shapes.
The most famous monuments are town hall in Bardejov, Panensk castle in Bansk tiavnica,
town hall in Levoa, belfries in Poprad and Kemarok, Castle erven kame and renaissance
municipal houses in Preov. Renaissance is also known for its plans of ideal towns and buildings. In
Slovakia this idealism has been applied to the towns such as Levoa, Nov Zmky and Leopoldov.
Town hall in Bardejov (1505)
This town hall is considered to be one of the most unique buildings in Slovakia. It is a connection of
early transalpine renaissance features with late gothic construction and art elements. The lower part
was originally built in Gothic style and then upper part was finished in Renaissance style. The town
hall is situated in the centre of square. It has two storeys and rectangular floorplan with two high
shields, gable roof. Typical is bay window on the eastern part of the building. Evidence of progressive
humanistic and renaissance ideas of Bardejovs people are richly decorated stone portals leading to
town hall rooms.
Manor house in Byta
This Renaissance building is the most impressive feudal residence in Slovakia. The whole set of
buildings consists of four parts Renaissance manor house with square floor plan and arcaded
courtyard, wedding palace, entry building from the end of 19. century and initially old building rebuilt to

Classical style. Italian masters Kilian from Milan and A.Pocabello were in charge of building
construction supervising. The manor house was inhabited by dynasty of Thurzos and Esterhzys.
Juraj Thurzo ordered to build Wedding palace as a place for wedding feasts. I tis the only one of its
kind in Slovakia. Manor house in Byta is national historic landmark.
Belfry in Spisk Sobota
Tha landmark of Slovak small town Spisk Sobota is belfry standing next to fortification wall of churh.
I tis quite massive building with square floor plan and is the biggest one from the all belfries in Spi.
Cordon cornice is replaced by arched frieze with stone cantilevers circulating around the belfry. Above
them there are three big combined arched windows on the three sides. In 1780 Renaissance shield
attic was replaced by late Baroque and Rococo decoration.
Castle erven kame (Red Stone)
The stone castle erven kame was built in 1240. Later in 16th century it was rebuilt as a seat of
Palfys dynasty into Renaissance style. Baron Palfy was the Supreme Commander of the Hungarian
army. He basically transformed austere fortress to Renaissance and Baroque mansion with beautiful
interior decoration. It has massive round bastions with several floors. Now erven kame sets
a museum documenting life of Palfy family and this castle is considered to be one of the unique of the
middle european buildings.
Renaissance in Bratislava
Renaissance appeared in Bratislava during the reign of Mathias Corvinus. He estabilished the
university Academia Istropolitana settled in Bratislava in 1465. Academia Istropolitana followed an
example of the university in Bologna. Bratislava became the seat of king and senate and moreover it
became the coronation town for Hungarian monarch coronations. First Renaissance architecture
appeared in the beginning of 16th century. We can see Renaissance style on the Old town hall or on
Bratislavas castle. In the second half of 16th century the tower of the Old town hall was rebuilt into
Renaissance style. Six Renaissance windows and arcades were added into the facade. The interior
was rebuilt into Renaissance style in 17th century. The hall was divided into two and they were given
new ceilings. The renovation of the Bratislavas castle begin in 1552 and after it was a luxurious seat
of the Hungarian kings. Italian architect Pietro Ferrabosco led the whole construction. Then only two
corner towers were standing and one was a place for kings jewelry. Renaissance style was applied
also in the interior decorated with frescos and wall paintings made by Italian artists.

Private notes from the History of Art lectures at the High school

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