Aptitude Test Sample

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GO Drinks Annual Sales in the European and Asian markets:











Soft drinks

Energy Drinks

Soft drinks

Energy Drinks

1 Euro=0.8 Japanese Yen

1. Two-thirds of Go-Drinks annual sales of soft drinks in the European market were drinks that
included some alcohol. What was the contribution of soft drinks with some alcohol to the annual
sales in euros in percentages?
The correct answer is:20%
Soft drink sales represent 30% of annual sales in the European market. If sales of soft drinks with alcohol
are two-thirds of the soft drink annual sales in the same market, then their portion, in percentages, is 2/3
X 30% = 20%.
2. If Go-Drinks annual sales of juice in the European market were 32 million euros, which represent
20% of its annual sales in the same segment in the Asian market, what were Go-Drinks annual
sales in the Asian market in Japanese yen?
Answer options

213.33 million


246.16 million


226.66 million


184 million


307.69 million

The correct answer is:246.16 million

How to solve this question?
If 32 million euros represent 20% of annual juice sales in the Asian market, then annual juice sales in the
same market are five times 32 million euros = 5 X 32 million euros = 160 million euros. Given that annual

juice sales in the Asian market represent 52% of total annual sales in this market, then 1% of total annual
sales in this market is 160 million euros / 52 = 3.076 million euros. This means that total annual sales in
the Asian market (i.e. 100%) are 100 X 3.0769 million euros = 307.69 million euros. To convert it to
Japanese yen, we need to use the conversion rate offered in the question: 307.69 million euros = 307.69
X 0.8 Japanese yen = 246.16 million Japanese yen.
3. If Go-Drinks annual sales of water were 20 million Euros in the European market and 20 million
Japanese yen in the Asian market, what is the ratio of annual sales of water in the European
market to that in the Asian market in Euros?
Answer options









The correct answer is:4 : 5
How to solve this question?
If selling water generated 20 million Euros of sales in the European market and 20 million Japanese Yen
in the Asian market, then to calculate the ratio between these figures we need to convert the Japanese
Yen to euros. Using the conversion rate offered in the question, we can learn that 20 million Japanese
Yen are 20 million / 0.8 Euros = 25 million Euros. Hence, the ratio between the annual sales of water in
the two markets is 20 : 25 or 4 : 5.
4. If Go-Drinks annual sales of juice in the European market were 32 million euros, what were the
companys annual sales of energy drinks in the same market?
Answer options


266.67 million euros


80 million euros


120 million euros


104 million euros


32 million euros
The correct answer is:120 million euros
How to solve this question?

Juice sales in the European market represent 12% of total annual sales, which are 32 million euros (as
mentioned in the question. This means that 100% of total annual sales in the same market are 32 million
X 100 / 12 = 266.667 million euros. Hence, Energy Drink sales, which are 45% of total annual sales,
amount to 45% X 266.667 million = 120 million euros.

5. What is the ratio between the highest and the lowest selling price, assuming that the factories are
selling only one product?
Answer options





15 : 8


11 : 2


13 : 5
The correct answer is:15 : 8
How to solve this question?
Selling price per factory is calculated using the annual sales divided by the number of good products sold
(faulty products are not sold, hence need to be disregarded when calculating the number of products
sold). Therefore, the selling price in factory 1 is 14.432 million / (943 41) = 16,000 dollars. The selling
price in factory 2 is 18.48 million / (616 9) = 30,000 dollars. The selling price in factory 3 is 16.422
million / (714 15) = 23,000 dollars. The selling price in factory 4 is 22.94 million / (1245 98) = 20,000
dollars. Hence, the highest selling price is 30,000 dollars and the lowest price is 16,000 dollars. The ratio
between these prices is 30,000:16,000, or 30:16, or 15:8.
6. Which factory has the highest percentage of good products manufactured?
Answer options


Factory 1


Factory 2


Factory 3


Factory 4


Factory 2 & 4
The correct answer is:Factory 2
How to solve this question?
The number of good products manufactured can be calculated by deducting the number of faulty products
from total products manufactured. Then dividing the number of good products manufactured by total
products manufactured will give us the percentage of good products manufactured in each factory. In
factory 1, the number of products manufactured is 943 and the number of faulty products is 41. Using the
formula given before, (943 41) / 943 = 95.6% of products manufactured in factory 1 are good. In factory
2, the number of products manufactured is 625 and the number of faulty products is 9. Using the formula
given before, (625 9) / 625 = 98.5% of good products manufactured in factory 2 are good. In factory 3,
the number of products manufactured is 729 and the number of faulty products is 15. Using the formula
given before, (729 15) / 729 = 97.9% of good products manufactured in factory 3 are good. In factory 4,
the number of products manufactured is 1,245 and the number of faulty products is 98. Using the formula
given before, (1,245 98) / 1,245 = 92.1% of good products manufactured in factory 4 are good.
Therefore, factory 2 is the right answer.
7. Which factory has the most productive manufacturing employees?
Answer options


Factory 1


Factory 2


Factory 3


Factory 4


Factory 1 & 3
The correct answer is:Factory 1
How to solve this question?
Employees productivity is calculated by measuring how many products each employee manufactures in a
year. Using this formula, we can calculate the productivity of employees in factory 1: 943 products / 35
employees = 26.942 products per employee per year. Productivity of employees in factory 2 is 625
products / 42 employees = 14.88 products per employee per year. Productivity of employees in factory 3
is 729 products / 47 employees = 15.51 products per employee per year. Productivity of employees in
factory 4 is 1,245 products / 58 employees = 21.46 products per employee per year. Therefore,
employees in factory 1 are the most productive.
8. If staff in each factory earn the same amount, then which factory pays the highest wage for an
Answer options


Factory 1


Factory 2


Factory 3


Factory 4


Factory 1 & 4
The correct answer is:Factory 1
How to solve this question?
To calculate an employees wage per factory, we can take the manufacturing wage per factory and divide
it by the number of employees in the factory. Hence, the wage per employee in factory 1 is 2.5 million / 35
= 71,428 dollars. The wage per employee in factory 2 is 2.65 million / 42 = 63,095 dollars. The wage per
employee in factory 3 is 2.4 million / 47 = 51,063 dollars. The wage per employee in factory 4 is 2.82
million / 58 = 48,620 dollars. This means that factory 1 has the highest earning employees.

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