SOGI-FLL For Synchronization and Fault Detection in An Inverter Connected To The Grid

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2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM)

SOGI-FLL for synchronization and fault detection in

an inverter connected to the grid
David Gamez Patino, Edison Geovanny Guama Erira, Edisson Escobar Rosero, Javier Revelo Fuelagan

AbstractThis paper presents a theoretical analysis and simulation for the design and implementation of a Second Order
Generalized Integrator - Frequency Locked Loop (SOGI-FLL)
aimed at synchronization and fault detection when connecting an
inverter to the utility grid. Such an inverter is implemented in a
Highly-Efficient-and-Reliable- Inverter-Concept (HERIC) topology.
The two main aims of this work are: First, the frequency and
phase synchronization of the HERIC power inverter with the
grid through the SOGI-FLL. Second, the detection of abnormal
conditions that may occur in the coupling point system by analyzing
changes in frequency, phase shifts and amplitude variations. This is
done by complying with the IEEE 1547 standard for disconnecting
generation systems to the grid in case of failure. Finally, from the
experimental results, it can be concluded that the SOGI-FLL system
is an appropriate alternative for controlling the injection of energy
process into the grid, as well as for detecting possible grid faults.

trigonometric functions calculus, a voltage controlled oscillator

(VCO) facilitating his digital implementation. Also this has a
fast and accurate response to disturbances that can normally be
present in the grid [5].

Index TermsSmart grid, Power system interconnection, HERIC

inverter, Frequency locked loop , Second order generalized integrator.

The main objective in this work is to design and implement a

system SOGI-FLL in a digital platform for synchronization and
detection of faults in the connection of an inverter in HERIC
topology and the power grid. This paper is organized as follows:
In the section is done II analysis SOGI-FLL system. The
fault detection algorithm according to the IEEE 1547 standard
is described in section III. The results of the simulation of
SOGI-FLL system to changes in amplitude and frequency, are
described in Section IV. Experimental results of the HERIC
power inverter controlled by SOGI-FLL and the fault detection
algorithm are developed in V. Finally, in Section VI be developed
the conclusions.


HE researches on sustainable development have like

principal agent the smart grids, this kind of systems
manage the electricity demand in a sustainable, reliable and
economic way, this let the interconnection between the power
grid and renewable energies just like eolic and solar. A typical
problem in this kind of applications is the synchronization of
the voltage signal of the power converter with the electrical
grid, because the two systems must be properly synchronized in
frequency, phase and amplitude; even to abnormal conditions in
the attachment point [1], [2].
The optimizing systems for the synchronization process,
generally are based in a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) [3] that
has been amply studied, however these may have some
disadvantages in a digital implementation, because it need the
trigonometric functions calculus, implying greater consumption
of computational resources, also this presents a inefficient
response when the voltage in the power grid suffer a perturbation.
By the last reason has been chosen the SOGI-FLL [4] system
for the synchronization between the power converter and the
electrical grid, this system unlike a PLL did not required the
D. Gamez, E. Guama y J. Revelo is with the Departamento de Electronica,
Facultad de Ingeniera, Universidad de Narino, San Juan Pasto, 520001, Colombia.
E-mails: {gamezdavide, edisonguama, javierrevelof}
E. Escobar, is with the programa de Ingeniera Electronica, Institucion Universitaria Cesmag, Pasto, 520001, Colombia, E-mail:

978-1-4673-6605-2/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE

The SOGI-FLL characteristics correspond to one adaptive

filter of variable frequency, for this reason the system has an
appropriate response even to frequency changes or presence of
harmonics in the power grid. The SOGI-FLL has the advantage
to present accurate information in terms of frequency, amplitude
and phase, variables required to meet the standards set by the
IEEE 1547 standard regarding the connection and disconnection
of systems power generation [6].


The control system SOGI-FLL, has been applied to optimize
the connection process of the power inverter in HERIC topology
with the power grid. This inverter topology was patented by
Sunways in 2006 [8], [9]. Unlike a full bridge inverter, HERIC
inverter add two transistors to the output that operate to the power
grid frequency, and these located in parallel with the filter just like
show in the Fig 1. With this array, the reactive power between the
output filter and the capacitor located to the input has decreased in
a cross zero state, this let increasing the efficiency in the inverter.
Considering the power inverter is determined the analysis of
SOGI-FLL, that is a synchronization method based on the concept
of quadrature signal generator [10], comprising the following
The first one, is the SOGI shown in Fig.2, corresponds to
an adaptive variable frequency filter, where v is the reference


2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM)

gain and k is the SOGI gain. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse

the system to ensure an accurate estimate of the a frequency. The
state space equations that describe the behaviour of SOGI-FLL
x1 0 = kx3 x1 x23 x2 + kx3 u

x2 = x1


x3 = px2 x3 (u x1 )


Fig. 1.


Where x3 corresponds to the resonant frequency w0 of the

SOGI. Assuming a stable condition such that w0 w, the
equation (3), can be represented by (4).

HERIC inverter model

p 2
V (x3 w)x3
Where V and w are the amplitude and frequency from the
input signal respectively.
x3 0 =

Fig. 2.

The value of p must be normalized with feedback variables

to obtain a first order linear system of adaptative frequency, as
shown in (5) and whose transfer function is shown in (6).

Block diagram SOGI

signal from the power grid in the form sin(wt + ), the output
signals are v 0 and qv 0 , the component v 0 has the same phase
and magnitude that the signal v, while qv 0 is 90 out of phase
with respect to v 0 , the signal w0 is the resonant frequency of the
SOGI, if the signal w0 = w, v 0 and qv 0 coincide with the signal
amplitude input v. If the input signal frequency is different from
the resonance frequency of the SOGI, the system loses precision
in the estimation of frequency, therefore it is necessary a system
that automatically adjusts the resonance frequency of the SOGI
with the input signal.




From (6) can be estimated L as-.


Moreover, equations (1) and (2) represent the behavior of the
SOGI whose gain k can be calculated by (8).

w0 T s
It should be noted that for an optimum performance of the
system, the settling time of the SOGI and FLL must be properly
tuned. Equation (9) shows the best way to do it, obtaining the
best results.

The second stage is the FLL, which is responsible of adjusting

the frequency of the SOGI, where the control signal ef f , is the
product of the quadrature output qv 0 and the error signal ev of
the SOGI. This result is amplified by a factor p and subjected to
and integration operation, thus frequency of the input signal can
be estimated. Fig. 3 shows a FLL SOGI-system.

Fig. 3.

T s(F LL) 2T s(SOGI)


Finally, Fig. 4 shows the SOFI-FLL block diagram with

normalized gain.
In the SOGI-FLL, the input frequency is estimated directly
by the FLL, however the amplitude and the phase angle of the
input signal can be indirectly calculated using (10) and (11), with
this information you can establish an algorithm that allows to
detect failures in accordance with the standards established by
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
|v 0 | = v 02 + qv 02

Block diagram SOGI-FLL.

The dynamic response of the SOGI-FLL depends mainly on a

proper selection of the parameters p and k, where p is the FLL


= tan

qv 0


2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM)


Frecuency Range [Hz]

Voltage Range [%]
59.3 f < 60.5
88 < V < 110

Fig. 4.

Connection Time [Min]


Block diagram of the SOGI-FLL with normalized gain.



IEEE 1547


The 1547 standard given by IEEE in the year 2003 [6],

is a document that hand a series of parameters for the
interconnections of power sources. Also provides relevant
requirements to performance, testings, security and the
maintenance when it present the connection of generation
Given the standard, it has made a review of the main parameters
to be considered for the implementation of the algorithm. In
the table ref tab: vv, timeouts are described when a variation
occurs in the voltage.

Voltage Range [%]

V < 50
50 V < 88
110 < V < 120
V 120

Fig. 5.

Fault detection algorithm.



To verify the effectiveness of the SOGI-FLL synchronization

system, it is tested by simulation in the software MATLAB .
The response of the SOGI-FLL to a sinusoidal input signal at 60
Hz is shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the system stabilizes
at 40 ms.

Desconnection Time [Min]


In the table II, timeouts are described by the change in


Frequency Range [%]

> 60.5Hz
< 59.3Hz

(a) The reference signal is shown in red, and the SOGI-FLL signal is shown in

Desconnection Time [Min]


Moreover, it is taken into account when the system connection

is resumed according to the table III.
According to the above, it proceed to make an algorithm that
allow protect the devices when abnormal conditions in the power
grid are presented [11], this is indicated in the Fig. 5.

(b) Indicates the variation of the error signal

Fig. 6.


SOGI-FLL response to a sinusoidal signal input 60Hz.

2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM)

The frequency is varied from 60 to 50Hz in 0.12s, as shown

in Fig. 7, the detected frequency is adjusted to a first order
exponential response validating the analysis in (6) of the section
2. In this case the SOGI-FLL system is effectively set at time of
40ms, ensuring that it has the ability to adapt to any change in
frequency of the input signal.
Fig. 9.

SOGI-FLL response to the presence of harmonics.

A. SOGI FLL system evaluation

(a) The reference signal is shown in red, and the SOGI-FLL signal is shown in

A HERIC inverter [14] prototype was implemented to evaluate

the synchronization system and fault detection algorithm under
the IEEE 1547 standard.
To evaluate the effectiveness of SOGI system - FLL, a signal
generator was used to emulate the effects of variation in amplitude, frequency and harmonic compensation. For this operation
the inverter was tested autonomously.
Fig. 10 shows the response of SOGI-FLL system to a sinusoidal
input signal of 60 Hz, clearly the system is stabilized in 40ms.
As it is shown in the simulation carried out in section IV.

(b) Frequency estimation of SOGI-FLL system

Fig. 7.

SOGI-FLL response to a frequency change

The amplitude is varied from 170V to 195V, as shown in Fig.

8, It can be seen that the system stabilizes at 20 ms.

Fig. 10. HERIC inverter output signal controlled by SOGI-FLL, the output
signal of the inverter shown in blue and the reference signal shown in red.

(a) The reference signal is shown in red, and the SOGI-FLL signal is shown in

In Fig. 11 shows the response of the SOGI-FLL to a change

of frequency of 60 Hz to 50 Hz, it can be seen that the system
responds in a suitable for any variation in the frequency of the
input signal.

(b) Amplitude estimation of SOGI-FLL system.

Fig. 8.

SOGI-FLL response to a amplitude change

Finally, A test was done in which a signal with a harmonic

was added to the reference signal, as shown in Fig. 9. It can be
seen that the output signal is not affected by the harmonics of
the reference signal due to the characteristics of adaptive filter of
the SOGI-FLL system [12], [13].

Fig. 11. Time response of the SOGI-FLL in presence of a frequency step, in

blue the reference signal and in red the inverter signal.

In Fig. 12 Shows the response of the SOGI-FLL to a change

of amplitude of 170 V to 190 V.


2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM)

(a) Voltage drop in 50%. The reference signal in blue, the desactivation signal in
Fig. 12. SOGI-FLL in presence of an amplitud step, in red the power grid signal
and in blue the inverter signal.

Fig. 13 shows the response of the SOGI-FLL to an input signal

containing a harmonic. The inverter output signal is not affected,
it is experimentally verified the effectiveness of the adaptive filter
(b) Voltage drop in 80%. The reference signal in blue, the desactivation signal in

Fig. 13. SOGI-FLL response to an input signal with harmonics, the reference
signal with harmonics is shown in red and the inverter output signal shown in

(c) Voltage elevation at 120%. The reference signal in blue, the desactivation
signal in red.
Fig. 14.

Response of the algorithm under changes in amplitude

B. Evaluation of fault detection algorithm under the IEEE 1547

In section IV, it was found that SOGI-FLL system delivers
precise information in amplitude, frequency and phase of the
interconnected system. The HERIC inverter needs to be disconnected from the grid in case of abnormal conditions in terms
of voltage and frequency this response is to ensure the safety of
utility maintenance personnel and the general public, as well as to
avoid damage to connected equipment, including the photovoltaic
First was checked standardized algorithm efficiency under
variations in voltage amplitude as shown in Figure 14.

(a) Algorithm response when frequency is bigger than 60.5 Hz

Secondly it was proved that the algorithm is able to detect

variations in the frequency , as shown in Fig. 15.
(b) Algorithm response when frequency is lower than 59.3 Hz

Finally in Fig.16 shows the experimental prototype implementation.

The algorithm performs detection of faults in the power grid
interconnected aptly works concerning the issues raised in Fig. 5,
because the system activates a gate which disables the interconnection system according to the times set under the IEEE 1547

Fig. 15.

Response of the algorithm under changes in frequency

This work is supported by the Grupo de Investigacion en
Ingeniera Electrica y Electronica - GIIEE from Universidad


2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM)

Fig. 16.

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SOGI-FLL response to the presence of harmonics.

de Narino. As well, the authors acknowledge to ALTERNAR

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CTeI, SGR, Colombia and the research project supported by
Agreement No. 095 November 20th, 2014 by VIPRI from Universidad de Narino. .
The design and implementation of a SOGI-FLL system is
proposed to synchronization and fault detection in the connection
of a HERIC inverter to the power grid. In addition, an algorithm to
detection of faults is formulated and implemented, under standard
IEEE 1547 published by IEEE in 2003. Analyzing the different
steps presented in the document, demonstrate the effectiveness
of SOGI-FLL system to control the synchronization of a HERIC
inverter to the power grid, presenting a quick and accurate
response to changes in frequency, phase and amplitude, efficiently
tracking the reference signal, even in presence of harmonics in
the signal from the power grid, due to characteristics of adaptive
filter system.
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