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Company profile

Instrumentation limited is a public sector undertaking having its corporate office at

Kota, Rajasthan. It plays a vital role for a very wide spectrum of industrial
enterprise ranging from core sector establishments such as steel, power, cement,
oil refineries to large, medium and small scale industries. It has played a dominant
role in making India self reliant in Instrumentation Sector since 1974.

More than 25 years of experience in the field and with supply record of more than
two lakh valves in India. Instrumentation Limited palakkad has also been exporting
valves to Malaysia, Singapore and Saudi Arabia etc.

Instrumentation Limited, palakkad is also the first control valve manufacturing in

India to get their quality management system certified to meet ISO 9001
requirements with the excellent including, CNC machinery center, CNC drilling
machines etc apart from one of the best facility. Instrumentation Limited, palakkad
is able to deliver quality products to meet any tailor made requirements for their

With the manufacturing facilities having been recently augmented considerably

apart from enlarging the vender bone for both inputs and ancillary activities.
Instrumentation Limited, palakkad is able to meet very short deliver requirements
to meet customer project schedule.

Instrumentation Limited, palakkad has one of the best CAD/CAM facilities which
have been instrumental in successfully feed water service and also 24” control
valves which are the largest ever manufacturing in India.

Instrumentation Limited, palakkad is located in the national NH 47 at distance of 40

km west of Coimbatore and 8 km east of Palakkad city in the state of kerala.
Instrumentation Limited, palakkad was certified ISO 9001 in 1997.
Personnel and Administration Department

The prime role of personnel management in Instrumentation Limited, palakkad is

taken by the Personnel and Administration Department. The Personnel and
Administration Department has the responsibility of manpower planning,
recruitment, selection, training, employee welfare etc.

Personnel and Administration Department is under the guidance of a well

qualified personnel manager with expertise and experience. There are four
officers to assist him; the workers have a major role in management decisions
that are made because the workers need to accomplish the task. They are
usually encouraged to participate in the company’s decision making process.

Personnel and Administration Department consist of six sections, they are

1. Recruitment section
2. Time and wage section
3. Establishment section
4. Industrial relation section
5. Welfare section
6. Transport section

Objectives of the Personnel and Administration Department

The Personnel and Administration Department has set for themselves certain
objectives based on sound personnel policies and practices.

• To maintain high standards of integrity and behavior demanded by

professional conduct as a responsible department committed to the
organizational standards.
• To recognize and accept dignity & treat individuals has human beings
irrespective of caste, religion, language, sex etc.
• To create and develop healthy personnel practices.
• To win confidence and gain respect from the employees & employers and
to maintain organization effectiveness.
• Not to allow any extraneous interest other than professional to interfere
with official work.
• To be frank and fair in dealing with any employee.
• To have no personal bias & prejudice.
• To create unity and loyalty towards the organization
• To elicit co-operation by interacting freely with others and maximize
organizational effectiveness.
Employees in the organization are treated equally and are provided enough
opportunity for the development. Excellent labour relationship is a unique
factor in Instrumentation Ltd. Adequate importance is given for the welfare of
employees. The work style of the company is pleasant & encouraging. Most
of the employees working in the company are above 35 years of age with a
work experience of at least ten years.

There are two categories of employees

 Regular

• Officers
• Supervisors
• Workers

 Apprentices

Factory working hours

The factory working hours is on shift basis.

Shift Time

First shift 6.20-14.30

Second shift 14.30-22.40

General shift 8.20-17.05

In Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad general shift starts from .20-17.05 with half
hour lunch break. All the office staff comes under general shift. In the plant
section there are two other shifts- 6.20 -14.30 and 14.30-22.40
Employee status in Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad

Department Office staff Supervisor Worker Total

GM’s office 1 2 1 4

AGM’s office 1 1 - 2

Commercial department 13 11 14 38

Engineering department 1 4 6 11

Designing department 4 7 9 20

Production planning and 5 11 9 25

Control department

Material management 3 10
department 24 37

Ancillary department 3 7 10 20

Plant & maintenance department 2 5 7 14

Quality control 3 11 23 37

Production department 6 21 136 163

Central planning and management 4 2 2 8

Information service 5 10 14 29

Finance and accounts 6 9 23 38

Personnel and administration 3 5 21 29

Civil department 1 - 5 6

Security - - 13 13
HRM in practice

Manpower planning

Various steps followed are

1. Assessing current manpower situation.

2. Forecasting future HR needs.
3. Comparing forecasted needs with projected supply.
4. Planning policies and programs to meet the needs.
5. Evaluation of Human resource planning effectiveness.


1. To develop a plan for systematic requirement and thereby reduce the

recruitment lead time.
2. To ensure that the organization always has the right complement.
3. To forecast manpower requirement of the organization.

HR policies

Recruitment policy

Recruitment policy includes advertising in newspaper, employee exchange,

labour contractors, educational institution and unsolicited applicants.

Selection policy

Selection is purely based on merit & future manpower requirement.

Selection process involves accepting applications followed by
interviews, tests, references and physical examination.

Promotion policy

Promotion is based on the criteria of seniority as in every government

offices. A person having three years of experience in the same post
with a good code of conduct and a low absenteeism is promoted to
higher post. The organization has also a section allocated for
Recruitment and selection process

Recruitment is the process of identifying the prospective candidates and

motivating them to apply for the job. As per the recruitment policy of the
company, they use to advertise in newspaper, employment exchange
etc to recruit employees. The recruitment & selection policy used in
Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad gives more emphasis on the experience
of the candidates. The requirement of the candidates is facilitated by the
receipt of reference of potential employees from known sources.

Recruitment at Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad is usually done in the

registrar office at Kota, Rajasthan. The vacancies below a pay scale of
8000 are filled through the employment exchange and other positions
are filled by giving open advertisement.

Recruitment involves notification of vacancies through newspaper

intimidating the local employment exchange for screening & short listing
candidates for test, interviews with Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad. The
company conducts written test for evaluating the candidates about his
theoretical and technical knowledge. Selection of the candidate is done
on the basis of rank in written examination and then short listed
candidates are selected through interview. Selection is rarely done on
the basis of recommendation from existing employees.

Training and development

Training and development is an important factor of HRM that is given

adequate emphasis in organization. The training given by
Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad, to the employees is to safeguard the
organizational objectives of survival and success through competitive
advantage. Only 64% of the employees have undergone the training
process during the time of recruitment.
Modern industries are skill intensive and knowledge based skill are
given adequate importance.


 One year apprenticeship training of graduates and technician

apprentices would be considered as an experience for the purpose of
employment. This will not be applicable in case of trade apprentices.
 The Act states that job must be provided to the poor and weaker
section of the society. Consideration must be given to the minority
section. Women apprentices of workers also should be given special
consideration. No communalist caste should exist in public sector.
Personnel policy should be made known to all the employees in the
 Methods of training and development includes job rotation, class
room training with both inside and outside facility, sending trainees to
training institution and general education program.

Instrumentation Ltd Palakkad includes the following training program:

 Apprentice training
 Class room lectures
 Job instruction training
 Conference and seminars
 Audio visual and film shows
 Simulation and computer modeling
 Program instruction
 Retraining


Promotion is given to the employees who are having three years of

work experience in the same post and who has acquired a good code
of conduct and a low absenteeism rate. The organization has a
separate section allocated for promotion policy prevailing in the
organization is good.

Performance appraisal

Employees would like to know whether they are able to reach the
desired levels of performance. Thus it becomes necessary for the
management to provide same machinery or device by which actual
performance of employees can be measured.

Performance study is done to know the satisfaction level of

employees regarding their performance and also to improve the
same to obtain good results. Performance appraisal is carried out on
a yearly basis. The various factors evaluated are job knowledge, job
output &quality on the job and skill on the job, efficiency, initiative, co-
operation, communication, discipline, attendance, punctuality and
Motivational factors

The major motivation factors for the employee in Instrumentation Ltd

Palakkad are follows:

o Job security
o Personal security
o Salary
o Benefits and amenities
o Relationship with the management
o Advancement in their job.

Motivational techniques current practice in the organization

 The organization is currently giving silver coin to the employee who

attained 25 years of experience in the same organization.
 The organization also gives awards for some special tasks
performed by the employees.
 The organization is providing job security to the employees.

Labour welfare allowance

The following allowances are paid to the employees

1. Allowances

• Washing allowances paid to regular employees

• Shift allowances paid to the employees who are attending
night shift.
• House rent allowances is given to regular employees.
• Transport allowances are given to employees according to
their post they are working.
• Children education allowance is given to all regular

2. Advances
• Yearly advances are given to regular employees. Rs 3000
is given at a nominal rate of interest yearly in the month of
April. This amount is to be recovered in ten months.
• Furnishing advance is given to employees who have
completed 3 years of service. It is also given at a nominal
rate of interest.
• Cycle advance – up to1600is paid as advance on request
every 2 years.
• Medical allowance is given in case of medical
emergencies. Rs 3000 is paid has medical advance.
• Vehicle advance – amount up to Rs 1400 is paid with
interest as advance to buy two wheelers.
• Car advance – amount of Rs 50000 is paid with interest at
rate of 11.5% for buying car.
• Building advance is also paid for purchasing a plot and for
building a house.

3. Rewards

• Medical rewards are given to those employees who did

not take medical reimbursement.
• Yearly attendance award.
• Awards for attaining higher qualification.
• Awards to employees representing in sports at state
and national level.

4. Other benefits

• Scholarship is given to the children’s of employees

who have scored above 60% of marks.
• Holiday facility
• Employee benefit fund scheme used in case of
death of the employees.
• Recognition of service- it is given for employees who
have completed 15 years of service.
• Group insurance scheme.
• Community centre
• Township
• Provision for uniform
• Guest house
• Best suggestion award
• Instrumentation ltd cooperative society.

5. Statutory benefit

• Bonus
• Medical reimbursement
• Maternity leave
• Gratuity
• Employee provident fund
• Labour welfare fund

Health and welfare facilities

Health facilities

1. cleanliness
2. Efficient disposal of waste and effluents.
3. Ventilation and temperature.
4. Removal of dust and fumes.
5. artificial humidification
6. Lightning
7. Drinking water with cooler.
8. canteen
9. Crèches
10. First aid appliances

Welfare facilities

 Industrial canteen and subsidiary

A well established canteen is being run by the company which

has the capacity to cater the needs of 150 employees at a time and total
amount of 300-400 employees take meal from canteen every day

 Township

A township is built around the vast company compound on a

nominal rent; quarters are allotted to officers and workers. There is a
good library and reading room besides facilities for recreating, sports
and games.
 Medical facilities

The company has a good dispensary in its township. All the

employees and their family members are entitled to get medical
treatment free of cost from the company’s dispensary. 24 hours
service is provided

 Co-operative stores

There is a department store under the cooperative society in the

township. It provides good and cheap stationary and provision and

 Educational facilities

The company is providing good educational facilities for the children

of the employees. The company is having a nursery school in its

 Transportation facilities

At present company offers transportation facilities to the employee

in 1 and 2nd shift. It is also providing transportation facilities for the

children studying around palakkad district. These facilities help the

Employees and reach the work place in time.

 Housing facility

The company is providing 3 types of quarters to employees

officers under various categories. The categories A, B, C. The ‘C’ TYPE
are MANAGERS. The employees being provided with house rent
allowance (HRA), if they want to rent a separate house

 Sports facility

The company is having good play ground. It is also having

table tennis court.The national hockey tournament was once
conducted in the company.

 Recreation facility

The company has a community centre where various recreating

facilities are carried out .At the community centers there is an
auditorium community centers there is an auditorium films are
screened at regular intervals. In the community centers the workers
will assemble at leisure time and make us to various recreation


Instrumentation Limited, palakkad is a reputed public sector

concentrating on the production of pneumatically operated control
valves. The personnel and administration department have set for
themselves certain objectives based on sound personnel policies and

The HR policies existing in the organization is satisfactory to

employees. The study also reveals that the manpower planning
policy, recruitment policy, selection policy method of training and
development, performance appraisal, welfare measures etc are up to
the satisfaction of the employees.

Sound policies help to build employees motivation and loyalty. This is

especially true when the policies reflect established principles of far
play and justice and where they help people to grow with the
organization. Sound policies help to resolve interpersonal intergroup

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