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Tabadmin Command Reference

Available commands: .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
activate................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
administrator ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
autostart.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
backup ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
cleanup ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
configure ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
customize ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
dbpass ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
failovergateway................................................................................................................................................................... 5
help ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
install ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
licenses ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
migrate_to_new_repository ............................................................................................................................................... 6
password ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
prep_workers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
reset .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
restart.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
restore ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
set........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
start ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
status ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
stop ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
uninstall ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
upgrade ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
validate.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
warmup ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
ziplogs ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Undocumented commands .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Increase JAVA heap space ................................................................................................................................................. 11

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Available commands:
tabadmin activate
tabadmin administrator
tabadmin autostart
tabadmin backup
tabadmin cleanup
tabadmin configure
tabadmin customize
tabadmin dbpass
tabadmin failovergateway
tabadmin help
tabadmin install
tabadmin licenses
tabadmin migrate_to_new_repository
tabadmin passwd
tabadmin prep_workers
tabadmin reset
tabadmin restart
tabadmin restore
tabadmin set
tabadmin start
tabadmin status
tabadmin stop
tabadmin uninstall
tabadmin upgrade
tabadmin validate
tabadmin warmup
tabadmin ziplogs

-- Activate a license via online or offline activation

-- Grant/Revoke administrator capabilities to a user
-- Display or set the auto-start behavior of Tableau Server
-- Create a backup of Tableau Server's data and configuration
-- Cleanup service log files
-- Update the configuration of Tableau Server
-- Sets a customization parameter to the specified value
-- Enables/disables external access to database for building administrative views
-- Set the primary and secondary gateway hosts
-- Help for <script> commands
-- Install the Tableau Server service application
-- Print information on the active licenses for Tableau Server
-- Migrates data from the jackrabbit repository to the new repository
-- Reset the password for a Tableau Server account
-- Prepare a new worker for service. Install the software and configure it
-- Reset Tableau Server state
-- Restart Tableau Server
-- Restore a backup of Tableau Server's data and configuration
-- Set a configuration parameter to a specified value, or to its default value
-- Start Tableau Server
-- Print the current running status of Tableau Server
-- Stop Tableau Server
-- Uninstall the Tableau Server service application
-- Upgrade the service configuration and data to the current version of Tableau Server
-- Validates environment for Tableau Server
-- Warmup Tableau Server by requesting a lightweight viz from each vizql process
-- Zip up log files to the specified file. If no filename is given, "" will be used

Usage: <script> activate [options]
Activate a license via online or offline activation. One of the options --tlf (for a .TLF offline activation file sent from
Tableau Software) or --key (for an online product key) must be provided.
Command options:
--tlf FILE
--tlr FILE
-k, --key PRODUCTKEY
--asr FILE

For offline activation via a .TLF license file.

For offline deactivation via a .TLR license file.
For online activation via a product key.
For offline activation via .TLA file
Activate the specified license (default)
Return the specfied license

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

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Usage: <script> administrator <account name> [options]. Specify 'false' for options to deny administrator capabilities
from the specified user
Grant/Revoke administrator capabilities to a user.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> autostart [on|off]
Display or set the auto-start behavior of Tableau Server. This setting controls whether Tableau Server starts
automatically at system boot time. If auto-start is disabled, an explicit start command via tabadmin or the system tray
application is required to start Tableau Server.
If one of 'on' or 'off' is specified as an argument to autostart, set the auto-start state accordingly. Without arguments,
display the current setting.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> backup <backup_filename>
Create a backup of Tableau Server's data and configuration. The backup filename will be given the extension '.tsbak'.
Periodic backups using Scheduled Tasks should probably use the --date option to append today's date to the backup
Command options:
-d, --date
Append today's date to the backup file name.
--host [HOST]
Tableau Server Database host.
--port [PORT]
Tableau Server Database port.
-u, --userdir
Place the backup in the user data directory.
Stop the service if it is running so the backup can be
Backup even if server is running. The resulting backup
could contain inconsistencies if users are active.
-t, --tempdir [PATH]
Use the specified directory for temporary files created
during backup.

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Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> cleanup [options]
Cleanup service log files. If the service is currently running, this command will not do cleanup or restart the service
unless the restart option is provided.
Command options:
-r, --restart
start it again.

If service is running, Stop it, cleanup files, then

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> configure [options]
Update the configuration of Tableau Server. By default this creates the entire data/<config_name>/config directory,
with the master service configuration (workgroup.yml) and other configurable files.
Command options:
-o, --output FILE
Write the main configuration to FILE and exit.
-d, --write-defaults FILE
Write the default configuration to FILE.
-v, --verify FILE
Verify the configuration.
Upgrade the service configuration to the current
-w, --suppress-warnings
translation missing:

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> customize [options] <parameter> <value>
Sets a customization parameter to the specified value. Current known parameters:
Parameter Meaning
Name of the product (default "Tableau Server")
Logo of the product (for best results, use a 125x35 image)
Command options:
-d, --default

Reset the parameter to its default value.

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Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> dbpass [--disable] [password]
Enables/disables external access to database for building administrative views.

Disable remote database access (default)
Enable remote database access for user 'tableau' with the given password

Command options:
-d, --disable

Disable remote database access

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> failovergateway [options]
Set the primary and secondary gateway hosts.
Command options:
--primary [PRIMARY_IP]
--secondary [SECONDARY_IP]

Primary gateway IP address

Backup gateway IP address

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> help <command> [options]
<script> help
-- Help for <script> commands
<script> help <a command> -- Show help for a specific command
<script> help commands -- List all available commands
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> install [options]
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Install the Tableau Server service application. The service run-as user's credentials will be taken from the current
Command options:
--password PWD

This service installation should auto-start on reboot.

Run-as user password for installation

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> licenses [options]
Print information on the active licenses for Tableau Server.
Command options:
-p, --processor_cores
-r, --repair_service

Display the physical core count for the current machine.

Repair the licensing service components.

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> migrate_to_new_repository [--tabconfig]
Migrates data from the jackrabbit repository to the new repository.
Command options:
Flag to remove the old repository. Only use this flag if
you are satisfied with the repository migration.
Flag when run by tabconfig. If specified, brings up the
progress dialog

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> passwd <account name> [options]
Reset the password for a Tableau Server account. This command is only operational when Tableau Server is configured
for local authentication.

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Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> prep_workers [options]
Prepare a new worker for service. Install the software and configure it.
Command options:
--workerversion VER
specified version.

Flag when run by the installer.

Modal flag when run by installer in silent mode
Require workers to be greater than or equal to the
Force a refresh of software ignoring worker versions.

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> reset
Reset Tableau Server state.
Command options:
login again
with other commands

destroy all existing sesssions, will force all users to

suppress normal verbose output.

Useful for chaining

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> restart [options]
Restart Tableau Server.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

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Usage: <script> restore <backup_filename>
Restore a backup of Tableau Server's data and configuration.
Command options:
--password PWD
rename it)

Run-as user password for installation

Restore the service data, but not the configuration.
Overwrite the current deploy directory (default is to
Do not recover the current deploy directory on failure

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> set [options] <parameter> <value>
Set a configuration parameter to a specified value, or to its default value. Parameters can be found on the Tableau
Software web site. WARNING: This command can render Tableau Service inoperable. Use with extreme caution.
If the parameter being set has a value which begins with a hyphen, then the value must be enclosed in both double- and
single-quotes. For example, setting the wgserver.vmopts parameter will require the value of -Xmx512m to be quoted as
"'-Xmx512m'", and the value -Xmx512m -Xss2048k to be quoted as "'-Xmx512m -Xss2048k'" on the command line.
Command options:
-d, --default

Reset the parameter to its default value.

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> start [options]
Start Tableau Server.
Command options:
--wait [SECONDS]

Seconds to wait for server to become ready (default is


Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

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Usage: <script> status [options]
Print the current running status of Tableau Server.
Command options:
-v, --verbose

Display verbose status.

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> stop [options]
Stop Tableau Server.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> uninstall [options]
Uninstall the Tableau Server service application.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> upgrade
Upgrade the service configuration and data to the current version of Tableau Server.
Command options:
-m, --migration NUM

Migrate to the specified schema version.

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

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Usage: <script> validate
Validates environment for Tableau Server.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> warmup [options]
Warmup Tableau Server by requesting a lightweight viz from each vizql process.
Command options:
Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

Usage: <script> ziplogs [options] [filename]
Zip up log files to the specified file. If no filename is given, "" will be used.
Authors note: The default command response will show that the zip file was saved to C:/Windows/system32/,
however, on my Windows 2008 R2 server the file actually gets saved to C:/Windows/SysWOW64/.
Command options:
-n, --with-netstat-info
Include netstat information.
-p, --with-postgresql-data
Include the PostgreSQL data folder.
-l, --with-latest-dump
Include latest dumps.
-f, --force
Force overwrite of existing file.
-d, --minimumdate [mm/dd/yyyy]
Earliest date of files to be included. If not specified,
up to 7 days worth of data will be included.
-a, --all
Include all files except PostgreSQL data (ignoring the

Global options:
-h, --help
-c, --config CONFIG_NAME

Display <script> help.

Use the specified service configuration.

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Undocumented commands
This area is for commands that are not documented. Their use is up to the discretion o f the administrator and may
become depreciated at any time without notice by Tableau Software. Entries here are may or may not be from Tableau
support/engineering and thus documentation may be sparse. WARNING: Use at your own risk!

Increase JAVA heap space

Usage: <script> set wgserver.vmopts [options]
Example: tabadmin set wgserver.vmopts "'-Xmx512m -Xss2048k'"
Command options:
-d, --default

Revert to default heap space size

Global options:

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