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Teszt (15 pont)
Vlassza ki a ngy vlasz kzl az egyetlen nyelvtanilag, stilisztikailag megfelelt.

1. She left the room quietly wake me.

A) not to
B) so as not to
C) so that not to
D) so that she not
2. The jewellery by two men wearing green helmets.
A) is said to have been stolen
B) was told to be stolen
C) was said to steal
D) believed to be stolen
3. he'd done everything he could.
A) He told
B) He is said
C) He tells me
D) He said
4. Do you ?
A) like that I leave now
B) like to me to leave now
C) insist that I leave now
D) need that I leave now
5. 'Is he coming to the party?' ' .'
A) I hope not
B) Yes, I think it
C) No, he doesn't
D) I hope that he does
6. You come so early. The concert starts at 10.
A) needn't have
B) mustn't have
C) didn't need to
D) needn't
7. she talks, I won't let her get away with that.
A) Whatever friendly
B) However kindly
C) However interesting things
D) However friendly
8. 'Could I use your phone for a minute? ' .'
A) Yes, you could
B) Sure, go ahead
C) I'm afraid you couldn't
D) No thanks
9. If I the truth, I would keep quiet about it.
A) would be telling
B) were said
C) were told
D) have told them
10. the horrible weather, the children went out on an excursion.
A) Despite of
B) Although
C) In spite of
D) Regardless
11. He is not patient his wife.


A) as // than
B) more old // than
C) as // as
D) so // than
12. He might be a tailor a teacher. It's hard to tell.
A) either // nor
B) neither// or
C) both // or
D) either // or
13. The baby was born the night.
A) while
B) during
C) at
D) on
14. My uncle is the best bus driver I have ever met.
A) what
B) that
C) which
D) whose
15. He asked me to give him some .
A) good advices
B) advicing
C) advice
D) pieces of good advices
16. I had to wait for about an hour at the station as the train was .
A) late
B) in late
C) lately
D) too late
17. I was rather tired so I down for an hour.
A) lied
B) lay
C) laid
D) lain
18. If I , I wouldn't have failed.
A) 'd studied more
B) 'd have studied more
C) had studying
D) were studied
19. I heard the neighbours about our new car.
A) talking
B) to talk
C) have talked
D) had been talked
20. It's very sad he in his class.
A) doesn't feel himself well
B) doesn't feel himself good
C) doesn't feel good
D) doesn't feel well
21. was Joe who was the first to do this essay.
A) It
B) That
C) Whom
D) Which
22. This is I call real dedication.
A) that
B) what
C) which
D) -


23. Thank you to my birthday party.

A) to come
B) coming
C) for coming
D) about you coming
24. He wasn't much of a cook, ?
A) was he
B) doesn't he
C) didn't he
D) wasn't he
25. It never occurred me to work as a teacher.
A) for
B) to
C) in
D) with
26. had he entered the flat he realised he'd left his keys in the car.
A) Hardly // when
B) No sooner // then
C) Scarcely // than
D) No sooner // when
27. He should what to do.
A) have being told
B) have been telling
C) have to be telling
D) 've been told
28. The family was there at the performance.
A) whole of
B) all
C) most of the
D) whole
29. She was lonely; she had friends.
A) little
C) a few
D) not too much
30. This is the first time such an old car.
A) I buy
B) I've bought
C) I had bought
D) I was bought
31. Both of the boys talented, but of them likes talking about their paintings.
A) is // either
B)are // neither
C) are // both
D) are // all
32. Show me the pictures .
A) you've made
B) that you have taken
C) which were made
D) what were made by you
33. love and understandig are the two most important things in life.
A) -- // -B) the // -C) -- // the
D) the // the
34. He decided leaving the city.
A) on
B) to
C) for
D) about


35. She joined the class people.

A) so that she could meet
B)so that to meet
C) in order that she meet
D) for to meet
36. He is to come with us.
A) unlikely
B) probable
C) possible
D) certainly
37. The paper was dirty pictures and jokes.
A) full with
B) filled from
C) full of
D) full of with
38. First it was a bit strange, but later he early.
A) got used to wake up
B) used to
C) got used to waking up
D) was used to wake up
39. He left the concert very early, was not really polite of him.
A) that
B) what
C) which
D) 40. I for hours when he finally arrived.
A) was waiting
B) had been waiting
C) was waited
D) had been waited
41. She asked him to give her to write her essay on.
A) a paper
B) some papers
C) paper
D) some pieces of papers
42. He the building.
A) told to me to leave
B) told me to have left
C) asked that I should leave
D) told me never to leave
43. He was rather sad because his driving test.
A) it didn't manage to pass
B) he didn't succeed passing
C) he couldn't manage passing
D) he wasn't able to pass
44. I the office when te phone rang.
A) was about to leave
B) had nearly leaving
C) have just left
D) was about leaving
45. He is that movie.
A) enough old to see
B)not old enough for seeing
C) not enough olod for seeing
D) not old enough to see
46. I was really surprised you didn't go with him.
A) at
B) with
C) that


D) about that
47. As soon as all the players , we might start the game.
A) will have arrived
B) have arrived
C) arrived
D) are going to arrive
48. If we earlier, we wouldn't have got into this traffic jam.
A) left
B) have left
C) had left
D) could leave
49. At the end of that deeply moving film I crying.
A) couldn't stand
B) couldn't help
C) wanted
D) would have liked
50. He spoke to the students .
A) very friendly
B) really friendlily
C) in friendly way
D) in a friendly manner
Fordts magyarrl angolra (25 pont)
Fordtsa le az albbi szveget angolra. Fontos, hogy a magyarrl angolra fordts egy rvid nyelvtani jelleg,
leggyakrabban prbeszdre pl, egyszer szavakbl flptett szveg. Sztr hasznlhat a megoldshoz
(de nem az egyes szavakon van a hangsly). A 25 pont 40 alpontbl tevdik ssze, ebbol a 40 pontbl
vondnak le a slyos (-1,5), a kzepes (-1) s az enyhbb (-0,5) hibk s a 40-bl elrt pontot tszmtjk 25re.
- Mi szlnl, ha moziba mennnk ma este? Ezer ve nem voltunk mr szrakozni.
- J tlet. De milyen filmet szeretnl megnzni?
- Ht, legszvesebben valami vicceset nznk. s te?
- n nem bnom, egszen addig amg/de csak gy ha feliratos a film
- Mi rtelme van feliratos filmet nzni? Szerintem, sokkal nehezebb kvetni mert kt dologra kell koncentrlni
- Ez igaz, de n mindig rengeteg j szt tudok gy megtanulni, s radsul mindekzben jl rzem magam
- Azt hiszem igazad van. A baj csak az, hogy a legtbb filmet szinkronizljk pedig elg sokan tudnak mr
angolul, nem?
- Ne aggdj. Manapsg legalbb ktszer annyi filmet nzhet meg az ember angolul, mint 10 ve. Biztos, hogy
fogunk tudni valami vicceset vlasztani.
- Na, akkor dntsnk. Hova tettk a mozimusort? Valahol itt kell lennie.
- Lehet, hogy a kocsiban hagytam. Megyek s megnzem.
Fordts angolrl magyarra (25 pont)
Fordtsa le az albbi szveget magyarra. Az angolrl magyarra fordtsnl tudni kell, hogy a szveg eredeti
angol jsgbl szrmazik s sztr hasznlhat a feladat megoldshoz. A maximlis sszpontszmbl
vondnak le a flrertsek vagy le nem fordtott szvegrszek (-2-4 pont), a slyos (-3 pont) s az enyhbb
hibk, stilisztikai flrecsszsok (-1 pont). gyeljnk a pontos (de azrt magyaros) fordtsra s fogalmazsra.
With the introduction of Europe's common currency, people might begin to wonder if a common European
language is in the offing too. German theatre director Karin Beier has an answer, in her polyglot productions of
Shakespeare, the director lets the actors, who come from different European countries, speak in tongues - all of
them their own.
In Beier's production of The Tempest, for example, the magician Prospero invokes the spirits in his native
Romanian while Miranda's lover, Ferdinand, expresses his ardent admiration for his love in Polish. Alonso and
Sebastian converse in Finnish and Italian, Trinculo mumbles drunkenly in Croatian and his friend Stephano in
English. In Beier's new prologue to the play, the seven characters shipwrecked on the island - who turn out to
be Brussels politicians - discuss a bizarre joint marketing program to popularize il pomodoro-tomato as an
example of how European states can concentrate on their similarities rather than their differences. Beier
employs a kind of pidgin European that melts the various languages into one.
The message is clear: in Europe, a community of culturally and historically diverse states in which 62 different
languages are spoken, misunderstandings are only natural. And can this utopia - the project of the European


Union ever be realized? The answer, for Beier at least, is no. The initial consensus on how to sell il pomodorotomato quickly disintegrates as national interests take over and the group's European Esperanto gradually
reverts to individual languages. But despite the linguistic barriers, Beier's productions consistently attract
sellout crowds. It seems her interpretations need no translation.
il pomodoro-tomato: il pomodoro-paradicsom (egy vicces nv), ezrt hagyjuk meg flig olaszul
Fogalmazs/Levl (15 pont)
A levlrsban max. 5 pont jr a tartalomra (dtum, megszlts, megfelelo stlus, a szempontok kifejtse),
max. 5 pont szkincsre (vlasztkossg, idimk stb.), max. 5 pont pedig a nyelvhelyessgre (nyelvtan,
helyesrs, rsjelek stb.). A feladathoz sztr hasznlhat.
rjon fogalmazst levlrsi szoksairl kb. 17-20 sorban.
Szeret ltalban levelet rni? Kinek s mikor szokott? Ha nem szokott, mirt nem?
Mit gondol az e-mailrol, mint az jfajta levlrsi mdrl? Hasznl(t)-e mr e-mailt? Mirt/Mirt nem?
Mik az e-mail elonyei, htrnyai?
Hogyan ltja a levlrs jvjt?
rjon levelet bartjnak a legfurcsbb napjrl a kzelmltban kb 17-20 sorban.
Kezdje izgatottan a levelet (mert mg mindig a nap hatsa alatt van).
Hogyan kezddtt ez a furcsa nap? Mi trtnt?
n hogyan rezte magt? Mit tett?
Nem tudja, hogy helyesen cselekedett-e ezrt krje meg bartjt, hogy rja meg vlemnyt mihamarabb.
Szvegrts (20 pont)
Olvassa el figyelmesen az albbi szveget, majd vlaszoljon az utna kvetkezo krdsekre MAGYARUL, tmr,
sszefggo mondatokban. A feladat megoldshoz sztr hasznlhat. Max. 20 pont jr rte; ennek
rszletezse a megoldsban megtallhat.
Interestingly, the number of home-schooled students in the U.S. has more than doubled since 1991. Two
significant workplace trends may have helped increase the number of home-schooled students in the 1990s:
downsizing and telecommuting.
Downsizing resulted in many individuals abandoning corporations altogether and starting businesses of their
own, often running them out of their homes. Home schooling appears to be an extension of this entrepreneurial
spirit that drives one to do things for oneself. Running a home business made it easier to educate children
In addition to home businesses, another trend that has made it more feasible to home school is telecommuting,
which helps people achieve a better balance between work and family. While strong economic conditions,
increased telecommuting opportunities and the growth of home businesses make it easier to start a business, in
the end, it is probably the belief that schools are not adequately preparing children for the workplace that is the
primary force propelling home-schooling growth. Parents are not the only ones who recognize the shortcomings
of the current system of education. Home-schooled students are making major gains in "name" colleges and
universities. Last fall, Stanford University accepted 27 percent of applicants who were home schooled, which
was almost double the overall acceptance rate.
While instances of home schooling are growing in number and it is gaining more acceptance, it is highly unlikely
that home schooling will become the norm.
Many parents do not have the education or career background that would be necessary for home-schooling
success. Others do not have the inclination to undertake such an endeavor. Additionally, there often is a stigma
attached to home-schooled children that will keep many parents from deciding to take this route. Some argue
that home schooling lacks the socialization and team-building skills that traditional school settings offer. Thus it
is vital that any parents choosing to home school their children be properly trained in education theory. It is
also important that their children be involved in group activities with others their age so that they can build
these critical social skills.
Milyen hatssal voltak a munkahelyi elbocsjtsok az otthoni oktatsra?
Miben segti az embereket a telekommunikci?
Mivel vdoljk az iskolarendszert?
Az egyetemek hogyan reagltak az otthoni oktatsra? Milyen pldt hoz fel a szveg erre?
Mik a htrnyok s mirt nem valszn, hogy az otthoni oktats lesz a bevett szoks?
Milyen szempontokat kell figyelembe venni, ha valaki otthon szeretn oktatni a gyerekt?



Megolds (fordts magyarrl angolra)
What/How about going to the cinema tonight? We haven't gone out for ages/a long time./It's been ages since
we last went out.
(It's a) Good idea. But what kind/sort of film would you like to see/watch?
Well, I'd rather watch/I'd prefer to watch something funny. What/How about you?/And you?
I don't mind, as long as the film is subtitled.
What's the point in watching subtitled films? In my opinion/To my mind/As I see it, they are much more difficult
to follow because you/one have to/has to/must concentrate on two things at the same time/at a time.
That's true, but I can always learn a lot of/lots of/plenty of new words and what's more, meanwhile/during the
film I'm having a good time/I'm enjoying myself.
I think you are right. The (only) problem is that most films are dubbed even though/although/though quite a lot
of people speak English already, don't they?
Don't worry. These days/Nowadays one/you can watch at least twice as many films in English as 10 years ago.
I'm sure/I'm certain/It is certain that we'll be able to choose something funny.
Okay, let's decide then. Where have/did we put the programme? It must be here somewhere.
I may/might have left it in the car. I'll go and have a look.


Megolds (fordts angolrl magyarra)

Eurpa kzs pnznemnek bevezetsvel/bevezetse utn, az emberek azon tunodhetnek, lesz-e nemsokra
egy kzs eurpai nyelv is. A nmet sznhzi rendezo Karin Beier-nek mr van erre vlasza. Tbbnyelvu
sznhzi eloadsaiban Beier hagyja, hogy sznszei, akik ms-ms eurpai orszgbl szrmaznak, ms
nyelveken beszljenek - mghozz mindenki a sajtjn.
Beier Vihar eloadsban pldul a varzsl Prospero a szellemeket anyanyelvn, romnul hvja, mg Miranda
szerelme Ferdinand, kedvese irnti kitart csodlatt lengyell fejezi ki. Alonso s Sebastian finnl s finnl s
olaszul trsalognak, Trinculo rszegen motyog horvtul, bartja Stephano pedig angolul vlaszol neki. Beier a
darabhoz rt j eloszavban a ht hajtrtt szereplo a szigeten - akikrol kiderl, hogy brsszeli politikusok egy furcsa kzs marketing tervet vitatnak meg az il pomodoro-paradicsom npszerustsre, hogy
bebizonytsk, az eurpai llamok kpesek inkbb a hasonlsgaikra koncentrlni, mint a klnbsgeikre. Beier
egy fajta pidgin eurpai nyelvet alkalmaz amely a klnbzo nyelveket sszeolvasztja.
Az zenet egyrtelmu: Eurpban, egy olyan kzssgben amelyben kulturlisan s trtnelmileg klnbzo
llamok vannak/tallhatk, s amelyben 62 klnbzo nyelvet/nyelven beszlnek, a flrertsek (csak)
termszetesek. s hogy megvalsthat-e valaha ez az utpia - az Eurpai Uni terve? A vlasz, legalbbis
Breier szmra: nem. A kezdeti egyetrts, hogy hogyan is adjk el az il pomodoro-paradicsomot gyorsan
elszll, amint a nemzeti rdekek eluralkodnak/rr lesznek s a csapat eurpai-eszperantja fokozatosan
egyni nyelvekbe megy t. De a nyelvi gtak ellenre, Beier eloadsai lland kasszasikerek. gy tunik,
rtelmezseinek nincs szksgk fordtsra.
Megolds (szvegrts)
1. A munkahelyi elbocsjtsok segtik az otthoni oktatst (1), mivel az emberekben kialakul a vllalkoz kedv
(1), sajt zletet indtanak s inkbb hajlamosak a gyerekket otthon tantani. Ha otthon dolgoznak tbb
lehetosg is van erre (2).
2. A telekommunikci jobban segti a munka s a csald egyenslyt (2).
3. Az iskolarendszert azzal vdoljk, hogy nem jl kszti fel a gyerekeket a munkahelyekre. (2)
4. Az egyetemek szintn rjttek az jelenlegi oktatsi rendszer hinyossgaira s az otthon oktatott dikok
kzl sokan kerlnek be jnevu foiskolkra s egyetemekre. (2) A Stanford-ra tavaly osszel 27 szzalkuk
kerlt be, ami majdnem ktszerese volt az orszgos felvteli arnynak. (2)
5. Az otthoni oktats htrnya, hogy sok szlonek nincs megfelelo kpzettsge s tudsa. (2) Msoknak nincs
btorsguk, hogy egy ilyen nehz feladatot magukra vllaljanak. (1) Radsul az gy tantott gyerekeket
gyakran megblyegzik (1). Nem valsznu, hogy ez lesz a bevett szoks mert a gyerekeknek gy nincs mdjuk
szocializldni, s csoportos kapcsolatokat kialaktani. (1)
6. Az otthoni oktatsnl fontos, hogy a szlo kpzett legyen pedaggibl/oktatselmletbol (2), s a gyerek
csoportos fogalakozsokon vegyen rszt korosztlyabeli gyerekekkel, hogy ezeket a szocilis/trsas
kpessgeket elsajttsa. (1)

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