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Feminism and Familyin Charlootte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper

In The Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilmans short storyrepresentsfemale

oppression in patriarchal in family between husband and wife.By John who is the husbands
narrator thinks that it would be good for sickness of narrator. The narrator is treated by her
husband. So, he always forbidden her to do any activities especially, writing which is the
most favorite activity of her but she does not think so.
The story is about the living of a couple that her husband is a doctor and the narrator
has a nervous breakdown. She has treat by her husband. Their living is a perfect for her
husband who limits the condition of her wife but it is not equal for her. John is the name of
husband that he is the leadership in this family. He controls everything that his wife must do
and forbid everything that she wants to do. As you can see in the story, I take phosphates or
phosphates-whichever it is-and tonics, and air and exercise, and journeys, and am absolutely
forbidden to work until I am well again (p.230). In thepassage shows the woman has to be
under her husbands orders. He decides by himself and doesnt care his wifes opinion
because he decided. And this sentence show in the patriarchal society, because he thinks it
would be good for the narrator if she does not work everything. But the narrator thinks
writing is a good ways cure her from the sickness, I did write for a while in spite of them;
but it does exhaust me a good deal having to be so sly about it, or else meet with heavy
opposition (p.230).This sentence show the narrator tries to break free by write. Although her
husband forbidden to write but she doesnt show her work to her husband because she afraid
her husband is dissatisfied. Moreover, she is treated by her husband as a child, as you can see
in the text What is it, little girl? he said. Dont go walking about like that-youll get
cold.(p.236). It shows that her husband thinks her as a child than a couple, as a word little
girl. John use little girl call his wife because he think to her that she cant take care by

herself. She must depend on him every time. So, this sentences show Johns dominated over
his wife by his words and reflex to paternalistic from John. It reflects the feminism that is not
equal in the patriarchal society.
In the story portrayed thefeminism with patriarchal society. Gilman uses the wallpaper
to present the confinement of the narrator in the patriarchal society. The narrator feels like the
woman is trapped in the wallpaper And it is like a woman stooping down and creeping
about behind that pattern(p.236).It seems the woman will creep from the wallpaper, the
woman want to freedom.The narrator doesnt brave to appear in society as you can see in the
passage then in the very bright spots she keeps still, and in the very shady spots she just
takes hold of the bars and shakes them hard (p.239).These passage show that the narrator
fears to show her opinions to patriarchal society, she keeps her ideas in only herself and
requires for freedom. In the end of the story, the patriarchy of man in the story is very sad. No
one is happy.The Yellow Wallpaper the narrator is mad. She thinks she is free from her
capture. No one can force her back to it again. Ive got out at last, said I, in spite of you
and Jane. And Ive pulled off most of the paper, so you cant put me back! (P. 242) and
so that I had to creep over him every time (P.242). This passage shows that she can break
free completely. She can over her husband, over the command of her husband. She won from
anything. But it is not the truth, it just her imagination. However, in fact she cannot be free
from anything, she is not over her husband, and she is not won but she is mad. She creeps to
across impediment to get freedom and she is over her husband every time.
To conclude, The Yellow Wallpaper from Charlotte Perkins Gilmans short story
show that only the man over the woman and the narrator wins in the world of madness, but
she defeat in the real world.Although she is false in the real world because she doesnt break
free successfully. But she is successful in her imaginary because she think she break free

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