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Abriz, Eunice Faith

Ayo, Ally Beatrish

Bernan, Aleyssa Mae

A. Main Concern
The problem with the LCPC is that it has a very slow moving cooperative. Mr.
Cruz, as the chairman himself, is being bothered by his cooperatives slow
response. Decisions were left for adjournment and that it keeps hanging on
the floor of the board meetings. Members are not as interested as him thus
making him discouraged. In conclusion, the main concern here is that, LCPC
is promising in the market but what degrades it and prevents it from being
act par is the very slow decision-making and unresponsive members.
B. Justification
A cooperative is an organization where everything is alone gradually.
Decisions undergo a process of votation. As for Mr. R. Cruzs situation,
whether he wants to decide immediately for the advancement and progress
of his cooperative, decisions have to be drawn manually. He cannot, by
himself, make big statement as to what has to be done. So the only thing he
managed to think is to have reorganization. (1) To build a company as
exchange of the long built cooperation he and his members are part of. Or (2)
he could just encourage his members to participate and draw an immediate
decision regarding to the important matters. He can just add some nice talk
to his members to agree on any decisions concerning their organization to
just agree and leave the decision to him. Or (3) Mr. Cruz, himself, just go and
buy his local markets (members product)and build a sole proprietorship of his
own in where he can have the processes and responses made immediately.

C. Cause of Action
The best thing that he could do for the cooperatives is to reorganize it thus
building a new organization now will be called a company. Mr. R. Cruz would
probably be thinking of leading it by himself without of course leaving his
uninterested members behind. He then now the director of president of LCPC
Company and the members would be his board of committees. In this newly
founded company, LCPC would then be at par in the coffee industry.

Decisions are finally made immediately and there would be no hanging.

VMP r P a e n s i d e n t ( M r . R .
PSaMC rga r a o u le red z rk s u) e c t ti i
on ng
D. Conclusion
In conclusion, LCPC can now show its capabilities in supplying or importing
the raw materials (coffee). If all of the members agree to Mr. Cruzs proposal
in reorganizing LCPC, a new company would bring improvement, open new
opportunities, and increase higher sales.
Benefits will also be evident. Actions and decisions are far better than before.
LCPC would be now organized companies where suppliers and buyer seek in
the market of coffee, thus widening its target market, soaring internationally.

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