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Corpus scriptorum historiae

Byzantinae, Volumul 3,
Pagina 32

Anno demum MCCCLI. Cantacuzenus, ut Acindynianis turbantibus et

Constantinopolitanam ecclesiam criminantibus silentium imponeret,
synodum convocare statuit, at non oecumenicam, ut saepe et iam pridem
pollicitus fuerat. Gregoras, ea re audita, privatim illum convenit, atque ut
ne episcopis paucis, iisque maximam partem indoctis, iudicium
permitteret, enixe contendit: tum ne errori suffragaretur, multis rationibus
deterrere ipsum conatus est. Sed longa et aspera admonitione nihil
profecit: immo hominem magis a se alienavit. ...

Feudum Acinganorum era de fapt Feudum Acindyanorum, dy

devenind g? Asemnarea dintre cuvinte este izbitoare.

Gregory Acindynus (redirect from Gregory Akindynos)

Gregory Akindynos (Gr. grc | ca. 1300-1348) was a Byzantine
Greek theologian. ...

Gregory Acindynus
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For the Roman consul, see Septimius Acindynus.
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Gregory Akindynos (Gr. ; ca. 1300-1348) was a Byzantine Greek

theologian. A native of Prilep, he moved from Pelagonia to Thessaloniki and studied under
Thomas Magistros and Gregory Bryennios. He became an admirer of Nikephoros Gregoras
after he was shown an astronomical treatise of that scholar by his friend Balsamon in 1332,
writing him a letter in which he calls him a "sea of wisdom". From Thessaloniki, he intended
to move on to Mount Athos, but for reasons unknown, he was refused.

He was involved in the theological dispute surrounding the doctrine of Uncreated Light
between Gregory Palamas and Barlaam of Calabria in the 1340s. A student of Palamas', he
mediated between the two from 1337, warning Barlaam in 1340 that his attempts against his
doctrine would be futile, but from 1341 he became critical of Palamism, denouncing it as
Messalianism, and came to be Palamas' most dangerous adversary after Barlaam's return to
Calabria. He was excommunicated at the council of Constantinople of 1347 and died in exile,
like Barlaam, it appears, a victim of the plague of 1348.

[edit] Literature

Patrologia Graeca vol. 151.

Angela Constantinides Hero (trans.), Letters of Gregory Akindynos, Harvard Univ
Press (1983), ISBN 0-88402-107-6. review: Aristeides Papadakis, Speculum (1985).
J.-S. Nadal, "La critique par Akindynos de l'hermneutique patristique de Palamas,"
Istina 19 (1974), 297-328.
J. Nadal Caellas, ed. Gregorii Acindyni refutationes duae operis Gregorii Palamae
cui titulus Dialogus inter Orthodoxum et Barlaamitam (Louvain 1995). [= Corpus
Christianorum Series Graeca, 31.] (Greek text of Acindynus's treatises against a work
by Palamas titled Dialogue between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite.)
J. Nadal Caellas, La rsistance d' Akindynos Grgoire Palamas. Enqute
historique, avec traduction et commentaire de quatre traits dits rcemment. I-II
(Louvain 2003) [= Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense. tudes et documents 50 - 51].
(Gives a French translation, with important historical commentary, of the treatises
edited by Nadal Caellas in 1995.)

[edit] See also

Essence-Energies distinction
Gregory Palamas
Uncreated Light
Barlaam of Calabria

Grigore Palamas ( ), nscut la 1296 n Constantinopol, mort la

1359. Clugr din Muntele Athos iar apoi Arhiepiscop de Tesalonic. A rmas n istorie drept
unul dintre cei mai mari teologi ai ortodoxiei, datorit implicrii sale polemice mpotriva lui
Varlaam Calabrezul pentru a apra Isihasmul.

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